Although the whole matter has not been resolved yet, it is still very good for Zhang Fan to resolve the big problem before him for the time being. Therefore, even though the matter is not over yet, Zhang Fan is a little relieved.

In the morning, after going to court, Zhang Fan didn't go back at noon, although it was because the family matters had not been resolved yet, and he didn't want to go back to face Ru Xue and the others right now, but this was not the main thing, after all, there were a lot of things to do in the court .

On Zhang Juzheng's side, although it is said that Zhang Juzheng has roughly figured out "One Whip Method", it can even be said that "One Whip Method" has been basically perfected, but even so, now is not a good time to bring it up After all, there are still many things that have not been resolved in the DPRK. If you raise it now, not only will it not arouse people's ideas, but it will be postponed because the current matter has not been resolved. Not to mention that things will be delayed a lot, and there will be more troubles. It is really uncertain whether there will be any changes during this delayed time. Don't reveal what's good.

Although almost everyone in the DPRK knows that Zhang Juzheng will make a big move in a short time, but they only know this and don't know what it is. This is nothing to Zhang Juzheng. As long as they don't know the specific content, this level of secrecy is enough for Zhang Juzheng. Even if those people in the court are anxious for a while, it is no big deal in Zhang Juzheng's view.

What Zhang Fan is most worried about now, or what he is most concerned about, is actually the matter of Liaodong. It has been more than a day since he received the news that Li Chengliang's cavalry had marched towards Jianzhou Guard. One day, but for Zhang Fan, this time is almost the same. After all, it is not too far away from there. Although Li Chengliang's people may have to be careful in order to hide from the eyes and ears, I am afraid that they have to slow down, but After all, the distance between the two sides is really not very far, so even if they are discovered at the back, there is no need to hide. It is better to go at full speed and rush over to surprise Jianzhou Wei.

Although Zhang Fan believes that Li Chengliang will definitely arrange this matter seamlessly, even if the number of people going is not many, there are still tens of thousands of people. It is almost impossible for the guards to not be discovered. Therefore, Zhang Fan reckoned that there should be news today. Unlike yesterday, the news was only discovered by his own people. Today there should be some news from the court. The news is right.

As expected, although there was no news about this when he was in the early court, and even the news about Liaodong was commonplace, most of them were reprimanding Li Chengliang for his ineffectiveness in suppressing bandits, but when Zhang Fan came down to the early court, , After returning to the yamen, I heard that Wang Meng, who had been waiting for me, had brought me the latest news from Liaodong. This time, the news that Wang Meng brought was not only what Jin Yiwei himself had inquired about, but even So even the news received by the DPRK and China.

First of all, what Wang Meng said was of course news obtained by his own people, and the news he received was actually not as expected by Zhang Fan. Li Chengliang's surprise army had already been discovered by Wang Gao's people.

Although Li Chengliang sent 1 people, and these 1 people were divided into ten groups, and they marched towards Jianzhouwei from different roads, but you must know that the 1 people were divided into ten groups, but each group also had to There are thousands of people. Thousands of people are not a small number. No matter how much you try to hide it, you will definitely be discovered in the end.

In fact, Wang Gao's people discovered that the people sent by Li Chengliang were not at the beginning, but when Li Chengliang's people had already traveled halfway, which was already very difficult.

Of course, although it is not a good thing to be discovered, in this matter, it has nothing to do with being discovered at this time, and there is another situation to be said about this matter, although Li Chengliang's people are It was discovered by Wang Gao's people, but it was not discovered by the coalition forces sent by Wang Gao to the capital of Liaodong, but by the people stationed around the Jianzhou Guards. I didn't know that Li Chengliang had already sent someone to go straight to their main formation.

And the number of people stationed in Jianzhou Guard can't resist the 1 people at all, so Wang Gao has to mobilize people from the front line to come back. Although the distance is not very far, it still takes time to send people to report. What's more, after receiving the news over there, sending people back, although the distance is the same, but you must know that it will not be a few people who will come back, but tens of thousands of people, and the march of ten thousand people, although impatient , but the speed will inevitably slow down, there is no way to do it, and these times are actually enough.

Although Wang Gao was guarding the Jianzhou Guard, his manpower in the Jianzhou Guard was too small. Even if he had a city wall to defend him, he couldn't stand up against an enemy army that was several times larger than himself. For too long, even Zhang Fan, who has never led a soldier, at most has only gone out with the army a few times, can imagine that by the time Wang Gao's frontline people come back, the Jianzhou Guard will have already been broken. If all goes well, I'm afraid Wang Gao was either arrested or killed.

And even if the time comes, those who rush back want to kill these ten thousand people to vent their anger, but at that time, they have already occupied Jianzhouwei, and in turn, relying on the city wall of Jianzhouwei, they want to The resistance is about the same as his own number, even if it is more than them, but it will not be much more. After all, even if Wang Gao is stupid, he will not reverse the situation on the front line.

But by that time, it would be much easier for Li Chengliang to handle it, and at that time, it was time for the general attack. At that time, under the front and rear attacks, even if the two sides had an equal number of people, it would not be difficult to win. And by that time, Wang Gao had already been captured, so it was not certain whether he could still fight.

In short, the current situation in Liaodong is developing in the direction that everyone expects, and after knowing this, Zhang Fan is also relieved a lot.

However, what Wang Meng said next, about the news received by the court, made Zhang Fan a little concerned.

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