The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 216 Undercurrent

Zhang Fan is a little troubled now.Although what he was worried about was not a big deal.but.But it also made him think for a long time.

Tomorrow, I will go to Liu Shan's house for that false showdown.Zhang Fan should be ready now.Get ready for the tough battle that's coming tomorrow.But well said.Workers want to do their jobs well.You must first sharpen your weapon.Some things still need to be prepared.And it's these things.Zhang Fan was very troubled.

tomorrow.Zhang Fan, who went to Liu's mansion with the ceremony of returning home, must not be empty-handed.But how should this gift be given.What should be sent.Zhang Fan didn't know.

It stands to reason.It would have been a very simple matter.Even those big families.Nobility.Don't worry about these either.Sending some valuable items is over.But Zhang Fan was a little confused.

yesterday.Liu Shan's betrothal gifts really surprised Zhang Fan again for quite a while.It is said that he has been surprised many times by the things Liu Shan gave him.But it seems every time.There will always be something new to surprise him again.Early this morning.Zhang Fan asked people to take stock of those betrothal gifts.hehe.This is another incredible number.It's just that Zhang Fan was surprised at the same time.But it also feels a little taken for granted.It is natural to take it for granted that he has now entered Liu Shan's camp.made their umbrella.He can be regarded as the Shangguan of Liu Shan and his gang.And Liu Shan, the new subordinate.Naturally, it was necessary to curry favor with a trusted superior like Zhang Fan.

And surprised on the one hand.Zhang Fan had previously estimated the size of Liu Shan's group and the dirty money involved.Although every time.Zhang Fan always took care of the big ones.But it seems every time.Liu Shan will give him new "surprises".This "surprise" feeling.Zhang Fan was surprised from the beginning.It is now possible to look at it calmly.But there is still some surprise in my heart.

therefore.Now this problem arises.Liu Shan sent himself these things.And I went to his house to show one or two things.But.seem.Compared with what Liu Shan sent.Whatever Zhang Fan brought with him looked a bit... shabby.That's right.It's just shabby.Zhang Fan had never been in such a situation before.Or to be more precise.He also visited some people.There are also times when gifts are needed.But it has never been the case now.

Go to Liu Shan.Also show that you like him more.Then only one word.It is expensive.But.Zhang Fan now.Go there to find expensive things.This is a precious thing that can be found in Yangzhou city.It seems that Liu Shan has snatched them all up.Packed and delivered to him.You can't send money directly.Not to mention that doing so looks extremely vulgar.And come.Doing so seems a little disrespectful.In the past, most of the people who gave money directly were eunuchs.But such a eunuch as Liu Shan is way to send money directly is broken; secondly.Zhang Fan is still considering sending money to Liu Shan directly.Would it make him feel unhappy about himself?That was not what Zhang Fan wanted to see.

so.After noon and Wang Meng finalized the plan for tomorrow.Zhang Fan started to prepare for this normally extraordinary event.He thought about it.found a direction.That is expensive.This is not.Liang Chao, who he sent to prepare things just now, was bumped into by Zhu Yijun.

This is an expensive word.Zhang Fan also gave a definition.He doesn't ask for luxury.There is no need to have any historical origins or the like.Even if it is not very famous.Or something that the artisans have just made.None of this matters.But there is one.Zhang Fan set the rules.That is, things have to make people feel expensive when they look at them.I think it took a lot of money to get it.That's it.

This was also a solution that Zhang Fan came up with out of desperation.He didn't know what else to do.

The rest is.Zhang Fan began to think about how to extract the account books from Liu Shan.Just now.He already had some ideas in his mind.And also discussed with Wang Meng for a long time.Now.He also needs to think about things more completely.Make sure nothing goes wrong.if everything goes well.Tomorrow at Liu Shan's mansion.You can make it all over by yourself.

here.Zhang Fan is thinking about a big plan to arrest people.And Liu Shan, who was coveted by Zhang Fan.But he was not idle.

Liu Shan is rather proud these days.After all, it seemed to him that he had chosen the right path to die and survive.In his eyes, Zhang Fan, the upstart of the imperial court who looked young and vigorous because of his success at a young age, was really not strong enough.Still hit the ambush set by himself.After officially giving Luo Linger to Zhang Fan yesterday.Liu Shan was even more relieved.He didn't think Luo Ling'er could tie Zhang Fan up for him.He Liu Shan is other than himself.Never trust anyone.Especially women.And Luo Ling'er was already considered a junk in his eyes.It's just something that can play some waste heat.Even less trustworthy.

Luo Linger said to Liu Shan.It's just a stepping stone.This stepping stone has been used by Liu Shan for an unknown number of times.No matter how tightly the other side's door is closed.It doesn't matter how strong the gate is.Liu Shan would pick Luo Linger up without hesitation.Smash it over.Anyway, he won't hurt himself.He has nothing to be afraid of.It was only the stepping stone that was damaged.It's just a prop.Props have no feelings.Even if there is.As a human being, he doesn't need to care.It's that simple.

It really made Liu Shan feel that he had already made Zhang Fan tempted.Those who were willing to give up the task that Long Qing entrusted to him for him.Still the money.Liu to say.In the words of 500 years later.That's pragmatism.Everything is based on the achievement of the ultimate goal.No matter what happens along the way.It doesn't matter how much it takes to achieve the goal.As long as the end result can satisfy yourself.keep yourself safe.Let yourself still earn money.Then it will be done.Liu Shan.Such a pragmatist.

but.Liu Shan believes in these, but it does not mean that he is a fool.There is only such a thought in my heart.Think against.He is very smart.There are many things he still understands.for example.It is easy to buy a person with money.whoever he is.This method Liu Shan has not failed so far.And what he is most proud of is recently.He successfully bought Zhang Fan.Although it cost him a lot of money.Although he was going to send money to Zhang Fan.But it also took the huge risk of being caught on the spot.but.At least according to Liu Shan.This time I succeeded.This time the success is for him.Not just getting through such a difficult time.It is also for his Liu Shan's future.Found a good backer.Although the cost in the future will not be less.But Liu Shan felt that it was very worthwhile.

And Liu Shan also understands another truth.This kind of relationship bought by silver is very first.That is needless to say.The party who receives the money will do everything agreed upon.But over time.This is a little hard to say.Maybe the parties will demand more money from themselves.Maybe the other party has found a more generous benefactor than himself.certainly.That bit behind.Liu Shan believes that it will not happen.After all, in today's Ming Dynasty.Someone who can give Zhang Fan more money than himself.I am afraid there are not many.

But Liu Shan wouldn't just think so foolishly that he had already occupied the commanding heights.Nothing can threaten him anymore.After all many things.It cannot be measured by money alone.certainly.If you insist on putting a price on those things.also can.But the value of those things.Compared to those things that smell of copper.No matter how much it is, it is not enough.Like power or politics, for example.Although the two are compared to those who have no self-awareness of money.Even more stinky.but.People just love to go after that.

Liu Shan who understands these principles.Of course I know.Even with old friends who have joined hands for many years.Even childhood sweethearts.Even brothers.There are some things that cannot be fully believed.From this point of view, the term "killing relatives in righteousness" is not entirely for the righteousness of the country and the nation.More but for their own righteousness.

For these.People understand very well.But there is no way to avoid it.Can only go to minimize the damage.

Liu Shan is doing just that now.He is preparing something.Even now he.He seems to have seen a bright future.He will not relax in the slightest about the situation in front of him.Even Zhang Fan now seems to have no hostility towards him at all.After all, if Zhang Fan really wants to continue dealing with him.Seems a little unnecessary.Zhang Fan has already grasped many things about Liu Shan.If you want to catch it.You can do it already.But Zhang Fan didn't move for a long time.This reassures him a little.But he was also always worried.Zhang Fan might suddenly come out and bite himself back at any time.He didn't want that.

Liu Shan's preparations.It's not about leaving a way out for yourself.he understands.Once Zhang Fan repented halfway.Then he himself has absolutely no way out for him to escape.What he is preparing is a way to kill the fish and break the net.Once something happened to Liu Shan himself.Then he will never make others feel better.If you die, you have to pull a few backs.

Such a perverted mentality.Sounds a little irrational.Somewhat crazy.but.People live in this world.How can I keep myself clean.Liu Shan.After all.It's just a picture of the world.

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