The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1929 Great Changes

within a day.This job was reviewed twice.And once it was the chief judge of the censor.Once it was the presiding judge of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.This shows how the imperial court paid attention to this matter.But think about it.After all, the prince was attacked.Naturally, this matter should be treated with caution.It is not surprising that it is so "grand".

But even so treat this thing.But the final result is.No results were found.certainly.The simple answer to this one is that there is no finding out.It's just that Zhang Cha is a crazy person.What he said was crazy and out of order.thus.This person was sent to prison again.

It can be seen from this.The presiding judge of these two trials.Although doing so on the surface is an understatement.But practically everyone knows it.Definitely because of the lead judge of the two trials.I don't want to get too involved in the situation behind this matter.That's why this kind of judgment is not a judgment at all.

Of course.for this judgment.The chief judge's mood is understandable.But the result was unacceptable to others.

Just about this matter.After all, the chief judge had already made such a judgment.In this way, others have no way to say anything.

But even so.It doesn't mean that those people in the court will give up this matter because of this helplessness.And actually it's a good idea.Although no one has made any plans for this matter yet.But this thing is like this.On the contrary, it made the people in the court care more.

Of course.For Liu Yanyuan who was just going through the motions.Although this matter has already involved him.But it is also because of his special status.So he was also able to escape.

But Hu Shixiang was not so lucky.certainly.He also has plans.Even Zhang Fan was present at that time.But he still made the verdict.That is because he knows.Let alone this matter.Just say Zhang Fan.If Zhang Fan had any idea.Even so.It is also impossible to say it in court.

It is precisely because I understand this truth.That's why he dared to do it.And after he came down to judge.He also reported this matter to Zhu Yijun.certainly.Perhaps for Hu Shixiang.This matter is over here.

When Zhu Yijun heard that Zhang Cha was a crazy person.Although he did not express his opinion.But my heart is even more angry.

Zhu Yijun's anger.That was thanks to Zhang Fan.It is precisely because of Zhang Fan's education and subtle influence on him over the past few decades.Let Zhu Yijun not be a confused emperor living in the deep palace.There are many things.The bare minimum.Zhu Yijun still understood very well.Just for example.That's a crazy person.And he is not someone with any martial arts skills.How could it be possible to break into the palace.

and.Although Zhu Yijun ordered someone to try the case.But he himself has not done nothing.It's just such a thing as breaking into the palace.It already made Zhu Yijun feel very strange.

certainly.There are too many doubts in this matter.But Zhu Yijun didn't need to think so much.He just did one thing.That is to ask people to the other day.But someone forced his way into the palace.

Zhu Yijun heard some things from Zhang Fan.This kind of thing is not unheard of.If the goalkeeper blocked it successfully.Then naturally it is not mentioned.But if it cannot be stopped.Nor will they report it.Because of this.It is tantamount to their own admission that they are not good at guarding the goal.still be punished.And it's the palace.A penalty could be the death penalty.

so.Once this happens.Most likely it is to hide the situation.And then look for it slowly.As for whether you can find it or not.That's for later.

But now it is different.After all, this kind of thing happened now.It is no longer possible to escape in silence.So if someone really broke in.It is still possible to ask.and.Zhu Yijun asked.It also has a purpose.

And finally.The answer Zhu Yijun got.That is, no one has ever trespassed on the palace gate.

Zhu Yijun who got the news.Really very angry.If someone trespassed.Maybe get angry.But there is still a reasonable argument for this matter.but now.The report said no one trespassed.Then this is different.

certainly.It is also possible that a trespass did occur.It's just because of such a big event that the prince was attacked.So no one dared to admit it.But Zhu Yijun felt that.This possibility exists though.But it won't be big.therefore.It can be said that it didn't happen.

Why was Zhu Yijun so angry when he heard that there was no trespassing on the palace gate?In fact, this is a very simple truth.It's because no one breaks in.But now it is true that an outsider has come in to commit murder.And how did this outsider get in?You know, this is the palace.Not anywhere else.All twelve hours a day are guarded.It is impossible for outsiders to come in without authorization.

That is.This person will appear here.It's all because someone put him in on purpose.

If so.Then it's easy to think about what's next.

That's right.This is the palace.It is the place where the emperor lived.The twelve hours of natural gatekeeping are uninterrupted.But this palace is so big.The doors facing south are not the only ones that come in and out.And the back door.There are also countless side doors, large and small.Although these doors are guarded no matter how small they are.But there are some more remote places.There is only one person guarding it.

And these places.Just give the gatekeeper a little favor.Even a person of some status.Force him to leave for a while.It's still very easy.To know.When Zhu Yijun was a child.It is in this way to enter and exit the palace many times.Just to go to Zhang Fan's house to play.

That is.Only under such circumstances is it possible for this person to enter the palace.And obviously.prerequisites for this approach.That is, someone in the palace wanted him to come in.If there is no one in the palace.Such an outsider.No matter how much gold and silver is given.The guards will never let it go.

So think of it here.What happened next is easy to guess.Why would anyone want to let him in.Naturally, some things are not convenient for people in the palace to do.And only to find an outsider.certainly.What exactly is this thing.Now there is no need to ask.

And obviously.There are only a handful of people who can have such great energy in the palace.The main thing is.Someone who wants to do it.In Zhu Yijun's heart.There is only one choice.Absolutely no one else.

therefore.Thinking of this, how could Zhu Yijun not be angry.

Especially after all these years.Zhu Yijun's views on Concubine Zheng.It even includes views on Wang Guifei.There have also been many changes.

Indeed.Maybe it's just about feelings.Feelings for Concubine Zheng.Zhu Yijun still wants to go deeper.

But after so many years of national struggle.what happened in it.It even includes some of the influence of Queen Mother Li on him.Of course, there are also some words from Zhang Fan.Zhu Yijun realized these more or less.I was too unfair to the mother and son Wang Shuyuan and Zhu Changluo.

And now.Zhu Changluo's mother and concubine.The fact that Wang Shuyuan is still alive is the best the original history.This ill-fated imperial concubine.Mother of Emperor Guangzong of Ming Dynasty.He died in the 39th year of Wanli.But now.The imperial concubine is still alive and well.Even better than the original life.

To know before.In the palace, she not only has to be careful everywhere.Even beware everywhere.Especially after the son is a little older.Even more terrified.For fear of any accident.that time.Concubine Zheng's people are everywhere in the palace.She dared not make a wrong step.Fear of doing something that I don't know.This offended Concubine Zheng.So bring disaster.

But after Zhu Changluo was made the prince.This matter has greatly improved.

Perhaps it was because the candidate for the crown prince had already been decided.And Zhu Yijun also knew that no matter how much he resisted, it would be useless.So in this case.Instead, he let go.And this letting go.It also allowed Zhang Fan to say something.And that's exactly the case.It also made Zhu Yijun realize how big a mistake he had made.

perhaps.The original Zhu Yijun was also aware of this problem.But precisely because of his status as emperor.In addition, there is a woman beside me who has been blowing the hair.So he even realized it.But also do nothing.

But the present Zhu Yijun is different.It is precisely because it is different from the one in history.Different experiences, different encounters, different education.It also made Zhu Yijun take a different approach.

at the very least.Regarding the matter of Wang Guifei.Zhu Yijun really realized that he was wrong.And he didn't just realize it.It is also in response to this understanding that I have done something the very least.Wang Shuyuan is also more like a royal concubine in the palace.Not just the daily living expenses.Even Zhu Yijun, who hadn't seen her for so many years, would come to see her from time to time.Even spend a night with her and so on.

This situation naturally brought about great changes in her life.Plus she has a mild temper.Therefore, compared with those palace people in the palace, Zheng Guifei is too strong.On the contrary, he got closer to the imperial concubine.

all in all.Zhu Yijun's view of the mother and son Wang Shuyuan and Zhu Changluo has changed a lot.And now this happened.Zhu Yijun also found a difference under his own investigation.In this way.How could Zhu Yijun not be angry?

To know.If the emperor becomes angry.That must be someone who will be in trouble.

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