Yingyue's refusal was expected by Zhang Fan, but Zhang Fan didn't consider the fact that she didn't even give Zhang Fan a chance to explain.

After Yingyue turned around and drove away, Zhang Fan was a little dazed and stood there without moving. When he recovered, he quickly chased after him. He must persuade Yingyue to return to Beijing, otherwise he wouldn't know it in his heart. quiet.

Arriving at the door of Yingyue's wing, Zhang Fan only saw the door was wide open. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yingyue sitting there with her back to the door. There is an atmosphere everywhere in the house, that is, the master is very angry. As for whether Yingyue is angry with Zhang Fan, or because of what is going to happen here, Zhang Fan is not sure, but he thinks the possibility of the former is higher. Much bigger.

Walking in, Zhang Fan didn't make any light movements, the sound of footsteps was very obvious at this moment, but Yingyue just sat still as if she didn't hear any sound.

"Yue'er..." Zhang Fan shouted, but he didn't know what to say next.

After Yingyue heard this voice, her body trembled slightly, but that was all, she didn't make any more movements, she just sat there motionless.

Seeing that Yingyue was still playing petty temper with him, Zhang Fan smiled slightly, walked over and sat beside Yingyue.

"Yue'er, you have to know that I asked you to return to Beijing first not for other reasons, but for myself," Zhang Fan said, "Think about it, if you stay here, once the Japanese invaders attack Come here, it will be a mess here, isn't it very dangerous, those Japanese pirates have all kinds of methods, and now they are just for this matter, even the gate officials of various states and counties are sent to assassinate, where they have Assassins who have been trained to specialize in assassinations, when the time comes, the Japanese pirates will definitely send these people to assassinate my Ming officials.

"My identity is here now, and I have so many people under my command. Naturally, I have someone to protect me. Of course, if you stay, I will definitely send someone to protect you. But if that happens, I have many things to do on weekdays." , and I can’t take you with me; but you can only stay here and can’t go anywhere, so what’s the point of you staying, besides, if you get hurt, don’t you want to Make me sad for the rest of my life?"

"But Brother Fan, Yingyue doesn't want to leave you," Yingyue pouted, looking like a spoiled little girl, "Yingyue once swore to God in her heart, no matter what happens in the future, Under the circumstances, Yingyue will be with Brother Fan, if Yingyue can save Brother Fan if she dies, then Yingyue will definitely go there without hesitation..." Before Yingyue could finish her words, she had already been Van covered his mouth.

"Stop talking, Yue'er," Zhang Fan stopped Yingyue's words. He didn't need to listen to those words anymore, and he already knew what she wanted to say. Looking at Yingyue's jade face, there was a trace of grievance and stubbornness on it. Only then did Zhang Fan realize that the woman in love with him in front of him was only a sixteen-year-old girl, and that aggrieved expression was exactly what a girl of her age should have, but Yingyue's face had Stubbornness, vicissitudes are also revealed in the stubbornness, a 16-year-old girl's family, even in the feudal society, an era when women are generally precocious and sensible, how many things have to go through to be like this, thinking of this, Zhang Fanxin Inside he couldn't help feeling sad again, but it was precisely because Zhang Fan thought of this in his heart that he couldn't let Yingyue stay with him, it was a huge risk.

"Don't worry, Yue'er, nothing will happen to me," Zhang Fan persuaded, "But if you stay, I will worry all day, worrying about what will happen to you, be obedient, Yue'er , you just listen to Brother Fan this time, don't be self-willed, go to the capital first, and return to the capital immediately after I settle things here, "

"I... Brother Fan... I..." Yingyue didn't know what to say.

Seeing her appearance, Zhang Fan knew that there was something to be done. This kind of unspeakable appearance is only when people compromise on something, and the more resolute they were before, the greater the possibility, Zhang Fan Knowing that what he said to Yingyue just now had already moved her, and now is the time to take advantage of the victory, he will go all out.

"Besides, it's not that nothing will happen if you go back to Beijing first this time," Zhang Fan said, "Do you still remember what I promised you?"

"Promise." Hearing Zhang Fan say this, Yingyue was a little confused. She was very excited because of what happened just now. Where can I think of anything else.

"Silly girl," Zhang Fan smiled and stretched out his hand to straighten some tangled strands of hair on Yingyue's forehead, and said, "I promised you that after this incident is over, I will marry you when I return to Beijing."

"Ah," it's not that Yingyue didn't know about this matter, but although Zhang Fan had said it before, she never understood what she said. Now, the words "marry you" popped out of Zhang Fan's mouth. That was so clear, it really shocked Yingyue's heart.

"So, this time, I want you to return to Beijing ahead of schedule, just to let you prepare for this matter," Zhang Fan continued, "Although you and I don't need to worry about this kind of matter, I know you are from the Miao people. I think the wedding customs in your place are different from those in the Central Plains, but as for how it will be done, you can figure it out for yourself, and it’s best to give me a surprise.” Zhang Fan’s words were intended to persuade Yingyue to come back before him. Going to the capital, but saying that he wanted to marry her was not a casual talk, Zhang Fan took it seriously, but the reason behind it was just fabricated. Marrying Yingyue means that Zhang Fan is taking a concubine. Does taking a concubine matter? Are you Miao or Mongol, since your husband’s family is Han, you should follow the etiquette of Han people, but Zhang Fan is not afraid that Yingyue will hear that this is perfunctory for her, after all, Yingyue is now like a deer in her heart. It was so obvious that Zhang Fan even felt that if he told her that he was the reincarnation of the Jade Emperor, Yingyue would probably be able to believe it right now.

"How about it, Yue'er, do you agree?" Zhang Fan asked.

"Hmm..." Yingyue didn't speak, no, she couldn't say anything, she just hummed and nodded, she didn't have any words anymore, just lowered her head like this, Zhang Fan could see her cheek on the blush.

Seeing that Yingyue finally agreed, Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and said, "Since you agreed, Uncle and the others will be leaving early tomorrow morning. You should also pack your things and get ready." ,” After saying this, Zhang Fan turned around and wanted to go out the door.

"Brother Fan..." Seeing that Zhang Fan was about to leave, Yingyue hurriedly called out to him, and said shyly, "You...can you stay with me tonight..."

Zhang Fan turned around, looked at Yingyue with a little apology and said, "I'm afraid it won't work, I believe you know, now that my subordinates have caught Fusang's assassin, I have to go and see what's going on, after all, things are going wrong now." It's urgent, besides, if there is a result earlier, wouldn't I be able to go back earlier?"

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Fan's words, Yingyue was rather disappointed on the face, but she didn't make any more awkward remarks, but readily agreed.

After leaving Yingyue's room, ask the maid of the Zhang family to tell Luo Ling'er who was still waiting in the room, saying that she has some important things to do tonight and may not be able to go back, and let her sleep alone first, while Zhang Fan went to Zhang Walking to the gate of the mansion, he was still thinking about the conversation with Yingyue just now. The two of them just met by chance, but they have reached the current state. Zhang Fan really hopes that Yingyue will have a good life in the future, and She still has the poison of "Five Immortals Honeydew" given by Fang Yueling, the leader of the Five Poison Sect. Although she has taken the antidote for a year now, there is still a spare pill, which is enough for Yingyue to last two years. Two years, but after two years, Zhang Fan will never let Yingyue suffer. He also has a plan in his heart. When he understands the things here, he will start planning for the Southwest after he returns to Beijing. up.

After leaving the door, Wang Meng was standing next to a carriage, waiting for Zhang Fan. When he saw Zhang Fan coming out, Wang Meng rushed over to greet him and said, "My lord, the memorial to His Majesty has been sent out to Shandong and Nanzhi. Letters from the governors of the four provinces of Li, Zhejiang, and Fujian have also been sent overnight. It is estimated that the governors of the four provinces will be able to get them by tomorrow night at the latest. However, although the letter has the sword seal of Shangfang's sword , but the matter of mobilizing the army is ultimately subject to the orders of His Majesty and the Ministry of War, and whether these governors will listen to the warning of the adults, I am not sure of my humble position."

"Did the captured man reveal any news?" Zhang Fan asked, "Although the signs this time are Japanese pirates aggressively invading, after all, there are not many Japanese pirates. It is estimated that only one of the four provinces will have wars. Looking at it now, I’m afraid it’s Nanzhili.”

"About the man captured by the subordinates, he was very stubborn, because he was caught now, and the humble officer was afraid of killing him, so he didn't dare to punish him too severely, but the punishment he used was not light, this boy I just didn’t say a word,” Wang Meng said, “About the target of the Japanese pirates, this... I just received the news, not only in Nanzhili, but also in the city gates of coastal states and counties in Shandong, Zhejiang, and Fujian. Another officer was killed,"

"What?" Zhang Fan was taken aback when he heard the news, "could it be that the Japanese pirates planned to attack four places at the same time? Doubtful strategy, "

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