The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1852 is coming

For her, what Zhang Fan said was almost heartless, but everything was for the sake of the child. In short, no matter how great the grievance was in her heart, Fang Yueling agreed and planned to do what Zhang Fan said. Do, even in her heart, there is still no way to let go of this matter now, but at the very least, she will leave Zhang Yi with the best memories during the period before Zhang Yi leaves, and Zhang Yi will recall it in the future When looking at the situation at home, I will only remember my mother's smile, not the sad and depressed expression on her face now.

It sounds so wrong to do so. Although people live in the world, all kinds of emotions must be concealed, and all kinds of performances must be faked, but in the face of my family, I The same is true for my children. This kind of thing is really wrong.

But after all, Zhang Yi's situation is a bit special, and for Fang Yueling, she will obey Zhang Fan, and follow Zhang Fan's method to do this against her will, there is no other way.

For Fang Yueling, even though this is just the beginning, in fact, she has accumulated a lot of helplessness and complaints in her heart, and she wants to vent it, but at the same time, Fang Yueling also understands that she is still completely It's not the time for me to vent, because Zhang Yi is still there.

Zhang Fan can see it somewhat, but also, Zhang Fan also knows that Fang Yueling will not say anything nonsense now, and after Zhang Yi leaves, Zhang Fan will let Fang Yueling do whatever she wants to do, Zhang Fan will not But now, Zhang Yi is still at home, so this last period of time must be spent well, and Zhang Yi must not feel any sadness.

In short, even if she didn't want to, during this period of time, Fang Yueling was really going to be wronged, but there was really no other way to do this matter, so she had to do so.

For Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan, this matter was settled in this way, and for the two of them, although it only took a short time for them to make this decision, for the two of them For Fang Yueling and Zhang Fan, and especially for Fang Yueling, this decision was very painful for her.

But there is no way, all this is for the children, and for parents, as long as it is for the children, there is no problem of worrying about their own gains and losses. As long as it is for the children, no matter how much the parents pay, the parents As far as it is concerned, it is all willing.

For Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling, although this change didn't take long, it took them a lot of suffering to make up their minds.

As for Zhang Yi, he was a little at a loss, because after all, he didn't know what kind of things he was about to face, so he was unprepared. In his opinion, he was still very serious about himself before, even on weekdays, Even though he knew that he was very happy in his heart, but his mother rarely showed a happy look on his face, now he saw that Fang Yueling's face was smiling more.

This is the change that Zhang Yi discovered overnight, and for this change, Zhang Yi obviously didn't know what was going on, and it made him very strange.

However, Zhang Yi doesn't hate this kind of sudden change. In other words, he likes it very much. The mothers of Zhang Yi's brothers and sisters, the aunts at home, Zhang Yi has always been a child since he was sensible. It can be seen that their faces are always full of smiles, although their smiles are not only for their children, but also for her, but for Zhang Yi, even they When he treats them like his own flesh and blood, and Zhang Yi treats these aunts like his own mothers, but the problem is that no matter how he meets, his biological mother is Fang Yueling after all, not them.

Therefore, whenever Zhang Yi played with his brothers and sisters, he would always be more or less envious of them.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yi really worked very hard to see the smile on his mother's face that was rarely shown, but he was still too young. Xiaoxiao noticed this, but for Zhang Yi, he still didn't know what to do. He didn't try his best to please his mother. He was too young to understand these things. All he could do was Do everything that Fang Yueling told him.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi disobeyed his mother for the first time since he became sensible, that is, that time he was determined to practice martial arts, and since then, Zhang Yi has never done anything to make his mother angry After all, when Fang Yueling taught him to practice, as long as it was what Fang Yueling said, Zhang Yi absolutely agreed to it, and this kind of promise was not just verbal. After all, when practicing, there must be Actual actions, so Zhang Yi not only promised Fang Yueling that he would do this, but he also really did it himself, and he worked so hard, all he wanted was to make his mother happy.

Perhaps, Zhang Yi has already discovered that it's not that his mother doesn't like him, so he doesn't smile at him, but because his mother is like this, and she is not born to like to show her smile on her face all the time. Of course, after so many years, compared to the original Fang Yueling, the current Fang Yueling is much better in this respect, but even so, for Zhang Yi, this is still not enough.

Zhang Yi knew that his mother didn't like to laugh, but she wasn't too young, so now Zhang Yi is trying to do everything well, as long as Fang Yueling orders him, he will try his best to do it, and he also knows , when the mother saw him working so hard, she was very happy. Although this child had no experience, he could feel that his mother was happy.

And gradually, for Zhang Yi, he didn't expect his mother to smile at him every day. As long as he knew that he didn't make his mother angry and that his mother was happy, that was enough. If Zhang Yi can see the smile on his mother's face, then Zhang Yi is naturally very happy. It can be said that every time Fang Yueling smiles in front of Zhang Yi, until now, all of them have been firmly remembered by Zhang Yi. In his heart, he has not forgotten at all.

But from this day on, Zhang Yi suddenly discovered that his mother has changed a lot. Fang Yueling, who didn't always put a smile on her face, but only showed it occasionally, now sees When he was, no, it should mean that when Zhang Yi saw Fang Yueling, he could always see that she was facing him with a smile on her face.

Zhang Yi doesn't know what's going on, and he doesn't even know whether his mother is so happy because of himself, but these are not important to Zhang Yi now, the important thing is that his mother is happy.

After all, Zhang Yi is still young, and for him now, his request is very simple, he does not need a reason, nor does he need to know why his mother is so happy, even though he knows his It's not because of himself that his mother is so happy now, and this does make him a little disappointed, but even so, for Zhang Yi, as long as he can see a smile on his mother's face, This is completely enough, as for other things, he doesn't need to think about it any more.

However, even though Zhang Yi is very young, he just stays in pursuit of the appearance of many things and does not go into details, but even so, Zhang Yi can still see that his mother, the smile on her face, It reveals a bit of weirdness. Of course, for Zhang Yi who is young and lacks experience, it is not easy to see this. It is also difficult for him to figure out why this is the case. It is really difficult for some strong people.

However, this matter did not linger in Zhang Yi's mind for a long time, not even for two hours, and he put this idea behind him, not because of anything else, but because of Zhang Yi , or in other words, for Zhang Yi today, these problems are not important at all. The most important thing is that he can see the smile on his mother's face, which is completely enough.

All in all, although for Zhang Yi, this kind of change in his mother came suddenly, and there was a little weirdness in it that he could feel, but in general, even if all of these weirdnesses were added up, but For Zhang Yi, it can't compare to the smile on his mother's face that he can see at any time. Therefore, Zhang Yi has no intention of thinking about those things that he can't understand. He just wants to enjoy the present. That's all.

Moreover, facing his mother's smile, Zhang Yi has also changed a lot. Compared with a mature man of his age, Zhang Yi now looks more like a man of his age. I am now a child, and I can hear his laughter more often when playing with my brothers and sisters, and the happy look on his face is really not fake at all, even more so. It makes me happy to see it.

Moreover, although Zhang Yi is now happier because of his mother's smile, and plays more like a child of his age, he has never let go of martial arts training, and it is still the same as before. It was taught by Fang Yueling, so he will be meticulous and try his best to do it. Although Zhang Yi is young, he understands that if he wants to really make his mother happy, his own actions are equally important.

As far as Fang Yueling is concerned, although everything is for the child, she did agree, but even so, she always feels uncomfortable in her heart, and always feels that she is simply cheating the child by doing so. Usually, of course, this is entirely because Fang Yueling herself has experienced too little of this kind of family warmth, and she is also very rigid in doing things, so she is so serious about this matter.

But when she did this, she found out that Zhang Yi also became happy, and she knew that there was nothing wrong with doing this, and even Fang Yueling now felt a little regretful in her heart, regretting why At the beginning, if I didn't do this earlier, it would have made Zhang Yi happier, but now, although it has already started, it seems to be a bit late, which makes Fang Yueling worry about gain and loss again.

However, during this period of time, it was not just their mother and son who were like this. Although Zhang Fan said that he still had to go to the court every day, there were things he had to deal with in the Yamen. Many things cannot be said because now my son is about to leave, so I have to take a leave of absence and stay with him at home all day, and Zhang Fan also understands that doing so is not a good thing. Although Zhang Yi is not old, but for These things are not without feeling at all. If he does this, it will be bad if Zhang Yi becomes suspicious.

Of course, this is actually nothing to worry about. After all, Zhang Yi is so young, no matter how smart he is, such a thing is simply impossible, but even so, Zhang Fan does not want to do it , everything works fine.

However, Zhang Fan is the same now, as long as he returns home, he must go to see Zhang Yi first. Although he is a father, but at the same time, as a man, there are certain things, sometimes, no matter how big the desire in his heart is, But there is no way to express it so clearly like a woman, or to make a huge change. As a man, many things, even if he wants to, can only be kept in his heart, silently To bear, women have the reserve of women, and men also have the persistence of men, that's the thing.

But for Zhang Yi, Zhang Fan can be like this, but for Fang Yueling, Zhang Fan can't just be like this.

Maybe now Fang Yueling can always put on a happy look in front of Zhang Yi, but the more she is like this, the more uncomfortable she feels in her heart, especially at night, when this kind of discomfort is most obvious, and Whenever this time comes, Fang Yueling really wants to vent, but this kind of venting, but she can't shout loudly, not because of anything else, but because she is afraid that Zhang Yi will hear it. Similarly, it is impossible to go to the hospital Practice martial arts, let yourself sweat, and vent your mood.

All Fang Yueling can do now is to lock herself in the room and release her feelings so slowly in a way that won't affect much. To put it bluntly, that is to cry.

It seems that Fang Yueling didn't cry a few times when she was a child. Even when she grew up, even when her father was kidnapped, even if she was a girl, she still had to shoulder the responsibility of the entire Five Poison Sect. At the same time as being a father, he had to endure troubles caused by those disobedient guys in the school.

Even Fang Yueling has experienced so much suffering, but no matter what it is, it never made her cry, but now, because of Zhang Yi's matter, Fang Yueling almost shed tears every night, it seems that it was because there was nothing in the past. I have cried before, but it has accumulated to this day, and I want to cry all at once.

Facing Fang Yueling like this, how could Zhang Fan ignore it, so Zhang Fan spent every night in Fang Yueling's room during this time, just to comfort her and not make her too sad.

Although saying the same sentence, perhaps Zhang Fan had to say it to Fang Yueling several times not just every day, but obviously, facing the current situation, no matter how many times he said it, it was not enough. , but Zhang Fan will not be bored, he can understand the pain in Fang Yueling's heart now, in fact, Zhang Fan himself is not like this.

However, the difference is that Zhang Fan is a man. Although a man has a lot of power, he also has a lot of restrictions. For example, for this matter, perhaps for Fang Yueling, she can do it at night without any scruples. To vent out, Zhang Fan will be by her side, comforting her tirelessly.

However, the pain in Zhang Fan's heart is no less than that of Fang Yueling, but Zhang Fan has nowhere to vent, and no one will comfort him like he comforted Fang Yueling. This is the responsibility that a man should have, and in the responsibility At the same time, you have to endure this loneliness by yourself.

Time is passing by gradually, and Zhang Fan can also hear the news from below, knowing that Fang Zhenqian is getting closer to the capital day by day, which means that the days when Zhang Yi is about to leave will also be getting closer day by day. near.

Although Zhang Fan is still a little sad about this matter, Zhang Fan has already made up his mind. Since there is no way to change this matter, he can only agree. Separated from Zhang Yi, but it is not impossible to see him at all. If Zhang Fan wants to see him in the future, there are still many opportunities. nothing.

More importantly, Zhang Fan understands that if Zhang Yi embarks on this path, his future achievements may not be able to be named marquis and general, but they are not bad, and even compared to the officialdom, he will be much more free , This is a good thing for Zhang Yi's future. Even if it makes him feel sad now, it cannot ruin the child's future just because of the parents' sadness and reluctance. I've made up my mind, let's do this.

But even so, or because he knew it was bound to happen, Zhang Fan still hoped that that day would come later.

It's just that time doesn't wait for anyone, and what should come will always come,

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