The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1736: Temporarily smooth

How should I tell Mrs. Zhao about Wei Maoyao.This matter is very difficult.And even with Ru Xue's help.This matter is still very difficult to handle.So now.Zhang Fan listened to Ru Xue's words.Come to find Zhang Yufang who happened to be in the capital at this time for help.It's time to plan.Zhang Yufang and Ru Xue went to tell Mrs. Zhao about this matter together.In this way.Even if the Zhao family objected at that time.At the very least, Zhang Yufang, a person of her generation, was able to persuade her.Not like Ru Xue.The most junior.I have no qualifications to speak at all.

For the problem Zhang Fan is facing now.Zhang Yufang, who had just heard it, was naturally very surprised.It's just that Zhang Yufang is different from those who stick to the feudal ethics to the point of being unshakable.So although he was surprised by what happened to Zhang Fan.But he didn't blame Zhang Fan for anything.turn.Zhang Yufang immediately began to think about it.How should he help Zhang Fan in this matter.

Actually speaking.This situation is somewhat strange.Now this incident happened to Zhang Fan.And if this incident didn't happen to Zhang Fan.It was what happened to his son Zhang Yan.I'm afraid Zhang Yufang still has to think about it.even.Even Zhang Yufang, who is not so stubborn about feudal ethics.It is very likely that this matter will be rejected.

And the reason why he helped Zhang Fan.Not because of Zhang Fan's identity.Let him do this even as an uncle.I also want to please him.Zhang Yufang is not that kind of person.Not because of it.Although Zhang Fan and him are family members.But it's not his own son after all.So he went to help for a reason that had nothing to do with him.

Although Zhang Yufang only thought for a short time, he came to this conclusion.But this does not mean that Zhang Yufang has not thought about this matter.In fact, Zhang Yufang was able to unify in the end.It was entirely because he had done very detailed thinking that he agreed to it like this.

Speaking of which.I had to go back.Let me tell you the reason why I said if this happened to Zhang Yan.And Zhang Yufang may have a reason for not agreeing.It's been said before.Although Zhang Yufang was born in this era.But he sticks to feudal ethics.But it's not that strong.And even so.He may also say no.If this happened to Zhang Yan.One of the main reasons.It's because of face.

good.It is because of the face.Although Zhang Yufang himself is not too concerned about those outdated customs.But that's just him.And he doesn't care.Also a person who lives in this era.That being the case.Then he can't ignore the views of people of this era on this kind of thing.If these external factors are not considered.Zhang Yufang would agree.

But know.The Zhang family is in business.And people who do business naturally have to pay attention to a face issue.Even people who sell things.Your private life has no real connection to the goods you sell.But there are not many people who can clearly distinguish the problem so objectively.And people who do business naturally have no right to choose customers.therefore.For their own family.Zhang Yufang naturally had this consideration.

But Zhang Fan was different.Although strictly speaking.Being an official is even more demanding than being a businessman.There are more issues of face.But the problem is.It also depends on the current official.What happened.

Obviously.Zhang Fan is unusual.It doesn't just refer to Zhang Fan's current status and official position.It also includes Zhang Fan's power in the court.these things.Even Zhang Yufang, who doesn't have much contact with officialdom.But also know.

Zhang Fan's current status in the court.You can make him ignore some things.Even Zhang Fan obviously made a mistake.But no one will reprimand him for anything.That being the case.For things that are clearly wrong.If Zhang Fan can be unscathed.That's not to mention this fact that it's not really a mistake.

And Zhang Yufang.It is also after this consideration.This is what he promised to help Zhang Fan.The first thing he considered was not how this matter was.But whether this matter will bring any bad influence to Zhang Fan.After confirming that this matter cannot affect Zhang Fan.That's when Zhang Yufang agreed to help Zhang Fan.Because as long as this matter does not affect Zhang Fan.So a few remaining questions.That's not a problem anymore.

It can be seen.No matter how.Zhang Yufang started from the aspect that everything is for Zhang Fan.It can be seen from this.Zhang Yufang was not trying to please Zhang Fan.It is not any other reason.He completely regarded Zhang Fan as a family.Wanting to help him for his own good.

Moreover.Although Zhang Fan didn't say much about this matter.But from Zhang Fan's few speeches.How could Zhang Yufang not hear it.Zhang Fan really loved that woman.He really wanted her to live a stable life.The child in her womb was left safely.

And know this.Zhang Yufang also understood.this matter.I'm afraid even if he doesn't intend to help Zhang Fan.Even when Zhang Fan had a very small chance of winning.Still will do it.

if it is like this.Zhang Yufang could already predict it.At that time, the Zhang family will probably be messed up.Rather than that.Might as well help him out.therefore.Zhang Yufang's thoughts.Not for long.He came up with a decision that seemed to him to be very considerate of the overall situation.

about this point.Zhang Yufang did not guess wrong at all.Zhang Fan had indeed already made up his mind.Even if this matter is very difficult to handle.He also had to bite the bullet.Now he asked Zhang Yufang for help.Just to make this matter less twists and turns to end.But even Zhang Yufang refused.He also decided to go hard.certainly.Now that Zhang Yufang has agreed.Then this thing couldn't be better.

And Zhang Yufang is not incompetent.Since he promised Zhang Fan to help with this matter.Then he will naturally have to do his best to help.What's more, this matter cannot be done Zhang Yufang promised that Zhang Fan would help with this matter.It's time to start thinking about what to do.

First point.He wanted to meet Ru Xue.Then just have a good talk with her.

Didn't Zhang Fan already tell him.Ask him to help.It was Ru Xue's idea.Although Zhang Yufang had already heard from Zhang Fan why he was asked for help.But he still had to meet Ru Xue.Just talk to her.Since this method was proposed by Ru Xue.Then Zhang Yufang wanted to come.Ru Xue already knew about this matter.It must have been considered for a long time.Perhaps Ru Xue already has some definite solution.It just needs your own help to complete it.

not to mention.Now he just heard Zhang Fan give a general idea.What kind of details are there.He, who just found out about this matter, was completely at a loss.So he also had to ask Ru Xue to understand.

certainly.In fact, he is by Zhang Fan's side now.And Zhang Fan is the protagonist of this matter.It must be clear and clear.Logically speaking.Instead of waiting to see Ru Xue, Zhang Yufang asked her.Why not just ask Zhang Fan now.Let him tell himself about it quickly.This does not waste time.

But Zhang Yufang didn't do that.In his opinion.Now Zhang Fan is completely involved in this matter.In this way.Although Zhang Fan is still very assertive on weekdays.But he is the protagonist of this matter.At this time, he can still maintain his own opinion.Zhang Yufang really couldn't guarantee it.And since he promised to help Zhang Fan.Then you have to do your due diligence.So he had to know what was going on.There must be an objective person to answer him.

If so.I'm afraid I can't ask Ru Xue.No matter how you think about it.Even if Ru Xue wanted to, it was impossible.It doesn't matter who thinks about it.Even though Ru Xue had already agreed to let Wei Maoyao enter the gate of Zhang's house.But it is absolutely impossible for Ru Xue not to have a different idea.

But.Although Ru Xue couldn't be completely objective.But at least compared to Zhang Fan.Zhang Yufang believed it.Things that come out of her.It was much better than what Zhang Fan heard.

Ru Xue, the niece and daughter-in-law.Zhang Yufang has seen it many times.And at the beginning.When Zhang Yufang saw her for the first time.Already quite admire her.Although Ru Xue was also regarded as a precious daughter by Chen Wenchuan.He has been spoiled and spoiled since he was a child.But she is not as pampered as her younger sister.Not only that.Ru Xue's daily behavior is always very rational.Zhang Yufang always sighs whenever he sees Ru Xue.It's a pity that she is a woman.After all, women are in this era.You can only marry and have children.But it can't do much.If Ru Xue is a man.This will be done in the future.Certainly not small.

Although on this matter.Even Zhang Yufang didn't know.Ru Xue is very calm on weekdays.How much sanity is there now.But Zhang Yufang wanted to come.No matter how.Thinking about it would be better than sitting next to him now.Looking at the expression on his face, Zhang Fan, who was not very calm, must be much more Yufang planned to ask Ru Xue to find out about this matter.

Since it is no longer possible to fully express the objective facts with a mentality of not shutting down the phone.But even so.There is also a comparison.Relatively speaking, which side is better.This is what Zhang Yufang wants to hear now.

Zhang Fan naturally didn't know what Zhang Yufang was thinking.In other words, Zhang Fan, whose heart is already very chaotic.It was impossible to imagine what Zhang Yufang was thinking.He only knew that his uncle had agreed to his request for help.That being the case.Then everything will be fine.As for other things.Now that you have already agreed.So for Zhang Fan.Naturally, he had to obey his uncle's orders.

All in all here.The development of this matter seems to be all normal.As for whether the future will go as smoothly as Zhang Fan hoped.Then no one will know.

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