Wei Leiyao had indeed already thought that Yingyue would still come after she came to look for her yesterday morning, so after Yingyue came this morning, Wei Leiyao didn't think there was any problem with it, of course, In fact, Wei Yaoyao has already thought about it, and she can roughly guess what Yingyue will say when she comes to her again today. In her opinion, it should be the same as yesterday, and persuade her to tell the man It is her identity, and for this, Wei Yaoyao has already made up her mind and will never speak. Although she has some thoughts in her heart that she wants to tell this matter, but she is Before I got any news from Zhang Fan, I still wouldn't say it. After all, it's better to be careful about this matter.

It's just that this time, what Yingyue said after she came here was not what she thought. Although the theme of what Yingyue said did not change, in fact, the content of the words changed completely. , the topic naturally still revolves around the identity of the father of the child in Wei Leiyao's womb, but unlike yesterday, it is clear that Yingyue does not want to know anything from Wei Leiyao today, but that she already knows what.

The few words that Yingyue said, "It's hard for me to hide it", already fully explained the problem.

After Wei Yaoyao heard what Yingyue said, she was naturally shocked, after all, she had never thought of this situation.

But Wei Weiyao's reaction was also very fast. Although she is a woman, she came from a family with extremely strong feudal ideology, and she has learned a lot about restrictions on women, but after all, her husband died for many years After all, she also opened a teahouse. Although it was said to receive women, she had seen the world after all, so Wei Yaoyao's response was not unpleasant.

Although what Yingyue said surprised her very much, she immediately calmed down and began to think about it.

Although Yingyue didn't say anything yet, she just said something like this, but from the expression on Yingyue's face, it can be seen that she is not deceiving herself, and she has not heard any wrong news. Indeed, he already knew that that person was Zhang Fan.

It’s just that in this way, there are many things worth thinking about for Wei Yaoyao, although Wei Yaoyao doesn’t know, and it’s impossible to know why, why it’s only a day, maybe only a night, Yingyue knew about this matter, and Wei Yaoyao didn't intend to ask about the reason, but she wanted to think about where Yingyue got the news.

But thinking about it this way, there is only one possibility, that is Zhang Fan told her, after all, there are many things on Wei Yaoyao's side that are not clear, even though she knows that Zhang Fan is also trying to solve this problem It happened, but she didn't know what Zhang Fan was going to do, and she didn't know that Joanna already knew about it and was helping Zhang Fan with it. Wei Yaoyao only knew that only Zhang Fan knew about it, so When she thought about it, only after Zhang Fan told Yingyue about this matter, could Yingyue know about it.

Of course, it is impossible for Wei Yaoyao to think about things that she does not know, so it is very normal for her to think about this matter in this way.

When Yingyue saw Wei Leiyao after listening to her words, she first showed a surprised expression, but then, Wei Leiyao's expression changed, from surprise to calm, and it was the kind that could Call it a strange calm, Yingyue knew it in her heart, Wei Yaoyao also understood the meaning of what she just said.

And now that you know the meaning, the next step will be easier.

"This..." Although she understood that Yingyue already knew it, but even so, Wei Yaoyao still had no choice but to say it so bluntly.

However, Wei Leiyao's bewilderment, in Yingyue's view, is also a very normal situation, perhaps Yingyue has already expected Wei Leiyao's reaction, so now that she sees it, she doesn't care , but put on a smiling face, and said: "This matter, sister, I also know your difficulties, and I don't care, but my sister really shouldn't hide it from me like this. ,"

"But..." Wei Yaoyao couldn't stop talking this time, but she still didn't know what to say, "But how can you tell me to say this kind of thing,"

"I understand this, sister doesn't need to say any more," Yingyue didn't want to embarrass Wei Yaoyao, "I also know my sister's difficulties, and I know that this matter cannot be said so easily, but this matter is not still the same now. If you have to face it, and if you don't solve it, no matter whether it is the husband's side or the sister's side, there is no way to feel at ease.

"I only found out about this after I returned from my sister's place yesterday. Don't say how surprised I was at the time, but think about it, this matter is not an easy one. It must be treated well, otherwise , there will be no less troubles in the future.

"Speaking of which, when I first found out, I was taken aback. I really didn't expect that with my sister... that person is actually a husband. To be honest, I felt a little unimaginable at the time. I thought about it. It's been a while, but before my sister was pregnant, Zhaoxue and I didn't know anything about it, and we didn't even notice the slightest clue. It seems that whether it's my sister or my husband, this matter is kept quite secret."

It seemed that she finally knew the truth of the matter, but Yingyue, who started to talk about it now, had a tendency of not being able to stop.

However, Yingyue had a good time talking, but Wei Yaoyao, who listened to her words, felt a little bit at a loss as to what to do.

"You...you're not angry," Wei Yaoyao asked suddenly. She naturally thought about asking this question. In fact, when Zhang Fan told her to solve this matter, Wei Yaoyao had considered it Now, once Yingyue and the others know, how will they think about this matter, will they be angry, etc. Now, seeing that Yingyue is not only not angry, but excited, Wei Yaoyao is naturally A little curious, but had to ask.

"Of course I'm angry," Yingyue said with a natural look, "I'm Mr. Qi, why would I do this? Of course, I'm also angry with my sister, why did my sister hide it from us?"

Hearing Yingyue's words, Wei Maoyao was stunned again,

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