The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 211 Lost Again

"What did you say?" Zhang Fan said loudly after hearing Wang Meng's words, as if he had heard something shocking.

"Uh... the humble position means that the reason why Liu Shan didn't kill the second wife may be that he is very confident, and the second wife thinks that he will not tell the account books," Wang Meng said again. He said the words again, he was very curious about Zhang Fan's reaction, and he thought over what he said many times, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"That's right, that's right, that's what happened," Zhang Fan seemed to have thought of something, and whispered to himself.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Wang Meng thought he was thinking of something. Although he himself wanted to know what Zhang Fan was thinking of, he remained patient and did not disturb Zhang Fan's thinking.

After a while, Zhang Fan came back to his senses, and looked at Wang Meng again with a radiant look in his eyes.

"What did your lord think of?" Wang Meng asked immediately, he was also eager to know the reason.

"Hehe, I thought of something, thanks to Wang Meng's reminder just now." Zhang Fan was not in a hurry to say what he was thinking, but played a riddle instead.

"Thanks to the humble officer." Wang Meng was a little confused by Zhang Fan's words, "Is it what the humble officer said just now, Liu Shan is confident that the second lady will never tell about the account books?"

Zhang Fan nodded.

"But when I said this, I didn't have much confidence myself." Wang Meng was even more puzzled when he saw that Zhang Fan agreed. It's so weird, Liu Shan's doing this is completely unreasonable, and the fact is exactly the same. Hasn't the second lady told the adults everything now, regardless of Liu Shan's own views on the matter of the alliance with the adults, maybe The second lady frequently pleased those account books some time ago, Liu Shan must have known about some rumors, so Liu Shan may have known that the second lady was instructed to do so during that time, but he still ignored it. , let the second lady please the account book, and anyone who knows the ins and outs of this may be able to see that it must be you, my lord, who made the second lady do that, but after Liu Shan knew these things, he still didn't I don't know what to say about this matter for this... this... I don't know what to say about this matter, in short, everything in it is unreasonable, "

"Wang Meng, your analysis is good." Zhang Fan nodded in affirmation of Wang Meng's words, and said, "But it's not that I can't think of this. From this point of view, Liu Shan will never place his confidence on a woman. So I feel that I want to understand the reason for this matter, but it is also because of what you said, which made me think of another possibility, "

"Another possibility," Wang Meng chewed Zhang Fan's words carefully, and immediately understood that what he said just now must have made Zhang Fan think of something else, so he quickly asked, "What exactly did your lord think of?" ,"

"After what you said just now, I have been thinking that Liu Shan is so cautious that he would never put his self-confidence on a woman," Zhang Fan explained, "and what he needs That is, the matter of the account book must not be spread out. As for how to do this, I don’t think Liu Shan cares about it, and he will even use whatever means to do it. Then, either keep holding the account book’s secret , is not known by anyone, but he obviously doesn't care much about this; or get rid of everyone who may know the account information, and he is the only one who keeps the secret in his heart, which is the same as the above point, and Liu Shan Apparently he didn't do that either, Ling'er discovered his secret, and he didn't have the slightest intention of telling Ling'er to shut up.

"In this way, there is only one possibility for Liu Shan to be confident that the secrets of the account books will not be spread out at all, and he is not afraid of such a situation at all,"

"Liu Shan is not afraid of the account books being spread at all, how is this possible?" Wang Meng was surprised when he heard Zhang Fan's words, yes, is this impossible at all? How could Liu Shan not be afraid of the account books being spread? That was his nickname.

"No, of course it is possible," Zhang Fan said with a smile and shook his head, "he is either confident that people who know will not say it, but some time ago, the news that Linger frequently pleased the account book must have been known by Liu Shan. But he didn't care about this matter at all. After all, at that time, he didn't know whether I would agree to form an alliance with him. Is it too risky for him to let it go like this? Then there is only one remaining situation: Well, he's not afraid of me knowing about the account books at all,"

"He is not afraid that the adults will know about the account books, this is too much..." Wang Meng heard Zhang Fan's words, and was about to say that it was impossible, but suddenly a thought popped up in his heart and interrupted him. He seemed to have thought of something , "Unless, that the account book that was pleased by the second lady can't get up, there is nothing worthy of Liu Shan's concern; unless, that account book is fake," Wang Meng thought of this possibility.

"That's right," Zhang Fan nodded in agreement with a smile.

Yes, although Zhang Fan and others did not think of this kind of situation at the beginning, but now, all kinds of weird situations have appeared, and Zhang Fan thought about it, but he also thought of this possibility, and this is also the most possible possibility. As long as the account book that Liu Shan put in the open is fake, then Liu Shan will not be afraid that Luo Ling'er will know about this matter, and he will not be afraid that she will cause trouble to him by spreading this matter.

In this way, everything makes sense. It's not that Liu Shan doesn't care about the account book at all, but he cares extremely, and even put a fake one outside as a facade. Yes, for Liu Shan, there is no danger at all.

Zhang Fan can be sure that if he takes people to Liu Shan's mansion now and follows Luo Linger's prompt to find the account books, he will definitely gain something. If you need to check the things recorded in the account books, you probably won’t be able to find anything. There may be some useful things recorded on them, but they are absolutely unrealistic. The names of the people who have gaps with him are recorded on it, so that Zhang Fan can find trouble with them after he finds out. As for the amount of stolen money and the location where it is stored, it must be all nonsense. Zhang Fan wanted to track down the dirty money based on this, but he might not be able to recover even a penny.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fan's complexion suddenly became ugly. Just now he was still happy that he had seen through the truth of the matter. Looking at it now, there is really nothing to be happy about. After all, if Zhang Fan's this Assuming it is true, it means that all the previous efforts were in vain, and now he can still arrest Liu Shan and bring him to justice based on the testimony of some witnesses, but if the stolen money is not recovered, then Zhang Fan returns to the capital, returns to the Long Qing couldn't explain it in front of him.

And for Zhang Fan, the situation he guessed made him regret even more, and what he regretted was the matter about Luo Linger, although now he and Luo Linger have completely abandoned all doubts and are sincerely together , but in Zhang Fan's mind, he would always think about the things he did to her before. After all, Luo Ling'er was in danger. If Zhang Fan's guess at the moment was wrong, then Liu Shan would probably find out When Luo Ling'er was frequently pleasing the account book, she killed her. In this way, Zhang Fan would regret it for the rest of his life. Even though Zhang Fan felt that the current situation was very uncomfortable, he felt a little lucky in his heart, thankful that Luo Linger found out Those account books are fake, which saved her from being killed.

But he thought of other things in his mind. Before, he would always think: "Although I have been in a dangerous situation, I finally know Liu Shan's secret." Numbing himself, let him feel better about Luo Linger's wrong and right, but now, he has no reason to comfort himself anymore, and the guilt and anxiety in his heart once again flooded his heart.

However, Wang Meng didn't show any troubled expression, as if he didn't care at all about Zhang Fan's thoughts being in trouble again, but speaking of it, the fact is true, he just didn't care about these things. At the beginning, he meant to let Zhang Fan Don't worry about it so much, Zhang Fan directly arrested Liu Shan and settled down, so Zhang Fan won't have so many troubles now.

"If you ask me, my lord, you are looking for trouble," Wang Meng finally couldn't help it, and said what he was thinking.

"Oh, what does this mean?" Zhang Fan, who didn't understand what he meant, looked at Wang Meng in surprise, as if he was thinking about why Wang Meng, who was usually a little dull and followed his own orders, suddenly became so confident. Thinking about it, could it be that there is really some good medicine.

"According to the meaning of the humble official, the adults don't have to care whether Liu Shan's account books are true or not," Wang Meng said angrily, "As long as the adults give the order, the humble official will immediately take people to Liu Shan's mansion and tie him up." When I come back to see my lord, I will also bring back those account books, no matter whether they are true or not. Then my lord will have more time to check them slowly. If those are really fake, with the means of our factory guards, I don’t believe that Liu Shan will If you don’t open your mouth, then adults will naturally be able to fulfill their wishes.”

It seems that Wang Meng is still thinking of a quick solution, but when Zhang Fan heard his proposal again, he couldn't immediately agree to it like yesterday. Now the situation of the matter has changed a lot. It can be solved so simply,

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