a very special noun.It also represents a very special meaning.Say it's special.But this particularity has existed for most of the long history of mankind.Even Zhang Fan knew. 500 years later.In such a society, the humanities are highly developed.And still in the era of rapid growth.This particularity has not disappeared.

If it is true, it must be traced back to ancient times.Maybe since humans got rid of the matrilineal society.And from the moment of entering the patriarchal society.This special existence begins.But with the passage of time.To this day.What it represents has also completely changed.

at first.Polygamy is for a pure purpose.Want to add population.The tribe has grown.However, this was not done randomly.Those who had many concubines for their children were often some warriors in the tribe.After all, if there are many more brave people in the tribe.Then the growth of the tribe is just around the corner.even.In the era that Zhang Fan lives in today.Those who live on the grasslands are called barbarians and Tartars by the Zhongyuan people.It seems that this custom is still preserved.Warriors in the tribe tend to have many women.

And with the changing times.The development of social civilization and technology.This situation gradually changed.Men want more women by their side.It seems that it is not just a matter of passing on the family line.The reasons why people do this have changed.Some are to satisfy their own desires.And some are just to show something in front of others.Or some people want both.

sometimes.Zhang Fan even felt that.Although I am not qualified to evaluate this special.Even as a man.As a man who is powerful and powerful in ancient times.He also likes and enjoys this kind of special in his heart.But he sometimes has to admit it.The same situation.The people in the Central Plains did not do well when they were called barbarians and Tartars.Although the stuff they have is still very original.But that is the choice of natural selection.It is the most primitive need of people.But now.These people have also changed.Maybe this is a trend of the times.

That's too far.Back to the topic.Actually say so much.Just want to make a point.The concubine is now.It's just a tool to satisfy men's desires and reflect their identity.They have no status.This is also one of the reasons why Zhang Yufang agreed to Zhang Fan to marry Luo Linger.If Zhang Fan doesn't like Luo Ling'er in the future.Just a piece of paper to suspend the book.That way, no one would jump out to fight for a concubine's room.

But now the lowliness of this kind of concubine is undoubtedly reflected here.Luo Linger appeared in front of everyone.It also caused a burst of surprise from everyone.She is wearing a red robe.Really very festive.But because of one thing.The concubine's room is to show people a sense of "color".So her gown was made to fit quite well.The tailor's handmade ones are definitely pretty good too.The tailored gown clearly revealed Luo Linger's beautiful curves.It caused many males present to swallow their saliva.In this way, in addition to showing Luo Linger's beautiful figure.It is also because Zhang Fan has too high a status invisibly.At least it makes people feel.Zhang Fan is qualified to marry such a beauty as a concubine.This is in line with Zhang Fan's identity.If this dress is worn by a regular wife who married into a certain family.There will definitely be gossip.Either this woman betrayed her husband.Either this man can't satisfy her.In short.There will be a lot of criticism.And Luo Linger, who was about to become a concubine, put it on.That brought praises to Zhang Fan.

look up.Luo Linger's face was extremely beautiful.Obviously well groomed.But it seems to be too brightly dressed.But because of Luo Linger's natural beauty.This kind of heavy makeup not only did not spoil her beauty.Instead, it added a coquettish flavor.It makes people feel that after watching it, there is a feeling of being unable to extricate themselves.His long hair was also tied up.Twist into a woman's usual bun.Because of her status as a concubine.He didn't wear the phoenix crown.It's just that there are some pearl hairpins stuck in the coiled hair.This made it clear to the officials present who had wandered around in the flowers and the merchants who had been in the mall for many years that they were all precious goods.Especially those merchants who don't know the details.They couldn't help but sigh that Liu Shan really made a lot of effort to make friends with Zhang Fan.Spending such a large amount of money is nothing more than getting the status of a concubine.

I don't know if the judges think there are some unusual places.good.Why can everyone see Luo Linger's face clearly?The answer, of course, couldn't be simpler.The concubine's status is low.Although this ceremony is formal.But it is very simple.Naturally, Luo Ling'er would not wear a red hijab.The so-called "to marry a wife is to marry talent; to marry a concubine is to marry sex".If you put on a red hijab.Then how can I show Luo Linger's beauty to everyone.This.It is the embodiment of the low status and sorrow of the concubine.They cannot be like those women who are married as wives.To have a wedding that I have longed for and dreamed of since I was a child.But it's kind of funny.It is often these concubines that the men in the family dote on.After all, they must be much more beautiful than the man's original partner.Otherwise, how could men marry them as concubines?But it is also because of this.These concubines are often disliked by the big women in the family.Especially big families.And what that brings is all kinds of intrigue and general.The fate of concubines in ancient times was much more miserable.

But Luo Linger didn't think so.All the tragic past events she encountered made her give up her future expectations and dreams.Give up life.Make her feel hopeless.Even that dream is nothing more than an ordinary to mediocre life for many people.But now.She can wear a red robe symbolizing festiveness.He stared at the man he loved the most.And she herself will soon be able to come to that man's side.How could this not make her happy.She was so happy that she was about to cry.But she was forced to hold back.Because now her every move is related to Zhang Fan.She would never embarrass Zhang Fan because of her own reasons.

Luo Linger walked towards Zhang Fan step by step.Now she only has Zhang Fan in her eyes.There is no room for anything else.she knows.Many officials present.The moment she appeared, she stared at herself with this obscene gaze.But she didn't care.She wouldn't even look, or even glance at them out of the corner of her eye.Now she just looks at Zhang Fan.

A few people in the living room although no one will pay attention to them.But the expressions of a few of them are really wonderful.Zhang Yufang looked at Luo Ling'er who was slowly walking from the door.Eyes are not blinking.He was indeed a little tempted.Fortunately, Zhang Yufang has been in the business world for decades.Some self-cultivation is still there.He really didn't change his expression and his heart beat.And by his side, his wife came back to her senses before she noticed his abnormality.I still confessed my sins in my heart for a long time.But at this moment, he didn't have any intention of blaming Zhang Fan in his heart.Luo Ling'er is older than Zhang Fan.Those are pure bullshit.If there is a woman as beautiful as Luo Linger.Although she is older than yourself.It's still not suitable for me.As a man, he should definitely get such a woman.But these words are just thinking in Zhang Yufang's own heart.He absolutely dare not say it.He looked at his wife Wang who was beside him.Zhang Yufang swallowed secretly.It seems that Zhang Fan's uncle is also a fearful master.

Zhang Yan next to him stared so hard that his eyeballs almost popped out.He looked at Luo Ling'er more attentively than his father.I didn't come back to my senses for a long time.Fortunately, his wife is Korean because she has to take a two-year-old child.But I was afraid that he would disturb the scene by messing around.did not come.otherwise.Zhang Yan will be miserable tonight.

Zhang Ting on the side looked at Luo Ling'er without saying a word, pouted.Quite an unpleasant taste.After all, she had met Luo Ling'er before.Knowing that her beauty is much higher than her own.And Luo Linger's current attire.It definitely caught everyone's attention here.This is the reason why Zhang Ting, the little girl, is most upset.Although she has already recognized the fact that there is absolutely no possibility between herself and Zhang Fan.But even if she saw Luo Ling'er, she wouldn't think of any bad idea to smear her.But she still couldn't help scolding her a few vixen in her heart.

Seeing the obsessed look of his older brother Zhang Yan who was standing aside.Zhang Ting was even more angry.The two green onion-like jade fingers of his right hand grabbed Zhang Yan's ribs and twisted just like that.In this summer.It's just hot.Although today is a bit special.Everyone is also well dressed.But the clothes are very thin after all.Zhang Ting seemed to have used all her strength in this twist.The heart-wrenching feeling almost didn't make Zhang Yan cry out on the spot.But luckily he held back.Otherwise, it would be a shame.

He looked at his sister next to him suspiciously.I don't know why she did it.Zhang Yan remembered that his younger sister hadn't done this for a long time.last time.She was but a child.But when Zhang Yan looked at his sister's very angry look.He also understood the reason immediately.Zhang Ting also glanced at the corridor in the inner courtyard.It was clear that he was saying: "If you watch it again, I'll go and tell my sister-in-law. See how she punishes you." This immediately aroused Zhang Yan's panic.Quickly confessed to my sister with my eyes.Even inadvertently.He has already promised his sister the benefits of many things.

"Master Zhang." Liu Shan waited for Luo Ling'er to walk in front of Zhang Fan.said with a smile.He may be the only one who is not affected by Luo Ling'er.I don't know whether to say he is lucky or unlucky. "This person has arrived. It's time to pay homage."

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