The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1823 is not special

Indeed, no one thought before that Wang Meng and Yu'er were just a misunderstanding, but they were really made to be together. Of course, this kind of unexpected, but now that things have indeed happened, no one thinks What's the matter? Maybe it's because they think that although these two people have extremely different temperaments, it's a good thing that they can come together.

However, even so, Yu'er suddenly said that she wanted to marry Wang Meng. This news really surprised everyone who heard it.

Speaking of it, this time is nothing. After all, the two have known each other for more than half a year, and during this half of the year, the two of them have lived together. When things come naturally, it is really nothing to get married. If it is placed in later generations, half a year The time is really too long, and for now, let alone half a year, as long as there is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker, even if the two have never met before, it is normal to get married.

However, this kind of common sense cannot be applied to these two people. Wang Meng himself is special enough, and he has not married at such an age. Of course, Wang Meng's situation can be understood. After all, engaging in this profession is indeed somewhat risky.

As for Yu'er's situation, it's another matter. Although among the members of the Zhang family, only Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan knew what Yu'er had experienced before, Yingyue naturally knew something about it. But she didn't know the details, but even so, Ru Xue and the others didn't know what happened to Yu'er before, but this did not prevent them from guessing. Of course, this is not the kind of unfounded guess, even if It's what Yu'er usually reveals, and there are very few clues for them to guess, but even so, through Yu'er's unusual behavior and conversation on weekdays, they can more or less guess something. , she was definitely hurt before.

Therefore, for this kind of Yu'er, she has become much more tolerant when facing her topic. After all, after having such an experience, many things have become special and cannot be required by common sense. As a result, if you want to say these things to Yu'er, you will become special.

Therefore, although Yu'er is already living in Wang Meng's house now, and even though more than half a year has passed, even so, even if she knows that it is very normal for such a situation to occur now, but even these All of them had been thought of, but Yu'er would bring this up, which surprised everyone.

The people who heard this incident were surprised, but Fang Yueling thought it was nothing.

When Fang Yueling heard Yu'er say this, she was indeed a little surprised. After all, Yu'er was the one she knew best, and Fang Yueling was really surprised when Yu'er, who knew so well, said this. The surprise was only for a while, and then she didn't feel anything.

It wasn't because of her understanding of Fang Yueling that she was able to understand this kind of thing so quickly, but because Fang Yueling brought her own thoughts into it, Fang Yueling thought of the matter between herself and Zhang Fan.

Speaking of which, compared with Zhang Fan's other girls, the relationship between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan is also very special.

Take other people as an example, whether it is Ru Xue who is in love with each other until they are talking about marriage, or Ying Yue who has developed feelings in a crisis, the situation of Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan is different from them.

The relationship between Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan at the beginning was not good at all, although at that time, when she got involved with Jin Yiwei, Fang Yueling had already started to think about how she should borrow Jin Yiwei or Zhang Fan to help At that time, she saved her father.

At that time, Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling may have different goals, or even different paths, but they also have something in common, so Fang Yueling wanted this, but even so, the two The relationship between them at that time was not good. Although there were many misunderstandings, there were conflicts after all, and Zhang Fan almost died at her hands.

However, it seemed that the two should be deadly rivals from now on, but they did not expect to become like this in the future. Perhaps it was because of this kind of contest between the two that Fang Yueling was more or less true. It is true that Zhang Fan has some thoughts, and Zhang Fan is the same, but even so, the two of them are still not at this point.

Afterwards, the alliance proposed by Fang Zhenqian and this method made the two of them like this. Of course, there were indeed some inside stories that Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan did not know. I don't know, so it goes without saying, but even if there was that inducement back then, Fang Yueling's feelings for Zhang Fan are genuine now.

And Fang Yueling, who thought of this, couldn't help but think of Yu'er's situation. Perhaps Yu'er's situation is more serious than hers. After all, Fang Yueling has not suffered any injuries, and she has no special views. He looked at it with a normal wink, but Yu'er was completely in conflict.

But it is precisely because of this that Fang Yueling feels that it is nothing and normal when Yu'er brings up this matter, because, just like her situation, no matter what injuries you have suffered before, or No matter how much hatred you have for men, the love between men and women is common sense in the world, and no one can escape it. Even if it is temporarily distorted for some reason, this kind of thing cannot disappear, and once it is found again, That's normal too.

Therefore, from Fang Yueling's point of view, it is not a special situation that Yu'er will be like this this time, and it is definitely not that Yu'er wants to play around. Fang Yueling, who is very familiar with Yu'er, can obviously see that Yu'er should be She really felt sincere towards Wang Meng, this was the affirmation made by Fang Yueling, who knew Yu'er very well, and she didn't need to ask Yu'er about the matter at all, she believed in her own judgment.

It has to be said that Fang Yueling is really very familiar with Yu'er. Although Yu'er didn't reveal much, Fang Yueling's guess is really correct, and the matter is as it is. For more than half a year, she has been very close to Wang Meng, and this kind of closeness not only did not make her feel any opposition because of her deeper understanding of Wang Meng, but as time went by, and more and more With more understanding, Yu'er valued Wang Meng even more.

This is not only a woman, even Zhang Fan had this feeling at the beginning. Wang Meng looked at the beginning, his face was as cold as ice, meticulous, and there was no expression of laughter. All in all, the first impression Wang Meng gave people was that A feeling of inaccessibility.

But this kind of feeling may be a little off at the beginning, but if you can get in touch with Wang Meng for a long time, you can feel something completely different.

Maybe Wang Meng's appearance has always been so cold as ice, but in fact Wang Meng is not such a person. He doesn't talk much on weekdays, but that's because things don't require Wang Meng to speak, but he really needs to speak. At that time, it was definitely a one-hit hit, and there was absolutely no nonsense.

Of course, the most important thing about Wang Meng is not the refinement of his words, but his deeds. Just like talking to him, Wang Meng either does not do it, or he must do his best if he wants to do it, just like he did in Jinyiwei. What he does is average, as long as it is what he should do, then Wang Meng will definitely do the best, and he will definitely be able to complete it without saying a word, and he will definitely not cause any trouble.

Perhaps some people would say that Wang Meng was able to do this entirely because he possessed superb martial arts skills and had a very high level of self-sustaining force, so he was able to do so.

But is this really the case? Obviously not, and definitely not just that. Martial arts are just tools, and no matter how advanced a martial arts person is, if you don’t want to do it, there are still simple things to do. Something might have gone wrong.

But for Wang Meng, he doesn't care about anything, if he doesn't need to worry about it, he won't talk about it, but once he receives an order, or even something he promised, then he will definitely go all out , will never underestimate the enemy, and will never treat things lightly just because he thinks things are easy to handle.

All in all, there is absolutely nothing to say about Wang Meng's seriousness, and these can only be experienced after getting in touch with Wang Meng.

And Yu'er has been deeply touched in the past half a year. Even if she only lives in Wang Meng's house, she will not go to the Yamen with him to see how he is on weekdays, but even so, never Wang Meng's words and deeds in daily life can also tell Wang Meng's thoughts. Yu'er is very smart, and her vision is also very vicious. In addition, she is so close to Wang Meng, so she can also see Wang Meng's behavior. factor out.

And after understanding this point, after understanding what kind of person Wang Meng is, some things become very simple, especially for Yu'er, who has experienced many things and understood many things. , Wang Meng like this has absolutely nothing to say, she even felt a little strange why Wang Meng is such a good person, but he has never married until now. Is a normal man.

It's just that although Yu'er finds it strange, when she thinks about it, Yu'er just feels that this is just right. Since no one likes such a good man, it can't be wasted. The man regained his confidence, but of course, the only one he was interested in was Wang Meng.

In this way, Yu'er will be honest and blunt, but Wang Meng doesn't understand this kind of thing, it's not that he is not frank, it's just because Wang Meng has never experienced it, but Yu'er will not let this opportunity Missed, therefore, she decided to take the initiative,

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