The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1808 Difficult to speak

While solving a misunderstanding.But this matter is not perfectly resolved.For example, Zhang Fan and Fang Zhenqian had such a face-to-face meeting.I also understood some of Fang Zhenqian's thoughts.But at the same time.Even if it is understood, there is some misunderstanding.But some things are still unacceptable.

then.Zhang Fan came up with such a compromise.certainly.among these things.Even if Zhang Fan didn't make it too clear.Fang Zhenqian is not ignorant.only.The two wanted to reach a mutual agreement on this.I'm afraid there's still a lot to talk about.

but.Although Zhang Fan told him so on the surface.But in my heart, I may not really be [-]% willing.After all anyway.This child is also Zhang Fan's own flesh and blood.And this world.Which father is willing to let his children leave his side.Zhang Fan is naturally no exception.So even if he came up with such a way.It is also forced to helplessness.

This has nothing to do with Jin Yiwei or the Five Poison Sect.It's just an annoyance from the family.this child.It is Zhang Fan's own flesh and blood.But at the same time.This child is also Fang Yueling's child.And Fang Zhenqian was among them.It does have a certain right to decide.not to mention.Fang Zhenqian has only one daughter, Fang Yueling.Now married to Zhang Fan.And their Fang family can't be left behind because of will happen to this child.It also becomes difficult to decide.

but.Although this was something that Zhang Fan had no choice but to bring up.But this matter is not really Zhang Fan's words against his will.Let the children practice martial arts.That's not a bad thing.There is a skill close by.Of course there is no harm in this.After all, who knows what will happen in the future.And let this child ascend to the position of leader of the Five Poison Sect.In Zhang Fan's view, this was not unacceptable.Even if it is said.if so.Then this child will not be able to stay by Zhang Fan's side for a long time in the future.

But.If this is the case.This is also a long time later.And even Fang Zhenqian is now planning to make this child the leader.But it is impossible to push a child into the position of leader.You have to wait until the child is an adult.If so.Zhang Fan, the father, didn't care much.After all, the child is grown up.Always have to go out and wander.Even if he is now an official in the court.Prominent.But will his children be able to follow this path in the future?Zhang Fan didn't care about this.In other words, he is more inclined to let the children choose for themselves in the future.

but.In short, so much has been said.It can only be said that Zhang Fan came up with this method.There is no other way.If it is really too stiff.I really don't know what Fang Zhenqian will than make it so stiff.It's better to come up with a compromise.

Moreover.Even if there is no such thing.after the birth of the child.It's also impossible to say that I don't see my grandfather.therefore.After Zhang Fan considered these things.That's why I had this plan.But actually.Zhang Fan thinks more now.Regardless of whether it will be true after that.In short, this method was used to stabilize Fang Zhenqian.Maybe I can think of a better way in the future.But that is also later.But now.Zhang Fan didn't have much time.He asked for leave.But this journey is too far.Back and forth.therefore.He also needs to hurry up and get this matter done.

Most important now.Just quickly persuade Fang Zhenqian.Let him agree to his the same time.It was also to bring Fang Yueling back to the capital.This is the most important thing Zhang Fan needs to do.

but.Even Zhang Fan had already said such a thing to Fang Zhenqian.But I want to complete my plan easily.But it is not easy.therefore.Now Zhang Fan is far from being able to relax.

but.And nothing else.What Zhang Fan said.It really aroused Fang Zhenqian's great interest.Originally what he thought.Although it is more complete.But it is also very impractical.He wanted Zhang Fan to hide the child without knowing it.What's going on in the future.This is simply impossible.

And the possibility proposed by Zhang Fan.Let Fang Zhenqian care very much.this matter.Maybe that's how it should be.Now that the child is born.Then you should stay with your parents.But this child is also his grandson.The grandfather wants to let his grandson come and live.It's not a very common thing.certainly.How much time did this come to live in?Don't think too much about it now.Let's talk about it later.And such words.In the future, Fang Zhenqian will teach this child martial arts no matter what.Or he will help him up to the position of leader in the future.There's nothing wrong with that.There will be no conflict between the two sides.

suddenly.Fang Zhenqian discovered his previous thoughts.Too extreme.It's just too stupid.Obviously there is the best way to solve this matter in front of you.But he doesn't need it.But it is very difficult to use that kind.It's even impossible.That's not what stupidity is.

so.After Zhang Fan proposed such a method.On the contrary, Zhang Fan felt that this was just a stopgap measure.After all, some of them were not what he wanted.But it was Fang Zhenqian instead.The method proposed by Zhang Fan is extremely appreciated.As long as this matter does not affect his future plans.So whatever is fine.

Moreover.After all, this child is Fang Yueling's child.And now that Fang Yueling is married to Zhang Fan.Then let them be together too.about this point.Fang Zhenqian knew that very clearly in his heart.After all, he used some means in wanted Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan to separate.It's not easy.Perhaps in terms of form.This thing can be done easily.But practically speaking.But it is not easy.And this will make Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan very painful.

For Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Fan is in pain or not.He doesn't go back and care about anything.But Fang Yueling was his biological daughter.And it was his daughter whom he loved very much.How could he bear to watch Fang Yueling suffer?The reason why I planned it that way before.It is because things have future of the Fang family is also more important.So Fang Zhenqian had to make Fang Yueling suffer.But also fulfill your own plans.And now.Finally, there is no need to do this.After all, a good solution has been figured out now.Even if Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan were to return to the capital.But he will also be able to realize his plans in the future.Such a killing two birds with one stone.Why not do it.

It's just that this matter has already been brought up by Zhang Fan.But it is not so easy to do.After all, this is a solution that Zhang Fan just came up with.There are many details in it.What should be done.Still have to figure it out before we can draw a conclusion.but.This is for Fang Zhenqian.Already very good.There can be such a way.Don't get too rigid with Zhang Fan and Jin Yiwei.There is no need to make Fang Yueling sad.Fang Zhenqian was very willing.

As for the details.Even now temporarily start to think.But it won't be too long.Even Zhang Fan was in a hurry to go back.But it's not a day or two away.

certainly.Among them.The two of them must have had those gossips.As for who will compromise with whom when the time comes.It depends on what they will talk about afterwards.but.The two of them thought about this matter, but it was also a matter of half a catty.What will happen.See you later.

But there is one thing to mention.Among the things this time.Still, people were killed.Whether it's Jinyiwei or the Five Poisons Sect.People died because of this these things.What should I do.This is still to be figured out.certainly.There is no rush now.

Now.Zhang Fan also came from a long distance.There was no rest on the road.After arriving, I immediately came to talk to Fang Zhenqian about this Zhang Fan proposed a possibility.Now, there is no rush to start discussing those details.Always rest and rest.What's more, Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan haven't seen each other for so long.It seems that the two of them have a lot to say.Fang Zhenqian is not such a tireless person.What's more, now that Zhang Fan proposed this method.It also makes things a lot easier.So although Fang Zhenqian is concerned about this matter.But now there is no such a hurry.

And Zhang Fan.It was finally free.Although he had already met Fang Yueling just now.But just now, he didn't say a word to her at all.Just busy with Fang Zhen's work here.therefore.Now it's finally free.Zhang Fan also wanted to speak to Fang Yueling quickly.

Although I want to say it.But the two are now in the same room.But some don't know what to say.There is no need to repeat those old sayings.After all, it is already the case.And the same.Although the relationship between the two is very good.But too much love for children.They can't speak.All of a sudden.Although they are two people who are eager to meet.But now there is nothing to say.In this way.It was really embarrassing for them.

"Why are you so impulsive." Finally.It was Fang Yueling who spoke first. "This matter is not so easy. How come you came here from the capital so easily."

"No. Something else happened. I really can't help it. I have to." Zhang Fan said.then.He is also about what happened in the capital.Including Yuer was attacked.He dragged half his life to Jin Yiwei's yamen.Also said after that.Yu'er was actually attacked.But also explained this time.Zhang Fan had no choice but to come so early.After all, things are already like this.If not come.I'm afraid something big will happen.

And after listening to Zhang Fan's words.Fang Yueling was also relieved because of Yu'er's safety.But at the same time.Fang Yueling also heard that this matter is different now.And she knew it too.want a perfect solution.I'm afraid it won't be easy either.

but.Zhang Fan didn't say anything.He hasn't said that way yet.Because Zhang Fan didn't know whether Fang Yueling would agree or object.

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