That's right.As long as Wang Jiaping is still in court.So no matter what the consequences of his confrontation with Zhu Yijun will be.And what kind of consequences for himself.Wang Jiaping wouldn't ask any questions.He just needs to go in the direction he wants to go.

But there is a prerequisite for this matter.If you take a closer look at what you just said, you will be able to discover this condition.That's right.The so-called condition is "as long as Wang Jiaping is still in court".in other words.If Wang Jiaping is no longer in court.Then all this would not be possible.

Sounds like an almost impossible claim.But think about it the other way around.If this statement is really true.So this is also a very scary thing.

And in fact it is.Once Wang Jiaping is no longer in the court.Then the situation that troubled Zhu Yijun now would no longer exist.Of course.Wang Jiaping is the first assistant university scholar of the cabinet.This person is naturally very important.But at the same time.His important position.While meaning that he cannot leave easily.But it also shows that once he leaves.Then someone will take his place right away.

As for if Wang Jiaping really went down.Get someone else.Yes, it will still be like Wang Jiaping.Confront Zhu Yijun.Doing my part to debate who should be the prince; or this person will start to be cautious.Even if he is the same as Wang Jiaping.He also agreed to let Zhu Changluo be the prince.But when this person talks to Zhu Yijun again.It will also become more careful.In order to avoid any accidents.Which will be the case.To put it bluntly, it still depends on how Wang Jiaping left the position of Shoufu.

That's when Zhang Fan persuaded Zhu Yijun to come over from the brief dismissal.Let Zhu Yijun continue to come to court.Another three months passed.And in the past six months.No one really can convince anyone.Wang Jiaping and the others have reason.And there are many of them.And each one is eloquent.But unfortunately.These people met Zhu Yijun who was so serious.He just thinks what he thinks is right.

Both sides rely on this method.There was an argument.After three months.Seriously speaking about this matter.Well obviously.Zhu Yijun should be at a disadvantage.There is no doubt about it.But Zhu Yijun didn't feel that he was wronged.I just feel that I can't compare with so many people on my own.It is also normal to be at a disadvantage.So here comes the problem.Zhu Yijun just persisted and refused to admit defeat.

That is.Although Zhang Fan brought Zhu Yijun back to the court.But not just ineffective.On the contrary, it brought this matter into a deadlock.Neither side admits defeat.They are all so stiff.

And this time.But Zhu Yijun was not the first to give up.He has really survived the debate for more than a hundred days.It was Wang Jiaping who gave up.

Maybe someone will say.Take Wang Jiaping's stubborn temper.He would be willing to give up on this matter.This is of course impossible.But Wang Jiaping is not a fool.He can still see clearly what is going on in the court.And this thing he saw to the end.But it was discovered.If this continues.It will only make this matter more and more rigid.Frozen to the end.On the contrary, there is no other way.

Rather.In fact, Wang Jiaping is under Zhu Yijun's current self-confidence.I can't find any other reason.Although logically speaking, he has the upper hand.But if you meet an emperor like Zhu Yijun who accepts death.Then he has nothing to do.finally.Wang Jiaping planned to fight Zhu Yijun in another way.

And Wang Jiaping's change.That's not an easy thing to do.In fact, Wang Jiaping's approach.It really pushed this matter to an intense peak.

Wang Jiaping made two memorials to resign.Although what the memorial says is high-sounding.But obviously.The reason why Wang Jiaping did this.It is entirely because Zhu Yijun is not close to each other in political affairs, does not have a reserve position, rejects loyalty and other reasons.

Honestly.After Zhu Yijun received Wang Jiaping's resignation memorial.The mood is really complicated.It turned out that Wang Jiaping did this.Zhu Yijun was also really happy.Once Wang Jiaping left the court.So that explains it.Zhu Yijun succeeded in this matter.If not.Then why did you, Wang Jiaping, resign again?And Wang Jiaping's words were missing.Obviously, there will be fewer things that troubled Zhu Yijun in the court.So if you look at it from this point of view.Obviously Wang Jiaping did this.Zhu Yijun was very happy.

But on the other hand.To be honest, Zhu Yijun really didn't want Wang Jiaping to leave.Not to say otherwise.But Wang Jiaping's ability to handle affairs is really very strong.think about it.It has been a long time since Wang Jiaping served as the chief assistant of the cabinet.And from the beginning of the debate about who should be the prince.It's been nine months now.Three seasons have passed this year.

before.Wang Jiaping only governed the government with the power of one person.many things.Except for those who must be seen by Zhu Yijun.And just nodding.Wang Jiaping took care of other matters without Zhu Yijun worrying about them.his way.Although it did make Zhu Yijun more or less dissatisfied.But Zhu Yijun had to admit it.What Wang Jiaping did.They are also very authentic.Clean and neat.

And even after the DPRK and China began to argue about who should be the prince.Especially in the back.Almost morning up.Everyone seldom talks about government affairs anymore.All focus is on this aspect.But even so.However, Wang Jiaping still handled the political affairs well.Sometimes Zhu Yijun would ask the supervisor of ceremonies occasionally to read the booklet.Many things can be seen.Wang Jiaping really handled it in an orderly manner.certainly.Some of this is also due to Feng Bao's contribution.

all in all.Such is the case.therefore.When Zhu Yijun received Wang Jiaping's resignation memorial.While happy.She also didn't want to let Wang Jiaping go.It is because Wang Jiaping is really capable of doing things.If he is there.Many things can really be done very well without worrying.

After much deliberation.Zhu Yijun feels that now.Since Wang Jiaping resigned.Then it means that at least it is arguing about the establishment of the prince.I am not down.That is.If Wang Jiaping continues to stay in the court.Zhu Yijun will not be afraid either.

certainly.Zhu Yijun is not stupid either.He could see it too.Wang Jiaping's plan was to make a last-ditch effort.Threatened with his resignation.Ask Zhu Yijun to make Zhu Changluo the prince.Facing this circumstances.Naturally, Zhu Yijun would not agree.

therefore.Zhu Yijun naturally rejected Wang Jiaping's two resignation memorials.

But obviously.This time Wang Jiaping was not joking.He's for real.I saw my two resignation memorials.After Zhu Yijun didn't agree.Wang Jiaping did not stop there.He made two more resignation memorials.

These four memorials are listed together.Zhu Yijun had no choice.Even if there is no previous event.Wang Jiaping made two memorials in succession.Then it is impossible for Zhu Yijun to keep him in the court.

so.In the end, Zhu Yijun had no choice.Can only agree.Let Wang Jiaping retire and return home.

As early as when Wang Jiaping submitted his resignation for the first time.The people in the court knew about it.certainly.People in the court also know it.The reason for Wang Jiaping's resignation at the meeting.It was entirely because Zhu Yijun did not establish a prince.And the two couldn't argue for so long.Wang Jiaping also saw that there would be no consequences for continuing.That's why we did it.therefore.Many people in the court did not speak.

But these people also know it all.It is impossible for Wang Jiaping to do this to achieve the effect.The reason is very simple.Because the two had trouble like that before.In the end, Zhu Yijun did not compromise with Wang Jiaping at all.How could it be possible to resign because Wang Jiaping wanted to resign now.Zhu Changluo will be made the prince.So he agreed to this matter.This is absolutely impossible.

so.From the beginning.The people in the court also understood.Wang Jiaping played his resignation.It will not be of any help to the Prince Li's affairs.And more than that won't help.There may even be problems with Wang Jiaping's own fate.Here is Wang Jiaping's memorial.Even if he can't leave now.But this head opened.His position as chief assistant will not last long.

really.The last two memorials are here.Zhu Yijun no longer persisted.Wang Jiaping's resignation was approved.Let him retire.

Wang Jiaping's retirement.It really set off a wave of extraordinary waves in the court.After all, such a person left the court.And in this way.This is a situation that many people have not thought of.

But these people may not have thought of it.But Zhang Fan thought of something else.Wang Jiaping's resignation.And why doesn't it have some meaning of protecting oneself wisely.

even though.When Wang Jiaping was arguing with Zhu Yijun about the establishment of the crown prince.Wang Jiaping did his part.The debate is very intense.but.Wang Jiaping finally saw it too.This matter is only based on him and the reasons he insists on.That probably won't convince Zhu Yijun.

And after a while.Even Wang Jiaping was a little scared.If I continue.I'm afraid the end will not be good.

Since there is no reason.Plus it's dangerous to go on.So Wang Jiaping simply resigned.Give up the seat of the chief assistant.Anyway, who will be the chief assistant.Naturally, Wang Jiaping knew it well.And this person, Wang Jiaping, also firmly believes that he will continue to argue with Zhu Yijun about the establishment of the crown prince.

certainly.Zhang Fan did not ask Wang Jiaping to confirm this point.Just guessing myself.But think about it.A person who can ascend to the position of the chief minister of the cabinet.From the beginning to the present.There are already more than 50 people.But among the more than 50 people.Someone who can leave the imperial court safely like Wang Jiaping.Really not much.

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