From Zhang Yufang's words.Zhang Fan could feel it very clearly.I didn't infer wrongly about the changes in the house.There has indeed been a change here.With this in mind, he looked at Zhang's mansion again.The scenery didn't change.The furnishings have not changed.Even the color is still the same as before.Dead things can be changed.Maybe because of man-made, maybe because of nature.But dead things are dead things after all.They cannot change hearts.

Think about what happened just now.Only then did Zhang Fan discover the reason why he felt that Zhang Fan had changed.Its inside has changed.The key lies in the living person.Since he entered the Zhang Mansion again this time.Although all the servants of the Zhang family who met him still bowed to him as before.But each of them had a different expression on their faces than before.Zhang Fan was actually very familiar with this expression.When he visited the homes of those important court officials in the capital.Their servants also had the same expression.To use a somewhat over-the-top metaphor.Just like the maids and eunuchs in the palace.Although what they do on weekdays is also the work of serving people.But they are different because of the identity of the master they serve.The value of self-perceived is also different.And that's exactly what happened.Just like Yan Song back then, or Gao Gong today.They are also the people of the powerful generation.But it is such a powerful person.If you have something to say or something is not good, you want to pass it on to the emperor in front of other people.Still have to rely on these eunuchs who are slaves in the palace.Put it nicely.This is the so-called seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate; it's hard to say.This is what the common people often say is the power of the dog.

Zhang Fan didn't know much about his uncle.But he could also see that Zhang Yufang would not ignore it.So think about it here.The servants of the Zhang family are indeed a little different.But there was no arrogance on their faces.It's just a little proud.But Zhang Yufang is the head of the family again.But he will not be too strict with his own relatives.And this is what Zhang Fan is most worried about.In the capital, Zhang Fan had seen many officials who were dismissed because they indulged their families.Gradually create that situation.

However, this is also the most difficult part to solve.Who can not have a family relative or something.It's nothing to use one's own identity to show off one's prestige.But if you come here once for capital and for your own benefit.This is wrong.

What Zhang Yufang said just now gave Zhang Fan another insight.yes.He was right.It was Zhang Fan himself who raised this issue.And what Zhang Yufang said just now made him not need to worry too much.Although Zhang Fan didn't nod clearly.But I also agree with this statement in my heart.Although he can be regarded as a tolerant and generous man.But there is no sense of shame like "I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me".His consistent position is to wipe his own ass.If you make a mistake, you have to make up for it yourself.But he also secretly thought about it.In case something really happened.When loved ones ask for help.Can you really let yourself go?

These are not good plans.Zhang Fan didn't want to think about it either.But he doesn't want to.This is also in case of emergency.

However, Zhang Fan's current experience is not in case something happens in the future.What should I do with this matter.He is thinking.Since Zhang Yufang said so.This possibility must have been taken into account.Then he must also come to solve and eliminate this hidden danger that may exist in the future.

"Uncle's words are good. But nephew..." Zhang Fan didn't know what to say. "... After all, all this was caused by my nephew. This is..."

"Fan'er doesn't need to say more." Zhang Yufang interrupted Zhang Fan's words.He already knew what Zhang Fan wanted to say. "The source is Faner, you are good. But the cause is not a bad thing. You know. You said that you are my nephew when you first arrived in Yangzhou that day. And you are a high official in the court. Uncle, I am too happy. How could it be?" It's your fault. Someone in the family can get into an official career. That's something our Zhang family ancestors have been looking forward to for a long time. It shouldn't be compared to such a small thing. How can it be compared.

"You must think that Uncle, I have always been a businessman who does his duty. Whether it is doing things or doing business, it is very fair. But now because you have caused bad things to happen in the future of this family, you blame yourself Right. But. Fan Er, have you ever thought about it. You didn't force us to do it. Just like you can't kill someone with a knife because of a person. Don't find the murderer. Instead, blame the knife for hurting someone because it was too sharp .Whether you have something in your hands is one thing. Whether you want to use it or not is another matter."

What Zhang Yufang said.The truth is not deep.Very obvious.It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't understand.But Zhang Yufang's words only solved one of his problems.He now knew that his uncle would not blame him.Even if something really happens in the future.Zhang Yufang would not blame him for bringing certain things because of his arrival.However, there was another issue that Zhang Fan was most concerned about.How can we avoid that from happening in the future.

Zhang Fan is not a person with a very strong desire for power.He didn't really want to climb up, either.He doesn't care that his family may smear him with some disgrace and block his way to promotion.If it is because of your own reasons, you can make your family and relatives live a better life.Zhang Fan was very willing.

However, Zhang Fan still has a grand wish in his heart.He wants to change history.This desire necessitated him to have many rights.You must not be caught by your current or future enemies.Moreover, in Zhang Fan's heart, it is ridiculous and unnecessary to make a bad impression on others because of this kind of thing.

now.Zhang Fan can already be sure that his uncle Zhang Yufang fully understands him.Don't make it difficult for yourself either.But what should the rest of the Zhang family do.Could it be the same to yourself now.Talk to them clearly.Not to mention that this method is a fool.The most important thing is to make people feel distrustful of him.This is not what Zhang Fan wants.

"My nephew understands what uncle said. Uncle is also a reasonable person. Fan'er is very grateful to uncle." Zhang Fan said with a smile on his face.But then.He frowned again. "But..." the remaining words.Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.

Seeing Zhang Fan's confusion.Zhang Yufang was also in a daze for a while.He couldn't figure out that he had already told Zhang Fan so thoroughly.But he was still dissatisfied.But then.Zhang Yufang also understood what kind of confusion made Zhang Fan unable to explain clearly to himself.Just now when he and Zhang Fan were on the returning carriage.It was for this reason that he did not discuss the family situation with Zhang Fan in detail.And now.This question has already been asked.How could Zhang Yufang ignore it?

"Fan'er doesn't need to say anything more." Zhang Yufang stopped what Zhang Fan was about to say.Said. "What is Fan'er worried about? I understand your uncle." He looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Uncle understands." Zhang Fan asked.In fact, he was not surprised that Zhang Yufang knew the reason of the matter.But now Zhang Yufang told him these things so frankly.Zhang Fan was still a little surprised.

"Not bad." Zhang Yufang said. "I fully understand what Fan'er means. Isn't it all because of other people in the family?"

Zhang Yufang's words were on point.It is naturally impossible for Zhang Fan to shake his head to express no.Apart from making him feel like a hypocrite.It can't solve any problems at all; when he also didn't nod his head in affirmation.Obviously, the current Zhang Fan is not yet able to achieve the level of disapproval by his relatives.He still felt that it was hurtful to do so.

Zhang Yufang looked at Zhang Fan.Know he is in trouble.But he didn't intend to force Zhang Fan to give him an answer.After all, he didn't have many things in his mind.He also knew that it was not easy for Zhang Fan to speak clearly in front of him.But he doesn't need it at all.This is not what he guessed.Through my own observations these days.He already understood what it was like.

But knowing the reason does not mean that you can immediately think of a solution.Especially facing your own family.But for Zhang Yufang.He attaches great importance to Zhang Fan and Zhang Fan's achievements.He vaguely knew what kind of role Zhang Fan was playing in the court.And Zhang Fan will achieve greater achievements in the future.He didn't want to cause Zhang Fan any trouble because of any factors that could have been avoided.Although it sounds like a bit of an overkill.But Zhang Yufang is such a person.Be well behaved.Doing business is also a matter of duty.Although I can't guarantee that I won't make a wrong step.But if you can avoid it, definitely avoid it.

"Fan'er. I know. Some things are hard to say." Zhang Yufang looked at Zhang Fan and said. "Uncle doesn't mean that there is anything difficult to say or have to listen to. But I also understand how you feel, Faner. You see, this is good. Do you believe Uncle?"

"It's natural." Zhang Fan didn't know why he asked.But Riko still said. "Fan'er naturally believes in uncle."

"Then Fan'er will put this matter on uncle." Zhang Yufang said, patting his chest.Looks very sure. "Uncle, I will definitely talk about these things and get them done. Some things are inconvenient to say. Uncle, can I still say it conveniently?"

"Since that's the case, my nephew doesn't need to worry too much." Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Okay. You just came back today. You must have been very tired on the road. You have to go to Liu Shan for a banquet in the evening. Go and rest now." Zhang Yufang also said with a smile.

"In that case, my nephew is resigning." Zhang Fan said.Turn around and leave.

Looking at Zhang Fan's leaving figure.Zhang Yufang felt very relieved.It's not that he has never seen high officials and dignitaries.But they didn't think about what Zhang Fan was worried about just now.As if it was a matter of course.But Zhang Fan can do this.Although it seems a little indecisive.But actually.This is what a person who wants to be superior should show.

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