The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1860 The Dust Settles

Regarding the current problem, to be honest, Zhang Yi has a hard time making a choice. However, the hard thing for Zhang Yi to make a choice is not because he has difficulty choosing whether to pursue what he is interested in, or because he can't let go of his parents. It's not this question. In fact, at this time, Zhang Yi already has the answer in his heart.

Zhang Yi's answer is that he is indeed very interested in the matter Fang Zhenqian raised. Perhaps for him, even if he is only a child, even if he is not very old, but he has no change in his family. So since he was sensible, he has already noticed something wrong with his mother's appearance, or for Zhang Yi, a son, who just let go of his parents so easily and wanted to go to other places It's really a little wrong, but in fact, for Zhang Yi, he is a child after all, so many things can't just be seen with the eyes of adults.

In other words, in fact, Zhang Yi already has a plan in his heart now, that is, he hopes to accept his grandfather's proposal to go to Sichuan with him to practice martial arts.

And Zhang Yi looked back at his parents, the question in his eyes was not asking them whether he should agree, but asking whether he could go.

In just such a moment, although Zhang Yi did not open his mouth to express his wishes, he had actually made a choice, and Zhang Fan, after seeing the expression on Zhang Yi's face, also understood , His son has indeed decided what to do.

They have made this matter very clear before, that is, what should be done about this matter, they will completely follow Zhang Yi's opinion, as long as Zhang Yi agrees, then let him go; but if Zhang Yi disagrees, Zhang Fan and the others will not give in, but now, Zhang Yi has made a decision, that is, he hopes to follow him to Sichuan, and let Fang Zhengan teach him martial arts.

In fact, Zhang Fan is not the only one who has seen Zhang Yi's plan just from his eyes, and even Fang Yueling has already seen it. Therefore, for Fang Yueling, there is no last ray of hope. up.

However, Fang Yueling, who now knows about this matter, is not as desperate as before, but looks relieved. Before, for Fang Yueling, this matter really made it difficult for her to make a choice. Perhaps if only It’s just about Zhang Yi’s own problems, so obviously, whether he is allowed to stay here or go to the capital with Fang Zhenqian, there is actually no big difference. No matter which way it is, it will affect Zhang Yi’s future The advantage is, and the difference is that, as a mother, it will be very difficult for her to see her son in the future. Similarly, she is also worried about what Zhang Yi will do if he thinks about himself.

But after that, under Zhang Fan's persuasion, Fang Yueling figured out how to make this matter, that is, to hand over the decision-making power to Zhang Yi himself. After all, this is also his own business. What should his future path be? It's better to let him decide for himself.

It's just that there have been many changes in this matter since then, and these changes have caused Fang Yueling's heart to fluctuate, but now, at this point, Zhang Yi has already made a decision, so for Fang Yueling, There is no need for her to insist on what she wants. Now that Zhang Yi has made his decision, he should be allowed to follow the path he has decided on. Parents should support their children behind their backs, not hinder.

Therefore, now that Fang Yueling has made up her mind when she sees Zhang Yi, naturally there is nothing to say. Even Zhang Yi's decision can be regarded as letting Fang Yueling let go of those chaotic thoughts in her heart, but be faithful to her. Now what I see in front of my eyes is clear.

"Yi'er, come here," Zhang Fan beckoned to his son.

Perhaps because he knew what his father wanted to tell him, or because he just obeyed his father's order, Zhang Yi is now wondering whether his parents will agree to the idea in his heart. Although he is young, he is also I know, this kind of thing cannot be decided by himself. What to do, the result still depends on how his parents decide. Of course, how could the young Zhang Yi think of it? In fact, his parents have already He left the decision on this matter to himself.

Seeing Zhang Yi coming in front of him, Zhang Fan also squatted down, with a smile on his face, stroked his hair with his hands, and said to him softly: "Yi'er, what do you think about this matter, what do you think?" If you want to stay at home, go to Sichuan with your grandfather and practice martial arts there,"

"Think about it all," Zhang Yi said what a child would say, "My child is reluctant to leave home. There are brothers and sisters at home, as well as parents, and grandma. My child is a little bit reluctant, but I also want to be with my grandpa." I went to Sichuan and asked my grandpa to teach me martial arts, but... But, I don't know what to do, Dad, is Yi'er very useless..." When he said this, Zhang Yi's little head was also low. go down.

"It's normal for you to think so," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "When people make choices, they always worry about gains and losses, and don't know what to do. Let alone Yi'er, even my father and I I will also encounter, no, it can be said that I encounter such things every day. At such an old age, my father still hesitates on many things, but no matter how much you hesitate, you will always have to decide in the end. It takes a decision to be made. People can't hesitate forever. Some things have to be settled. How to make a decision, dad will teach you here.

"Now you don't know whether you should stay at home or go to Sichuan to practice martial arts with your grandpa. Dad understands your concerns, but dad wants to ask you, do you want to stay at home more or do you want to be with your grandpa?" Going to Sichuan to practice martial arts, "

"This..." Perhaps Zhang Yi didn't understand what Zhang Fan was saying before, but he could hear what Zhang Fan heard later, and this matter, for Zhang Yi, , he had already thought about it a long time ago, "My son wants to go to Sichuan with grandpa to practice martial arts,"

"Look, in this way, you have made a decision." Zhang Fan still had a smile on his face. Even though what Zhang Yi said was not what he wanted to hear, Zhang Fan still agreed. Very happy, "No matter how difficult this matter is for you to choose, there will always be some weight in your heart, and at this time, you have to consider what you want. It's not hard to decide,"

"Well," although Zhang Yi still didn't quite understand Zhang Fan's words, he still nodded with a vague understanding. Perhaps it sounds to him now that Zhang Fan let him encounter this kind of situation. At that time, it depends on what you think. Maybe this is a good thing for Zhang Yi. As for the future, when he grows up, Zhang Fan believes that Zhang Yi will figure out what these words mean. of.

"That is to say, father has already agreed to the baby," Zhang Yi came back to his senses, and understood that his father had obviously agreed to let him go to Sichuan with his grandfather, and Zhang Yi was also happy because of this. Get up, "Then can my grandpa go to Sichuan?"

"Well," Zhang Fan looked at Zhang Yi, nodded, and said, "This is something you have decided on yourself. Since you have decided on your own, I don't want to change it. If you think it's good to do so, then you should Do it, this thing, I agree, "

"Great," Zhang Yi danced happily when he heard that Zhang Fan had agreed to this matter. Obviously, this matter was really attractive to him, and now that Zhang Fan agreed, he should also accept it. Really happy.

However, he was bouncing around happily, and after a while, Zhang Yi stopped, not because of anything else, but because he saw his mother. Fang Yueling didn't show any joy or sadness because of this incident. Zhang Yi suddenly woke up, thinking of this matter, although his father agreed, but his mother hadn't expressed his position yet, which made Zhang Yi a little bit Worried.

And maybe it was because of what happened to Zhang Fan just now, so this time Zhang Yi was not as scared as before, but walked up to his mother very actively.

Although he was still a little scared, it was obvious that after what Zhang Fan said just now, Zhang Yi became a little more daring, and he took the initiative to speak to Fang Yueling and said, "Mother, do you agree to let the child and grandpa go to Sichuan? "

Fang Yueling, who had been silent just now, did not move until Zhang Yi opened her mouth. Similarly, when she squatted down and looked at Zhang Yi, Fang Yueling also showed a smile on her face, although her smile was actually There is still a lot of reluctance, but it is not entirely the case, and there is also an element of joy in it.

"As long as this matter is what you want, mother and father will not stop you," Fang Yueling said to Zhang Yi, but after saying this, Fang Yueling temporarily put away her smile and became a little more serious "However, since you have chosen this path, you can't relax in the future. Just like what mother told you before, practicing martial arts is really hard and there is no shortcut. Yours is determined by how many generations of talents. You must not play any tricks before you have completed your studies, you know." Fang Yueling's words are actually unnecessary to Zhang Yi, because Zhang Yi is not a child who can play tricks like this. Although he is indeed smart, his smartness has never been used for this. Even if it is very boring basic skills, Zhang Yi can still persevere. So it's just because of relationship.

"Mother, don't worry, the child knows," Zhang Yi nodded vigorously, and he also smiled on his face. He understood that although his mother said these words to him with a straight face, But he understood that what his mother said was for his own good, so even though Fang Yueling was stern when she said these words, Zhang Yi was still very happy.

Seeing Zhang Yi's appearance, Fang Yueling couldn't bear it any longer. She stood up, turned around, and said, "I'm a little tired, so I'll go back first." After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for anyone else. He said nothing, and left by himself.

And Zhang Fan watched Fang Yueling leave, originally he wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything, he knew Fang Yueling, even though she had accepted this matter now, but parting was imminent, Fang Yueling would definitely It's unbearable, maybe, she will leave like this, thinking about it, she couldn't hold back her tears.

Thinking of these, Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Turning his head to look at Fang Zhenqian, Zhang Fan said to him: "Since this matter has been settled, when do you plan to leave?"

"It's not in a hurry," Fang Zhenqian's biggest goal of this trip has been achieved, so he is not in a hurry to do anything, and said with a smile, "No matter what I say this time, I have traveled so far Lu, I am getting old after all, so I am not too anxious. I plan to stay here for a few days before taking Yi'er back.

"Besides, this matter must have been very sudden to Yi Er. Although he agreed, he didn't say goodbye to his brothers and sisters. It's just a few days, let him have fun. Well, when he goes back, he wants to play, but I'm afraid he won't be able to find anyone, so take advantage of these few days and let him relax, too."

Nodding his head, Zhang Fan finally understood that perhaps there was a conflict between them and Fang Zhenqian regarding Zhang Yi's matter, but for Zhang Yi himself, no matter which side they were on, it was Zhang Yi. His relatives and elders all hope that Zhang Yi will be well in the future. Of course, there may be differences, that is, Fang Zhenqian's thoughts are more or less his own, but this is nothing. so it is.

All of a sudden, Zhang Fan felt that for so many years, he and Fang Yueling had almost become heartbroken because of this matter. It was really not worth it. Let it be.

Looking at it now, no matter how much they didn't want it back then, this thing still happened. In that case, wouldn't it be a bit silly to do so much at the beginning? Thinking of this, Zhang Fan wanted to Laughing, but can't think of anything.

"In this case, let's wait a few more days," Zhang Fan said with a smile, "Speaking of which, this is the first time father-in-law has come to the capital. My lord, take a look at the capital of our Great Ming Dynasty."

Hearing Zhang Fan call himself that for the first time, Fang Zhenqian was really surprised. After all, Fang Yueling's identity in the Zhang family was a concubine, and Zhang Fan didn't need to call him that, but Fang Zhenqian couldn't help but feel happy when Zhang Fan said this. ,

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