Even though it's been almost a year.But Zhang Fan always thinks back to that time.When I heard Wang Youcai tell me about Zhang Juzheng's illness.his expression.Maybe he couldn't see it himself.But he can definitely imagine it.His expression is absolutely wonderful.

Zhang Fan is Zhang Juzheng's disciple.In addition, Zhang Fan was appreciated by Long Qing.After taking the position.Zhang Juzheng also has an extra right-hand man like Zhang Fan.many things.Zhang Juzheng always wanted to discuss with him.The two get along no matter the time or frequency.It's all very much.Therefore, Zhang Fan is concerned about some life aspects of his teacher.That is naturally very clear.

Honestly.Zhang Juzheng lived in Yan Song's room.After the big house that can be called a villa.Live that pleasure.It can even be called a time when you have fallen to a shameless life.Zhang Fan was naturally not surprised at all.In Zhang Fan's opinion.This is a very normal thing.

After all, he is a man.Even Zhang Juzheng is in the court.Or in the performance of matters related to government affairs.He has always been very serious.But that doesn't necessarily mean he's in his private life.And it has to be.It can even be said.The more the court is acting too serious.And wait until privately he needs to relax.It will become more indulgent.

But this kind of thing.At the end of the day.It is also possible to do what you can.

Say something off topic.Those "auxiliary" things.To be honest, Zhang Fan never used it.It's not that Zhang Fan is really talented or something.This is entirely because he is proud of the techniques of breathing and breathing that Wang Meng taught him back then.those things.It's just an ordinary way to practice Qi.I want to rely on it to let myself practice some martial arts.That is really impossible.But even if you can't practice peerless martial arts.The effect of strengthening the body is still there.And this effect is not ordinary at all.In fact, Zhang Fan's physical fitness is now.In comparison, those who have served in the military all year round.For people who practice more and more.Much better.

but.This is not to say that what Zhang Fan thinks is just sarcastic remarks.Actually this kind of thing.That's how it should be.Do what you can.If you don't have that strength.Then don't occupy the latrine or anything like that.certainly.this kind of thing.I can only talk about it.If it is placed on someone.He definitely wouldn't think so.After all, men.This possessiveness is really not small.Especially those with status and power.The more status and power a person has.The more possessive you are.

now.It's not about Zhang Juzheng's possessiveness or anything like that.Just saying.Zhang Juzheng's attitude towards this matter.That was really different.

this drug.Zhang Fan naturally knew.Also seen.Even during the more than ten years in charge of Jinyiwei.Zhang Fan has also seen with his own eyes what kind of effect this drug has.I've seen both men and women.The good and the bad are also seen more.but.Since it is Jinyiwei.Those are some very special cases.It's not general.

And generally upward.Zhang Fan has seen the most.In fact, it is still the Emperor Longqing.

Zhang Fan is very concerned about this emperor who has not been on the throne for a long time.In fact, there are many good feelings.After all, Emperor Longqing really did something that no one before him dared to do.But it is extremely beneficial to Daming.The only criticism.Then it is about Emperor Longqing's life style.certainly.Why is this so.I said it before.Now there is no need to mention it.But it also has to be said.Emperor Longqing used these medicines.That's really the same as risking your life.And his final result.That's why he died.

this matter.It's no secret.Although the palace does not say.But how many people in the court do not know.so.In Zhang Fan's opinion.Zhang Juzheng is a very smart person both externally and internally.It should be that he will not follow the old path of Emperor Longqing.therefore.After Wang Youcai said the result.This is the look of disbelief on his face.

but.Zhang Fan thought again.He felt that Wang Youcai would not deceive himself.Firstly, it is not necessary.The second is to face the matter of Zhang Juzheng.Wang Youcai didn't even dare to make such a joke with himself.so.It doesn't matter whether those imperial doctors who have seen Zhang Juzheng's diagnosis are right or not.At the very least, it should be impossible for Wang Youcai to deduce anything wrong from those words.

That is.What Wang Youcai said is true.But for Zhang Fan.If he insists on not believing it.That's all.But if he thinks according to the answer Wang Youcai gave.Well this thing.No.Not only this matter.Including many things that happened in the past that Zhang Fan couldn't understand.But I can figure it out.

Speaking of the pair of beautiful Persian sisters sent by Qi Jiguang.That was in the eighth year of Wanli.And at that time.It was also the time when Zhang Juzheng began to miss "Xianglu".And it was also the period when the "One Whip" incident was the most troublesome.in other words.Zhang Juzheng started from that time.

In this way.The problem is obvious.Just in the winter of that year.Zhang Fan discovered a very interesting phenomenon.

To know.The capital is located in the north.Maybe in summer.As hot as the south.Plus relatively dry.Beijing in summer.Compared with the south, it is even more difficult.

But after all, it is from the north.So once it's winter time.Except, for example, those places that are more northerly in Liaodong.Although still not as good.But it was definitely either snowing.Either icy season's.all in all.Just one sentence.very cold.

And in this buildup.when people go out.It’s not just about wearing heavy clothing to keep out the cold.Also bring a variety of hats to keep you warm.Compared with the body.If the head is frozen.That was really more uncomfortable.

Let me talk about it again.Zhang Fan comes to this season every time.I can't help but think in my heart.Think about the hereafter.If it develops according to his original world trajectory.In another hundred years.Man Qing will enter the customs.And rule the Central Plains.And at that time. The saying "keep your hair but not your hair, keep your hair but not your head".will also appear.Zhang Fan couldn't understand people from the Qing Dynasty.Especially the Qing people in the north.How did this winter go.Almost equivalent to a shaved top of the head.Even with a hat on.I'm afraid this winter will not be easy.

That's all for the digression.

In short.Every winter.When Zhang Fan goes out every day.I won't talk about it when I go to court.After all, you have to dress uniformly.But when you usually go out.will see people.Each of them is wearing a hat that is incomparable.It's really hard to surround your entire face.In short.Just to keep warm.Even Zhang Fan himself.Even for taking a little time out of each day.Practice the technique of breathing and exhaling that Wang Meng gave to himself.Therefore Zhang Fan's body.Really much better.But even so.Zhang Fan would also find it cold.So he will wrap himself extremely thickly.

And in the past.The same is true of Zhang Juzheng.Actually.Zhang Juzheng's health has not been very good.Especially after he started working on "One Whip".And after many problems arise.Zhang Juzheng's health is even worse.Although I also use good dishes and medicinal materials on weekdays, take good care of me.But this kind of thing.No matter how it is made up.Can't compare to the speed of consumption.so.Zhang Juzheng's body is really a little weak.in winter.Just like those people in the court.It's also incredibly thick.

But that winter.The situation is different.

at first.Zhang Fan naturally found nothing.Zhang Juzheng came to court early in the morning.Also dressed like everyone else.But if in normal times.Invite Zhang Juzheng to go out.will find out.Zhang Juzheng wears less clothes than anyone else.Even Zhang Fan was in admiration.

then.Zhang Fan was still concerned.Asked about Zhang Juzheng.Ask him if he is cold.But actually.When Zhang Fan asked these words.It's very unfounded.After all, in the eyes of Zhang Fan at the time.Zhang Juzheng had a red face.And he didn't shiver at all from the cold.

And after Zhang Fan asked.got the answer.That was naturally what Zhang Fan thought.And actually.After getting Zhang Juzheng's answer.Zhang Fan also took a closer look.I found that Zhang Juzheng was really not cold at all.It's not just that he's not cold.Actually.Zhang Juzheng was at that time.It's totally looking hot.If you look carefully.It can also be found that there are fine beads of sweat on his forehead.Not much though.But in this season.You can still sweat even though you're dressed like this.Then one can imagine how hot Zhang Juzheng is.

But then.Zhang Fan didn't know what happened.Although he already knew at that time that Qi Jiguang gave Zhang Juzheng a pair of Persian sister flowers.But obviously.It was impossible for Zhang Fan to think about that.In Zhang Fan's opinion.Zhang Juzheng may have done this only because he over-replenished his body.certainly.In some ways.What Zhang Fan thought was indeed correct.Zhang Juzheng really made up his body too much.It's just that the "tonic" that Zhang Juzheng used and the tonic that Zhang Fan thought of were two different things.

And now.After listening to Wang Youcai's words.After knowing the reason.Zhang Fan recalled the scene at that time.Plus his amazing memory.I can recall every detail of that time.so.Zhang Fan also wanted to understand.It seems that those few imperial doctors who saw Zhang Juzheng really got it right.And what Wang Youcai saw was not wrong.Zhang Juzheng.It's just that I took too much of that special tonic.So the heat has been rushing to the forehead.Although it is winter.He was still very hot.If you still have to wear a hat.I'm afraid he could faint from the heat.

It can be seen from this.Today's Zhang Juzheng.Life was pretty rotten.

But at the same time.Zhang Juzheng didn't just put himself in this gentle village.Don't ask about foreign affairs.In fact, Zhang Juzheng would be like this.It is because he has too much control over the affairs of the court.So it's stressful.Indulgence is required for some sake.And this indulgence.But it didn't let Zhang Juzheng sink.Zhang Juzheng did this.Instead, it is necessary to meet the challenges of the next day in a more relaxed state.


Why do I always feel that.Obviously not a good thing.But so to speak.On the contrary, it has become an inspirational story.

In short.Zhang Juzheng is not just "working hard" on the bed at night.In the middle of the day.Zhang Juzheng is also very hardworking.

And in this way.He does.The mood can be relaxed.But the body.It actually got worse and worse.It can be said.Zhang Juzheng is now a balance between work and entertainment.And he is also desperate to do it on both sides.this kind of thing.That was really unheard of.

And he does.finally.In July last year.The body finally couldn't bear it.Zhang Juzheng fell seriously ill.It is also thanks to this disease.This is what made Zhang Fan understand the real situation.In a disguised form, Zhang Fan recognized the "true face" of his teacher.

And that's where the problem lies.If Zhang Juzheng is really devoted to state affairs.Although it will be very tiring.But the bare minimum.There are no external causes to continue to destroy his body.In this way.Maybe it's more serious.This is something that will take many years off his life.But actually.Said to be overworked and killed.The probability of this is still very small.

One more word here.There seem to be many people in history.After hearing about his deeds.Don't know what's going on.It's just that he's overworked from work.It's a death in the line of duty.This is actually quite biased.certainly.Tired of business.This must be a reason.But definitely not at all.Something happened suddenly and it took his life.There must be other factors involved.

now.Zhang Juzheng actually had such a problem.

And if he is really addicted to this kind of gentleness.That's fine too.Then come on.I am afraid that Zhang Juzheng's power in the court will be reduced rapidly.Even reached a very low level.Let him have no way to control the government anymore.therefore.Zhang Juzheng obviously wouldn't do that.

so.Here comes the problem.on the one hand.Zhang Juzheng was conscientious in the court.whatever it is.He needs to ask.And not to mention.Once something is related to the "One Whip Law".Zhang Juzheng definitely put all his energy into this matter.

And on the other hand.When Zhang Juzheng escaped from the tense court affairs.But it's another look.If it is someone else.Get away from something tense and troublesome.You must want to rest your body and mind.Zhang Juzheng did a good job on this point.Indulgent words.indeed.My heart rested.And even the body.It can also be a momentary pleasure.But actually.this kind of thing.For bodily harm.Really not small.Especially when Zhang Juzheng started taking medicine for this matter.This is completely equivalent to that he is mutilating his own body in disguise.

And under this double injury.last year.Zhang Juzheng finally fell ill.He fell ill.There is no big problem with the affairs of the DPRK.After all, Zhang Juzheng has been there for so many years.All the affairs of the court, big and small, have been managed in an orderly manner.Even if he is not there.There are other people who help him manage it.Absolutely nothing will go wrong.

but.If there is no problem, it does not mean that this matter has no impact.Actually.Zhang Juzheng fell ill.For those people in the court.The impact is still huge.Just for example.Zhang Juzheng fell ill.It also symbolizes many things.Say a common saying.Illness comes like a mountain.Sickness disappears like spinning.Even if Zhang Juzheng can recover in a short period of time.But this time it's ill.It definitely planted a huge hidden danger for his body.That is.Even if he is better now.But the root cause of the disease has definitely fallen.

only.Zhang Juzheng's current identity is here.Anyway.He cannot fall.so.Zhang Juzheng fell ill.It really is a lot of concern.And those who hope that Zhang Juzheng will fall.Obviously powerless.They can only "expect".But nothing can be done.And those who hope that Zhang Juzheng can continue to stand on the court and issue orders.Of course there is something to be said.

But actually.There is no need for these people to say anything at all.All it takes is for Queen Mother Li to say a word.Naturally, there is an imperial doctor in the palace who treats Zhang Juzheng.

Although it is said that the cause of Zhang Juzheng's disease.It really makes people feel a little dumbfounded.Especially for those imperial doctors who know what happened.They even understood what was going on.and.this disease.or not.Once sick.Apparently it's a build-up of toxins in the body.In addition, the exhaustion of the body has reached a certain point before this happens.so.This disease is cured.It's also tricky.

Fortunately.Those who came to see a doctor and prescribe prescriptions for Zhang Juzheng were all imperial doctors in the palace.And these imperial doctors in the palace.Others may not be better than those who want to be a doctor.But for this aspect.Then they are really good at it.In fact, some of them.It is also because of the high "achievements" in this area.That's why I became a doctor.

In short.Under the treatment of the prescriptions prescribed by these imperial doctors.Coupled with the care of the family.Zhang Juzheng's illness.Although it is impossible to get better immediately.But also in a short period of time.Just be able to get out of bed and walk.Even went to court.

so.Zhang Juzheng's illness last year.But it didn't take much time.Let him return to the court again.

And Zhang Juzheng after he came back.Naturally, there are some changes.first.About beauty.He naturally restrained himself.Now it is not touched at all.but.Those affairs in the court.Zhang Juzheng will never let go.Still working as hard as before.

In this way.And so on for another year.Zhang Juzheng's health also went from bad to worse.up to now.It looks like it's about to die.

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