The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1738 Very Calm

Speaking of this matter.Even if this matter was only thought up by Zhang Yufang.It's a pretext to talk to Ru Xue without arousing Zhao's suspicion.But this is also a happy event after all.So several people were very happy when they said it.But Zhaoxue is the only one.A little sullen.

To this.Zhang Fan was the first to discover it.He is also a little strange.Then he asked, "Zhaoxue. What's the matter? Speaking of happy things. Why do you look so gloomy?" Zhang Fan was just concerned at first.Just the next moment.He was about to regret his words.

"I...I remembered about Sister Wei." Zhaoxue either didn't speak.Or just say something amazing.Now it's even more difficult to open which pot to lift. "I think about when I gave birth. Everyone in the family is happy. When I think about it, some people will come to congratulate me. But Sister Wei will give birth. But what will happen. I'm afraid her family will not Waiting to see her. And the neighbors have countless responsibilities. When I think of this, I feel uncomfortable."

Zhaoxue has such a straightforward temperament.It's okay to say she's naive.It doesn't matter if she is careless.Anyway, that's it.Say whatever comes to mind.Didn't know to hide anything.

certainly.Her temperament.It's nothing to put it on a normal day.But at certain times.Let's say now.But it is really unbearable.Especially Zhang Fan who has a lot to do with this matter.After hearing Zhaoxue's words.For a moment, Zhang Fan didn't know what kind of expression he should put on to deal with it.

The same is true for Ru Xue.Although she really knows the temperament of her own sister very well.But she really didn't expect Zhaoxue to talk about it at this time.This also made Ru Xue who was not prepared at all.For a while I didn't know how to deal with it.

Even Zhang Yufang was a little surprised.Although he knew the troubles Zhang Fan was in now.But still don't know many things.the most important is.He didn't even ask Zhang Fan what the other party's name was.It's not that he feels unimportant.It's just that he didn't intend to embarrass Zhang Fan at that time.So this is not asking.Instead, he planned to wait until he told Ru Xue about it.Let's ask together.

But now.Let Zhang Yufang know about this.Although I don't know what the full name is.But at least he knew that the woman's surname was Wei.only.The timing of what he had learned.It was a very, very embarrassing time.And this.Zhang Yufang responded calmly.When I heard Zhaoxue say that just now.Zhang Yufang did show a look of surprise.But soon.Zhang Yufang suppressed his emotions.Immediately, he turned into a puzzled look.

"Who is this Wei...girl?" Zhang Yufang pretended not to know anything.asked.

"Alas..." Hearing Zhaoxue mention this matter suddenly.Even Mrs. Zhao sighed.Some said helplessly. "You don't need to know about this matter. It's really something indescribable and helpless. It's hard for the family to get together today. Just say something happy. Don't mention it again."

Now that Mrs. Zhao has spoken.Even Zhaoxue would not mention it again.It's just obvious.Zhaoxue had an unhappy look on her face.There is no intention of hiding it at all.It hangs so conspicuously on the face.

After talking at home.Sit for a while.Zhang Yufang, Ru Xue and Zhao Xue.Then I went to Zhang's shop in the capital.Zhang Fan did not go.It's not that he doesn't care.But he felt that he didn't need to go to this matter.Maybe Ru Xue will say something that he can't let him know.certainly.Although this is only what Zhang Fan thinks so.And Ru Xue didn't say this explicitly.But Zhang Fan always had a faint feeling.I think that's what Ru Xue meant.That being the case.Zhang Fan will not go.

At least this is the case now.It's not as good as a track.Although I still don't know what the final outcome will be.At least now this matter is not as aimless as it was at the beginning.And the rest.Even if Zhang Fan wanted to intervene, it would be impossible.

The screen changed.Transferred to Liaodong.Now because of Wang Gao's camp was broken.So this battle in Liaodong.It will be declared over.Although those enemies have not yet been defeated.But now they are leaderless.The leader Wang Gao was lost.Even if the other two races have their leaders.But morale is also greatly reduced.Defeating them is only a matter of time.Actually speak from now on.Li Chengliang's side is already overwhelming.In a word.Victory is only a matter of time.

And now.What is more important is not this war.It was Wang Gao who disappeared.Although for the overall situation.Wang Gao himself is not important now.But for some people.I can't rest assured that I can't find Wang Gao.Among them, Li Chengliang and Zhang Fan were the first to bear the brunt.Although their purpose of having this idea is not the same.But at least the way they want to achieve their goals is the same.that's enough.

now.Li Chengliang sent people in Mingli to search for Wang Gao.And Zhang Fan secretly sent his Jin Yiwei to investigate.

Among the people sent by Zhang Fan.Liang Chao is also there.

Liang Chao volunteered.participated in this operation.certainly.As for why Liang Chao insisted on participating in this operation.Zhang Fan didn't understand.But it's not completely unknown.How many.Zhang Fan could feel Liang Chao's heart.But really let him say why.I'm afraid it won't work.even.Even if you ask Liang Chao himself.I'm afraid he won't have an answer either.But whether it's for revenge or to understand something.At the very least, it doesn't matter what Liang Chao wants to do.the result of what he did.For Zhang Fan, it was also the goal he wanted to achieve.That being the case.Then there is nothing to say.Zhang Fan also let Liang Chao go.

And now.Liang Chao has already set foot on the land of Liaodong.

Although he is a thousand households.And after Hong'er's incident happened.Zhang Fan did not demote his official position.Just this time.Zhang Fan also explained.Even let him go to Liaodong.But Liang Chao must not mess around.You can't put yourself and your companions in danger for a momentary impulse.about this point.Zhang Fan did take precautions.He was afraid that Liang Chao would really do something exciting and couldn't hold it back.Therefore, I also deliberately explained the people who went with me.Once Liang Chao made a dangerous move.We must stop him.

now.They have walked through the war zone.Even surpassed Jianzhouwei.Still going north.

Although I don't know where Wang Gao fled to.But this matter what.Wang Gao should have fled north.therefore.Whether it's Li Chengliang's people or Zhang Fan's people.They also set their sights on the north.And now.Liang Chao and the others are also heading north.They are going to various tribes.Find out if Wang Gao is hiding somewhere.

Liang Chao walking on the road.Suddenly stopped.This made the people around him very strange.

"My lord, why did you stop?" asked the person beside Liang Chao.Although this person's official position is not as good as Liang Chao.Even Zhang Fan should take it seriously.But after all, it is not as good as Liang Chao.But now.He was ordered by Zhang Fan.You have to keep an eye on Liang Chao.certainly.It is only necessary to watch and live in some special times.And now.He doesn't need much.After all, Liang Chao hadn't reached the point where he needed to make a move.

"I think there is something wrong." Liang Chao said very calmly.Actually this time.Liang Chao was very calm.Except when in the capital.No.In fact, even when he went to invite Zhang Fan.Also very calm. "I don't think we should go north."

"But..." The man obviously couldn't understand why Liang Chao said that.

"Think about it." Liang Chao didn't wait for him to finish speaking.Just opened his mouth and said. "Whether it's General Li or my lord, I think Wang Gao will flee to the north. And judging from the current situation, Wang Gao has no other place to go except to flee to the north. Even if it's not the lord and the general. Anyone who understands the situation in Liaodong will think so.

"But Wang Gao didn't think so. Didn't he think of it. If he fled north, then we would send people to chase north."

"My lord means..." This time.The man understood what Liang Chao meant.And not only understand it.He also felt that Liang Chao was right.That's how things still seem to be.You are running for your life.And everyone knows where you're going to flee this case.Would you still go to that place where you are bound to be caught in the urn?impossible.Anyone with a slightly clearer mind will make this judgment.What's more, although Wang Gao is arrogant.But he's not stupid either.

"That's what it means." Liang Chao nodded.Said. "Since everyone knows, it is impossible for Wang Gao not to know. If he still goes to the north, then he is throwing himself into the trap. What's more, although this battle is not over yet, General Li will definitely be able to win. It has already spread throughout Liaodong. As for those tribes, no matter how good their relationship with Wang Gao was in the past, they may not dare to take him in anymore.

"So. I think. Wang Gao should have fled south."

"Go south..." The man listened to Liang Chao's words.I thought about it.

Liang Chao's words were very calm.The analysis is also very good.It can even be said.That still seems to be the case.But now it doesn't matter why Liang Chao can behave so calmly at this time.It's about figuring it out.If what Liang Chao said is true.So where will Wang Gao go?

"Is it possible?" The man obviously thought of something. "Could it be that Wang Gao fled there?"

"Not bad." Obviously.The man's thoughts.And Liang Chao is also close. "Thinking about it. At this time, Wang Gao can still be taken in. That's the only place left. It's just that people who want to come there are not very willing. If that's the case, it's not much easier for us. Well."

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