Compared with Zhang Fan.Fang Yueling was on the matter about Zhang Yi.That would be much better.Although Zhang Yi returned to Beijing.Every year there is only a period of Chinese New Year.But it's been said before.If you really want to see him.It is also possible to go to the Five Poisons Sect.

only.Obviously Zhang Fan is unlikely.After all, there are many things in the court.And it is something that cannot be separated from Zhang Fan.So Zhang Fan couldn't spare time at all.But compared to Zhang Fan, he couldn't take his time.Fang Yueling was not like that anymore.After all, she has nothing to do.And once she missed her son too much.Go to Sichuan.Even if you have to travel thousands of miles.But for Fang Yueling.This price is compared to being able to see his son.That's really minimal.

Speaking up.I would like to mention one thing.At first.When Fang Zhenqian was about to take Zhang Yi away.Fang Yueling was naturally very reluctant.The reason is naturally because she is reluctant to separate from her son.but.After all.It's all because she has no way to leave here.Leave Zhang Fan.Otherwise.It was very simple to solve this problem at first.She just needs to go back with her.Reason for not going back.Or because she hated Zhang Fan.

But recently.No.It cannot be said that it is recent.Rather, it should be said that after so many years. 12 years have passed.Perhaps the original passion and love.Gradually imperceptibly.It became more concentrated and thicker.But at the same time.But there is also a feeling of burnout in it.It wasn't that there was anything wrong with Fang Yueling's relationship with Zhang Fan.Very good between the two.It's just because of doing so for a long time.It does make people feel a little boring.Want to try something new.

not to together.There will always be bumps and bumps in life.And even talking about people.No matter how sensible a person is.There is always the possibility of becoming impulsive, Zhang Fan and Fang Yueling.After so many years.Naturally, some unpleasant things happened to them.And Fang Yueling's way of dealing with this kind of thing.That was really simple and clear.She simply tidied up.Go directly to Sichuan.

certainly.When this happened just now.Zhang Fan was also a little panicked.I always feel that it is not what I said at the time.What you did was too drastic.That's why Fang Yueling was made like this.Fortunately, as the commander of Jinyiwei.Not to mention Fang Yueling again.Zhang Fan wanted to find out where she was.That is naturally very easy.And when he knew that Fang Yueling was just going back to Sichuan.He also felt at ease.It's just for people to secretly protect them on the road.

After so many years.Fang Yueling could indeed go back to see Zhang Yi at any time.But actually not many times.Except for the first time because she had a quarrel with Zhang Fan over some things.Actually other times.There is no particular reason.It's just Fang Yueling as a mother.I miss my son.This is what went to see him.Obviously.For Fang Yueling.I only see Zhang Yi once a year.Although that time will last for nearly a month.But for her.This is clearly not enough.In comparison, Zhang Fan was a man.Even in this matter.Zhang Fan's thoughts were no different from Fang Yueling's.But compared to Zhang Fan, Fang Yueling was more able to suppress her own thoughts.

but.It was the last time Fang Yueling went to Sichuan to see Zhang Yi in person.Actually up to now.It has also been two years.And these two years.Fang Yueling saw Zhang Yi only during Chinese New time.When Zhang Fan rushed to the Yamen in a hurry.And when I came back.But he came back with Zhang Yi.

then.Fang Yueling was stunned when she saw Zhang Yi.And after recovering.Needless to say.There is only joy.No matter how.Perhaps it has only been less than half a year.But for to see his son.What a happy thing that is.

In short.This time Zhang Yi was able to come back.It really made Fang Yueling very happy.But after happy.As a mother who cared about him as much as Zhang Fan did.Fang Yueling was naturally curious about Zhang Yihui coming back at this time.Because compared to Zhang Fan.For my father.Fang Yueling obviously knew better.

Zhang Fan knew that Fang Zhenqian valued Zhang Yi so much.Not to mention Fang Yueling.and.Fang Zhenqian has promised that Zhang Yi will come back every year during the Chinese New Year.From Chengdu to here.No matter how fast.Time to come and go.It also takes more than a month of work.Plus Zhang Yi spends some time at home.In this way.Every year, Zhang Yi loses nearly three months to practice the martial arts taught to him by Fang matter what.Fang Zhenqian would not let Zhang Yi out at this time.But now Zhang Yi appeared in the Yueling was very strange about this matter.

And after asking... Fang Yueling naturally knew that her son was really a prodigy in martial arts.This is not just what Fang Zhenqian said when he took Zhang Yi away.Including the past few years.what she's only been 12 years since now.Zhang Yi learned everything Fang Zhenqian knew.for this.Fang Yueling was not surprised.

not to mention.Said very clearly.Just learned it.Have you learned anything profound.But not necessarily.What's more, Zhang Yi is young.So no matter how talented he is.I am afraid that there will be some shortages in the heat.

But whatever else.In short, Zhang Yi has finished his studies.And this is for Fang Yueling.Also a good thing.After all, this means that she will see Zhang Yi more frequently in the future.Even Fang Zhenqian intends to make Zhang Yi the leader of the Five Poison Sect.But not the very least.Zhang Yi now.It's just practicing martial arts.The distance can ascend to the position of leader.Command the entire Five Poison Sect.There is still a long way to go.

When you hear this.Fang Yueling naturally still felt very good.But read on.Fang Yueling found out.His father actually let Zhang Yi wander the rivers and lakes alone.

Wander the rivers and lakes.This is for people in the rivers and lakes.Naturally, it is a very common thing.But for Zhang Yi.Actually since then.When Zhang Yi, who was only five years old, was taken away by Fang Zhenqian.He is already a man in the rivers and lakes.

but.These 12 years.Zhang Yi just learned martial arts under Fang Zhenqian's teaching.For things on the rivers and lakes.Perhaps Zhang Yi could indeed listen to Fang Zhenqian.Even those veterans in the Five Poisons Sect have said a lot.But I heard that you should do it yourself with him seriously.But it was another matter.

And now.It can be said that Zhang Yi is for Jianghu.Totally a baby.Just armed with martial arts.Just know some things about Jianghu.But never broke through.And now.But let him alone.In this inexperienced situation.And since no one took him with him, he was allowed to roam the rivers and lakes this point.Fang Yueling couldn't understand it.certainly.It was also something Fang Yueling simply couldn't accept.

therefore.After hearing the reason why Zhang Yi was released by Fang Zhenqian.The joy of seeing his son is also news.In turn, it turns into worrying and…disagreeing.

Just disagree.And Fang Yueling disagreed with this.The performance is very clear.It's also unabashed.

Fang Yueling's reaction.When Zhang Fan just heard the reason why Zhang Yi was able to come's the same.but.Naturally there are differences.And the difference is.Zhang Fan immediately understood the reason.I also understand that even if Zhang Yi is allowed to come out alone.But there is nothing to be afraid of at all.And obviously.Zhang Fan could understand this reason.But Fang Yueling couldn't figure it out.

so.After hearing the news.Fang Yueling expressed very strong opposition.And her objection.There was really no room left.Very firm.

but.Obviously for the matter of wandering the rivers and lakes.Zhang Yi himself.That is of course very interesting.And now that he's out.He can't go back either.not to mention.Anyway.He also practiced martial arts.And even the heat may not be enough.But it is also very if you talk about this competitive mentality.It is the last thing you should have when you are in the rivers and lakes.But Zhang Yi still inevitably has the idea of ​​going out for a break in his heart now.

And this thing.It seemed natural to him.And his father has also agreed.But.He couldn't figure it out.How did you get to your mother?But there will be problems again.

For this matter.Zhang Fan was naturally prepared.On the way back.Zhang Fan also considered this issue.And he also expected that after Fang Yueling heard about it.May Fan also thought about how to persuade Fang Yueling.

And those words of Zhang Fan.It's not just a "kid's grown up. Should get out there" kind of thing.Zhang Fan understood that it was impossible for Fang Yueling to feel at ease with such Fan told all the ins and outs of this matter.Tell Fang Yueling.

Very simple reason.After all, for Fang Zhenqian.Zhang Yi is also very important.There can be no mistakes.Since Fang Zhenqian dared to let him out alone.Either he felt that Zhang Yi was already able to cope with what happened in Jianghu.Either Fang Zhenqian had already made arrangements.

Actually when it comes to this.Fang Yueling was relieved after hearing this.Not to mention that Zhang Fan told her later.Jin Yiwei himself.Naturally, people will take care of Zhang Yi more in the arena.

With Zhang Fan's words and guarantee.finally.Fang Yueling let go.He agreed to let Zhang Yi go to the rivers and lakes "alone" a condition.Zhang Yi wants to break into the rivers and lakes.I'm afraid it will be delayed for a while.Because Fang Yueling asked him to stay at home for a few more days.

And for this matter.Zhang Yi naturally readily agreed.

In short.For today's Zhang family.Zhang Yi can come back.It really made everyone in the family very happy.

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