The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1798 Long-term troubles

After what happened to Xiangmei in Hong'er, Zhang Fan still supported her to visit Liang Chao. Although this would be gossiped by others, Zhang Fan obviously didn't care about this matter, so he didn't care about it. , and Xiangmei also abandoned that sense of shame for her own love, and didn't care about the eyes of the world, just for Liang Chao. Fortunately, the family members agreed, but most of this was because of Xiangmei Mei's infatuation is above.

As for Liang Chao, he is not a wooden man, how could he not know what Xiangmei was thinking, but for Liang Chao, even if all his thoughts were on this matter now, he still didn't Find a way to figure it out, after all, this kind of thing just happened to him, it is really impossible for him to recover immediately, it seems that the two of them want to be consummated, I am afraid that the consumption of time is also necessary Not much, as for when it will be, I'm afraid even they themselves don't know, and others have nothing to do about it, they can only stare blankly like this.

It was Zhang Fan's second decision to arrange the injured Yu'er to recuperate at Wang Meng's home. Two days later, the change was clearly manifested.

On the second day, Zhang Fan happened to bump into Wang Meng who was coming to the yamen to do some work. At that time, Wang Meng's appearance made Zhang Fan able to see obvious changes.

After all, Wang Meng is a martial arts practitioner, and his skill is very good, so there is no problem of not sleeping well. Even if he does not sleep for two days and two nights, it will not be seen that he is not mentally good, but the next day However, when Zhang Fan saw Wang Meng, he found that he looked a little depressed.

There is no need to ask, Zhang Fan knows it clearly in his heart, it is definitely because of Yu'er, but although he understands it in his heart, Zhang Fan is a little curious in his heart. After all, although he knows, he still wants to I don't know what method Yu'er used to achieve the current effect, which made Wang Meng mentally weakened.

And Wang Meng, who had just met Zhang Fan, told him about this matter. Although Wang Meng didn't say what happened or what Yu'er did, he would definitely not let Wang Meng know what happened. Take it easy, and what Wang Meng meant was to make Zhang Fan change his mind quickly and take Yu'er to another place to recuperate, at least not in his home.

As a matter of course, Zhang Fan used the previous reasons to prevaricate Wang Meng. Although Wang Meng knew very well in his heart, the reasons Zhang Fan said were not powerful at all, and they were all the result of Zhang Fan's willful actions. Unfortunately, Wang Meng had no way to refute Zhang Fan's reasons. In the end, Wang Meng had no choice but to keep silent.

But Zhang Fan was a little happy about Wang Meng's change in his heart. Perhaps, now, at the beginning of this period, all that Yu'er could bring Wang Meng was troubles, but Zhang Fan felt that Wang Meng faced these troubles, To some extent, he should feel happier. Of course, it doesn't mean that Wang Meng is happy, but that Zhang Fan is happy because of it.

Zhang Fan doesn't hate Wang Meng, and he will never be happy because he teases Wang Meng. Zhang Fan also likes his capable subordinate very much, so he will never harm him. In other words, Zhang Fan did this for the sake of Hello Wang Meng.

After all, in the past, Wang Meng's attitude towards life, or his attitude towards his own private life, was very indifferent. Perhaps this had something to do with his early experience, from joining the army to entering Jinyiwei, but Zhang Fan knew very well that Wang Meng couldn't go on like this forever, or that as a person, Wang Meng always wanted to have children, but he lived a life like an ascetic monk. Of course, how other people live depends It is also the path chosen by others, and it is not up to others to ask more questions, but Wang Meng is not a monk, and in Zhang Fan's view, his life is too boring, so Zhang Fan I wanted to help him make some changes from a very early age, but at that time, Zhang Fan hadn't found a suitable way, so this is why he didn't move.

That being said, it means that Zhang Fan has now found a suitable solution, and this so-called suitable solution is to place Yu'er in Wang Meng's home.

It may sound like this is really unbelievable. Can just one person be placed in Wang Meng's house to change this matter? This sounds unreliable at all, not to mention that these two people have completely different personalities. Whether it's the idea or the way of doing things on weekdays, they are two completely different people. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, if such two people are arranged together, they will be thankful if there is no trouble, not to mention what they want to change. , that is simply a fantasy.

However, Zhang Fan has a different idea. From Zhang Fan's point of view, this kind of contrast is the one that can affect people's psychology the most. It is precisely because of the larger gap that this feeling is the most able to influence people.

Of course, Zhang Fan's idea, if he is right, can be reasonable, but if he is wrong, he is not wrong, but no one can say clearly what the actual situation will be. What will happen depends on what the result will be after doing this. The difference is that some people dare to do it and some people dare not.

And Zhang Fan was the one who dared to do this, so he really did it. Moreover, Zhang Fan was not just unprepared for anything, but seeing the big difference between Yu'er and Wang Meng, Arranging the two of them together, he did see some signs, although he didn't know what Wang Meng was thinking, but at the very least, he did see that Yu'er didn't hate Wang Meng, and this was for the original For Yu'er, who is more eccentric, it is completely enough. In fact, it is a relatively rare thing for Zhang Fan to have a man that Yu'er does not find annoying.

However, Zhang Fan did this in his work, but when this matter first started, it brought endless troubles to Wang Meng.

To be honest, the reason does not lie with Wang Meng, but with Yu'er. Although Zhang Fan placed Yu'er in his home, Wang Meng naturally regarded this matter as a task. Following the idea that men and women are different, therefore, even though Yu'er is in his home, unless there is some need, Wang Meng also stays at a respectful distance.

It's just that Wang Meng's thoughts are very simple, but Yu'er's thoughts are indeed not so simple.

Before that, she had already developed a strong interest in Wang Meng. After all, there are still some subtleties in the way Wang Meng treats her, which is completely different from what Yu'er felt before. became very curious.

When Zhang Fan told her about the decision to place her in Wang Meng's house, to be honest, Yu'er's first reaction was to disagree. After all, even if she was curious, Wang Meng was still a man no matter what he said. , Let her live in a man's house, and she is still injured and unable to move. To be honest, the first thought in Yu'er's heart is to disagree.

But this idea didn't stay in her heart for long before it was replaced by another idea, which was the curiosity mentioned earlier.

Yu'er is really very curious about Wang Meng. From her point of view, other men, no matter who they are, even men like Zhang Fan or even Fang Zhenqian, whom she fears very much, but in his opinion, these men have nothing to do with their hearts. It is easy to guess what he is thinking, and he can figure it out without thinking too much, but now, he really doesn't understand Wang Meng's thoughts.

Some people may say that there is nothing special about Wang Meng. Although there are not many expressions on his face, it is not difficult to guess what he is thinking.

But in Yu'er's view, it may seem so on the surface, but when you think about it carefully, it is not the case. The previous thoughts will change if they cannot withstand scrutiny. It seemed obvious before. , but after thinking about it for a while, that's not the case. When I think about it later, I can't think of it anyway.

Perhaps, the matter is indeed so; or, the matter is not so troublesome, it is all Yu'er's own chaotic thoughts under her own random thinking, but in order to understand this matter, Yu'er may have some other reasons , and finally agreed to Zhang Fan's arrangement, and after she agreed to Zhang Fan's arrangement, she was surprised to find that not only did she not have any dislike for Zhang Fan's arrangement, but she was still full of interest. and look forward to.

And this kind of thinking also made Yu'er involuntarily put her eyes on Wang Meng. She firmly believed that the reason why she had this strange feeling was entirely because of Wang Meng. Little did she know that Yu'er would be like this, In fact, it was probably because Zhang Fan made this arrangement. If Zhang Fan hadn't arranged it this way, even if Yu'er had a good impression and curiosity about Wang Meng before, she wouldn't be like this.

All in all, all of this was under Zhang Fan's arrangement.

And Yu'er also looked quite at ease, especially when she came to Wang Meng's home, she was honest and unrestrained, just like returning to her own home.

Wang Meng didn't say anything about this, or because it was Zhang Fan's order to him, so he strictly carried it out.

But in Yu'er's view, Wang Meng's seriousness is too boring, so she wants to challenge it to see where Wang Meng's bottom line is.

As a result, after combining all these factors, Wang Meng's troubles now appear, and this troubles will probably last for a long time.

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