Last year's Liaodong War, apart from Wang Gao's death, the thing that caught people's attention the most was the surrender to the Hada tribe, which made people feel even more attractive. Although it has only been more than half a year since this period, This effect has already appeared.

During the Chinese New Year this year, the Hada Department was the first to come to congratulate, not because the Hada Department is not far from the capital and can arrive in a few days, and more importantly, it has just returned to the Ming court. How long has the Hada tribe, even if it is the honeymoon period, it is necessary to set an example, and this is also a very important part for the Ming court to have a good relationship with other tribes.

And the Hada tribe came to congratulate, which is fundamentally different from other tribes who came to congratulate in the past. In the past, those tribes, even those foreign envoys, came here mostly for the benefit Let’s take those foreign countries as an example. Although they are indeed very close to the Ming Dynasty, they don’t really think that if they don’t come to pay tribute on time, the Ming Dynasty will really send troops to deal with them. The real purpose , just for the benefit, they came here to bring tributes, and those tributes are called local specialties, yes, they are indeed things that cannot be found in Daming, but in fact, for them, those tributes are local specialties. Things are really nothing, just a fresh picture.

But the Ming Dynasty was not, perhaps because of the self-esteem of the Han people. When encountering such a situation, even if they knew it was extremely uneconomical, they would give the other party a gift of extraordinary value. This is the reason to come to Daming to congratulate, and to make a small fortune.

In the past, when the Ming Dynasty encountered such a situation, no matter how difficult it was, it could not lose face, and it was necessary to show a generous gift that must be seen. Fortunately, in the past two years, because the sea is no longer banned , and the collection of commercial taxes also makes the treasury very rich, and there is no pressure at all to do these face-saving jobs.

But this time, it was completely different when the Hada tribe came to congratulate them. The gifts brought by the Hada tribe were really generous, including their most important livestock as nomads, as well as many very strong horses, etc. Among the things, maybe except for those horses, there are actually very few things that can catch Da Ming's eyes, but there is a difference among them, that is, these things are very important to the Hada tribe, and In this way, the intention of this move is self-evident.

Therefore, in the face of such sincerity, the return gift from the Ming court should not be shabby. In fact, it is true. Silks and satins, fine nectar and jade liquid, etc., perhaps the imperial court’s reciprocation to the Hada tribe is no different from the previous ones, but it’s just that the quantity is much more than that, but in fact, this is what the Ming court attaches great importance to. It's a kind of performance, if it is replaced by other words, there will be no such treatment.

And these things, apart from those gold and silver, actually those silks and satins and fine wines are not practical at all, but the value of these things is not divided according to their own practicality Yes, and if you really want to talk about practicality, then the value of these things is not low at all. Perhaps compared with those clothes made of cotton or animal skins, these silk silks and satins are really not cold and warm when worn on the body. Even if it is that gorgeous, it looks so out of place in the desolate Liaodong.

However, this does not mean that there is no practicality. After all, the person who can wear this kind of clothes there is a symbol in itself, and it also shows the relationship between Ming Ting and the person wearing this clothes. , that’s definitely good, and in today’s Liaodong, if you can have the support of the Ming court, it means that you can run rampant in this land of Liaodong, and no one will dare to ask you anything. Therefore, in this way , this practicality is really very high, even more so than those yellow and white things.

In short, the Hada tribe is now on the big tree of the Ming court, and the effect is obvious. Originally, the strength of the Hada tribe was not only in the Haixi Jurchen, but even in the entire Liaodong Jurchen tribe. It is also the most powerful one.

Of course, being the most powerful does not mean that they can truly unify the Jurchens. Before Wang Gao ended up in the current situation, the tribe he commanded was stronger than the Hada tribe, but even So, Wang Gao may be able to dominate one side, but there is no way to command the entire Jurchen, Wang Gao can't do it, let alone the Hada tribe.

In other words, the Hada tribe is only the strongest among all the Jurchen tribes, but the Hada tribe is stronger than all the tribes, but it cannot defeat all the tribes.

But now, this is different. Although the original Hada tribe could not completely dominate, under the leadership of the leader Wang Tai, the entire tribe is constantly moving in this direction. Now, not only Liaodong is not Wang Gao's threat is over, and more importantly, the Hada Department has also connected with Ming Ting with the help of Wang Gao's matter, and they have Ming Ting's support behind them. Of course, they also want to serve Ming Ting. That is the situation of being in charge of Liaodong, and things like Wang Gao will never happen again.

And it is also because of this that the Hada Department leads the entire Jurchen affairs, which does not conflict with what Ming Ting wants them to do, or it shows that Ting also wants to see this kind of situation. Therefore, with the support of Ming Ting Next, the Hada Department also developed very rapidly in the past six months. Although it has only been half a year now, the situation has been completely different in the past six months.

The original Hada tribe, in the land of Liaodong, no one dared to provoke them because of their strength, but it was just that no one dared to provoke them, not that they were really afraid of them, and now it is only half a year In the past, the situation was very different.

Let’s take the four tribes of Hulun called “Haixi Jurchen” by the Ming court as an example. These four tribes include Hada tribe, and there are also four tribes of Wula, Huifa, and Yehe. The leaders of these four tribes are all Those who have the title of the Ming court are only governors. What's more, the Ming court is only doing this to appease them, but they don't care about their affairs at all on weekdays.

But now, after the Hada tribe and the Ming court became so close, only half a year has passed, and the entire Haixi Jurchen has almost been unified by the Hada tribe. The four divisions are formed separately, but in fact, the Hada tribe has become their leader very clearly. Although it is not the kind of leader in essence, it is impossible for the other three tribes to ignore what the Hada tribe said. , must be taken seriously.

Perhaps it seems that there is not much difference from before, but in fact, this is already very unusual, not to mention, it has only been half a year, and it has already reached this point, which is already very It's not an easy thing, think about it, half a year can do this, so as long as it doesn't take two or three years, it is not impossible for Wang Tai to achieve his goal, it can be said that It's just around the corner. In short, the current situation is also an excellent situation for the Hada Department.

What will happen to the Hada tribe, or what will happen to Liaodong? This is what the court has already planned. Now, the Hada tribe has the same idea as the court. For the court, it is hoped that there will be someone who can listen to it or The tribe can lead the entire Liaodong, which can save a lot of trouble. For the Hada tribe, they naturally hope that they can lead the entire Jurchen tribe. In short, that's the idea.

However, there is one thing that is different. The Hada tribe hopes that they can command the entire Liaodong, and even hope that they can integrate all the Jurchen tribes into a large tribe, but the imperial court does not hope so. For the imperial court, it is hope There is a tribe that can lead the various tribes of the Jurchen tribe, so even if those tribes are causing trouble, there will be pressure from above, but the court will definitely not want the Hada tribe to turn the entire Jurchen tribes, large and small, into a big one. department.

If the Hada tribe has done this and succeeded, then it will be a troublesome thing in the future. Once Wangtai, or his son who will succeed Wangtai in the future, disagrees with the court, then Even greater troubles may occur, and if this is the case, and if something really happens, the whole Liaodong will get together, and if there is a real trouble, it will cause the court a very headache.

Therefore, although the imperial court decided to support the Hada tribe and let the Hada tribe rule the entire Jurchen, it was only a command, and it did not mean that they really integrated the entire Jurchen tribes, large and small, to become a large tribe.

Therefore, on this point, perhaps the imperial court is different from the Hada Ministry, but this issue has never been discussed on the table. For the imperial court, this cannot be done, but there is no need to say it Well, if the Hada tribe has a tendency to develop in this direction, then the imperial court will naturally have a way to stop them.

As for the Hada Department, it's not that they don't know what the court thinks, but since the court didn't say it, they don't mention it, and they are doing it according to their own ideas. Therefore, the Hada Department is following his expectations. work hard, but after all, it will take many years to complete, and even if there is any conflict with the court, it will be many years later, so there is no need to care about so much now. We'll talk about it when the time comes, there's no need to think about it now.

In short, the whole Liaodong is like this now, but Zhang Fan can't escape this seemingly nothing.

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