In Yangzhou city at night, the night sky is dotted with stars, and the occasional breeze gradually takes away the heat of the day. Although the effect is not very obvious, it is enough to make people forget the fatigue of the day. For ordinary people, this is also Enough is enough, they don't expect more enjoyment, they just hope that after hard work, when it's their turn to rest, they can have such embellishments from time to time, which is a great happiness for them.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Fan looked at the various poses and expressions of the people along the street outside the car window, and sometimes he would sigh in his heart. Although this kind of sigh is very common and nothing new, the so-called life is like this most of the time. Yes, no matter how passionate, how high-spirited, how heroic, in the end they all long for this kind of peace and comfort. The only difference is that different people have different needs for comfort.

Although Zhang Fan has experienced some ups and downs, in comparison, his life can be regarded as ordinary. Even the life he lived in Mobei at the beginning did not inspire him in retrospect. On the contrary, it made him yearn for the peaceful life in front of him, but Zhang Fan knew that he couldn't enjoy this kind of life. It wasn't that he couldn't, but that he didn't allow it. He still had a lot of things to do.

In his previous life, he had knowledge, knowledge, and passion, but that place and society did not give him the opportunity to display his talent, so his passion began to cool down at that time, and was slowly buried in the bottom of his heart by reality. But now, God seems to have given him a second chance. Zhang Fan doesn't know why he chose him. After all, there are many people who are more talented than himself; he also doesn't know if God sent him here for some reason. Or maybe it's just a coincidence, but it doesn't matter now, Zhang Fan's buried passion seems to have been rediscovered.

It's interesting to say that compared with modern society, the ancient feudal society seemed to pay more attention to factors such as connections and wealth if they wanted to make a difference. Given his current status, this has to be said to be a kind of irony. Sometimes, Zhang Fan would think about this problem alone. Without a reasonable explanation, it is usually classified as a coincidence. Zhang Fan also thought about it before, but he I gave myself a better motivation, that is, all this is arranged by God, send him here, give him certain rights, let him change something.

It sounds absurd, a little exaggerated and self-advocating, but this is undoubtedly not the best way to encourage yourself. I firmly believe that I am that person, and I firmly believe that I can change history. Even Zhang Fan, who has never been superstitious, began to think about God. The possibility of ghosts, he will also find reasons for himself. Faith is undoubtedly the most motivating thing. No matter what difficulties or fatal blows you encounter, even if you have worries about your name, as long as your faith is still there, then you There is the courage and strength to stand up again.

This is not some unreasonable idealism. Human beings are very complicated, and human nature cannot be clearly explained by a few words of a few sages.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Zhang Fan, who had been there once, knew that this place was very close to Liu Shan's home. He put aside these things in his mind and began to think about more practical things. How to deal with Liu Shan tonight, no, say It's dealing with Liu Shan, or rather another person, Luo Ling'er.

Thinking of this name, Zhang Fan began to think wildly again. He was sure that he hated this woman very much, but Zhang Fan couldn't figure out why and what caused it. Zhang Fan knew the purpose very well, but why did it become like this.

Is it his own problem? Maybe he shouldn't fall in love with her at all. No, when he thought of the word "love", Zhang Fan immediately denied it in his heart. He absolutely didn't want to admit that he would fall in love with Luo Linger. , and this liking is still because of her external factors, because of her beauty, other things are simply impossible, Zhang Fan has been saying this to himself.

But why do I have such deep hatred for her in my heart? I should only have desires for such a woman, and there should be no other things other than sex. She is a shameless woman. Maybe being forced into prostitution, selling oneself helplessly, maybe being coerced by Liu Shan into a wild life can still be said, but the description Zhang Fan heard from Zhou Quan is still lingering in his heart, he should not have any hatred for her , It was just to use her, but Zhang Fan thought about it, but he couldn't get rid of the hatred in his heart, maybe Zhang Fan was angry that she had deceived him.

Moreover, there seems to be something else besides hatred. At the beginning, he was talking sweetly to Luo Linger, and at that time, Luo Linger put all her heart on Zhang Fan and couldn't care about other things anymore. At this point, get out the information she knows about Liu Shan, and then let her return to Liu Shan to do things for herself, and even if Luo Linger is afraid and doesn't want to go back to the place where she can't live safely, but For Zhang Fan, she agreed without frowning.

Seeing the consequences, Zhang Fan should have been full of joy and contentment, and this was indeed a reflection of his mood at the time, but Zhang Fan did not maintain this mood for a long time. After Luo Linger left Quanzhou and went to Yangzhou Every now and then, Zhang Fan would think of her, and every time he would feel extremely angry and happy, but there was still an emotion in his heart that he didn't even want to admit existed, regret and reluctance, Zhang Fan didn't realize it , the anger and joy in his heart are all to cover up his regret and reluctance, but he will never admit it.

Gradually, the carriage drove into the alley where Liu Shan lived. This place can be regarded as quiet for the bustling Yangzhou City, and this sudden quietness also made Zhang Fan's heart calm, and once again Putting aside the turmoil in his mind, Zhang Fan began to think seriously.

Luo Ling'er did tell him a lot of useful things. Liu Shan has an account book, which is extremely unfavorable to Liu Shan but indispensable. It is also an account book that Zhang Fan wants to get. It records what Zhang Fan needs. Everything, all the officials involved, the amount and flow of all the embezzled money, if you get this thing, Zhang Fan can return to the teacher victoriously.

But how can we get it safely? Because Luo Linger has always looked weak in front of Liu Shan, Liu Shan will never let her go, and Luo Linger also told Zhang Fan where the account book is hidden, and even told Zhang Fan Many of the things recorded in his account books, Zhang Fan has power in his hand, a lot of power, and now he has the Shangfang sword bestowed by Emperor Longqing in his hand, so he can do it without worrying about anything, not even official documents from the court. Moved out people to ransack the house to question the crime, but Zhang Fan did not act for a long time.

He didn't believe that Liu Shan would be so defenseless, especially for such a thing that was his entire wealth to him. Maybe he really trusted Luo Linger very much and would never hide any secrets from her, but Zhang Fan didn't believe him You know, women are the most unbelievable. Zhang Fan doesn't believe that Liu Shan can fully accept his ex's business, and rely on himself to make him bigger and stronger in just over a year, even People who include the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian will make such a fatal mistake.

Liu Shan must have been on guard. If he was a little smarter, Luo Linger should have noticed when Luo Linger left Zhang Fan on the way and returned to Yangzhou from Quanzhou. There is something strange, but she continues to have no doubts about Luo Linger. She still does not hide everything from her, and she is allowed to continue to get in touch with these things. There must be some conspiracy in it, maybe Liu Shan is looking forward to something , or planning some conspiracy against him, but Zhang Fan couldn't see any unfavorable factors in it.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan thought of something, since this Liu Shan has something to do with the palace, now that he comes here to investigate, Liu Shan must have a connection with Meng Chong in the palace, and since he came to Yangzhou from the capital, he has already It's been almost two months. During these two months, many things have happened, whether it's Gao Gong's attempt to deal with Xu Jie, the Quanzhou incident, or even the Japanese pirates changing their old habits and attacking returnees at sea. Merchant ships during the voyage, each of these things is very big and very annoying, but apart from Zhang Fan who met Gao Gong sent to punish Xu Jie, no one came from the capital recently up.

It stands to reason that Meng Chong should be the mastermind behind this whole thing, but now that he should have known about the situation here, he should have taken some action, but now nothing happened. Any news is really weird, but at the same time, it feels as if there is some huge conspiracy brewing in the dark.

These are all Zhang Fan's conjectures, maybe it's groundless worry, maybe it's just asking for trouble, but Zhang Fan has to think about it, and the more he thinks about it, the more likely it is, and the more he thinks it's possible, the less he can't. It's not his style to act rashly, but it's not his style to say nothing, and even want to do things will become very difficult.

The carriage stopped in front of Liu Shan Mansion, Zhang Fan got out of the carriage to look around, and had no choice but to take one step at a time.

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