The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 237 Feng Bao Recent News

In the capital.This is now the hottest time of the year.And only this time.Whether it is princes or ministers or royal nobles.All of them are extremely envious of the common people.Although they have a lot of stored ice that can be used to cool down.But after all, that kind of thing is expensive in summer.And those rich merchants have money and no place to buy them.

but.The common people have a condition that is extremely convenient at this time.That is, ordinary people don't need to pack themselves decently.this kind of weather.Put on a one-see vest.It doesn't hurt to show your arms naked.Even for men.There is nothing wrong with going out shirtless.No one would gossip.

But for those princes and ministers, royal nobles.For these people of status.It is part of their duty to dress appropriately.It's a hot day.Clothes can be worn thin.If you have the money, you can buy those that are expensive as hell.In fact, clothes made of materials that are not much cooler than ordinary thin clothes.But this is not only to satisfy your heart.Still can't solve any problem.I still envy those common people on the street outside who can go into battle shirtless.but.It's just envy.Absolutely not jealous.

Feng Bao has been quite leisurely these few days.Feeling very good, too.first.He is really not that afraid of heat.Even in the hottest days these days.He didn't feel bad either.Second.It really means that people are refreshed on happy occasions.Some time ago.His people in Jinyiwei told him that Zhang Fan was sure that Liu Shan was the mastermind behind the corruption incident.And he also knew something that was of great interest to him.Behind Liu Shan there is this Meng Chong.For Feng Bao, this can be said to be great news.

That year, the position of the eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies was vacant.According to seniority, Feng Bao should be appointed.But Longqing had just ascended the throne at that time.The shadow left by his father, Emperor Jiajing, made Longqing not like eunuchs very much.It wasn't aimed at Feng Bao either.So at that time, Gao Gong recommended Chen Hong, the imperial eunuch, to be the palm print eunuch for his future plans.Long Qing agreed.To this.Feng Bao was not happy.Not too much grudges.

After Chen Hong was dismissed from office.Feng Bao thought his chance had come.Especially in the east factory, a banquet has been prepared.Just waiting for the time to go up.Long Qing announced the matter.How did Gao Gong recommend Meng Chong, the head of the food supervisor, again.More importantly.Long Qing actually agreed again.This annoyed Feng Bao a little.He began to feel that Gao Gong was not just for his own future convenience.Maybe it was because of some gap between Gao Gong and Feng Bao.

This is not entirely without reason.There seems to be no connection between Gao Gong and Feng Bao.In fact, there is indeed some disagreement between the two.Just one thing.At that time, Feng Bao had a close relationship with Zhang Juzheng.Feng Bao still agrees with some of Zhang Juzheng's ideas.

The general eunuchs are all because of their poor families.It is impossible to live.Only then did he enter the palace to be a eunuch.So in the eyes of ordinary people.Most of the eunuchs are vulgar and uneducated people.Even if it is favored.It's just because he knows how to please the emperor.It's just a traitor.Although Zhu Di's grandson back then.That is, Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Ming Dynasty, set up the eunuch school in Da Nei.Teaching the eunuchs to read and write.But the so-called is nothing more than enabling those who may be able to take the position of eunuch holding pens in the future to be able to record the emperor's dictated orders.Then hand it over to the cabinet to write a draft edict.It's not that these eunuchs are really required to learn some sage ways.Therefore, the general knowledge of eunuchs is not very good.

But Feng Bao is different.His cultural accomplishment is extremely profound.Especially when he was appointed as the supervisor of ceremonies.Also authored many books.Including "Enlightenment Collection", "Four Books", "Shu Jing", "Tong Jian Zhi Jie", "Di Jian Tu Shuo", "Jing Shu Yin Shi" and so history.These books written by Feng Bao lasted until the reign of Chongzhen.It is still circulating in the palace.for many people to read.And Feng Bao's calligraphy is quite good.Proficient in temperament and good at playing the piano.He also made a lot of violins.Such a eunuch.It is natural for a man to have his own opinion on political affairs.It is not surprising that he and Zhang Juzheng have common political views.

but.precisely because of this.Gao Gong couldn't allow Feng Bao to take the position of palm print eunuch.To know.Palm print eunuchs are commonly known as Neixiang.It can be seen that its status is important.One of the most important tasks of the supervisor of ceremonies is to "approve red".The so-called critique of red refers to the emperor's comments on the memorials presented by the ministers.And this right was handed over to the eunuch who was the supervisor of ceremonies.originally.The supervisor of ceremonies is just a ghostwriter for the emperor.Write the emperor's instructions on the memorial.But since Ming Xuanzong established the eunuch school.The eunuchs also knew how to give instructions.up to now.In addition to the few basic memorials that are written by the emperor himself every day.The rest are batched by the palm prints, pens, and eunuchs of the supervisor of ceremonies.

so.People in the Ming Dynasty often believed that the power of the eunuchs seized the power of the prime minister because of this.In fact, this is just an extremely absurd statement.Because there is still a process before the ordered memorial.That is to be approved by the cabinet.If it is the same memorial.The decision of the cabinet vote depends on the discrepancy shown in the approval.Then it will not be passed.To put it bluntly, it is the highest decision-making power.It is a way of realizing imperial power.The eunuch's approval of red is acting on behalf of the imperial power.Rather than grabbing power.It can be seen from this.The emperor of the Ming Dynasty authorized the eunuch to approve the redemption on his behalf.It's not so much that eunuchs should handle state affairs on their behalf.It might be better to say that they are using the power of eunuchs to contain the cabinet.On behalf of the emperor to supervise and control the court.In order to ensure that the interests of the imperial power are not damaged and violated.And it can also prevent any behavior that goes against the emperor's intentions.

In this way.Of course, Gao Gong couldn't just sit back and watch Feng Bao and his superiors, the supervisor of ceremonies, hold the position of the eunuch.If so.It will be a great disadvantage to him in the future.You can think about it.If Gao Gong has a memorial.Zhang Juzheng did not want it to pass.However, the members of the cabinet all felt that the high-arch memorial was right.Approved by cabinet vote.But this memorial went to the supervisor of ceremonies.Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng have a good relationship.know what he means.Then criticize if you disagree.This memorial is invalid.

on the other hand.Zhang Juzheng has a memorial.There may be something on it that Gao Gong doesn't want to see.But the members of the cabinet also felt that what Zhang Juzheng said in the memorial was good.It is still voted to pass.And wait until this memorial reaches the supervisor of ceremonies.In Feng Bao's hands.Feng Bao naturally also passed.If so.The memorial submitted by Zhang Juzheng was really approved and implemented.

This is something Gao Gong absolutely does not allow to Chen Hong was dismissed from office.He recommended a self-recommendation again.And the eunuch who listened to him very much.Meng Chong.And Long Qing didn't say anything.Agreed with Gao Gong's recommendation.

In this way.Feng Bao has been waiting for a whole year.Now I don't know how many more years to wait.How could this not annoy him.

so.Now, the information obtained from Zhang Fan made Feng Bao feel that his chance had come.It's time for him to bring down this vulgar man, Meng Chong.Then he took the seat that should have belonged to him long ago.

But bring down an official.In particular, it is a eunuch who is in charge of seals.The highest position a eunuch can ascend to.Just saying it won't do.After all, everyone knows that words are false.There must be particular.Feng Bao was extremely concerned about this matter.I also practiced countless times in my the end.He determined one thing.

Perhaps Meng Chong was facing such an accusation from Feng Bao.Maybe he was pale with fright.There is still the mind to come out and argue for yourself.But Feng Bao considered another person.high arch.Because he knows.Gao Gong also understands.If Meng Chong was dismissed again.Feng Bao will definitely take the position of palm seal eunuch.After all, there is no one with better qualifications than Feng Bao in the palace.certainly.Gao Gong can also recommend another person who is not well known.But thinking about it, Longqing would definitely not agree.

so.Feng Bao once sued Meng Chong in front of Long Qing.Gao Gong will definitely stand up and speak for Meng Chong.There is no doubt about it.therefore.Gao Gong needs Zhang Fan to find Liu Shan's account books that record things about Meng Chong as evidence.Used to bring down Meng Chong.

Although Feng Bao hated Gao Gong, he gritted his teeth.But this hatred didn't make him lose his mind.He understands very well.Once Gao Gong saw that he took out the account book as evidence.It will inevitably turn around and retreat immediately.Be wise and protect yourself.He will never care about Meng Chong's life or death again.Or let Feng Bao take the seat of the eunuch in charge of the supervisor of ceremonies.After all compared to these.The most important thing is to leave a clean image in the eyes of the emperor.

And what makes Feng Bao even more happy is that.He just received a letter from Zhang Fan from Yangzhou.The letter said.Liu Shan has already been put to death.Moreover, the account book that Feng Bao cared about is now in Zhang Fan's hands.It's just that Zhang Fan will need that account book later.had to stay.Hand it over to Feng Bao when you return to Beijing.Now I sent this letter specially to tell Feng Bao.

After Feng Bao read the letter.That is happy.Moreover, Feng Bao had intentionally or unintentionally brought up Liu Shan's matter in front of Meng Chong a few days ago.Meng Chong didn't do anything special other than his superficial tightening.Feng Bao concluded.Although Meng Chong cared.But not too concerned.The biggest possibility is that Meng Chong didn't know anything about Liu Shan holding his handle.

This made Liu Shan think it was a good opportunity.So that he could see Meng Chong's expression after he knew he had been stabbed in the back by Liu Shan.Feng Bao thought that would make him happy.

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