The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1911 Never Peaceful

"Master Zhang. Congratulations."

"Alas. Mr. Wang is too polite. Please come inside. Please come inside."


Zhang's mansion became lively again.And this time.Zhang Fan stood at the gate to welcome the guests.Obviously.The Zhang family had some happy event.And what is the happy event for the Zhang family?Naturally, there will be many people here.There are people everywhere at this door.Not just those who were invited by Zhang Fan.There were also those common people who followed to join in the fun watching.

What happened to the Zhang family?Check out the festive red here and there.Then I also know.That's right.Today is a great day for Zhang Fan's eldest son Zhang Yanyi to get married.Speaking of which, Zhang Yanyi is already eighteen this year.Although this age is not big.But for marriage.It is also enough.What's more, even though Zhang Fan came from later generations.But it's very open to this kind of thing.If the child is willing.Then follow the children's own wishes to do it.

This is something to say.Zhang Yanyi has already.married.Then be born with him.It's just his younger sister who has played kung fu for a while.Zhang Yanyue.It is already this era.say no more.Women marry at the age of 14.That's all normal.certainly.about this point.Zhang Fan is very strict.

But even so.As early as two years ago.When Zhang Yanyue was only 16 years old.He is already married.And she didn't marry some upstart in the court.Nor is it someone with a big background in the court.This is all Zhang Fan's trick behind the scenes.

Again.Zhang Fan as a father.I don't really want to give my children so many rules and regulations.And there is a point.Zhang Fan persisted from beginning to end.That is, try not to find those people in the court.North Korean affairs.It's really hard to say.Even Zhang Fan was among them.But the more he is inside.The more I know that some things are really not that simple.

Chances are you're looking pretty good right now.promising.But the future situation is not necessarily known.And even those who now have power in the court.It's even worse.Things will change in the future.These people must be the first to be unlucky.

Consider the future safety of your children.In the end, Zhang Fan still didn't help his daughter find a husband's family that had nothing to do with the court.And Zhang Yanyue eventually married the son of a sea merchant.Even so.Zhang Fan also investigated for a long time.Jin Yiwei almost didn't dig up their family's ancestral graves to make sure.certainly.Zhang Fan's mood.Naturally it is understandable.After all, that was his baby girl.

Moreover, Zhang Fan recruited the son of such a businessman as his son-in-law.Many people in the court could not understand this matter.How many people came to say goodbye at that time.Some of them are even really outstanding.Even Ru Xue wants to agree.But they were all beaten back by Zhang Fan.Originally, those people thought that Zhang Fan had already had a better choice.But no one thought of it.Zhang Fan finally recruited such a son-in-law.

Obviously.Someone who can make Zhang Fan nod.the character of the person.Of course there is nothing to say.But it is his identity as a son of a merchant.It really makes people wonder how Zhang Fan thinks about it.

But what Zhang Fan considered was not just this.At the very least, this daughter of mine will not be implicated in the future by any affairs of the court.The main thing is.You need to know what Zhang Fan's identity is.Zhang Fan's status in the court is not ordinary at all.In this way.How could his daughter be simple.Even if you marry someone in the court or a child of an official.Then treat it with great respect.One can imagine.If Zhang Yanyue married into a merchant's family.That should not be enshrined as an aunt.Zhang Fan did this entirely for the sake of his daughter's future.

certainly.The cause of this incident was not because of Zhang the very least.It was also Zhang Yanyue who first took a fancy to him.After that, Zhang Fan investigated the other party's situation.just made this decision.

In short.Zhang Yanyue's marriage is naturally over.And this family is also because of having such a good family.This business is naturally getting bigger and bigger.And no one dared to make trouble.about this point.There was no need for Zhang Fan to come forward and say something.The people below will do it naturally.this kind of thing.Naturally, Zhang Fan would not take the initiative to do it.But if it can be so convenient.He didn't mind either.Anyway, the tax is paid.Didn't do anything illegal either.Even if someone wants to gossip.Can't say anything.

Yanyue gets married.Zhang Fan was depressed for a while.After all, what kind of 16-year-old daughter stayed with me.Married out of the family.This matter is usually a father.I'm afraid they will all be a little depressed.only.Zhang Fan's depression.Compared to Ru Xue who should be more depressed.But it is much more serious.

And now.It was Yan Yi's turn to get married again.same.Yan Yi also did not marry the daughter of any minister in the court.This wife of his.It has nothing to do with those people in the court.her father.Just a very ordinary person.A restaurant was opened in the capital.Just do a little business.

With the matter of Yanyue before.Now Yan Yi actually married a woman from such a family.No one will be surprised by this matter.

Speaking up.No need to be surprised.With Zhang Fan's current status in the court.Anyone can see it.It will never fall.So.Zhang Fan has the capital to do so.He does not need to sell the happiness and freedom of his next generation at all.In exchange for the consolidation of his position in the court.In addition, Zhang Fan himself is very worried about the situation in the court.So finally.Zhang Fan made this choice.

However, there are still some differences in Yanyi.Although it is said that he married the daughter of an ordinary family as his wife.But he is not someone who can escape officialdom.

About this matter.Zhang Fan really didn't ask.Do it with the children's own ideas.In terms of benefiting this child.I have loved reading since I was a child.The brain is also very smart.And it's the same as Zhang Fanna.He also has the ability to never forget.

It was the year his sister got married. At the age of 16, Zhang Yanyi was admitted as a scholar.And the second year.He even hit Juren. At the age of 17, he won the Juren Award.Although the results are not top-notch.He didn't take the Jieyuan test like his father.But this time was much earlier than his father Zhang Fan.

Follow this pace.It won't be long.After the imperial examination, he became a Jinshi.In the future, he will become an official in the court.That is also a very natural thing.But what Zhang Fan meant was.If you follow this speed.Yan Yi became an official at a really young age.therefore.Zhang Fan asked him to postpone the test for a while.Let him enter the Imperial College to continue his studies.But Yan Yi is not the same as other supervisors.He is not in prison.It's just listening in.certainly.This is all because of Zhang Fan.Otherwise.Once in prison.He didn't have the time to go home and get married.

But Yan Yi is really a very hardworking person.Even without jail.Just listen in.His grades are also among the best among the supervisors.

all in all.Zhang Yanyi got married.It can be regarded as another family matter of Zhang Fan.certainly.This matter is a long way to go.After all, Zhang Fan does not only have these two children.There are many others.But take your time.After all, the others are not even old enough.There is no rush for this kind of thing.

There are really many people who came to congratulate today.Not to mention that the current chief assistant, Zhao Zhigao, is here.Even Zhu Yijun personally presented a gift to congratulate.It can be said to be the mighty grace of the emperor.Make others envious.

Talk about Zhao Zhigao.Since he temporarily replaced Wang Xijue as the chief assistant.It has been half a year now.And since Zhao Zhigao served as the chief assistant.This is a matter of fighting for the country.It didn't stop there though.From time to time someone still brings it up.Let Zhu Yijun decide early.But compared to Wang Jiaping's meeting before.It's also a lot more peaceful.

And after this peace.It also calmed Zhu Yijun a lot.He even wanted to appease the officials in the court.He even held Zhu Changluo's hand in person.Yujia Yude Palace.He also specially recruited all the cabinet ministers to come.Tell these ministers.The relationship between their father and son is very good.There is no meaning of abolishing the old and establishing the young.This also greatly appeases those people in the court.Let the situation in the court be stabilized for a while.

But this thing.Chaozhong has settled down.But Concubine Zheng.That's not going to let it go.Because of this matter.She was having a big fight with Zhu Yijun.Let alone Zhang Fan.Even people in the court have heard of it.And Zhu Yijun was also troubled by this.But after all he is the emperor.What has been said cannot be fattened.So there was nothing he could do about it.I can only suffer like this.

And recently heard.Wang Xijue is about to return to court.It's been said before.Now let Zhao Zhigao be the chief assistant.That's just temporary.If Wang Xijue comes back.The seat of chief assistant should still be handed over to him.That is.Zhao Zhigao's chief assistant.I don't know when I will stop doing it.

And for that.Zhao Zhigao himself had no emotions at all.It's exactly the same.Do whatever you want.He himself will never force the appearance.This also made the people in the court a little hesitant.

Wang Xijue's temper.Everyone in the court knows it.That is.People in the court can foresee it.Once Wang Xijue comes back, he will be the Chief Assistant.I am afraid that the current state of stability in the court.That's about to change.But to this.People in the DPRK have no way to decide.what they can do now.You can only predict what it will look like when the time comes.I made plans early.only.These things in the court.Even if you plan ahead.I'm afraid it's useless either.

And sure enough.After Wang Xijue came back.Zhao Zhigao gave up the position of Chief Assistant.But Wang Xijue has just become the chief assistant for not even a month.Then something big happened.And this big thing.It also pushed the dispute between the country and the country to its peak.

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