The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1830 Future Investing

People from the Hada tribe will come to court to congratulate the Chinese New Year this time, which is naturally not what Zhang Fan expected. It was conceivable that no matter who the Hada tribe came this time, they would come to see him. Although Kang Gulu had been silent before, in the end he still came as Zhang Fan expected.

When Zhang Fan asked the purpose of his visit this time, Kang Gulu also said two things very frankly. The first one is naturally understandable. , if they want to gain a firm foothold, it is natural that they have to manage various places in the court, and for them, they can only rely on Zhang Fan now.

But after the first article, the second article made Zhang Fan confused. Kang Gulu made it very clear that the second article was for himself, not for the Hada tribe, and it was not for any good relationship. , but for himself, for him alone.

When Zhang Fan heard him say this just now, he thought that he had heard it wrong. After all, this matter, or what Kang Gulu said, made him a little confused at all. , although it was a situation that he hadn't considered before, Zhang Fan, who didn't know everything, immediately understood what Kang Gulu's words meant.

That's right, regarding the Hada tribe, whether it's Wang Tai, or his two sons Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu, although Zhang Fan has seen them before, he hasn't had much contact with them, or Saying that they have only met them in general, at most it is just saying polite words, but this does not mean that Zhang Fan does not understand them. In fact, Zhang Fan also knows their affairs very well.

Even Zhang Fan's understanding is only on paper, but it is the news that Jin Yiwei investigated, and it is all based on real evidence. Compared with those guesses, they are naturally not so unreliable, so , although Zhang Fan didn't have much contact with the Hada people, but his understanding of them was not superficial.

Zhang Fan knew Kang Gulu's status as a concubine, and he also knew that his life in the tribe, even if it wasn't bad, at least it couldn't be called good, and at the same time, he also knew that Hu Ergan had great feelings for this younger brother. I don't feel threatened. Although I don't bully him too much on weekdays, I definitely look down on him. Therefore, even if Kang Gulu's plan is not written in any files, no one will see Kang Gulu's plans. Lu was thinking about something in his mind, but this kind of thing can be figured out as long as he guesses casually.

But now, when Kang Gulu came to Zhang Fan and said such a thing, how could Zhang Fan not know what he was thinking? Therefore, when Kang Gulu said that there was another thing about himself, Zhang Fan After being surprised, Fan understood to some extent what he wanted to say.

Faced with this matter, Zhang Fan was not surprised at all. After all, it was too common, but the most important thing was that Zhang Fan didn't think there was anything wrong with this matter, and even Not only did Zhang Fan think that there was nothing wrong with it, but he also thought that this matter should be regarded as a good thing.

You may find it strange why this kind of thing is considered a good thing. You must know that if Kang Gulu is so intentional about this matter, then the Hada tribe must be in constant trouble in the future, but this trouble is only for the Hada tribe. Trouble, but for the Ming Dynasty, it is not a trouble, but a good thing.

Today, the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the Hada tribe makes the Hada tribe really like a fish in water in Liaodong. It has only been half a year since it came here, and the development of the Hada tribe is completely different. Faced with such a fast-growing The Hada tribe, the imperial court is naturally happy. After all, the faster the Hada tribe develops, the faster it can control the entire Liaodong. Gao is in trouble.

But behind the desire to see this result, the imperial court is also worried about this matter. If the Hada tribe continues to develop at this speed, it will indeed be able to quickly lead the entire Jurchen tribe and put all tribes under them Management, but if this is the case, at this speed, it will not be long before the Hada tribe really wants to integrate the entire Jurchen tribe, and it is not impossible, and this is what the court does not want to see.

Regarding this point, not only the court, but also those in the court, and even Zhang Fan himself, did not want to see this, especially Zhang Fan.

Although he was too inexperienced in the subject of history in his previous life, it doesn't mean that he didn't know anything, or that it was impossible for him not to know. It was the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty was the Jianzhou Jurchen, whose birthplace was Liaodong. Perhaps Zhang Fan's knowledge was wrong, but the general direction was not wrong.

As for Zhang Fan, he naturally wanted to find ways to prevent all this from happening. Of course, Zhang Fan knew in his heart that if the Ming Dynasty was really going to perish, it would definitely not be due to external factors, or external factors were not the main reason. The most important reason is that the Ming Dynasty itself will not perish. Therefore, if you want to change this fact, you can only change it from within the Ming Dynasty.

However, this doesn't mean that Zhang Fan doesn't care about those external factors, it's fine if they don't encounter them, but if they do, Zhang Fan will naturally try to eliminate this threat.

Ever since Zhang Fan met Nurhachi for the first time in Liaodong, Zhang Fan had already started to think about it. Zhang Fan did not intend to kill Nurhachi, because he knew that this bird could only change a small part of history at most, but it was There is no way to change the course of history. If a Nurhachi is killed, if another person comes out who he doesn't know at all, wouldn't it be even more troublesome.

And with Zhang Fan's efforts, it is obvious that Nurhachi's issue is unnecessary now, but now, the matter of the Hada tribe, although it existed in the original history, Zhang Fan didn't know about it. Later, he also saw that this was a threat, so Zhang Fan also planned to change this threat.

If the Hada tribe is allowed to develop, it will definitely not work. Even if the court has already made plans for this, Zhang Fan cannot rest assured.

Therefore, Zhang Fan has also paid attention to the affairs of the Hada Department, and this time, Kang Gulu came to him, just to do him a favor. Zhang Fan has already started to think about what to do about it, but But he has never found a suitable solution, but at this moment, he found a solution all of a sudden.

And this method is also very simple, even the conditions have already been automatically prepared for Zhang Fan, and there is no need for Zhang Fan to create it himself.

The so-called condition is naturally Kang Gulu, it's not extraordinary, but Kang Gulu is indeed at odds with his brother Hu Ergan, who was born in the first place, so for Zhang Fan, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Now the leader of the Hada tribe is Wang Tai, and Wang Tai has absolute ruling power, but Wang Tai is also an ordinary person after all, he will always grow old and die one day, and when that day comes, then Wang Tai will also There must be a successor, and this successor can only be born between his two sons, Hu Ergan and Kang Gulu.

Hu Ergan is a descendant, and Kang Gulu is a concubine. Naturally, the possibility of Hu Ergan being able to inherit the throne is much higher, but obviously, Kang Gulu is not reconciled. After all, he feels that no matter what aspect he is in, except Except for the identity that was born that day and cannot be determined and changed by himself, he is better than Hu Ergan. Therefore, Kang Gulu felt unsatisfied, felt that it was unfair, and felt that he had to compete for this unfairness. OK.

This is what Zhang Fan thinks. Maybe when the time comes, no matter how much Kang Gulu has prepared and how fully he has prepared, he may not be able to succeed. Maybe Hu Ergan will be the leader, but it is obvious that Kang Gulu is so If there is a disturbance, there will definitely be troubles in the Hada Department in the future.

In this way, the Hada tribe, which is already prosperous at that time, will be in trouble, and the Hada tribe will not have the opportunity to lead this Jurchen.

But by doing so, wouldn't it make Hada's tribe in trouble, and also make other Jurchen tribes resist? If so, wouldn't it be contrary to what the court wanted to do at the beginning?

But Zhang Fan didn't think this would be a problem. If Zhang Fan really realized that the Hada tribe could no longer lead the Jurchen at that time, then he would persuade the imperial court to help, and he wanted to do this. At that time, there is no need for Zhang Fan to say anything, and the court will not sit idly by. In this way, the court will be able to control the Hada Department more firmly, and thus control the entire Liaodong through the Hada Department.

Of course, even if all this happened, even if Zhang Fan really expected it to happen, it would be a very long time, and I don't know how many years later, but even so, Zhang Fan still firmly believed in this, so he also You have to prepare early.

Now, after Kang Gulu came to him and said this matter, Zhang Fan immediately reacted and knew immediately that this was an opportunity for both himself and the court. Besides, this It doesn't take much effort for Zhang Fan to do this, just treat it as an investment in the future, if it really happens in the future, that's even better, but if the expected troubles don't happen in the future, then Zhang Fan won't I don't think this matter is a big deal, after all, I don't pay a lot.

Having figured this out, Zhang Fan smiled at Kang Gulu, and said, "Your Majesty, please speak up. If you have any difficulties, feel free to say so. Zhang will help you within his capacity."

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