With wounds all over her body, Yu'er passed out at the gate of Jinyiwei's yamen. This matter was already very serious, let alone Zhang Fan who was very concerned about the affairs in Sichuan. When I heard this incident, I realized that something big must have happened in Sichuan.

But although Zhang Fan was anxious, Yu'er was seriously injured and unconscious, and there was really no way to ask the truth from her mouth, so Zhang Fan could only wait until Yu'er woke up before asking questions.

It's just that things were obviously more complicated than Zhang Fan imagined. On the night when Yu'er passed out at the gate of the Yamen, Zhang Fan at home received news again. When Yu'er was attacked, she Not alone, there are three people beside him, and now, those three people are all dead.

That is to say, those three people were protecting Yu'er, and under the protection of their desperate lives, Yu'er was able to survive, and then with injuries all over her body, she made it to the capital by her own will.

And those three people were immediately identified. Although these three people also dressed up in disguise, the disguise is only on the outside. In order to attract people's attention, there are some things that cannot be hidden anyway. , say for those who are familiar with them.

That's right, those three people belonged to Jin Yiwei, so my family could tell at a glance, and after the identities of these three people were found out, it made the matter even more complicated.

After Zhang Fan received the news, he was also very shocked. When he saw Yu'er was injured like this, although he was very surprised, he didn't think it was strange. In fact, Zhang Fan and Yu'er always The bickering words are not unreasonable. You must know that after Yu'er entered the Five Poison Sect, she distanced herself from almost everyone except Fang Yueling. It's not an obvious way to do it. Instead, it's a high-profile way to stay away from others. It's just that she did this, although the goal was achieved, but it brought more than just being out of gregariousness, but also other people's respect for her. disgust.

In the rivers and lakes, there are indeed many people who have suffered from Yu'er in speech and other aspects, and there are many people in the rivers and lakes. Some people may be able to calm down after being teased by Yu'er like this. But some people can't do it anymore, and want to get back the scene, so Yu'er will be hunted down, Zhang Fan really thinks it's nothing.

But now, three of his subordinates lost their lives trying to protect Yu'er, which made Zhang Fan realize that this matter may not be so simple to answer.

After the alliance between the Five Poison Sect and Jin Yiwei, the Five Poison Sect has indeed grown a lot, and there is no need to be afraid of anything when walking on the rivers and lakes of the Central Plains. hunted down.

However, if Yu'er was alone, it would be fine for some people whom she had teased in the past to want to kill her, but now there are people from Jin Yiwei beside Yu'er. Even if the other party didn't know about it, if the other party didn't know about it, if they were to charge forward in a daze when they were obviously invincible, they would definitely not do it again if they knew about it.

But now, not only did the other party attack, but Yu'er was seriously injured, and all his subordinates died. From this, it can be seen that this matter is not simple.

Either the other party clearly knew that Jin Yiwei was there, and knew that something bad would happen if they did something, but in their view, as long as they could kill all of them, there would be no surprises, or the other party did not It is that they already know their identities, but they still have to do it.

After Zhang Fan thought about it, although both of these two things were possible, no matter how he thought about it, the possibility of the first one was really very small.

Therefore, even if there is a possibility, Zhang Fan has already set the second cause of the matter, that is, the other party knows it at all, but they have already made clear their goal, which is to kill Yu'er, so they have no reason at all. Regardless of the people in Jinyiwei who were with Yu'er, they did it.

In Daming, Jinyiwei is not an ordinary status, from officials to common people, it can even be said that everyone fears, especially in the Jianghu, the Ming court's control of the Jianghu is not generally strict, and the Ming court also put this The responsibility was handed over to the Jinyiwei. For the people in the Jianghu, the Jinyiwei has the power of life and death over them. Therefore, as long as the people of the Jinyiwei reveal their identities, those people in the Jianghu rarely dare to do it. To consider the results after the hands-on.

And in this kind of situation where he knew that the other party was Jin Yiwei, but still wanted to fight, unless he really had some deep hatred with Yu'er, he didn't care about his life at all.

Zhang Fan still understands Yu'er. Maybe Zhang Fan doesn't understand Yu'er's past, but to Zhang Fan, even if he doesn't know, Yu'er's temperament is too obvious, so even if he guesses, Zhang Fan is still Can guess a rough idea.

In Zhang Fan's view, Yu'er may mock other people in the arena and make them suffer or something, but Yu'er understands the truth of this very well, so even if she does this, she still has a limit Therefore, although I don't know what Yu'er did before, Zhang Fan thinks that Yu'er will not do anything that others have to do. A move that can't kill her.

Then, after removing this possibility, there will be another one left. Although I don’t want to say it, this kind of possibility is very normal, and for Zhang Fan, this kind of possibility is probably more exciting than the previous one. People feel that this matter is even more troublesome, especially when the matter may involve the Five Poison Sect and even Fang Yueling.

Therefore, Zhang Fan was eager to hope that Yu'er would wake up early so that he could ask her what was going on.

No, after receiving the news from Wang Meng, Zhang Fan, who knew that Yu'er had woken up, came over in a hurry, just to ask the truth and see what was going on.

Originally, Zhang Fan, who was still a little worried about Yu'er, couldn't help but tease her when he saw her looking good. This shows Yu'er's previous attitude. I can't stop joking.

But joking was just the beginning, and Zhang Fan straightened his face immediately.

"What's going on," Zhang Fan asked, "Why are you being chased and killed, and why are my people protecting you, but I don't know at all what happened?"

"Do you know how your people died," Yu'er didn't answer, but asked rhetorically.

Zhang Fan looked at Wang Meng at the side, Wang Meng also understood very well, and said, "Those people were all wounded by swords. The wounds have been seen by humble officials. They were all wounded by ordinary swords. Although the technique is somewhat subtle, but in Jianghu It's not unusual, my lord, I'm sorry for my humble and incompetent position, I can't see what people call it, "

Although Wang Meng said that he couldn't see who did it, his words were not useless at all. In fact, it showed that no matter who attacked, no matter the weapons they used or the martial arts they used, they were all useless. There is nothing unique about it.

"It's no wonder," Yu'er smiled helplessly, and said, "Of course you can't let you know who did this kind of thing, but I know in my heart that the people who do it are the people in the church."

Hearing what Yu'er said, both Zhang Fan and Wang Meng were all surprised. What else could Yu'er refer to in the teaching, it must be the Five Poisons Sect.

Zhang Fan might be surprised if people from the Five Poisons Sect wanted to kill Yu'er, but he couldn't say anything. This is also a matter within the Five Poisons Sect, and Zhang Fan has no reason to know.

But in this matter, the dead are not only members of the Five Poison Sect, but also members of his Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei is now a big barrier for the Five Poison Sect and a guarantee for the revitalization of the Five Poison Sect. If the Five Poison Sect offends If the Jinyiwei is lost, it is not just as simple as losing this great help, I am afraid there will be even greater troubles, but this time the Five Poisons Sect dared to do something to the people of the Jinyiwei because of Yu'er. It can be seen that this matter is absolutely not simple.

"What the hell is going on? Why would people from the Five Poisons Sect attack you and even kill my people?" Zhang Fan didn't feel any anger when he heard that the Five Poisons Sect had killed his subordinates. On the contrary , Zhang Fan smelled many special things in it, let him understand that this matter is not simple, and now is not the time to simply vent anger, he must figure out what is going on.

"I came out of the church ten days ago, and the three men who came with me are your three subordinates," Yu'er said, "They escorted me all the way to the capital, and they have been non-stop for ten days. After arriving in Sichuan, there was no danger anymore, but unexpectedly, when approaching the capital, he was overtaken and almost lost his life.

"All of this has to start with the things in the teaching, my Master Zhang, you don't know, but you have messed up this time,"

"I, something bad happened," Zhang Fan pointed at himself, a little confused. For Yu'er, this matter would become so bad, and the responsibility was on him, which made Zhang Fan feel a little nervous. I can't figure it out.

"Did you send a message to someone to find out what happened to Miss?" Yu'er asked.

"Yes, there is indeed such a thing." Zhang Fan naturally remembered this matter clearly. After all, he received the news that Fang Yueling's health was suddenly unwell. It's normal, and Zhang Fan really can't figure out why this decision of his own has brought about the current consequences.

"It's because of the news you sent that made things like this," Yu'er said, "If you didn't send the news and let people investigate Miss's situation, things wouldn't happen at all, and it wouldn't be like this. And it is because of you that this is the case, but now there is no need to ask who is right, "

"What's going on?" Zhang Fan, who realized that the matter was not simple, was not obsessed with the question of whether he had made a mistake, but was eager to figure out what was going on.

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