"Master Zhang. Congratulations." Several local officials from Yangzhou came to Zhang's house to congratulate Zhang Fan.The end is full of joy.It was the same as the imperial court's great victory in Mobei.

"Hehe. The adults are tired. Zhang Fan is really sorry." Zhang Fan smiled and said the same dialogue to them.only.You can find out with a little thought.The smile on Zhang Fan's face was already a little stiff.It seemed that he couldn't put on any other expressions besides this one now.But he was very happy in his heart.After all, today is his happy event.certainly.Maybe wait.Maybe I will receive an even bigger surprise.

It is said that today is a happy day for Zhang Fan to marry Luo Linger.But Luo Ling'er was going to marry into the Zhang family as a concubine after all.Logically speaking.Today's various rituals may be simplified a lot.But it won't be too shabby either.Although Zhang Fan loves Luo Linger very much.I also wanted her to be in the spotlight.Towards the happy life that is close at hand in the future.But because of Luo Linger's previous encounters.Zhang Fan absolutely did not want too many people to come and watch.this time.Zhang Fan had made up his mind.He just didn't tell anyone about this matter with anyone in the officialdom.Never wrote an invitation to go out.

the first two days.Many officials who knew about this incident thought this was another great opportunity to recruit Zhang Fan.Many people are even more prepared early.All they had to do was wait for Zhang Fan's people to deliver the invitations to their door.However, wait and see.This Yangzhou city is getting more and more lively because of this incident.But they just couldn't see the shadow of the invitation.This situation can't help but make them feel a little scared.After all, a few days ago.These people all got the news from Liu Shan.Now they can be regarded as defecting to Zhang Fan's command.And Liu Shan also told them.In order to allow Zhang Fan's trip to the south of the Yangtze River this time after he returned to the capital.Can give Long Qing a satisfactory explanation.So Liu Shan has to pick a few disobedient people on weekdays.Ask Zhang Fan to pull the tank.

After hearing the news for the first time.These people felt that Zhang Fan was a bit stupid.After all, for them.What caught their attention the most in this deal was that Zhang Fan got Luo Linger.And it's permanent.Although they were also envious of Luo Ling'er's beauty.But after all, they are not qualified to obtain Luo Ling'er forever.So they started secretly laughing at Zhang Fan.Said he was doing it for such a broken shoe as Luo Linger.He actually got involved with Liu Shan.This is simply a cocoon.Who knows what kind of trouble Liu Shan will bring to Zhang Fan in the future.After all, they can be regarded as having a deep understanding.therefore.Most of their ridicule towards Zhang Fan came from jealousy in their hearts.This kind can't eat grapes.On the contrary, sour grapes can't hurt such a person.At best, these people can only satisfy their little self-esteem.

And now.It was already certain that Zhang Fan was in the same camp as himself.This time, he didn't give himself an invitation.How can this not make them worry.All these people have been suspicious recently.I was still wondering if Liu Shan was going to pick him up to top the tank.Some of them couldn't help it.Call someone who has something to do with you.This matter was mentioned secretly.But he was surprised to find out.Not to mention counties other than Yangzhou.It is in the officialdom in Yangzhou City.No one had ever received an invitation from Zhang Fan.

This matter immediately spread among the upper circles of Yangzhou City.to this end.These people also deliberately organized several secret meetings.at first.They have absolutely no clue about this matter.Logically speaking.Zhang Fan became his side.And Zhang Fan's responsibility is to provide shelter for these people.His identity seems to have surpassed Liu Shan, who once held the power of life and death for them.became their new leader.Zhang Fanhui agreed to come down to Liu Shan's invitation.At least it shows that Zhang Fan is also greedy.For money and beauty.Those who can do anything with their own desires.Isn't that what it is now.For the beauty and great wealth that can be obtained immediately.And what Liu Shan promised.In the future, a large sum of money will enter Zhang Fan's pocket every year.Didn't Zhang Fan immediately agree to Liu Shan's request for asylum?

And now.It was one of Zhang Fan's subordinates after meeting these.And a good time to ask them for something else.after all.Even people who are stunned should understand it.Zhang Fanruo reached out to them for money at this time.That is absolutely no one will refuse his request.But Zhang Fan didn't move at all.How can this not make them feel strange.

This is absolutely not normal.No matter who you are, you shouldn't be like this.

Just when these people were frowning.When you don't know what to do.One of them spoke his mind.Perhaps the reason why Zhang Fan did not send invitations to them was not complicated.In fact, on the other hand, it should be very common to see.After all, Zhang Fan was a wunderkind.It has only been less than a year since he entered the official career.Now he is an executive Marquis.He also received great appreciation from Long Qing.And the next emperor.The current crown prince regards Zhang Fan as something other than his father, mother and queen.The person he respects the most comes fourth.Everyone talks about working hard in the early years.Enjoy the old age safely.But Zhang Fan only took one year to achieve what other people need decades or even a lifetime of hard work to barely achieve.Moreover, Zhang Fan's current position would definitely not allow him to stay for a long time.It's time to call him again.The weight of the word "adult" must be increased a bit.

Such a young man succeeds.Now the momentum is in full swing.It's perfectly normal to be arrogant.This is too much in history.Just like the "Injury to Zhongyong" written by Wang Anshi in "Mr. Linchuan's Collected Works".Although they don't know whether Zhang Fan will be like what Prime Minister Wang wrote in the future.Young and clever.I grew up with dementia.But now Zhang Fan's behavior of ignoring them.misunderstood by them.They thought Zhang Fan did this out of arrogance.Zhang Fan must be proud of it.Now he has become their leader.Then this subordinate congratulates the boss.Is it still necessary for the boss to remind them that it is not possible?

This situation is a bit funny.But this is not without precedent.And just in the years before the Ming Dynasty.Think about it.How can these people laugh.This reminded them of their old master. .Yan Song.Yan Song entered the official career after passing the Jinshi examination during the Hongzhi period.It is also hard work.Ambitious.really.Yan Song's hard work has paid off.He has the trust of the emperor.Gradually, the power is in hand.And it is precisely because of this power.This sense of entitlement he had never felt before.Let Yan Song degenerate quickly.Eventually became a power traitor.It has been a disaster for the Ming Dynasty for decades.It is not safe to stir up the government and the opposition.

Yan Song's greed expanded rapidly.Even for money.He dared to embezzle the ink military salary.Well, if there is any happy event in his family that needs to be celebrated.The scene was naturally huge.It's just that Yan Song also has a habit.If you have such a grand banquet in your home.He will definitely not post a message to inform others to come.It is said that when he did it for the first time.Quite a few of his own henchmen came.Bring a lot of gifts.And those who didn't show up.Or was present.A person who is not polite.In the following days, Yan Song will definitely take revenge.Its fate is even more shocking.He was demoted out of Beijing.That's a good result.Many people were made an excuse by Yan Song for this reason.Dismissed from office.Copy the house copy the house.

These people think about it.They were all shuddering.Think of the possibility of yourself facing this situation.How can they not be afraid.But I'm afraid.But I also thought of it.If Zhang Fan becomes the second Yan Song in the future.Then he was living a good life.After all, although such a person treats the enemy extremely fiercely.But treat subordinates who obey you.It was also very forgiving.Moreover, Zhang Fan has a great chance of successfully walking towards their expectations.After all, Zhang Fan's starting point is much higher than that of Yan Song.Yan Song was at Zhang Fan's current age.He is still sitting in the editor's seat of the Imperial Academy, studying hard.Increase your knowledge.And Zhang Fan has already achieved more than half of the success.

This thought made them make up their minds.Since Zhang Fan did not send invitations to invite them.Then they should go.Even they think.Is the gift I prepared two days ago a little thin?Many people stood up immediately.Go back and continue to prepare what to add to the first meeting ceremony for the boss.And the requirement is quality and quantity.They never thought about it.If Zhang Fan is really what they think.Became the second Yan Song of the Ming Dynasty.I really don't know what the chaos will be like in this world.But they can't care about these things.for them.The thought of being loyal to the emperor and serving the country in my heart has long been thrown away.For them now.How to get rich.How can I make my life better.This is what they want most.

so.Zhang's mansion now has such a look.In the city of Yangzhou.Even officials from all over the world poured in one after another.The crowd is beyond words.It's a bit like a market that only happens once a month in a small town.All the people from the surrounding states and counties seemed to rush over.

certainly.Naturally, they will not come empty-handed.Although everyone came in with some handy but not shabby congratulatory gifts in their hands.Zhang's back door.It was that the housekeepers of various officials and lords directed the porters to bring loads of genuine gifts into Zhang's house.Then respectfully present the gift list with both hands.

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