The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1812 Happy or Sad

Thousands of miles back and forth along the way.But Zhang Fan who came to Sichuan was only for that one thing.And it was done quickly.It seems that this trip is not worth it.But Zhang Fan didn't see it that way.One has solved the other, and there may be big troubles in the future.Second.Even for such a few days.But this completely removes all burdens.A day when you can say and do what you want.Zhang Fan really thought it was very good.

but.What a day.There is also an end day.Or.The more comfortable it is.When the day of the end comes.People always feel that the days go by very fast.And when it's time to go back.Even if Zhang Fan has nostalgia.But after all, his position.Let him have no way to procrastinate.

Then again.Zhang Fan also has some benefits.Although sometimes.Encountered what needs to be done.But when you don't want to do it.Zhang Fan was very determined.Will not drop the chain at critical the time.Although the heart has nostalgia.But Zhang Fan is also on the road.

again.Thousands of miles away.Count the days.It also took nearly a month to get there.But this way.Although walk up.It is longer than when it came up.But Zhang Fan came this way.But it was extremely easy.After all, when it comes.Zhang Fan has something on his mind.And it's very troublesome.And now go back.Trouble has been taken care of.The mood naturally improved.

Not just solve the problem.It's because I feel better.Now Zhang Fan is going back to the capital.But he is not alone.Fang Yueling was by her side.More than just solving troubles.He could even take Fang Yueling back with him.And now Fang Yueling.He is no longer the leader of the Five Poison Sect.That is.Those things in the Five Poisons Sect in the future.It won't bother her anymore.And Zhang Fan will not part with Fang Yueling because of those things.If Fang Yueling wants to go back to visit her father.That's another matter.But don't do it for the things in the teaching.This is what Zhang Fan hopes for.

therefore.this way.Although it is much slower to go than to come.But Zhang Fan's mood was really much better.In short.That's it.

so.Zhang Fan who came back to the capital.Although along the way.But because I'm in a good mood.On the contrary, it doesn't mean to be tired at all.More than that.And still with a smile on his face.It really makes people feel proud.It's like something happy just happened.certainly.For Zhang Fan.This is indeed a happy event.

Naturally, the family had already received the news that Zhang Fan had returned.Now everyone in the family is welcoming Zhang Fan.certainly.Among the people who welcome now.There is one more Wei Yaoyao.

Zhang Fan had already told Fang Yueling about Wei Maoyao.So Fang Yueling would not be surprised to see her.On the contrary, he went up to greet him in a friendly manner.Wei Weiyao, on the other hand, felt a little embarrassed.After all, she had met Fang Yueling before.Now the two meet again.But the identity changes.Although Fang Yueling called her sister before.He still calls her sister.But what this means is completely different.This naturally made her feel embarrassed.Fortunately, Fang Yueling didn't talk much on weekdays.But when it comes time to speak, something should be said.She still understands.She will not let Wei Yaoyao continue to be embarrassed.

Come back again.Although for Fang Yueling.This place is not too familiar to her.But that kind of intimacy is spontaneous.after all.This is her future home.For coming back here.Fang Yueling was also very happy.

It's the Zhao family.He also asked how Fang Zhenqian was doing now.This also made it difficult for Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling to answer.Of course the truth cannot be told.All I can say is that everything is fine.Fortunately, Zhao's question was also polite.Not really.

After coming back.Zhang Fan is also going to continue to ask about the affairs of the court.Just ask.I found out.During the two months he was gone.During nearly three months.Really nothing happened.The affairs of Liaodong have been settled.Wang Gao was also convicted.Now in prison.Just waiting for the time to ask and cut.And Liaodong.Li Chengliang continued to be his general soldier.It is also a lot more careful than before.There are also a lot fewer people in the court who will trouble him.

there.There are three fathers and sons of Wang Tai from the Hada Department.After being rewarded by the imperial court.It is indeed infinitely beautiful.After all, his Hada tribe was not weak among the Jurchen tribe.Second only to Wang Gao.Now Wang Gao is completely finished.Then his Hada department also raised its head.Today's Jurchens.He is the strongest in the Hada tribe.Command the Jurchen tribes.It's a matter of time.And Hada Department.Even though it's only been three months.But it also became a vassal of the court.This is also the same as the court planned.

It was because of Wang Tai and the others.The matter of betraying Wang Gao.raised some topics.Although it was said that Zhang Fan helped them find a reason.But this reason.As long as you are not a fool.And who can't see it.therefore.After Wang Gao's incident.Wang Tai's reputation among the Jurchen tribes has also dropped a lot.Not keeping promises after all.breach of covenant.This kind of thing is naturally unacceptable to people.

But things didn't get any more troublesome.first.Although the inside story of what you do is something that everyone can see.But after all, there is no form.So even if you can see it.It doesn't matter.Can't say anything.Second.Today's Hada Department.It is indeed the strongest among the Jurchen clan.What's more, the current Hada tribe still has the imperial court behind it.There is nothing to be afraid of.therefore.Even people of other races have some ideas.But also unable to speak out.In this way.There is no need to worry.

Things about Liaodong.That's how it is today.As long as there are no major surprises.Things can always be within the range considered before.Then there is no problem.certainly.Once something unexpected happens.Naturally, the imperial court has countermeasures.after all.No matter how much the Hada tribe bowed their heads and bowed their heads.Also foreigners.And in the face of these foreigners.It is impossible for the imperial court to not take precautions at all.Just trust them preparation has already been made.

In short.This is what happened in Liaodong.

Things at home have also been settled.Even Zhang Fan left for nearly three months.There are indeed a lot of things that he needs to deal with in person.But it's not a big deal.Nothing was too much trouble.

Now the weather is getting hotter.This is the bad thing about winter.It was freezing as hell.But it's summer.Although this is the north.But it's also unbearably hot.But these four seasons are distinct.It has a different flavor.

In short.Now the weather is getting hotter.And it's hot.I have no energy to do anything.Even those very particular people in the court.It is also not spiritual.

Zhang Fan felt a little nostalgic for future generations.There is electricity and air conditioning.And here.Not even an electric fan.daily.Except in the hall.Zhang Fan can't leave his fan now.It is said that the earth is currently in a small cold wave.But this year is still very hot.Zhang Fan was afraid of those older people in the court.Will I get sick from the heat?

Don't say it.It was really misfortune to be hit by Zhang Fan.It was as if someone had been sick from the heat.No.The situation is not just as simple as being sick.

It was early June.Zhang Fan just came down to court.I want to go home quickly and get a bowl of iced lotus seed soup to relieve the heat.But just as he was sweating and walking out of the palace gate.Instead, they saw a group of people headed by Zhang Juzheng.Sweating profusely.Get together to discuss something.Some curious Zhang Fan also came over.

"Yuande. You are here. It's just right. I was just trying to get someone to find you." Zhang Juzheng saw Zhang Fan.Call him over quickly.

Zhang Fan was a little curious.Not only the six grand masters of the cabinet are here.Even other people in the court.Among them were obviously some people who were at odds with Zhang Juzheng.Now it's gathering together and talking about something.This scene alone made Zhang Fan feel very strange.So he wanted to see what was going on.To keep them together.

"Teacher, adults. What's the matter?" Zhang Fan asked.

"We just found out." Zhang Siwei said. "I heard that Cheng Guogong fell ill."

"What." Hearing what Zhang Siwei said.Zhang Fan was taken aback.Cheng Guogong Zhu Xizhong.This is something Zhang Fan is very familiar with.It's Zhang Fan's old boss.Back then Zhang Fan had just entered an official position.It was when he had to enter Jinyiwei because he offended Xu Jie.It was under Zhu Xizhong's hands.Zhu Xizhong at that time.He treated Zhang Fan very well.certainly.There must be an order from Long Qing.But Zhang Fan is also very grateful to Zhu Xizhong.Every year and festival.He would always visit Zhu Xizhong's residence.

Now I heard that Zhu Xizhong fell ill.Zhang Fan was really surprised.I still remember the beginning.When Zhang Fan met Zhu Xizhong for the first time.It doesn't look like he's getting old at all.Not just in good spirits.It also looks young and very.But after Zhu Xizhong let go of the court affairs on his body.Zhang Fan could clearly see that he had grown old all of a sudden.Although he is only 59 years old now.But in this era.Age is really inaccurate.

"What the hell is going on here?" Shocked.Zhang Fan also hurriedly asked.

"It's not that you don't know. Grandpa Guo is not in good health." Zhang Juzheng said. "In fact, there was a serious illness two years ago. But we didn't know it. I heard that last night. The weather was too hot. The Duke didn't get up in the morning. But he found out that he passed out. He is still being treated by a doctor. I'm afraid. I won't make it through today."

This time.Zhang Fan knew it.Zhu Xizhong's life is really not long.

"We're going to have a look. Yuande. You can come too." Zhang Juzheng knew about the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Xizhong.see him so.There is only so much comfort.

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