The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 243 The Suspect of Narcissus

"What did you say..." Zhang Fan seemed to have heard something earth-shattering.His expression also became extraordinarily solemn. "Hurry up and tell me again." Wang Meng and Li Yang on the side also nervously looked at Liang Chao in front of Zhang Fan.

"Yes, my lord." Liang Chao listened to Zhang Fan's words.Open your mouth and say.He still wears shorts and a vest to this day.It was completely dressed as a porter and rushed over.It can be seen that things are indeed serious. "Hizhi has been overseeing the work these past few days. I have become acquainted with those porters a lot. The local porters have gone back today. Those who stayed are all from Suzhou. Humble and a few of them have been familiar with these few days. I was chatting with one of them during lunch today. I accidentally talked about this matter.

"The porter unintentionally told me to rush home with the money. He said that his brother-in-law was dead. The humble official didn't care about it at the time. After all, this kind of thing is normal. But when he said that his uncle was the gate official of Suzhou City .He suffered a sudden attack of heart disease for no reason yesterday. He died suddenly.

"When I came back to my senses, I felt that something was wrong. Isn't this situation the same as in Yangzhou City a few days ago. So I was shocked and asked him some details. Where did I know that what he said made me feel even worse? be surprised."

"Just tell me quickly what he said. What's the point at this time?" Zhang Fan also asked impatiently.

"It's my lord." Liang Chao hurriedly returned to the topic.Open your mouth and say. "Bizhi asked him at that time. His brother-in-law was the gate official of Suzhou City. Sure enough. He told me that it was the east gate. At that time, I thought to myself. This thing is really too coincidental. But suffering from him these few days has not Not at home. I don't know what the situation is. The humble official also asked him whether his brother-in-law knew this Yang Lin. But he said that his brother-in-law had never left Suzhou. And he and his brother-in-law have been playing together since childhood Yes. They basically know everyone they know. There is no such person as Yang Lin. Seeing that I can’t find any clues in the humble job, I have to ask his family. I plan to ask the adults for instructions when I come back. Go to Suzhou to find out.”

"Hmm. It would have been just a coincidence if two gate officials from the neighboring prefectures and counties died at the same time." Zhang Fan listened to Liang Chao's narration.He lowered his head and muttered to himself.Thinking about something. "But if two people died at the same time because of poisonous needles. Such a weird situation. This thing is a bit strange."

"My lord, I also feel that the matter is too inappropriate. So I am here to ask my lord to allow me to go to Suzhou to find out what is going on." Liang Chao clasped his fists and said.

"Yeah. I'm a little worried about this too." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "How about this. You can go and have a look. Oh, that's right. Take Li Yang too. After all, he is an expert in poisoning. He should be able to help you."

"I obey. My lord." Liang Chao and Li Yang stood in front of Zhang Fan and clasped their fists in unison.

"However. Now there is one more thing." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "Liang Chao. Hurry up to take a shower and change clothes. It's not that you can't look like this. But the smell on your body now is heavier than those soldiers who are marching and fighting." Zhang Fan actually joked.

Liang Chao didn't realize it was just a joke for a while.He really raised his arm and sniffed it in front of his nose.It took a while to come back to my senses.There was an embarrassed expression on his face.Said: "The humble job... the humble job is also because of the urgency of the situation. That's why... the humble job lost its composure in front of the adults. Now go take a bath and change clothes." After saying this.Liang Chao bowed to Zhang Fan again.Then he turned and retreated.

After Liang Chao left.Zhang Fan regained his serious expression.I was also thinking about this in my heart.This thing sounds weird.At the same time, gate officials in two cities were killed with poisoned needles.And the two have nothing to do with each other.The only thing that is the same is that they are all gate officials.This kind of situation made Zhang Fan feel that it seemed to be foretelling some big event that was about to happen.But today's Zhang Fan has no clue at all.

"Wang Meng. What do you think about this?" Zhang Fan thought about it.There is no way.Ask about Wang Meng.After all, Wang Meng served in the army before serving in Jinyiwei.There are many things that his extensive experience can help with.

"This matter is very weird. I don't have any clue here at the humble position." Wang Meng also shook his head and said. "If it is at the border, this kind of thing happened in several adjacent counties. Generally speaking, it means that the people of the foreign race are about to attack. And the direction of the city gate of the dead is the place where the foreign race will attack. Of course .It may also be from the enemy's old suspicion. The attack will come from the opposite direction.

"But this matter now. This really confuses the humble official. Now all the dead in Yangzhou and Suzhou are the gate officials of the East City Gate. But the east of Yangzhou and Suzhou is facing the East China Sea. There will be no enemies. If As far as the west is concerned, Yangzhou and Suzhou can be regarded as the eastern part of South Zhili. To the west is Yingtian Mansion. There can be no enemies at all.

"If this matter is left to the humble staff to guess, it really doesn't look like an enemy seeking revenge. It's a bit like some people who are dissatisfied with the court venting. But it really doesn't look like it. After all, only two people died now. A small door official. It really can't do any harm to the imperial court."

"Yeah. It's true." After Zhang Fan heard this.He also agreed with Wang Meng's words. "And the daffodils are actually used as poison. This thing is too common. People usually plant some. Although Li Yang said that it would take a lot of time to make this kind of highly toxic poison that seals the throat when it sees blood. Less daffodils. But it's still hard to find."

"My lord, it's actually not like this." Li Yang who was on the side heard Zhang Fan's words.Said hastily. "I forgot some things last time. I didn't remember them. So I didn't tell the adults. Now I heard what the adults said just now. I remember them."

"Oh. You remembered something." Zhang Fan heard that Li Yang had something to say.asked curiously.

"Although this narcissus can be made into poison, not all narcissus can be used. Of course, it's not impossible. It's just that it's too troublesome." Li Yang explained. "Things like grass and trees. It's better to grow in the wild. Of course. Some flowers and plants in flower pots in many people's homes do look much better than medicines that grow in the wild. But that's just careful care. Yes. In fact, it is not as good as the plants that grow in the wild. Just think of this daffodil. Even though it has the same color and strong fragrance after blooming, it is not as toxic as the one that grows in the wild. Narcissus is awesome.

"Of course. Daffodils that grow in people's homes can also be used to make such a highly toxic poison by extracting the rhizome juice. But the number of daffodils needed is probably more than ten times that of the wild. This is why no one One of the reasons to use it to make poison. It is too troublesome. It is too easy to be discovered. After all, if there are so many words in the market, if they are greatly reduced, they will be remembered in a very large volume."

"I see." Zhang Fan listened to him.suddenly realized.Said. "Wang Meng. Go check it out now. Is there anyone in the market now..."

Zhang Fan hadn't finished speaking yet.I just saw Wang Meng shaking his head: "My lord. After I learned about this matter, I also felt some doubts in my heart. Although my lord didn't intend to ask about this matter, I still went to investigate. Although I didn't know the need for drug production There are so many narcissus. But I still sent someone to the market to ask about it. Everything is normal. I even sent people to the surrounding states and counties. Even Zhejiang has asked about it. Everything is normal."

"This is going to be difficult." Zhang Fan said with a frown.Narcissus is an ornamental flower.Although in the future.Because of the advent of technology and greenhouses.The north can also feed.but now.Only in the South.Generally speaking.That is, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Xiaoliuqiu are planted in large quantities.

Little Liuqiu is too far away.Not considered; Fujian is possible though.But the possibility is really small; the remaining two places are Jiangsu and Zhejiang.Wang Meng has already sent someone to ask.Also found nothing.

"Your Excellency, you can send someone to ask where the narcissus is produced." Li Yang said.

"It's useless." Zhang Fan said. "There is no movement here or in Zhejiang. Fujian and Xiaoliuqiu are too far away. It should not be transmitted from there."

The three fell into silence again.The current situation can be described as very confusing.It feels like something big is happening.But people can't find the way.It's just too weird.

"That's it. Wang Meng." Zhang Fan said suddenly. "Send people to investigate the surrounding counties and counties. See if anything happened to the gate officials in Hangzhou, Songjiang, and even Yingtian Mansion's east gate. If there is, it means that there must be something big behind this incident. .If someone is still alive. Then you don't want to scare the snake. Send someone to watch. Use him as a bait to catch the assassin. I want to see who is behind this."

"Yes, my lord. I will obey your orders." Wang Meng immediately clasped his fists in response.

Just then.Liang Chao is back.He has changed his clothes now.The body odor is gone.Even the hair was combed and tied up again.Although still a little wet.

"My lord, I'm ready." Liang Chao came to Zhang Fan and said.

"Yeah. You came just in time." Zhang Fan said. "After you go to Suzhou to find out what's going on. Then stop by Songjiang Mansion. See if there's anything for the East City Gate Gatekeeper there." Immediately.Zhang Fan recounted what the few people talked about just now.

After Liang Chao finished listening.But he frowned.Said: "My lord, it seems that these four places are not the only ones who raise narcissus in this world."

"Oh. Where else?" Zhang Fan asked curiously.

"I remember another year. Foreign envoys went to Beijing to see them. At that time, there were narcissus in the things they presented." Liang Chao thought for a while.Said.

"Which country's envoy?" Zhang Fan heard.It seems to have grasped something.Quickly asked.

Liang Chao didn't even think about it.He replied cleanly, "Fusang."

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