The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1773 The Purpose Achieved

Wang Gao was finally caught.And was also escorted to the capital.This matter can be said to be over.Even now Wang Gao is still alive.The court will also interrogate him.But no matter who knows.This is all just a formality.Wang Gao did such a thing.It is absolutely impossible to survive.therefore.The so-called interrogation was just a formality.It is for others to see.Wang Gao could not escape death in essence.This is something that has long been settled.So it can be said.This matter is completely over.

And with the end of this matter.Those people in the imperial court can be said to be completely relieved now.Although they were before.After the war in Liaodong is over, I already feel at ease.After all, for them.Wang Gao is not important.What matters is that this thing is over.Even if Wang Gao could not be caught at that time.But as long as it's over.And even if Wang Gao was not caught.Nor did he die in the chaos.Instead, he fled back.But that's okay too.Even if he wants to make a comeback.Also has that ability.But again.Even so.It will take time for Wang Gao to do so.

And Wang Gao himself is not young.Even if you give him a few years of effort.I want him to do such an "earth-shattering" event.It is also very difficult.therefore.In fact, those people in the court didn't want to ask about Wang Gao at all.Even if he escaped.It has no effect on this side at all.

But these people below don't care.That doesn't mean the people above don't care.certainly.The people above are very specific.Perhaps the little emperor Zhu Yijun didn't care.But he didn't need to ask too much about this matter.therefore.Empress Dowager Li said she cared.Then it means that the court cares.And since Queen Mother Li cares about this matter.Then the cabinet ministers present at that time must also care.

Said the cabinet minister.Zhang Juzheng's views on this matter.It's actually the same as those people.They also think so.Now that the war in Liaodong is over.Then Wang Gao's life and death are no longer important.Even if he lives again.There will be no storms in the future.therefore.Even if Wang Gao is allowed to live, it is really nothing.certainly.This is Zhang Juzheng's opinion.But at the same time as this view.Naturally, they do not rule out that if Wang Gao can be caught.certainly.If it is really possible to catch it.That just couldn't be better.

But since Queen Mother Li said.To capture Wang Gao alive.Then follow the Queen Mother's will to do it.Anyway, Queen Mother Li said so.They don't need to catch them.They also ordered the people below to arrest them.Even if you can't catch it by then.Or they were dead when caught.This is no problem for them at all.Don't make them responsible.

In short.Anyway, Wang Gao has been caught now.And still alive.that's enough.As for what to do after being caught.Then it depends on what Queen Mother Li's plan is.

certainly.The purpose of Queen Mother Li is also very simple.That is to use Wang Gao to set a model.Tell the whole world.It doesn't matter who you are.As long as they dare to cause trouble on the territory of Ming Dynasty.It all ended badly.And Wang a typical example.therefore.No need to think about it at all.Wang Gao is sure to die.And the death will be very, very miserable.But this is for these ministers.It's all inconsequential.Moreover.Wang Gao was originally a foreigner.And he is a foreigner who dares to make trouble.It can be said that death is not a pity.Therefore, no one will pity him at all.Not to mention that no one will have any sympathy for his tragic situation.

this matter.It can be said that it is completely in line with public opinion.What's more, it can maintain the dignity of the court.Why not do it.

As for when to interrogate Wang Gao.And then another gorgeous show.There is no need to think about it now.They don't have to worry too much.

but.Actually nowadays.Wang Gao, the mastermind of the Liaodong Rebellion, has been captured alive.This happened when Liang Chao and the others escorted Wang Gao to the capital.It has already spread all over the streets and alleys of the capital.

this time.The situation in Liaodong is that news will spread to the capital all the time.Compared with the news received by the court.That is naturally incomparably accurate.But the news that ordinary people can get.Not exactly.But a lot.There are many news coming almost every day.Plus.There is no information control in this era.In other words, they understand that this kind of thing can't be controlled at all.Plus.If it is not determined to win.The imperial court will not lower the inform the the war is over.The source of the people's news about this matter.And all of them came from the grapevine.Some are correct.Some are wrong.

But all in all.One thing is certain.That is Liaodong today.Wang Gao assembled an army of [-] to invade.And menacing.And Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of Liaodong, also relied on equality.Even slightly fewer soldiers and horses went to resist.

at the very beginning.People only know so much.It's just that there was naturally a lot of attention to this matter at the time.After all, Liaodong is different from Sichuan, which is thousands of miles away.Liaodong is much closer to the capital.People will worry.Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it.

certainly.In this kind of just know the war begins.But I don't know what kind of situation it is.Plus all kinds.Even conflicting gossip came over.And the content is even more true and false.People can not this case.The people will find it difficult to find the north.I don't know which one to believe.

And this time.There are also people in society who have a little bit of ink in their stomachs.It started to mess around.This means the war went well.Those foreigners retreated steadily under Li Chengliang's attack; but that one said that the war was not going well.It is said that the Jurchens are brave and good at fighting.Li Chengliang's subordinates could not resist.It won't be long.The Jurchens will come to the capital.

certainly.These things.The imperial court is not uninvolved.But anyone who says bad things.They were also arrested a lot.However, some people use this as a reason.Said that the court wanted to cover up the facts or something.Even Jinyiwei and Dongchang.During this period of time, many people were arrested.

But these things.Until there is another news.And it was under the publicity of the court.There has been a shift.That was the news that Li Chengliang's surprise attack army had broken through the Jianzhou Guard.This news is not gossip.It was a real good news.Of course it can't be fake.

And in this way.Previously, many people were worried that the war would be unfavorable.I am also relieved.certainly.All the people care about is just as long as they can be safe.As for the whereabouts of Wang Gao mentioned in the victory report is unknown.Of course they don't care.

but now.The war is completely over.And it was the Ming army that won.This is of course everyone happy.And at the same time when the news of this victory came back.Another message came.The main culprit in this battle.The enemy leader Wang Gao has also been captured.Now it has been sent to the capital.

Needless to say.This news is naturally the icing on the cake.Made people many people who got the news came to watch.Wang Gao who was escorted by the prison car of the Ministry of Punishment.certainly.While watching.Naturally, those traditional things are indispensable.For example, rotten vegetables and rotten eggs are served.Naturally there will be no fresh ones.After all, that thing can be eaten.It can't be wasted.Besides.I'm afraid someone will think so.Greet Wang Gao with fresh eggs and vegetables.It's all worthless for those eggs and vegetables.

All of a sudden.The entire capital city can be said to be full of joy.Everyone is happy for the victory of the war and the successful capture of Wang Gao.

In this way.One of Queen Mother Li's goals has been achieved.All the people know about it.Also believed a little bit.Whoever it is.I want to fight against the court.Doing unrighteous things will not work.Nothing will end well in the end.This is what happened to Wang Gao in front of him.

certainly.Now this is only in the capital of the Han people.Such a message passed among the Han people.But such a big news.It won't take much time for it to spread all over the world, all over the world.At that time, everyone will naturally know the news.

That was once powerful.Wang Gao who has brought so much trouble to Daming.In the end, he could not escape the sanction of the court.Still got caught.And in the end, his end was absolutely miserable.This is a wake-up call to these people.tell them.Don't try to make a "career" easily.

certainly.The news that came this time is not just these.When the news of Wang Gao's capture came.At the same time, news came.Said the greatest credit for arresting Wang Gao this time.It is Wang Tai, the leader of the Hada tribe, and his two sons.And now.Empress Dowager Li even issued an edict.Let the three of them, father and son, go to Beijing to receive the reward.

nature.Some people do not believe in this matter.But that's just what they don't think they should.But after all, it was said in the news.Empress Dowager Li issued an edict.Think of it as false news.I dare not pass it on like this.therefore.This thing should be true.

More of course.This is what Empress Dowager Li meant.more obvious.This is for those who are small minded.Don't fight against the court.Those who oppose the court will never end well.But as long as you can listen to the court.Then the benefits are absolutely indispensable.

In short.That's what it means.By the time.This news will also spread throughout the world along with the news of Wang Gao's arrest.And this is the purpose of Queen Mother Li.

Zhang Fan is one of the biggest contributors to this matter.But nothing happy.indeed.It's done.Empress Dowager Li will naturally not forget his contribution.

But today's Zhang Fan has no time to care about this matter.Because he hasn't finished his work yet.And now.It is also the critical time.Zhang Fan was really nervous.I'm afraid I can only wait until the matter at home is done.Only then did Zhang Fan have the mind to care about rewards or not.Otherwise.Zhang Fan was really sad.

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