The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1913 is really stupid

Before.Because of Wang Jiaping's stubbornness.This is what makes the DPRK and China unstable.Of course.This is not safe.The people in the court don't think there is anything.On the contrary, I like it very much.After all, they were all very concerned about what was being discussed.but.It is also because Wang Jiaping is so stubborn.On this matter, he kept a close eye on Zhu Yijun.This also caused Zhu Yijun's resentment.It was not something he could not agree to.It had become a situation he absolutely didn't want to agree to.

That's why.During the period when Wang Jiaping was the chief assistant.Zhu Yijun was so nervous about this matter.At the same time, it was also the reason for many things that happened in the court at that time.

And after Wang Jiaping retired.Because Wang Xijue failed to arrive on time.Therefore, Zhao Zhigao temporarily acted as chief assistant.And Zhao Zhigao this person.It has been made very clear before.Be human.Being an official is quite stable.As long as it's not a big deal.No.It should be said that it is a big deal.Arrived at Zhao Zhigao's place.That has become much more stable.And stable meaning.In fact, it is Zhao Zhigao who likes to explain big things into small ones.

And after Wang Jiaping left.It was replaced by Zhao Zhigao.It turned out to be so.This gap is really too big.It's not just the ministers in the court who are very uncomfortable with this matter.Even Zhu Yijun.Even if he already knew what kind of person Zhao Zhigao was.But it really happened.He still feels terribly wrong.

But no matter how it feels wrong.That's what it is.There is no possibility of any there is no way to change it.Then just try to accept it.

And accept Zhao Zhigao's situation.The people in the court have nothing.Maybe it seems to them.This thing is not without benefits.After all, after going through such an intense period of time with Wang Jiaping.This matter also needs to be slowed down.If it's been tight all the time.Whether there will be a problem is also uncertain.

But Zhu Yijun's way of accepting it.That's just a little bit different.Others are just going with the flow.Just do whatever you want.And Zhu Yijun really is.It was still upstream.Now it has become a smooth sailing.Zhu Yijun accepted it very quickly.But what he changed was faster.

Speaking up.This is also conditional.Although Wang Jiaping made a lot of noise back then.But know before that.Zhu Yijun was concerned about who he wanted to be the prince.He hadn't made up his mind.It's just compared to Zhu Changluo's mother and concubine Wang Guifei.Zhu Yijun is Zheng Guifei, the concubine who loves Zhu Changxun even more.That is.Compared with Zhu Changluo.Zhu Yijun hoped that Zhu Changxun would be the prince even more.After all, this can please Concubine Zheng.But to say that Zhu Changluo is absolutely not allowed to be the prince.Zhu Yijun didn't have such thoughts at that time.

It was under Wang Jiaping's coercion.This is what made Zhu Yijun change his mind.certainly.In this change.In fact, the mentality of being angry is very serious.

And after it was replaced by Zhao Zhigao.Zhu Yijun discovered it suddenly.There is no need for me to make that appearance anymore.After all, no one is forcing him anymore.therefore.Zhu Yijun recalled.I also feel that what I did before was indeed a bit too much.Even if it was because of Wang Jiaping.But he also has this self-awareness.

so.Zhu Yijun thought it over.I feel that we should express our opinion to the ministers in the court.therefore.That time, he personally brought Zhu Changluo to appear in front of all the cabinet ministers.And also vowed to express.There is no plan to abolish the old and establish the young.

That time thing.Zhang Fan was not there.But Zhang Fan knew it.Zhu Changluo was excited for a long time because of this.certainly.Zhu Changluo's excitement was not because Zhu Yijun said that he didn't intend to abolish the elders and establish the younger ones.It's because of being a prince who rarely gets in touch with his father.Or to put it plainly.It is a child who lacks the love of his father.The joy of being close to my father accidentally.

In short.That's what Zhu Yijun did.And after he did.really.The form of North Korea and China has also become more stable.

It can be said.During the nine months when Zhao Zhigao temporarily acted as chief assistant.The situation in the court is really very stable.Even everyone in the court knows it.As long as the prince does not stand for a day.Then the national struggle will not end for a day.But the bottom line is.The current situation is stable.And no one is willing to destroy this stability.

but.When Wang Xijue came back.After provoking the responsibility of the chief assistant.Things were different again.It's been said before.Wang Xijue is somewhat authoritarian.Of course, he reserved himself the right to be the chief assistant.That is of course justified.No one will say anything.But this person.It's not too forgiving to Wang Xijue came back.This is not over.The national dispute, which had only temporarily subsided, once again caused waves.

but.Wang Xijue is different from Wang Jiaping.Wang Jiaping mentioned this matter every day.And it is very clear.It's not just for Zhu Yijun to establish a prince as soon as possible.more importantly.What Wang Jiaping meant was to make Zhu Changluo the crown prince.

But Wang Xijue was not like that.I said it before.For being able to be the chief assistant.Wang Xijue was very grateful to Zhu Yijun.therefore.When Wang Xijue was facing Zhu Yijun.What is said is also somewhat different.Wang Xijue also brought up this matter almost every day.But Wang Xijue is different.He never explained which prince Zhu Yijun had to make the prince.It's just to let Zhu Yijun establish a reserve as soon as possible.Of course.This matter has come to this point.Can't say Zhu Changluo's name.In fact there is no difference at all.

Today's court.The two factions that support Zhu Changluo and those that support Zhu Changxun are quite distinct.Those who support Zhu Changluo accounted for the majority.And no matter what these people have in mind.But also understand.What you own is righteousness.Therefore, anyone who supports Zhu Changluo.Just open your mouth.That is to be aboveboard in full view.No scruples at all.

And those who support Zhu Changxun.In fact, they all secretly have some ulterior secrets with the Zheng people want to support Zhu Changxun.But he didn't dare to show off so much in the hall.Otherwise they would get themselves into a lot of trouble.But these people are not doing nothing.They support Zhu Changxun in their own way.Those are some memorials.It clearly states that he supports Zhu Changxun as the prince.

only.Although these people are all on the side of Concubine Zheng.But what they wrote.rare.Even so, almost none of them could reach Zhu Yijun's eyes.The reason lies in Feng Bao.

Feng Bao is really unusual now.Human beings are even more hidden.And in the matter of the national dispute.Feng Bao was calm enough compared to Zhang Fan.Even more calm.This thing has been going on from the beginning until now.It's been such a long time.Feng Bao didn't even say a word about it.

Although Feng Bao didn't speak.But that's just outside.And Zhang Fan who has a good relationship with Feng Bao.The two sometimes communicate in private.So what is Feng Bao's plan.Zhang Fan is very clear.

After not messing with those messy things in the palace.Feng Bao looked at the affairs of the court.It also becomes less profitable.therefore.Feng Bao actually supported Zhu Changluo in this matter.

Although Feng Bao supports Zhu Changluo.But never said it publicly.But this doesn't mean that Feng Bao didn't do anything for this matter.In fact, Feng Bao did quite a lot.For example, those who support Zhu Changxun.I dare not say it publicly.Can only play up.However, it is impossible to hand over these memorials directly to Zhu Yijun.It still needs to be seen by the supervisor of ceremonies.Some directors of ceremonies did so after directly approving the red.And some are really important.That is to show Zhu Yijun a look.

Among the supervisors of ceremonies.Naturally, there are Concubine Zheng's people.But what about these people.There is no way to touch Feng Bao.Not to mention being able to do small tricks under Feng Bao's nose.

so.These memorials support Zhu Changxun as the crown prince.It was all under Feng Bao's deliberate actions.was pressed down.Don't call Zhu Yijun a meme.Haven't even seen the cover.

then.This also created Zhu Yijun's illusion.I feel that I am alone in this matter.The entire court.voices he could hear.They all support Zhu Changluo.And no one stood up and said that they supported Zhu Changxun.

This is also an important reason why Zhu Yijun brought Zhu Changluo to show up at that time.Just to appease those people in the court.

But Zhu Yijun did it.The people in the court are also happy.But obviously.This is definitely not going to make everyone happy.For those who support Zhu Changxun in the court.They don't care about this matter.After all, the reason why they support Zhu Changxun.It was entirely because of Concubine Zheng.Not that they originally thought about it that way.

But the people in the court think it doesn't matter.But Concubine Zheng didn't think so.original.The development of this matter is already very unfavorable to Zhu Changxun.And now.Zhu Yijun also made such a move.This made Concubine Zheng very angry.

It is also the first time.Concubine Zheng started crying in front of Zhu Yijun.

Zheng Guifei had never cried so much with Zhu Yijun before.Because she knows.No matter how much the emperor pampers himself.But if you do too much.It will also make Zhu Yijun a little annoying.So she has always been in good control.Even what Zhu Yijun did really made her very angry.But Zheng Guifei has always been able to show a kind of tolerance and generosity in front of him.

But this time.Concubine Zheng couldn't bear it anymore.It's okay to say before.but now.Zhu Yijun actually did this.Such a public admission that he also wants to support Zhu Changluo.This.For Concubine Zheng, it was a matter related to her matter how.Zheng Guifei couldn't bear this matter.finally.She also played the true qualities of a woman.Came in front of Zhu Yijun.Whispering around him vigorously.Zhu Yijun had to give her an explanation.

Speaking up.This was the first time Zhu Yijun was overwhelmed by a woman's crying.Before, it was because he only favored Concubine Zheng.And Concubine Zheng also has some tricks.This is also to let the concubines in the palace know.She can't be messed with.So no one dared to challenge her authority in the palace.So.Only Concubine Zheng could be so patient in front of Zhu Yijun.It made Zhu Yijun very Yijun had never seen this appearance before.

but now.Concubine Zheng behaved like this.This made Zhu Yijun a little unbearable.after all.This is a scene he has never seen before.This made Zhu Yijun unable to hold on.

And finally.It was really annoying and a little unbearable.Zhu Yijun who has nowhere to hide.There is really no other way.I can only promise Concubine Zheng.Said that he would give her an explanation.

finally.Concubine Zheng is also temporarily satisfied.No more noise.

But Concubine Zheng was satisfied for the time being.Zhu Yijun is in trouble.After all, he had already made such a promise.And he knows it too.If you do not fulfill this promise.I'm afraid Zheng Guifei will still come to trouble Zhu Yijun managed to persuade Concubine Zheng Gui.Immediately began to think of a way.

And this thing.It is to let him find a way to show that he supports Zhu Changxun.In the situation that Zhu Yijun knew.No one in the court supported Zhu Changxun.Even Lian Zhang Fan.Not talking about it.But Zhu Yijun also knew that Zhang Fan supported Zhu Changluo.That is.Zhu Yijun couldn't find anyone to discuss this matter.No one will help him with his ideas.It was up to him to figure out what to do.

Zhu Yijun thought a lot.Neither is a good solution.Or it won't work at all.Or even if it works.It will also offend many people.Let the court become chaotic again. .

But Zhu Yijun is not stupid.This is not irony.Zhu Yijun is really smart.In the end, it really made Zhu Yijun think of a way.certainly.At least Zhu Yijun felt that this method should work.But in other words.This is the best way Zhu Yijun can think of now.

only.Although the solution is thought of.But a slap can't make a sound.This matter is only him.Even if he is the emperor.It may not be possible to do Yijun still needs to find someone to discuss with.And get his support.And this person.Obviously.His status in the court must not be lowered.Otherwise it will not work.

Zhang Fan was naturally the first candidate that Zhu Yijun thought of.But Zhu Yijun just flashed Zhang Fan's name in his mind.He knew that Zhang Fan would not support him in this matter.

so.Zhu Yijun thought about it again.Think for a long time.He really thought of someone.It is the current chief assistant.Wang Xijue is gone.

It's not that Zhu Yijun didn't know that Wang Xijue actually supported Zhu Changluo.But he also understands.Wang Xijue's gratitude to himself.And Wang Xijue never mentioned supporting Zhu Changluo by name.And Zhu Yijun also felt that the method he came up with should be very good.Wang Xijue can agree.

Think here.Zhu Yijun didn't think too much about it anymore.Immediately, someone called Wang Xijue into the palace.Discuss this with him.

After Wang Xijue came.Zhu Yijun told him what he thought.original.Zhu Yijun thought so.Even Wang Xijue is like this.I'm afraid I still have to spend a lot of effort to convince him.But what Zhu Yijun didn't expect was that.After listening to his approach.Wang Xijue actually agreed immediately.This surprised Zhu Yijun at the same time.Also very happy.After all, the way he came up with.Now even the chief minister of the cabinet agrees.So in Zhu Yijun's opinion.It won't be difficult if this thing can be done.

What is the solution.I have to say that Zhu Yijun is very smart.But on this matter.His cleverness turned self-righteous.And this method he thought was very clever.In fact, it is an out-and-out stupid thing.

Zhu Yijun's thoughts are.Now he has three sons.The eldest son Zhu Changluo, the third son Zhu Changxun, and the fifth son Zhu Changgao.The three princes are all young.It is still too early to consider the establishment of a brought it up.First, all three of them were crowned kings.And after that.Wait a few more years.If the queen still failed to give birth to the prince.Then register again.

This is the solution that Zhu Yijun came up with.In fact, he came up with it in order to please Concubine Zheng.It's really a way to procrastinate.

If this is the case.delay for several years.Not only Zhu Changluo.Zhu Changxun's age is also up.Wait until then.Zhu Yijun wanted to make Zhu Changxun the crown prince.Those people in the court will not have any righteousness to oppose him.

Especially the one in the middle.It is said that if the queen still fails to give birth to the prince after a few years.The queen.Empress Dowager Li personally made it for Zhu Yijun.No matter from what point of view.That's all impeccable.But there is no way.Zhu Yijun just doesn't like her.So after the queen entered the palace.Zhu Yijun just followed her as a routine.A daughter was born.That is, after the eldest princess Zhu Xuanyan.Zhu Yijun never went to the queen's bedroom again.It made Wang and Queen have weird personalities now.Lost temper in the bedroom.He vented his anger on eunuchs and maids at every turn.Now, every month, one of them is seriously injured and carried to be treated.Lucky to be alive.If you are unlucky, you will die like this.

It can be said.Zhu Yijun's idea.It's really not very clever.And his idea.People in the court are not blind.Who can not see it.By the time.If this matter is brought up once.Then there will definitely be no fewer people who oppose it.

But unfortunately.the idea.Wang Xijue actually agreed.

And after getting Wang Xijue's consent.Zhu Yijun was naturally very happy.think about it.Even Shoufu agreed.Then what's wrong with it.then.Zhu Yijun really did that.And he did it.The court also responded immediately.

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