Mrs. Zhao and Fang Zhenqian went in and talked for a long time. Zhang Fan had never been like this before. His desire to know something had reached an unbelievable level. Dare to listen to what happened, how the two of them talked, not that Zhang Fan was afraid of being discovered by Fang Zhenqian inside, or that he knew in his heart that Fang Zhenqian would not care about this matter at all. The reason why Zhang Fan didn't go was because he didn't dare to go. Although he had confirmed the matter, even though Zhao's answer just now was not a no-go, it was to let Zhang Fan know that there was no hope for this matter. But even so, Zhang Fan still didn't want to hear it. Perhaps to him, it didn't matter if the answer came a little later, but at least it wasn't now.

But in fact, it is still the same sentence, this matter has basically been settled, no matter what Zhang Fan thinks about this matter, or Zhao Shi has talked with Fang Zhenqian for so long now, but Zhang Fan understands in his heart, In the current situation, it is really impossible to change this matter. It can be said that this matter has been determined.

After a long while, Mrs. Zhao and Fang Zhenqian came out. Zhang Fan hurriedly looked over, but found that Mrs. Zhao's face was as calm as before, but Fang Zhenqian's face was no longer the same as before. Zhang Fan was a little surprised, because what he saw was different from what he had imagined.

In Zhang Fan's imagination, the result should be that this matter has been settled, and after that, the expression on his mother's face did not change. This is what Zhang Fan can imagine, but the question is why Fang Zhenqian's face That confident smile disappeared, which was beyond Zhang Fan's expectation, and he couldn't figure it out.

If this matter goes according to what he thinks, that is to say, Zhao agreed to let Fang Zhenqian take Zhang Yi away, then obviously, after Fang Zhenqian learned that the purpose of his trip can be achieved, no matter what he thinks. He should be very happy. At the very least, the smile on his face should not disappear, but now, seeing Fang Zhenqian like this, Zhang Fan couldn't figure it out.

But it was just that he couldn't figure it out, Zhang Fan didn't get excited again, and once again wondered if things had turned for the better, because the previous time, Zhang Fan had already understood that this matter was the trend of the times, and it was not at all. It can be easily changed, and now, it is even more impossible for him to judge what happened to this matter just by the smiles on the faces of the two of them.

But even so, Zhang Fan still wanted to know what the two of them said just now.

"In-laws," Zhao said just as Zhang Fan was wondering if he should ask, "I'll do what we agreed on about Yi'er, it's doable."

"I agree," Fang Zhenqian also looked at Zhao Shi and said, "Since we have already agreed to this matter, then we must do this."

"Then now, there is only one thing left," said Zhao, turning her head to look at Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling, "This matter is Yi'er's own matter. Agree to put it aside first, the key still depends on him. Now I agree to everything my in-laws said, but I also said that I will let Yi Er come back once every year during the Chinese New Year. He also agreed to this point, but , in the final analysis, whether Yi Er wants to go to Sichuan or not is still up to Yi Er's own decision. If Yi Er agrees and wants to go, then we can't force it; but if Yi Er doesn't want to leave here, that's absolutely impossible of,"

"That's right, that's what happened," Fang Zhenqian nodded solemnly.

Hearing this, Zhang Fan finally understood what was going on. Mrs. Zhao must have agreed to Fang Zhenqian's request to pick up Yi'er, but at the same time, Mrs. Zhao didn't want to see Yi'er for too long. , So this is what I asked Fang Zhenqian to ask him to come back every year during the Chinese New Year.

Perhaps this was different from Fang Zhenqian's original plan, and Zhang Fan didn't know what method his mother used, but he did know that Fang Zhenqian had obviously agreed to this condition.

Just here, Zhang Fan already admired his mother very much. This matter was very difficult for him and Fang Yueling, or Fang Zhenqian would never agree to it, and the two of them were so familiar with each other. Everyone in Fang Zhenqian felt that this matter was useless, but it was done by Mrs. Zhao who met Fang Zhenqian for the first time, which made Zhang Fan admire.

Afterwards, Mrs. Zhao also brought up the idea that Zhang Fan told him before, what should be done about this matter, or whether to answer or not, the words of the adults actually don't count. The key is to see Zhang Fan. How does Yi look at this matter? If Zhang Yi himself agrees and wants to go to Sichuan and practice martial arts, then there is no reason to stop him, but if Zhang Yi does not agree and does not want to leave his Parents, of course, Fang Zhenqian can't let Fang Zhenqian take them away.

This condition seems normal, but it is actually beneficial to the Zhang family. After all, Zhang Yi is still young, and children are always afraid of unfamiliar environments, so Zhang Yi does not want the possibility of going. is very large.

However, when Zhang Fan first started thinking about this matter, he was also worried that Fang Zhenqian would not agree to the proposal and would take him away without asking Zhang Yi, but now Fang Zhenqian agreed.

But now that Zhang Fan thinks about it, he can more or less understand why Fang Zhenqian agreed to this condition. The reason why he took Zhang Yi away was to teach him martial arts so that he could inherit the position of leader of the Five Poison Sect in the future. With the father-son relationship between Zhang Yi and Zhang Fan, the future of the Five Poison Sect will be stronger.

In this way, let alone the last thing that made the Five Poisons Sect grow stronger, if Zhang Yi is a person who does not like to use martial arts, he has no interest in learning martial arts, and he is not interested in being the leader of the Five Poisons Sect. If Fang Zhenqian wanted to live comfortably, even if Fang Zhenqian forcibly took him away and taught him martial arts, he would not follow the path that Fang Zhenqian hoped for in the future, and the difference would even be huge.

Therefore, Fang Zhenqian's doing this can be regarded as a gamble on the possibility of his grandson, who has never seen him before. If Zhang Yi, who is only so old, has developed a huge interest in learning martial arts, then all of this is also a big deal. Not to mention, Fang Zhenqian was betting right, but if Zhang Yi had no interest in these things, then it would be useless for Fang Zhenqian to take him away.

It can be said that Fang Zhenqian gambled really big this time, even betting on the future of himself and the Five Poison Sect. Moreover, this matter is only on the surface, or it has never been known to anyone. Fang Zhenqian, who had met Zhang Yi, said that his risk was very high.

However, Zhang Fan, who was very familiar with Zhang Yi, knew that Fang Zhenqian probably made the right bet this time.

He sighed again in his heart, Zhang Fan wanted to find someone to bring Zhang Yi over, but Fang Yueling stopped him and brought Zhang Yi over in person, and seeing Zhang Fan like Fang Yueling, he couldn't help but He sighed again. How could Zhang Fan not know Fang Yueling's current mood? It can be said that Zhang Fan was sure that Fang Yueling knew about it. Well, for Fang Yueling today, the chances to see her son are getting less and less, and it is worthwhile to see her son more often. But for Fang Yueling, this is obviously not enough.

Not long after, Fang Yueling brought Zhang Yi here, and Zhang Fan could clearly see that Fang Zhenqian's eyes glowed after seeing Zhang Yi. Obviously, Fang Yueling might have started practicing martial arts through Zhang Yi. This is the only way to see that Zhang Yi is a good seed who can practice martial arts quickly, and Wang Meng has also met Zhang Yi. He doesn't need to watch Zhang Yi practice martial arts at all. He can draw the same conclusion just by looking at him. How could Fang Zhenqian, who was on par with Wang Meng, not be able to see it.

Zhang Fan can even imagine that Fang Zhenqian must be extremely excited at this moment. For his grandson, his martial arts are so suitable for him. Of course, this is just to say that Zhang Yi is a good material for martial arts, but he doesn't know what he will do. Whether he can do a good job as the leader in the future, but for Fang Zhenqian, what the leader should do can be taught slowly later, but the future achievements of martial arts and talent are still very important, at least Yes, now he knows that Zhang Yi is a good piece of material for martial arts, and he will definitely be able to achieve something in martial arts in the future.

For Fang Zhenqian, it is actually enough to know this. As long as Zhang Yi can practice martial arts well, then there will be no problem. , but it doesn't matter at all. After all, his father Zhang Fan is still there. Since Zhang Fan is his father, it is impossible not to take good care of him. In this way, Fang Zhenqian does not have to worry at all. Ask whether there will be any troubles under Zhang Yi's leadership, or even if there are troubles, as long as Zhang Fan is there, it will not be a problem at all.

It can be said that Fang Zhenqian has planned everything at all. No matter what he does, he will be able to get what he wants. The only thing he bet on is actually whether Zhang Yi is a martial arts practitioner or not. This is a good material, and now, when he saw Zhang Yi, he also confirmed this point. After knowing this, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

Moreover, Fang Zhenqian knows more than that. Even if he just glanced at Zhang Yi, Fang Zhenqian, as one of the best masters in the world, understands many things. He not only knows that Zhang Yi is a martial arts master Good material, and knowing that Zhang Yi has already started practicing martial arts.

Fang Zhenqian is not a fool, he is very smart, he understands, let alone what Zhang Fan thinks, but his daughter Fang Yueling absolutely opposes the fact that he wants to take Zhang Yi away. It is also impossible to take the initiative to teach Zhang Yi to practice martial arts, but now, seeing Zhang Yi, he knows that Zhang Yi has already started to practice martial arts, so there is only one possibility, that is, Zhang Yi himself asked for it Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for Fang Yueling to take the initiative to teach Zhang Yi to practice martial arts.

In other words, the kid Zhang Yi is obviously very interested in martial arts, so this news is excellent news for Fang Zhengan. Since Zhang Yi is interested in martial arts, Fang Zhenqian Confident, Zhang Yi would never refuse his grandfather, who is one of the best in martial arts, to teach him martial arts. That is to say, now Fang Zhenqian can be sure that he can take Zhang Yi away this time.

Therefore, although Fang Zhenqian's face was not as happy as before after a long talk with Zhao just now, but calmed down, but now, when he saw Zhang Yi, his face was very obvious He looked happy again.

"Father, grandma," Zhang Yi greeted everyone when he arrived, but he looked at Fang Zhenqian curiously, and did not speak. Zhang Fan knew that it must be because Fang Yueling never told him that his grandfather was here. Yes, thinking of this, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh again.

"Yi'er, come here," Zhang Fan called Zhang Yi, brought him in front of Fang Zhenqian, and said to him, "This is your grandfather, who came all the way from Sichuan just to see Look at you, you still haven't paid your respects to grandpa,"

Little Zhang Yi naturally didn't have that much thought, or he completely believed in his father, and since his father said so, he believed that things must be like this, so Zhang Yi simply knelt on the side of Fang Zhenqian. before.

Fang Zhenqian was naturally very happy, he quickly squatted down, helped Zhang Yi up, and just squatted in front of Zhang Yi, Fang Zhenqian's eyes could be said to be looking at Zhang Yi motionlessly, while he was watching like this, The smile on his face deepened, and even the voice of "good, good" came out unconsciously. Obviously, Fang Zhenqian was very satisfied with this grandson he met for the first time, and Zhang Yi could be said to be completely in line with him. Fang Zhenqian is very happy about this.

However, some people are happy and some are worried. Fang Zhenqian is very satisfied and very happy with Zhang Yi, and the smile is shown on his face without concealing it. However, Fang Yueling has no good feelings for this, or it is her own. The more the father saw his son happy, the more it was a bad omen for Fang Yueling.

Of course, there is no need to say anything about the omen now, because this matter can basically be confirmed, but no matter what the omen is, it is obviously not a good thing for Fang Yueling All in all, the current situation may be very interesting to Zhang Yi, but Fang Yueling doesn't really want to see this situation.

"Yi'er is six years old this year." Fang Zhenqian looked at Zhang Yi, as if he was asking, or talking to himself, "When did you start practicing martial arts?"

"It was last year." Zhang Yi was not a shy child. Moreover, after Zhang Fan said that the person in front of him was his grandfather, Zhang Yi also knew that the person in front of him was his relative, and at the same time, he also He was very curious about his grandfather, even if it was just the two of them who had just met, he felt that Fang Zhenqian was very close to him for some reason, so it was not unfamiliar at all, "No, Only a little over eight months,"

"Oh," Fang Zhenqian showed a look of liking for Zhang Yi's frankness, "did your mother teach you?"

"Yes," Zhang Yi nodded, and replied, "At the beginning, mother was not willing. It was Yi'er who insisted on begging mother, and thanks to father's help, mother agreed to teach me."

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, Fang Zhenqian's expression seemed a little surprised. Fang Yueling didn't want to teach Zhang Yi martial arts. With Zhang Fan's help, Fang Yueling agreed to teach Zhang Yi martial arts, which surprised Fang Zhenqian.

From Fang Zhenqian's point of view, he is very clear about his daughter's thoughts, and it is the same for him, if his daughter has this kind of thoughts, then Zhang Fan obviously has the same thoughts, Fang Yueling doesn't want this, Then Zhang Fan also didn't want that, so Fang Zhenqian never imagined that Zhang Fan would actually help Zhang Yi persuade Fang Yueling to teach him martial arts.

But this kind of surprise didn't last long, maybe it wasn't something surprising to Fang Zhenqian, or maybe it just saved him some trouble.

"Yi'er, your mother only taught you Zama, did she teach you any kung fu?"

"Mother taught me something," Zhang Yi said very honestly, his voice was very immature, but his words were very firm.

"Let me see if Yi'er can type it out,"

"Well," Zhang Yi nodded, then stood up a little, put on a posture, and moved.

On the other hand, Fang Zhenqian looked at Zhang Yi with great interest. Although Zhang Yi's attack was not a move at all, it didn't matter to Fang Zhenqian. Maybe he just wanted to see Zhang Yi. It's all about Yi, but now that Zhang Yi moved, Fang Zhenqian's expression became even happier. Although he had already seen that Zhang Yi was a good material for martial arts before, but now that Zhang Yi moves, he sees it more clearly. In this way, how could he be unhappy.

"Good, good, good," Fang Zhenqian said three good things in a row when Zhang Yi finished his practice.

And even Zhang Fan knew that Fang Zhengan must be praising Zhang Yi's talent.

"Yi'er, you are really a good material for martial arts," Fang Zhenqian smiled and squatted in front of Zhang Yi again, and said to him, "Would you like to go back to Sichuan with me and let me teach you how to practice martial arts?"

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