The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1903 The situation is different

That's right.Today's Zhang Fan.With the original Zhang Fan.There are already many differences.Although Zhang Fan's essence has not changed in any way.He's still who he was.But after all.The situation today.Not to mention ten or twenty years ago.Even with a few years ago.That's also quite different.So for Zhang Fan.There are some things he can naturally stick to.But there are some things.But there must be some changes.

The reason.The most important thing is Zhu Yijun.certainly.This is not to say that Zhu Yijun did anything wrong.In fact, the main reason is still.As time goes by.Zhu Yijun is also getting older.certainly.Zhu Yijun's age is not a problem.The key lies in the growth of Zhu Yijun's age.He was also a child in Zhang Fan's eyes back then.He has grown into the man he is today.And since he is the emperor.Then go to Sannomiya Sixth Hospital.So many concubines are naturally Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.Even emotionally, nothing has changed.But at least in form.The two meet.Or to put it in more detail.It was the time when Zhang Fan would enter the palace to meet him alone.It is also less.

But although this form has indeed undergone many changes.But still that sentence.Zhang Fan's feelings for Zhu Yijun.the relationship between the two.Not much has changed either.

But at the same time.I also have to admit.This change in form.Nor is it impossible to bring about real change.

Actually.Zhang Fan has entered the official career until now.It has been more than 20 years.When I first entered the officialdom.Zhang Fan was immediately appreciated by Long Qing.So it doesn't feel too serious.Even he saw with his own eyes a group of people like Xu Jie, Gao Gong, Zhang Juzheng and so on.The process from glory to decline.But in the beginning.Zhang Fan's feeling was not too strong.

And now.Zhang Fan really felt the saying "A companion is like a tiger".That's right.It is because you have a very good relationship with the emperor.That's why he was able to stay with the emperor all the time.And it is because of this that you have gained supreme power.But at the same time.You know that's why.So you are closer to danger.

Just because you have a good relationship with the emperor.That's why you can say something unusual to the emperor.Do something out of the ordinary.But people always change.Maybe not now.But there is always the possibility of some variation.even.Sometimes people just because of a small thing.This mood changes.It's really hard to judge.Even he himself may not know.And maybe at such a special time.The person on the side said a word.Even two people with a good relationship.But it is also possible that some estrangement may arise because of this.

If it is between ordinary people.That's still easy to say.But as between the emperor and the ministers.That could really lead to catastrophe.

this kind of thing.It wasn't the first time Zhang Fan had seen it.In fact, this kind of thing happens quite often.The difference is nothing but.before.Zhang Fan didn't take it seriously.but now.Zhang Fan knew that this matter was not that simple.

And now.This is the time.Zhang Fan knew that Zhu Yijun was very troubled by this matter.And the annoyance is not what it used to be.It's just an annoyance in the process of thinking about it.Instead it becomes raised.Really troubled.Although Zhu Yijun never mentioned it to Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan knew it.I'm afraid he himself can't do anything about it.He always felt that the degree of trouble in this matter was different from what he had imagined.

therefore.This time has become a very special time.And in such a special thing.Zhang Fan needed to be even more cautious.

That's why.It was Zhang Fan who changed the way he treated Zhu Yijun.If put it in the original.No matter what happened.As long as Zhang Fan needs to say.Then he will definitely not hold back at all.Will my own mind.and what you can think of.way to resolve this matter.It was said to Zhu Yijun verbatim.

but now.Zhang Fan had no choice but to do this again.After all, what Zhang Fan imagined on this matter.It's not that Zhu Yijun would agree.therefore.For this matter.Zhang Fan knew that Zhu Yijun would ask him for help.So he was under Zhu Yijun's request for help.It will definitely not be the same as in the past.Said everything he thought.more.Zhang Fan needed to hide everything.Or tampering with something.

so.Now Zhang Fan treats Zhu Yijun.Or the way things are.After Zhu Yijun asked.He'll tell as far as he thinks.It doesn't matter even if his idea is totally different from what Zhu Yijun wants.The purpose is just to let Zhu Yijun know what he thinks.

But at the same time.After Zhang Fan let Zhu Yijun know his thoughts.However, he would not impose this idea on Zhu Yijun.It didn't mean he had to do it.Zhang Fan knew if this was the case.It will cause Zhu Yijun's dissatisfaction.And Zhang Fan was also afraid of Zhu Yijun's dissatisfaction.Will be pressed in his some point in the future.Will take revenge on myself in another way.This is Zhang Fan's worry.

But.After all, this matter is very important.If Zhang Fan does this.In case something goes wrong in the future.That would be a catastrophe.But the reason why Zhang Fan would do this.It was also entirely because he had already seen the essence of this matter clearly.He knows about it.Even if he didn't exert any strength.As long as there are people like Wang Jiaping.Even other people.Not entirely for the court.More for myself.But this thing in this case.There may be a delay.But it is still able to make this thing happen.

so.Since in such a situation.There is absolutely no need for Zhang Fan to involve himself in this matter.Especially this kind can be seen by anyone who is not a fool.Participating in it will inevitably hurt.It's easy to talk about losing an official and dismissing a title.Otherwise, you will lose your Fan also had to know how to advance and retreat.

But anyway.on this matter.Zhang Fan did this.That is indeed some sense of being wise and protecting one's life.And although he was indeed able to protect himself.But others are at it.But it also requires more sacrifices.

after all.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun.That's totally this point.Zhang Fan knew it himself.At the same time, he also knew that if he worked hard on this matter.That can really reduce the loss of a large part of the people in the court.And that's for sure.Zhang Fan himself has this confidence.

And now.Zhang Fan was not willing to spend too much energy on this matter.Because he was afraid that this matter would sink him too deeply.So what happened.But to this.It wasn't that Zhang Fan didn't think about nothing.He will also feel a lot of guilt about this.But at the same time.He also comforts himself.Said that he was just an outsider who suddenly got involved.And in the original time and space.There is no such thing as him.So if history develops according to the original track.This matter was originally without him.That being the case.How many people will be involved in this matter.That's what it should be.therefore.That's why he didn't need to participate.

but.This was just a reason Zhang Fan found for his own conscience.However, in the face of this reason.Sometimes Zhang Fan can't feel at ease.Even some things.Zhang Fan really wanted to speak out.Do something about it.Do your part.But he often thought of what would happen if he did so.possible consequences.And will think about it later.The consequences of this will have an impact on yourself.And there is also what kind of results this kind of influence will bring to your family and so on.As long as I think of these.Zhang Fan's passion was instantly quenched by a pot of cold water.

Think about it too.After all, no matter what Zhang Fan said.Both are over 40 years old.The so-called forty is not confused.Zhang Fan is a man.It's been a forty years.And people have reached this time.It is indeed much more accurate to grasp the situation.And there is also the ability to better control your emotions.And will not make any irreparable mistakes because of a sudden impulse.

So on this matter.Zhang Fan treated it calmly.He suppressed his impulse.And at the same time.He also wanted to avoid any impact on himself in this matter.This is how it will be treated.

In short.That's what Zhang Fan was thinking.this matter.No matter how.Everything will develop as expected.And in the end, you will get the ending you want.therefore.Regardless of whether he is in this matter.How to do it.It doesn't matter whether he works hard or not.How much effort has been made.Since the results are certain.Then Zhang Fan obviously made up his mind.Don't involve yourself in this matter.Thus taking such a big risk.

That's it.

but.Zhang Fan's behavior.After all, it was his own decision.But while he made this decision himself.Others have no opinion on this matter.

Zhu Yijun's view on this is very simple.Zhang Fan has already expressed his views on this matter to Zhu Yijun.But at the same time.Zhang Fan also expressed his attitude to Zhu Yijun.Although he has this kind of mind.But he won't get too involved in this matter.certainly.At the same time, Zhang Fan also made it clear to Zhu Yijun.Not only would he not interfere with Zhu Yijun's side.Even Wang Jiaping's side.Zhang Fan wouldn't go too far and say something.

To this.Of course Zhu Yijun knew about it.And it was precisely because of Zhang Fan's attitude.Even Zhu Yijun knew it.Zhang Fan was not on his side in this matter.But Zhu Yijun didn't feel that Zhang Fan had betrayed him.Differences in philosophy are one thing.But whether it will do so is another matter.And this thing.There is a big difference between thought and action.Thoughts are the most fundamental thing.But if you don't put this idea into practice.That's like doing Zhu Yijun knew what Zhang Fan was thinking.I also know that Zhang Fan's thinking is different from his own.But Zhu Yijun would not have any other thoughts about Zhang Fan because of this.

And at the same time.Zhang Fan's thoughts.It wasn't just Zhu Yijun who knew about it.Even the people in the court.Including Wang Jiaping.They all know this point.Maybe Wang Jiaping wasn't sure before.After all, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Zhu Yijun is like this.So Wang Jiaping was not sure before.What is Zhang Fan's thinking on this matter?But after what happened that morning.And after listening to what Zhang Fan said.Even Zhang Fan didn't say anything about how he handled the matter that day.But his questions helped Zhu Yijun to open up.It has already made Wang Jiaping and the others understand.How did Zhang Fan view this matter.

Honestly.Wang Jiaping and the others were greatly relieved by this incident.original.Zhang Fan's attitude on this matter is not very clear.And his ambiguity.It also made Wang Jiaping and the others very worried.They are afraid.If Zhang Fan has a good relationship with Zhu Yijun.Therefore, in this matter, I support Zhu Yijun's words.Then this matter is really difficult.After all, if relying on Zhang Fan's power in the court.If it is really the power that supports Zhu Yijun.Then the possibility of Zhu Changluo wanting to be the prince.Basically non-existent.

But at the same time.There is nothing in the DPRK that can be hidden.many things.People think they are well hidden.But in fact, it has already been known by others.For example, Zhang Fan and the current Wang Guifei.The one that was was only just attacking.The relationship between the little girl Wang Shuyuan who hasn't even started the draft is very good.

And it is precisely because they know the relationship between the two.So it's true that maybe Zhang Fan will turn to Zhu Changluo in this matter. the previous time.Zhang Fan didn't say anything about this matter.And it's not easy for others to ask.therefore.everyone.Regardless of whether it is a minister in the court.Or Wang Jiaping and the others.I don't know how Zhang Fan sees this matter.

And after that.Zhang Fan made a big fuss about the early court because of Zhu Changluo.This already made Wang Jiaping and the others see some clues.And after that.After that incident.Zhang Fan's attitude towards this matter became clear.

Honestly.After knowing how Zhang Fan viewed this matter.Wang Jiaping and the others were really very happy.Not just because there was one more person on their side.More importantly, there are many of this person.That's Zhang Fan.It is a person who can speak in court.And not just for ministers.Zhang Fan's words cannot be ignored.Most importantly.Zhang Fan's words meant to Zhu Yijun.It's not something Zhu Yijun can ignore.Even compared to the ministers.Zhu Yijun paid more attention to Zhang Fan's words.Even basically most of what Zhang Fan said.He will listen.Will do the same.

therefore.If Zhang Fan could have such a powerful combat force join their camp.That's for Wang Jiaping and the others.That was definitely the best thing ever.

But now.What Zhang Fan showed was not what they wanted to see.Although Zhang Fan did say so.I am on the same side as them.It is for Zhu Changluo to be the prince.However, although Zhang Fan's thinking is obvious.But he didn't mean anything to say.

this kind of thing.It's not that you just have an idea.The most important thing is still.You have to put your idea into practice.Otherwise, it would be empty talk.That's why.After what happened that day.Wang Jiaping will immediately come to talk to Zhang Fan.Just want to ask to understand.

certainly.Zhang Fan didn't answer Wang Jiaping directly.It's not that Zhang Fan can't.It's just that Zhang Fan felt ashamed about this matter.So in the face of Wang Jiaping's matter.There is no way to just say it so openly.

And Zhang Fan's performance.It also told Wang Jiaping a news.And Wang Jiaping also understood what Zhang Fan was that.Wang Jiaping stopped talking to Zhang Fan.

Maybe it sounds.This is simply not something that the very courageous Wang Jiaping would do.But in fact, if you think about it carefully.It is not surprising that Wang Jiaping would do this.

after all.Now he already knew what Zhang Fan was thinking.In addition, although Wang Jiaping dared to speak.But at the same time.He is also very smart.this matter.before he decides to do so.In fact, it is already prepared.He could have known it long ago.This thing goes on by itself.There will definitely be no good end in the future.Even if he is now the chief assistant of the cabinet.Even if he never did anything wrong.None of this worked.The emperor can't touch you now.It's not that he won't be able to touch you in the future.And once the emperor caught the opportunity.Then you can't escape it.

so.Although Zhang Fan had such thoughts.But he can't do anything.Zhang Fan's mood.Wang Jiaping is not incomprehensible.And he will not go too far and force Zhang Fan to do this.After all, the consequences of doing so are very serious.

There is another reason why Wang Jiaping would let Zhang Fan do this and not ask too much of him.In fact, it was because Wang Jiaping knew what Zhang Fan was thinking.At least he knew that Zhang Fan was on his side.As long as Zhang Fan doesn't turn around and help the people over there.Then that's enough.

If it is changed to something else.I'm afraid Wang Jiaping will ask Zhang Fan again.But this matter is of a different nature after all.After getting involved.Then it is really possible to be greatly affected.So Wang Jiaping didn't ask Zhang Fanfei for anything.

At least.He already knew that Zhang Fan could not make trouble for him.Then this is already the best.

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