The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1785 Finally Waking Up

When Yu'er woke up from a coma.Consciousness is still a little unclear.All of a sudden.She couldn't even remember where she had been before she passed out.But she did remember that she was seriously injured.And she is still conscious.It also means that I have been raped for a long matter what.This is naturally a good thing.

And as a person who has been struggling in the rivers and lakes for so many years.And for a woman who doesn't feel any sense of security.Yu'er was a little confused even when she just woke up for such a period of time.But that was just a short while.then.She reacted immediately.And first thing.It's just about figuring out what situation you're in right now.

Open your eyes.I don't know if it was because of being in a coma for many days.Or some other reason.Yu'er can't see clearly.But she didn't care much about it herself.She just wanted to figure out where she was.

The bed was not very comfortable to lie on.But it's not bad either.Even the quilt she is covering now is the same.

Gradually.While looking at Yu'er where she is.My mind is gradually waking up.She remembered that she was somewhere between Zhending and Baoding.Ambushed.This is what hurts.And although that place is not far from the capital.But even on horseback.It also takes several hours to arrive.Plus at that time.It was night when she was ambushed.People are tired and horses are exhausted.Bleeding from injury.To be honest, at that time, Yu'er herself had some doubts about whether she could make it to the capital.

But she remembered that she had indeed survived.Don't say anything else.She at that time.There is only one idea in my mind.That means you have to go to the capital.It doesn't matter if you lose your life.But in my life.Ever since she came to Fang Yueling's side.Fang Yueling has always helped her.And now.This is the first time.It might also be the only time Fang Yueling asked her for help.She had to get it done.

In this case.Yu'er knew that she really made it through.And she didn't just make it to the capital.She even found the yamen of Jin Yiwei.However, she only remembered that she had shown Jin Yiwei's token to the people in the yamen.I just can't stand it.Passed out.

Sudden.Fang Yueling remembered.What did you come to the capital for?Now is not the time for her to sleep comfortably and recuperate.Even if he hates Zhang Fan very much.But now she must see Zhang Fan immediately.Just tell him what happened in the Five Poison Sect.Only in this way can Fang Yueling complete what Fang Yueling entrusted to her.

There is no one in the room.So Yu'er wanted to call someone.But it felt like a fire was burning in his throat.Even if it can make a sound.It was also an extremely small whimper.She couldn't even hear herself clearly.How can outsiders hear it.

Can't make a sound.Yu'er just wanted to move.But she really overestimated herself.Even the sound is released.Got hurt again.Been in a coma for so long.It's been so long since I ate anything.want to move.It will only be more difficult.

But even so.Yu'er still tried to move.

This is powerless to say nothing.She wanted to move her mind.But it didn't work.But want to move.Under the action of the muscles in the body.It's not just that the limbs don't have any big movements.Instead, it involved the wound.

this pain.Yu'er really didn't feel it before.Even when he was just injured.She was also focused on fulfilling Fang Yueling's entrustment.Did not care.but now.This kind of pain is something that a woman like her can bear.Want to cry out in pain.But he didn't even have the strength to speak out.

Just a thought that wants to move.It almost made Yu'er faint again.

Just for a split second.Yu'er couldn't help but curse.Curse Zhang Fan.It is also a curse on Jin Yiwei.How to take care of people.She looks like this.There wasn't even a single person standing by.Even though they were about to faint again.But Yu'er has already started to arrange in her heart at such a moment and wait until she meets Zhang Fan.How to reason with him.

But just when Yu'er felt that she had nothing to do.The door was pushed open.Walk in alone.

Yu'er knew this person.And impressive.He is by Zhang Fan's side.In other words, the one person who will always be by Zhang Fan's side.Yu'er knew that his name was Wang Meng.In comparison, his appearance is not outstanding.Yu'er knows that he is skilled in martial arts.Very strong.She even heard Fang Zhenqian talk about him.And what Fang Zhenqian said at the time was very clear.Against Wang Meng.Fang Zhenqian may be able to gain the upper hand for a while with decades of hard training.But can't win.But over time.Fang Zhenqian would no longer be his opponent.Although this is very decent.But in fact, Fang Zhenqian admitted that he was not Wang Meng's opponent.

When Yu'er heard Fang Zhenqian's words.I was really surprised in my heart.Among the people in the rivers and lakes she knew.Fang Zhenqian is the best in martial arts.It's not that Fang Yueling is less knowledgeable.And even she has not seen many people in the world.But her idea was not bad.Fang Zhenqian is really a top player in the Jianghu.Whether alone.Or one-to-many.There are very few people who can be more powerful than Fang Zhenqian.But Wang Meng was able to win Fang Zhenqian.And still at his age.This really surprised Ling Yuer.

certainly.Today's Yu'er didn't think of these things.She was only impressed by Wang Meng because of this incident.And Wang Meng's arrival also made her understand.He really was saved by Jin Yiwei.Although she had already arrived at Jinyiwei before she fell into a coma.But she was still a little worried.Now I see Wang Meng.She is also relieved.

Yu'er was in a coma for three days.These three days.Although Zhang Fan was very anxious.But Yu'er didn't wake up.They have no choice.Forced to wake up.I'm afraid it's not a good Zhang Fan was extremely anxious.But there is no way.I can only wait like this.

But Zhang Fan had no choice but to wait in the yamen forever.After all, he has other things to do.same.He also couldn't take Yu'er home to take care of her.He was also inconvenient when he came home.After all, he spends a lot of time outside every day; secondly, people at home also know Yu'er.Someone who knew she was Fang Yueling.If you see what she looks like now.Don't know yet.Even if you don't think about it.Put Yu'er's current appearance in front of her family.Zhang Fan is also not allowed.

therefore.Zhang Fan left Yu'er in the Yamen.Fortunately, it happened that Wang Meng was on duty these few days.Almost all Wang Meng lived in the Fan handed Yu'er over to Wang Meng to take care of her.certainly.Not just care.It also includes once Yu'er wakes up.Wang Meng will let someone notify him immediately.

Although it feels a little troublesome.But since it was Zhang Fan's order.Naturally, Wang Meng would agree unconditionally.And Yu'er looks like this.Wang Meng was also curious.Not to mention after Yu'er came.the news they received.Say nothing else.This incident was no longer as simple as Yu'er being attacked alone.So when Wang Meng took care of him.It can be regarded as caring.

Originally, he was also guarding here.But when I came to the Yamen, it was busy.But nothing happened.Some affairs still need him to deal with; secondly, he is a man after all.The other party is a woman.Even now Yu'er is injured and unconscious.But let him keep guarding like this.Of course not.Although there are women in Weizhong.Just let them guard it.But Wang Meng thought about it.I don't know why.Just let someone stand guard outside the door.Did not go in.

Just now.Wang Meng didn't intend to come to see how Yu'er was doing.If there is movement.The person guarding the door naturally came back to inform him.He was just passing by.

But just when he passed by Yu'er's door.But he felt the disorder of the breath in the room.when he passed by.Yu'er's breath was very weak.But very calm.But what he passed by just now.Although Yu'er's breath is weak.But it was very messy.Wang Meng immediately knew that Yu'er had woken up.But he didn't blame the people guarding the door for not finding out.After all, he was just an ordinary wrestler.I have never practiced martial arts.It is normal to not find it.

In short.Wang Meng noticed that Yu'er had woken up.He was also unambiguous.Immediately open the door and enter.

After going in.Seeing Yu'er has woken up.Wang Meng is also unequivocal.He didn't ask Yu'er immediately.Instead, he turned around and asked someone to invite a doctor to see Yu'er.At the same time, people told Zhang Fan that Yu'er had woken up.Let Zhang Fan come over earlier.After all, he knew that Zhang Fan was also very anxious about Yu'er.

Yu'er was at the moment when Wang Meng pushed the door open.I don't know why.I was very anxious just now.But it also suddenly became quiet.And Wang Meng's actions just now.She sees it all.That coolness.And a non-disturbing attitude.It really made Yu'er's eyes shine.

Although she knew Wang Meng before.He was also surprised that he was able to beat Fang Zhenqian.But in Yu'er's eyes.Wang Meng should be a reckless man who only knows how to practice martial arts.What's more, Wang Meng obeyed Zhang Fanyan.Obviously.In Yu'er's eyes.Wang Meng's evaluation is not high.

But now.She had a different opinion.This is Wang Meng's style.Although it is said that he did not come up to ask immediately when he saw himself waking up.Instead, he ordered others.But this is compared to that situation.On the contrary, it made Yu'er look up to her a lot.

Naturally, Wang Meng didn't know what Yu'er thought of his behavior at this moment.Or even if he knew it, he didn't care.After ordering others.It was then that Wang Meng came to Yu'er.

He saw Yu'er wanted to sit up.Wanted to help.But I also understand that men and women are different.Some hesitation.But when he saw Yu'er's eyes.Also no longer pretentious.It is skill to help Yu'er sit up.

after.The two sat facing each other.But there are no words.

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