After having Zhang Fan to help Liu and Wang hold the battle, the courage of the two has increased a lot. At the very least, they feel that they have found the backbone in this matter, and it will not be like before. They don't know what to do at all. up.

And you must know that even if there are only some slight changes in people's mood, the external changes that will be brought about are also huge. The appearance of the presiding judge didn't mean that the two of them were pretending to be powerful, but they became bolder just because Zhang Fan was here, it wasn't like that.

Zhang Fan just gave them an answer, and the two who knew the answer could treat them like ordinary criminals in ordinary cases, without caring about the whole case. Something that stands behind it.

Of course, this kind of thing is very common for Wang Zhicai. After all, as the head of the criminal department, he has to face these prisoners on weekdays, so there is nothing to say.

The most important thing is actually Liu Yanyuan, who is the censor. As I said before, this time Liu Yanyuan was entirely due to very bad luck, so this is the time for him to try this case. It can be said that the original , Liu Yanyuan was very resistant to this matter. Of course, now, after having Zhang Fan, he has changed his mind a little bit.

However, you must know that Liu Yanyuan is the censor, and the interrogation work that the censor participated in is naturally related to the affairs of the court in the palace. The background is definitely not simple, even if this prisoner is checked no matter how he is, he is just a gangster who can be seen everywhere on the street without any background, but this case itself is different.

Liu Yanyuan has been dealing with such things in the past, so he has always held a cautious attitude towards this matter, and you must know that as a censor, if you often deal with such things, there is a slight difference, then He really would trap himself, and Liu Yanyuan has been working as a censor for so many years, and he is safe enough to see that he is also very smooth.

Therefore, Liu Yanyuan's original thought when facing this matter was that since there was no escape, what he thought was that it would be best if he could fool the past.

But now, after Zhang Fan's words, he is actually closed to a dead end. If Zhang Fan didn't say anything, then he might have done this matter, but now Zhang Fan Having said that, plus what Zhu Yijun said before, there is only one way left for Liu Yanyuan, and that is to find out the truth of the matter.

Therefore, although it is said that Liu Yanyuan has only one path left to go, and it is also the one he has to go, but in fact, there are really 1 people in his heart who are not willing. If there is, even if it is There was a slight possibility that he didn't want to do this. After all, no matter how he thought about it, Concubine Zheng would be involved behind this matter, and obviously, as long as Concubine Zheng was involved, obviously nothing good would happen.

In short, the two people's minds are not the same at all, but now, no matter how different their minds are, they are doing the same thing, at least the same in action.

Don't think about it anymore, since it's a trial, it's natural to bring the prisoner up soon.

And after the man was escorted up, he still looked crazy. Even Zhang Fan looked at him from the sidelines and found it miraculous. He thought that if he hadn't been facing him just now, he knew that his current appearance was just pretending. Well, I'm afraid even Zhang Fan couldn't tell that this man's current crazy appearance was just pretending.

Obviously, no matter who recruited this person, his skills may not be very good, but his acting skills are really not bad. If he is placed in later generations, he will definitely be a top student of Beijing Film Academy or Shanghai Film Academy.

However, as I said just now, Zhang Fan witnessed the whole incident, so he is the clearest whether this person is really crazy or pretending to be crazy, and this incident happened under such a background, this The more people pretend to be crazy, the more problems there are.

"Who is in the hall, please report your name," as Liu Yanyuan said, the interrogation began.

However, it was obvious that the interrogation would not go smoothly from the very beginning. Since this person was pretending to be crazy, it would be very difficult to get the truth out of him.

This can't help but remind Zhang Fan of what his grandfather who was still alive said in his previous life. At that time, Zhang Fan was still young and always liked to sleep late. It’s easy to scream if you’re not asleep, but it’s the hardest to scream if you’re pretending to be asleep.” Thinking about it now, these words are similar to what you see in front of you. People who are not crazy are easy to interrogate, but even those who are really crazy are easy to interrogate. It's the one who pretends to be crazy and acts stupid that is the most difficult to judge.

But this matter, no matter how difficult it is, it still needs to be tried.

But in this case, it is indeed very difficult to get any results from the trial. Moreover, punishment cannot be used, after all, there is too much involvement behind it, and once punishment is used, it is considered that the truth has been found out seriously. Later, it will also be accused that this person was beaten into a trick, and there is no way to use it as evidence.

In this way, the interrogation lasted for nearly two hours, except that the person's name was barely found out, Zhang Cha, and nothing was gained.

In this interrogation, Liu Yanyuan was the only one asking questions. After all, he, the censor, was the presiding judge, while the others, whether it was Wang Zhicai or even Zhang Fan, didn't say a word.

Zhang Fan did not speak because he was just an observer, and even if he spoke, he was still a witness, but now, in fact, there is no need for him as a witness to speak at all, let alone this Zhang Cha It looks like I can't ask anything at all.

And Wang Zhicai didn't speak, although there was the same reason, but more, in fact, he was also thinking about what was going on in this case, and after thinking about it, he always felt that this matter was not right, It's just that his feeling that something is wrong is nothing more than his guess in the final analysis, and it is not something that can be said in court.

In the end, this first interrogation lasted for a while, and the result was naturally inconclusive.

And this also made Liu Yanyuan breathe a sigh of relief. This is the only way to go, but now he has encountered such a situation, so it is no wonder that he is irresponsible.

In the end, Zhang Chai was handed over to the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Punishment made a final decision. It can also be said that this matter was completely handed over to the Ministry of Punishment for trial.

And here, Wang Zhicai still didn't say anything.

And the people in the Ministry of Punishment didn't sit idle either, and they were put on trial immediately after receiving Zhang Cha.

This incident is very special. Although everyone in the court knows that there is a huge conspiracy behind this incident, and this Zhang Cha is definitely a key person, but you must know that at least in terms of form, what is it now? They didn't know about the situation, therefore, apart from Liu Yanyuan, the censor, Wang Zhicai, the head of the criminal department, was the one who would come to the trial.

But after Zhang Chai was handed over to the Ministry of Punishment, the situation was completely different. Although it was said that even the prince was attacked because of this before it was determined, this matter only involved an ordinary man who didn't know where he came from. It's just a person, but now that he has arrived at the Ministry of Punishment, the situation is different.

This time, the people who came to interrogate were Lang Zhong and Hu Shixiang. You must know that the post of doctor is not a proper name for doctors in later generations of film and television dramas. It was just because of the proliferation of officials in the late Tang Dynasty. That is one of the official positions second only to Shangshu and Shilang, and its status is very high.

And the interrogation this time is different from the previous ones. This time it was interrogated by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so in fact, there are many ways, but even so, lynching cannot be done casually, but obviously, this Zhang Cha didn't know about such things people.

Zhang Fan also came together this time. Although there are still family members waiting for him to go back to the team, the matter in front of him is more important now, and he can only rest assured when it is done. The audience is very welcome.

The first thing Zhang Fan did was to tell Hu Shi and other people about Zhang Cha's pretending to be crazy, and after they discussed it, they also thought of a way. The method that outsiders can't detect is specially for this Zhang Cha.

I don't know what Zhang Cha was thinking when he heard these words, but after this trial, Zhang Cha was miraculously sober.

Seeing that Zhang Fan was so "awake", Hu Shixiang, Zhang Fan and others also looked at each other and smiled. It seems that the method just now has worked. Besides, no matter how you look at it, this Zhang Cha doesn't look like a person who is not afraid of death. people.

But when he saw this, Zhang Fan was a little confused. Concubine Zheng Gui had always acted meticulously in the past, and would never leave such troubles behind. Even if she really wanted to kill Zhu Changluo, she would never find such a person. Unreliable people.

But no matter how you think about it, it is impossible that it has nothing to do with Concubine Zheng.

In other words, Concubine Zheng had already expected this to happen, so she was prepared.

Thinking of Zhang Fan here, some uneasy emotions suddenly arose in his heart.

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