The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1897 is forcing the palace

About the brothers Zhu Changluo and Zhu Changxun.since they were born.No.Actually since as early as Zhu Changxun four years ago.When Zhu Changluo was just born.People in the DPRK had already expected a lot about this.After all, the relationship between Zhu Changluo's mother Wang Shuyuan and Wanli is like that.So what will be the future.This is also very predictable.

And after Zheng gave birth to Zhu Changxun.This anticipation.No.This is already something that will definitely happen in the future.And the ministers all thought so.certainly.that time.Because even if there is such a contradiction.It just happened in the palace.People in the court don't know much about it.therefore.Even if everyone knows about this situation.But no one brought it up right away.They thought it was going to happen sooner or later.But it won't be right in front of your eyes.At least for a while.

And last time.When Zhang Fan was ordered to teach Zhu Changxun how to read.But it was because of Zhu Changluo.As a result, he found the court to question Wanli in front of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.certainly.Wanli also knew that he was ashamed of that matter.Therefore, he did not blame Zhang Fan for acting like this.

But the most important part of this matter is not here.It's because this incident reminded people in the court.The eldest prince Zhu Changluo is also ten years old.And in this way.The battle for the crown prince.It's about to start.certainly.Even the people in the DPRK know that this matter has to be considered from now on.But in their opinion.But it won't be the very least.There should still be a while.It will even take several years before this contradiction will intensify.form a problem.therefore.Now even the contradictions have begun to emerge.But it is not in a hurry.

Some people may say that people in the court are like this.It was okay to say before.But now it is obvious that this situation is known.But it's not in a hurry.It was too leisurely.

That might be a good thing to say.But it's not right either.Because of this matter.Really very troublesome.But though it's very cumbersome.But it is not troublesome.The trouble is that it is really difficult to do.Not troublesome but refers to this matter.Actually think of a solution.There is no need to think too much about it.Because there are only so many answers.But actually the most effective way.That is the one who agrees with Zhu Changluo.He had already made up his mind to play desperately.Those who agree with Zhu Changxun are a little safer.All it takes is to say something respectful from the sidelines.In short.It's that simple.It's not anything too complicated.

But.Anyway.Everyone didn't think about it.I didn't intend to say that I would start talking about this matter now.

but.Wang Jiaping obviously didn't think so.It's been said before.From the Wanli Dynasty to the present.Already four chief assistants have been changed.And among these few people.Only Wang Jiaping is the same as Zhang Juzheng.That is really outspoken.I don't care if the emperor likes it or not.And outspoken.

Zhang Ju is precisely because he holds power in his hands.Even the entire imperial court listened to him at that time.No one can stand against him.therefore.Zhang Juzheng with this kind of backing.This is the dare to do so.Even contradicted the emperor.

And Wang Jiaping obviously does not have the power of Zhang Juzheng.He was able to take the seat of chief assistant.It is also entirely based on his personal ability.but.But Wang Jiaping dared to contradict the emperor.And speak up.His tone was not at all inferior to Zhang Juzheng's.And what Wang Jiaping leaned on.That's being upright.

It was as if Zhang Fan had been in the position of commander of Jinyiwei for a long time.He just knew it.Those in the court.No matter how bright it looks now.But there are always some ulterior secrets behind it.In the words of later generations.That is, everyone has a dark history.Everyone is not very clean.

But at the same time.These words are not entirely correct.There are always exceptions.Let's just give the best example.Hai Rui.Hai Rui really came here since he became an official.It has always been clean.what a bad thing.Or anything like using power for personal gain has never been done.

certainly.There were tens of thousands of officials in the entire Ming Dynasty.And although this innocence is very.Not a bit of a stain on anyone though not too much.But Hai Rui was definitely not the only one.

And Wang Jiaping is such a person.Wang Jiaping is really upright.Since becoming an official.Really dedicated all his stature to the court.He has never done anything for personal gain.I have never been greedy for a penny.And people who can do this.Speak up.It is also naturally emboldened.To put it mildly.This kind of person has a kind of pride.But at the same time.Such a person should be proud.He doesn't feel a trace of guilt.

all in all.Wang Jiaping is such a person.And this kind of person is obvious.As for what the emperor said.He will also be merciless.

so.Wanli to Wang Jiaping.That was really scary.But at the same time.He also couldn't say that Wang Jiaping was too aggressive.and fired him.After all, he is the chief minister of the cabinet.Even the appointment or dismissal of the chief minister of the cabinet.Although it is necessary for the emperor to issue an imperial decree.But it was not up to the emperor himself to decide.not to mention.After Wang Jiaping came to power.The situation in North Korea and China is better than before.Zhu Yijun could understand all this.

If Zhu Yijun resigns Wang Jiaping.Then for a while, there really was no one who could help him sort out the court.therefore.Zhu Yijun has nothing to do with Wang Jiaping.Regardless of Wang Jiaping.Zhu Yijun had no choice but to endure it.

But this is not to say what about Zhu Yijun.It's not about Wang Jiaping.But to say that Wang Jiaping is really not afraid of anything.He will not be afraid that Zhu Yijun will give him small shoes to wear.What did he say.As long as it is this matter.He thinks it's very important.It has to be said.Then Wang Jiaping would never consider other people.Even Zhu Yijun's feelings about this matter.Just say it outright.this kind of thing.It is a benefit of Wang Jiaping.But it is also his disadvantage.

But the bare minimum.current stage.No one thinks there is any big problem with Wang Jiaping's method.Until today.In the early morning.Wang Jiaping suddenly said that he wanted the emperor to confer the crown prince.

this matter.Everyone knows.Everyone also knew that this was bound to happen.But at the same time.Almost everyone did not expect that Wang Jiaping would say this at this time.Although everyone is already prepared.But that preparation is not now.It can be said now.People in the court were basically unprepared.But now Wang Jiaping suddenly said this matter.This is what people don't react to.All of a sudden.The entire court fell silent.

Zhang Fan was also present.He wasn't too surprised by this.Although at the moment Wang Jiaping said it.Zhang Fan was also stunned.He didn't expect Wang Jiaping to mention this matter just today.But the relationship between Zhang Fan and Wang Jiaping is not bad.Based on his understanding of Wang Jiaping.He also knows.Since the last time I made trouble in court.Wang Jiaping will definitely bring up this matter soon.But even Zhang Fan was already prepared for this.But Wang Jiaping speaks out now.Zhang Fan was still taken aback.

After the entire hall fell silent.Wang Jiaping also understood.I did say something that surprised these people.Therefore, he did not immediately continue to speak.Instead wait.No.In fact, Wang Jiaping was just waiting for Zhu Yijun's answer.

And after Zhu Yijun came back to his senses.He is also aware of it.This matter is not ordinary.For this matter.There is absolutely no way for him to muddle through without saying a word.So for this matter.Zhu Yijun knew that he had to speak something.Otherwise.Wang Jiaping will never give up.

But.What Wang Jiaping said just now.Zhu Yijun could hear it clearly.Wang Jiaping's meaning was very clear.That is for Zhu Yijun to make Zhu Changluo the prince.

Not to say otherwise.Zhu Yijun really felt that no matter who would inherit his throne.No problem.Even if it is a question of ability.Even though Zhu Changxun is much younger than Zhu Changluo.But the two are now on the same starting line.Coupled with Zhu Yijun's familiarity with Zhu Changxun.He is confident.Zhu Changxun's future knowledge will not be inferior to Zhu Changluo's.

Coupled with Zhu Yijun's love for the Zheng Lord really wanted to make Zhu Changxun the crown prince.It's just that Zhu Changxun is really too young now.If he only had one son like Zhu Changxun.Then it doesn't matter.No one would say anything even if he was established as a prince just after he was born.But the problem is.Now he doesn't just have a son like Zhu Changxun.There is even another son who is older than Zhu Changluo.In this way.Zhu Yijun had no choice.

And originally.He wanted to drag this matter on for a while longer.Wait until Zhu Changxun grows up.Then make Zhu Changxun the prince.In this way.People in the court are even against it.He also has reasons to say.certainly.Zhu Yijun actually had this idea.He has completely ignored a problem.Even if it can be delayed for so long.But those people in the court will not agree so easily.

all in all.Just one sentence.Zhu Yijun's idea is good.But want to achieve.But it is basically impossible.

And now.Wang Jiaping has now revealed this matter.If so.It completely disrupted Zhu Yijun's plan.Even if it was a plan that had no hope in the first place.But for Zhu Yijun.Now it can be said that there is no hope at all.

Can't get away with it.It means that Zhu Yijun can't just fool around like this without saying a word.But actually.Zhu Yijun still wanted to get away with it.And this muddled pass requires him to speak up.

And next.Zhu Yijun thought so.He opened his mouth: "Old Wang Ge. This matter... this matter is now being discussed. Is it too early? Now Xun'er is still young. He is only six years old. And Qi Taifu has just taught him Reading. It’s too early to bring up this matter now.”

"Let's avoid it. It's too late to mention this matter now." Wang Jiaping didn't know if he could hear Zhu Yijun's intention to confuse this matter.But he also really played his true colors.What to say. "The canonization of the crown prince is the top priority of the imperial court. If His Majesty cannot appoint a crown prince, then the officials in the court will not be able to live in peace, nor will His Majesty's people be able to live in peace.

"What's more, now. His Highness the First Prince is already ten years old. He is quite old enough. As for the matter of His Majesty the Third Prince. The matter of the canonization of the Crown Prince has nothing to do with His Highness the Third Prince. In this way. Wei I still ask Your Majesty to make a decision as soon as possible. Canonize the eldest prince as the crown prince."

okay.Although Zhu Yijun did have the intention of canonizing Zhu Changxun as the prince.And in the words just now.Although he did not say so.But which one of the people present could not understand.But even so.Wang Jiaping didn't seem to respond to this matter at all.He didn't ask Zhu Changxun anything at all.Even in the eyes of Wang Jiaping.Zhu Changxun should have nothing to do with the canonization of the prince.

In this way.What Wang Jiaping wanted to say was very obvious.The orthodox heir.A person who can be canonized as a prince.There is only one.Since there is only one.Such a unique candidate.So what else is there to consider.Zhu Changluo was directly canonized as the prince.That's it.

but.Although Wang Jiaping's consideration is correct.And not just his own right.Even most officials in the DPRK think it is the right thing.But this is the right thing.But it was like a slap in the face.It hit Zhu Yijun completely in the face.

Zhu Yijun also knew that Wang Jiaping was not easy to reason with.But he didn't intend to be able to make sense.And what Zhu Yijun was thinking at the time.It was just to find any reason to delay Wang Jiaping.As long as today can be delayed.Then the second and third day will become easier.

certainly.This method can be delayed for a while.It cannot be delayed forever.In the future, Wang Jiaping will always bring up this matter again.And at that time.Wang Jiaping will definitely be even more relentless.but.Zhu Yijun has already thought about it.Hold her for a while.Find an opportunity in the future.Get him off the chief assistant's seat.Get someone who listens to you to do it.Then everything will be fine.

Obviously.Zhu Yijun's idea is good.But Wang Jiaping is not that simple.

Wang Jiaping has already thought about it now.Or look at it based on Wang Jiaping's temperament.This matter is already very obvious.Either he doesn't say it.Then nothing happens.But once Wang Jiaping said something.Then he will definitely fight to the end.He absolutely must come up with a result before he is willing to give up.Otherwise.Wang Jiaping will never give up.

so.That's what Wang Jiaping said to Zhu Yijun above.

And after hearing what Wang Jiaping said.Zhu Yijun suddenly had a headache.He never thought of it.Wang Jiaping is actually so persistent.No concessions at all.Definitely have to come up with a statement.

And Wang Jiaping is really not forgiving.See Zhu Yijun after hearing his own words.He didn't speak for a long time.He then said to himself: "Your Majesty, since this matter has been brought up now, then there should be a conclusion. I implore Your Majesty to canonize the First Prince as Crown Prince."

That's all.Wang Jiaping knelt down in front of Zhu Yijun.

again.The whole hall was quiet and there was no sound at all.Although almost everyone in the court knew Wang Jiaping well.He also knew that he could do such a thing.That is really too normal.Nothing to be surprised about.But even so.They still expressed great doubts about Wang Jiaping's move.

But doubts are doubts.the most important is.These people already fully understood.Now this matter has been brought up by Wang Jiaping.Then this matter is no matter how unprepared other people are.But a decision must be made now.all in all.Things that were supposed to happen.But it will take a long time to happen.But following Wang Jiaping's words.That kicked off the whole thing.And obviously.Now that things have been brought up.Then the people in the court will have no way to escape.They also have to make decisions.

therefore.Wang Jiaping knelt in front of Zhu Yijun.a period of time.There was no movement at all in the hall.

But this scene of no movement.It didn't last long.soon.Someone moved.The first is the people in the cabinet.And it's not even one.Instead, the remaining five people acted together.These five people.They came behind Wang Jiaping together.Facing Zhu Yijun.Kneel together.They said in unison: "The minister waits for an invitation from the elders of the cabinet."

And since someone has moved first.Then those who are left.Those who also hold the same idea can't move.After all, they originally thought so.In addition, someone has already stood up first.And he is also Wang Jiaping, the cabinet chief assistant university scholar.And after that.Even all the cabinet ministers.That's all.They don't move anymore.It is also completely unreasonable.

so.for a while.Many people in the court were moved.Some are alone.Some are two or three people together.These people did not wait for others.Just walk to the center of the hall.He knelt down facing Zhu Yijun.There is also such a simple sentence in the mouth: "The humble minister seconded the proposal."

Wait until this sound is no longer remembered.No one moved anymore.And this time.The ministers above this hall.Except those who disagreed didn't move.Those who agree have already acted.And obviously.Kneeling the majority.It even accounted for more than [-]% of the number of ministers who came to court.

And this look.Zhu Yijun also became flustered.He really didn't expect it.Things have come to this point.Unexpectedly, so many people would do this to him at the same time.

And in a panic.Zhu Yijun understood this matter.Even if he is the emperor.But it can't be done.So he also found a helper.And looked up and looked around the past.Be the first to see.It was Zhang Fan who stood there without moving.

immediately.Zhu Yijun became happy.He felt he had found help.

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