The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1868 Kill 1 as an example

recent.Zhang Juzheng began to worry again. The "One Whip Law" has been implemented for some time.And the effect is pretty good.Logically speaking.He should have nothing to worry about.But the actual situation.But there was no way to make Zhang Juzheng feel at ease.Not for anything else.It is because of the "One Whip Law".

It's been said many times before.In order for the "One Whip Law" to be implemented smoothly.And after it is implemented, it can really play its role.It is no exaggeration for Zhang Juzheng to say that he worked hard.And it's not just Zhang Juzheng alone.Including Zhang Fan and several other members of the cabinet.There are even a few people in the court who agree with this method.All about it.While paying attention.It also helped a lot.Pay a lot of things.

But even so.They are still too few in number.Even these people are powerful people in the court.Even if they add up, there are more than ten people.but.There are a dozen of them.But they have to face under the Ming court.Hundreds of officials.Plus countless local tyrants and landlords.

therefore.A dozen people.How could it be the opponent of these thousands of people?And as said before.Nothing is perfect in the world.This is true both for things and for when Zhang Juzheng and the others looked at him.This "One Whip Method" is already very good.Even after their revisions over and over again.It has also become perfect.But it's only close.It can never be truly perfect.

so.After a period of time.This loophole also appeared naturally.Including those that are not fully specified.Even those not mentioned above.These have become tools for officials in those places to use folk remedies to make money.

Even worse.It is because the place under his jurisdiction is too far away from the capital.The so-called mountains are high and the emperor is far away.I feel that the capital side can't even notice what he has done.Therefore, these people became unscrupulous.even.This "One Whip Method" still gave them more money.

according to rules.Naturally, it must follow the "One Whip Law".But at the same time.above said.To abolish the old system.They did not do so.How to come here before.That is.persons under their jurisdiction.But you have to pay double tax.Even had to serve corvee.

this kind of thing.Definitely a source of unrest.Fortunately, not many people dare to do so.And they are all remote places of the Disciplinary Committee.not to mention.Now there are people from Dongchang watching from the side.These people have not expanded too much.It's just that they are so reckless within the scope of their own small circle.

But even so.Now that this thing has been done.And it is so blatantly oppressing the people.Then it's impossible to hide it.not to mention.The people in the East Factory are not vegetarians.For this matter today.Although they will not take the initiative to find trouble.But they will keep an eye on these people.After all, this is something that Feng Bao has explained several times.These people dare not neglect.

so.this kind of thing.When it actually just happened.It was found out by them.And then passed on.finally.It also won't take long.Zhang Juzheng also knew about it.

When Zhang Juzheng knew about it.Zhang Fan was also there.Even if it's been a month.Zhang Fan still remembered it very clearly.When Zhang Juzheng heard the news.What is the expression on the face.certainly.Perhaps this matter is not a problem for Zhang Fan's extraordinary memory.But now the main thing is.this kind of thing.It's also really surprising.

Actually.Needless to say it was Zhang Juzheng.Even Zhang Fan.When hearing the news.He was also very surprised.At first.Even leaving aside Zhang Juzheng.Just say what he thinks.Honestly.Zhang Fan also considered various situations.He can also figure it out.Wait until the "One Whip Law" is really implemented.At that time, I was afraid of those people below.When just received.It will indeed follow the above.certainly.At the same time, there will be some local people.Turn a blind eye to it.It's just a superficial appearance.But the inside is still in accordance with the original appearance.

These are all very normal things.For Zhang Fan.This kind of thing doesn't matter whether it is in the past life or the present.He has seen and heard too much.But he wanted to come.As time goes by.If things go on gradually.Then in the future.Even if the situation is not as perfect as they had hoped.But this status quo.It will also be greatly changed.Even if there are places.There will still be cases of trickery.But at least.Superficial skills can also be done better.And as long as there is that kind of superficial skill.Then it's time to get up in **.It also becomes very convenient.

But now.Even Zhang Fan didn't think of it.These people below are actually so frenzied.These people don't even care about superficial skills.At most, it's just a name.But they are local.Really don't care.Just do what you have to do.It can even be said that it is.How to make money and how to do it.It can be said that the behavior of corrupt officials oppressing the people has been developed to the extreme.

Money is not life this sentence.Everyone knows.But Zhang Fan always felt that.Even this sentence applies to most people.But there must always be a limit.And now.These people have no limits at all.It's all about acting according to your own desires.We know such a thing.How could Zhang Fan not be surprised?

And even Zhang Fan has the viewpoint of future generations.People who are well-informed about such things as corruption will be surprised.Then there is no need to mention Zhang Juzheng.Although he has been in the imperial court for decades.But he was not like Zhang Fan who had heard so many bizarre things.It can be said.Zhang Juzheng.That was really surprising.

But surprises are surprises.It can't be said that because this incident is too surprising, nothing should be done.Just watch it happen.It always takes some action to deal with this kind of thing.Otherwise.That would be a big trouble.

Especially those.On the surface, it is carried out in accordance with the content of the "One Whip Law".But actually.However, the former corvee has not been abolished.He is still a person who asks the people to do various things.Zhang Juzheng is concerned about this kind of thing.No.Not just Zhang Juzheng.No matter who it is.Whether it is those North Korean and Chinese officials who agree or oppose the "One Whip Law".Anyone.Wouldn't want to see this kind of thing.

good.Doing so can indeed make money.And it's still a double.But at the same time.The harm caused by doing so is also extremely huge.

The people who live on this land.It seems that since ancient times, I have been used to accepting this kind of thing.It seems to be how it is stipulated above.And for them.No matter how great ordeal they will suffer because of this.But they are still able to execute faithfully.

but.No matter how submissive the person is.There must always be a limit.

in those days.Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, was just a small pavilion chief who was not popular.Perhaps under many coincidences.But after all.Dissatisfied with the tyranny of Daqin.In short, the rule of Qin was overthrown.So he became the emperor himself.

certainly.Liu Bang's matter is too far away.It cannot be taken over and applied to current affairs.

So let's talk about the most recent.That is naturally Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.Zhu Yuanzhang's birth.It is not as good as Liu Bang.But in the end.Didn't he still lead the troops under his command?Overthrew the violent yuan.So he became the emperor himself.

And the matter of Zhu Yuanzhang.It was also the first time.There really was a peasant uprising.Finally succeeded.And ruled the world.So now that there is this precedent.How could the rulers of Ming not prevent this from happening.

This world belongs to the Zhu family.It's not Zhang Juzheng's.But since Zhang Juzheng dedicated his whole body to the court.Then he has to think about the Zhu family's country.

And now this kind of thing.If you say leave it alone.If you continue to let it go on.This is definitely the germ of reaction.Those people who are double oppressed.Maybe it won't do anything for the time being.All I know is to suffer silently.But go on for a long time.Who can guarantee it.These people cannot bear this oppression.So what to do.

Even now.The scale at which this happens is really very small.And there are very few people who suffer because of this.but.For rulers.This sprout.No matter how much you laugh.They absolutely cannot exist.

Especially for Daming now.To know.Since the establishment of the Ming Dynasty.Until a few years ago.have been in a state of crisis.This is not only because it has always been subject to interference from foreign enemies.Not only those Yuanmeng remnants who were driven back to the north.There are also new Japanese pirates.

at the same time.It also has endless troubles inside.It is not just the rebellion of the minority ethnic groups living in the Ming Dynasty because they were dissatisfied with the rule of the Han people.There are even those that happened among the Han people.There are many people who regard Zhu Yuanzhang as an "idol" and try to get closer to him.It can be said.this kind of thing.It really made Da Mingchao exhausted.

And now.This situation has finally improved.for the coast.Because of the reopening of the sea ban.The imperial court also increased the equipment of warships.In addition, the DPRK and China are rich now.So this kind of thing will not consume too much national power.Although it is said that as the battle in Fusang became more and more intense.The number of Japanese pirates is also increasing.But because Daming paid more and more attention to the defense of the sea.Although this kind of intrusion will still exist.But they are not large in scale.Threats can also be removed immediately.There will never be a situation where Japanese pirates gather and invade on a large scale.

And to the north.After answering the tribute exchange market with me.Daming also helped me calm down the internal instability.Even now.I answer that I am old.I don't think I will live long.But for the Han people who are too knowledgeable about playing tricks.How could such a thing not be considered.therefore.The imperial court also had plans in advance.Started training Tatar successors early.

And internally.The Bo people's rebellion in the southwest.And Wang Gao of Liaodong.It was all cleaned up.Coupled with the proposal of some people in the DPRK.Although the harm of these alien races has been cleared away.However, it did not increase the control over alien races.therefore.Now inside the Ming Dynasty.among those aliens.Perhaps there will still be dissatisfaction with the Han people.But the bare minimum.This dissatisfaction.It is also subtly controlled within a range.Nothing bad will happen absolutely.

even.Even for the Han people themselves.The imperial court also attaches great importance to it now.And the least.From Liaodong to Fujian and Guangdong.These places are also highly valued.Absolutely no rebellion will be allowed here.

now.These external factors are basically under control.And it can really shake the dominance of the Ming Dynasty.It could only be the interior of the Ming Dynasty.

Now.Zhang Juzheng saw such an existence.An existence that cannot be ignored.If it continues, there will definitely be a big mess.

right.It's a mess.Although small.But this kind of thing.It was like wildfire.Nevermind.And once there is kindling.It will quickly ignite the surrounding dead grass that has already been drained of nutrients.Form a prairie fire.

this kind of thing.No one wants that to happen.And especially Zhang Juzheng.He was the last thing he wanted to see happen.Not for anything else.And if it happens.That's because of his "One Whip Method".Even if it is not the direct reason.The "One Whip Method" is definitely an inducement.

because.If there is no "One Whip Law".So although the common people will not be liberated from the state of needing to serve corvee.But after all, this is something that the common people are already familiar with.And in a bearable way too.Even if it is because of this.Occasionally something goes wrong somewhere.But definitely not a big deal.There will be no major disturbances.

But now. The "One Whip Law" was promulgated.If the local officials can strictly enforce it.Do not bend the law for personal gain.Zhang Juzheng believed it.This is a much better thing than it could have been.There will be no problems because of this.But if it comes time.Some places are not strict.I want to keep making some money out of it.Even "two-pronged approach".If the exploitation of the people is even worse.Then the problem will follow.

even though.Now there are people from Dongchang to help.Let nothing go wrong.But be aware.Dongchang is Dongchang after all.Dongchang was not set up to inspect all officials just for Zhang Juzheng's matter.Dongchang has many other things to do.It cannot use up all its manpower just because of this matter.Even if it is very important.Can't do that either.

therefore.As early as when Feng Bao agreed to Zhang Juzheng.It is already very clear.He can only do his best to help with this matter.Zhang Fan's Jinyiwei is completely indistinguishable.And it is impossible for Dongchang to put a person in all the counties of the Ming Dynasty to monitor the local officials.

so.What Zhang Juzheng was worried about.No matter how.It still happens.But for Zhang Juzheng.This kind of thing happens.Nothing surprising.perhaps.Some exceptions would indeed shock him for a while.But after being shocked, I can understand it.This kind of thing cannot be avoided.

The key question is.After this kind of thing happened.How can this matter be resolved quickly.Don't let it continue to affect you.That's the main thing.Otherwise.Zhang Juzheng really has a heavy responsibility.

And now.This kind of thing happened.After the surprise after hearing it.Zhang Juzheng also came back to his senses immediately.Also immediately began to think about what to do.

Although this kind of thing happens.Very serious.Absolutely not to be ignored.But even Zhang Juzheng immediately began to think about what to do.Even if he can figure out what to do right away.But he couldn't do it right away.There are many issues involved in this.After all, the affairs of the court.It's not that there is a solution.It can be done right a very important factor.sometimes.If the timing is not right.I'm afraid it's not just bad things.And there might be some surprises.

a month's time.Zhang Juzheng asked many people to discuss this matter.And this month.It also made them think about it.

this matter.Absolutely no possibility of mediation.And for those who dare to do so.If you don't kill one to make an example.Just superficial words of punishment.Then this is absolutely not a warning.This will be seen by others.That person did it though.But it's not just some minor punishment.Compared with these penalties.benefits to these people.received silver.But it is still worthwhile for others to follow suit.So did it.

Maybe for these people.It's not that they don't know.Perhaps the last person would have survived.But they are not necessarily.But after all, the last person who did this really didn't die.therefore.Compared with these.They feel that money is more attractive to them.therefore.There will be someone like this.

so.this matter.It is definitely not something that can be resolved through that kind of painless punishment.A person who does such a thing.must be severely punished.And the attitude must be to punish severely.If not.cannot serve as a warning.rather than a warning.There will be people who will continue to make the same mistakes in the future.

even.Zhang Juzheng himself understands it psychologically.Even the one who will do it.Pulled to the capital to execute Ling Chi.Let the whole world know.But there will still be people who will do this in the future.but.Kill matter what.At least for a while.As for the future.Then we can only talk about it when the time comes.

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