"In that case, brother, how are you going to shut up that Meng Chong?" Zhang Fan looked at Liu Shan and asked with a smile. "But I need to know what the hell is going on."

Listen to what Zhang Fan said.Liu Shan knew that he had agreed with him.certainly.He himself understands it very well.What I just said.It must have caused Zhang Fan to distrust him.This kind of mistrust may cause big problems in the future.The reason why Liu Shan understands this point is to say so.It is really difficult.He began to tell the details.

It turns out that these days.Meng Chong didn't know what happened to him.He wrote again and again to ask Liu Shan for money.Liu Shan thought that Meng Chong was just greedy for money.Some lost their minds.After all, it is not a big secret that Longqing sent Zhang Fan down to thoroughly investigate the taxation of merchant ships returning to sea here.He, Liu Shan, did not believe that Meng Chong, who held the top position in the supervisor of ceremonies, would not know about this matter.Even less believed that Meng Chong would not know.In order to deal with Zhang Fan.All illegal activity here has ceased.

In this way.Meng Chong, who clearly knew that he had no money this year, asked Liu Shan for bribes several times.Of course, this made Liu Shan extremely unhappy.But because of many things.Liu Shan could only complain in his heart.After all, Meng Chong could hold onto him.In case he revealed it.Liu Shan will have to finish playing immediately.And Liu Shan was holding on to some things about Meng Chong.Although it is also possible for Meng Chong to split his head immediately.But that doesn't make much sense anymore.If he is dead.It's useless to take revenge on Meng Chong.The most urgent thing is to let yourself live well first.

The next few days.Meng Chong still wrote letters every now and then to ask for bribes.Liu Shan just thought that Meng Chong was really short of money.I am trying to take some out of my own property to deal with it now.Let's talk after this period of time.But his money has not been on the road yet.Meng Chong's next letter will arrive soon.originally.Liu Shan also found it a little funny.I feel that Meng Chong is really too impatient.But after he read the letter.He didn't find it funny at all.

in the heart.Meng Chong was still the same as the previous few letters.In short, it is asking for money.But this time.Between the lines is much different than before.In short.Two words are revealed everywhere.threaten.This feeling made Liu Shan feel very uncomfortable.good.He was subordinate to Meng Chong.It is to rely on Meng Chong's protection to act.There are many deadly handles in Meng Chong's hands.But this does not mean that Liu Shan is willing to be taken advantage of willingly.

After a few days, Liu Shan, who was lingering in his chest, passed.Received another letter from Meng Chong.Between the words in the heart.The smell of threat is more pronounced.Liu Shan seemed to be unable to take it anymore.He felt that Meng Chong had already threatened him.Want to get rid of Meng Chong.This is not because Liu Shan is extremely narrow-minded.He really can't help it.

first.He knew he was in a bad situation.Once Zhang Fan couldn't find anyone and just asked a few people to go back to Longqing.I will definitely be shaken out.At that time, rely on Meng Chong's courage and ability.Ken was afraid that he was just protecting himself.Where will he care about Liu Shan's life and death.Only then did Liu Shan make friends with Zhang Fan.

Second.After making friends with Zhang Fan.He could see that Zhang Fan's help to him in the future would be much greater than that of Meng Chong.That means.In the future, he will give Zhang Fan a lot more money.But if you add Meng Chong's share.Liu Shan felt a little overwhelmed.This is basically equivalent to handing over the money you have worked so hard to get to others.And that person gets paid for doing nothing.Even if something goes wrong.In the end it was impossible to talk about him.And Liu Shan is working hard.But still want this risk of decapitation.How many people in the world will do this kind of business.It's okay if there is only one person.But if there are two people.Liu Shan is determined not to do it.

In this way.Only got rid of one person.But who to choose.The answer didn't seem to require him to think much.Zhang Fan had just hooked up with him not long ago.But Liu Shan couldn't do anything to Zhang Fan at all.To put it bluntly, Zhang Fan came here this time to arrest him.If he regrets now.Isn't it tantamount to playing Zhang Fan?In this way.Zhang Fan had to arrest Liu Shan both public and private.so.Zhang Fan and Liu Shan must not have any thoughts about him.

Then there is only one other option left.That is to get rid of Meng Chong.But it's not easy for Liu Shan to get rid of Meng Chong.I've said it before.Meng Chong held many handles against Liu Shan.Enough to kill him.As long as Liu Shan has done something, Meng Chong has discovered it.Then he has to finish playing immediately.but.Liu Shan is also a sensible person.He naturally has his way.The first thing that comes to mind is naturally Zhang Fan.But before that.He took out a lot of money.Give it to Meng Chong.It was to calm him down for a while.It's also good to make him paralyzed.But yesterday.Meng Chong's night.Meng Chong's reply letter arrived.But there is still a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart.It seems to dislike Liu Shan's lack of money.This also made Liu Shan firm in his idea of ​​getting rid of Meng Chong.

"Yeah. I heard what you said, big brother. This Meng Chong is really greedy and hateful." Zhang Fan listened to Liu Shan's words.He spoke quite calmly. "Brother should know this. I don't like this Meng Chong either. But it's just that I don't like it. It hasn't reached the point where I have to get rid of it first and then quickly. Although I have an agreement with my brother, it's just I'm only used when something happens here. Now. Listen to what the elder brother said. Although the rush is still dissatisfied. But this crisis is still over. Why should I bother to do this thing. In case it is self-defeating Instead, I got myself into a big trouble."

"Hehe. What Yuande said is true." Hearing that Zhang Fan didn't immediately agree.Liu Shan was not impatient.Instead, he laughed.Said. "But in it. Yuande is not unprofitable."

"Oh. How do you say that?" Zhang Fan listened to Liu Shan's words.asked.

"Then Meng Chong is the palm seal eunuch of the Rites Supervisor. The palm seal eunuch is in charge of something. Presumably Yuande doesn't know about it." Liu Shan didn't say it clearly.Just said that.

Zhang Fan heard what he said.Can't help but think about it.The greatest right of the chief inspector.There is nothing more than the right to "approve red".Folds from the outer court.Only after passing its review will it be handed over to the emperor for reading.This right is not insignificant.Since the middle of Ming Dynasty.This right began to be exercised by the supervisor of ceremonies.People say that the eunuch seized the power of prime minister.But what does this have to do with Zhang Fan?

suddenly.Zhang Fan remembered one thing.The inspector of ceremonies spoke up.It should also be in charge of Dongchang and Jinyiwei.This is not an explicit rule.However, the eunuchs who have always served as palm seal eunuchs are generally in charge of the East Factory.In this way.The rights to oversee the two yamen do not conflict.But now it is an exception.Dongchang is in the hands of Feng Bao, the current eunuch of Bingbi.This is also Feng Bao's qualification for himself to be the eunuch of palm seal.Dissatisfied with the lack of success.It's not that Zhang Fan doesn't know about this matter.But Meng Chong was too weak.In addition, the relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao is also good.Over time.Zhang Fan forgot about it.Think about it now.It really happened.

Seeing the change in Zhang Fan's expression.Liu Shan also knew it in his heart.Zhang Fan must have thought of it.He hastened to strike while the iron was hot.He continued: "Yuande thought about it. That's right. The Supervisor of Rites still manages Dongchang and Jinyiwei. Although it has never been written in official documents. But this is the usual practice. And now Meng Chong has not troubled Yuande for a long time. He is also too courageous. Secondly, there is Feng Bao, a person who has a good relationship with Yuande, who is watching him. But Yuande, think about it. After all, Meng Chong relied on Gao Gong to sit in that position. He is not looking for him now. Your troubles. It doesn't mean that he won't trouble you in the future. Even if he doesn't. If Na Gao Gong asks him to do this, he won't dare to refuse. When the time comes to trouble you, it's justified. "

Zhang Fan listened quietly to Liu Shan's words.Did not say anything.As if thinking about something.

Liu Shan saw that Zhang Fan didn't speak.I had to keep adding to the fire.Said. "Moreover. After Meng Chong is removed, Feng Bao must be the eunuch of the palm seal. Feng Bao and Yuande have a good relationship with you. At that time, he will accept your love. He will definitely give you a lot of convenience in the future. This This thing is said for me. But if it is really counted, it is a long-term plan. It is still beneficial to you, Yuande."

That's all.Seeing Zhang Fan, Liu Shan still didn't speak.He had nothing else to say.I just have to wait.

Zhang Fan thought a lot of things in his heart.He really didn't think that there was such a relationship before.But now Liu Shan said it.Although his motive was to encourage Zhang Fan to help him get rid of Meng Chong.But Zhang Fan also had to say.Liu Shan's words worked.

Before.Feng Bao wrote to himself.He said that he must get Liu Shan's account books.So as to drive Meng Chong out of power.At that time, Zhang Fan agreed to Feng Bao's request.But he only did it for Feng Bao.After all, there is still room for Feng Bao in the future.It's just that Zhang Fan was also very upset about this matter.I didn't think about how much this matter would benefit me.

And now.The situation is completely different.What Liu Shan said was right.Meng Chong served as the palm print eunuch.It is justifiable to want to find Jin Yiwei and find his troubles.Meng Chong's inaction left him with no sense of existence.That's why Zhang Fan ignored this matter.But think about it now.He is worried.It's not that Meng Chong is worried.Instead, he was worried about Gao Gong standing behind Meng Chong.

If Gao Gong really wants to make life difficult for himself.Meng Chong's seemingly useless card will come in handy immediately.I have to guard against it.It seems.Whether it's for Feng Bao's favor, or to win the trust of Liu Shan, or for Zhang Fan himself.Zhang Fan had no choice but to get rid of Meng Chong.

"Big Brother. Little Brother Xiao, the commander, did it. I almost forgot even such an important thing." Zhang Fan smiled helplessly.Said. "However, the elder brother awakened the dreamer with one word. The words made the younger brother wake up. That's right. This Meng Chong must go out. And the sooner the better. You know. It won't be long. Gao Gong probably will be right Mr. Xu Ge is in trouble. I was forced by the favor of my mentor. I had to help Mr. Ge. I have something in my hand. I can restore Mr. Ge's innocence. At first I thought I was [-]% sure. But now it seems It's dangerous. When the time comes. Although I don't know how that Gao Gong will let Meng Chong hinder me. But it will definitely not make it easy for me."

Now.All three of them hoped that Meng Chong would disappear soon.It seems that the feng shui of Meng Chong's ancestral grave must be bad.I don't know which way the gods collided.Unknowingly, he caused so much trouble for himself.

"Yes. That's the truth." Liu Shan heard this.Cheer up.He knew that Zhang Fan had once again agreed to his request.What he said just now even made Zhang Fan enthusiastic about this matter.How could this not make him happy. "Although Meng Chong is incompetent, sitting in that position is a disaster after all. Naturally, it should be removed as soon as possible."

"I don't know. How does elder brother plan to deal with Meng Chong?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Yuande doesn't have to worry." Liu Shan said calmly. "I thought about this all night yesterday. I finally found a foolproof solution."

"Oh. Brother, come and listen." Zhang Fan looked very interested.

"Didn't I just say that? I also have a lot of reasons for Meng Chong." Liu Shan said. "Take out each of these handles separately. It won't do anything to Meng Chong. At most, His Majesty will scold him a few times. Keep him a little distanced. But he won't kill his head immediately. But take out these things together. I can assure you that Meng Chong will surely die."

"How to do it specifically?" Zhang Fan asked. "Could it be that the elder brother wants to submit the paper. You know. The paper will only be given to the emperor after Meng Chong has approved it. How can he hand over this paper to impeach himself. He will even find the paper to get rid of him. "

"According to the usual method, this is indeed the case. But as long as you are willing to help Yuande, it will be different." Liu Shan said. "Jinyiwei is under the control of Dongchang. Dongchang and Jinyiwei are also subject to the Supervisor of Rituals. But you and Feng Bao, Yuande, can pass the booklet directly to the emperor."

Zhang Fan pretended to be deep in thought.Paused for a while and continued. "However. Once this matter is revealed, wouldn't Meng Chong know that you are impeaching him behind this big brother? Wouldn't he still want to take revenge on you? Meng Chong would not behave like this to big brother. He felt that he had nowhere to go Will let the opponent go. He will definitely drag the eldest brother to die together."

"Hehe. You can rest assured about Yuande." Liu Shan said with a smile. "I'm holding on to the details about Meng Chong. I collected them in private. In addition, I handed them to the emperor from Yuande's hand. Meng Chong will never know that I impeached him until he dies." For him. Those things. I have written them down in a safe place. I can extract them at any time."

"That's it. This is really great." Zhang Fan said happily.There is also a smile on his face. "I don't know. Brother, can you show me those things?"


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