The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 256 Parting Words

After sending away a series of people around him.Zhang Fan was really relieved.Regardless of whether the identity of these people is important or not.At least they are very important to Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan didn't want anything to happen to any of them.And they're gone.Regardless of whether there will be any bloodshed here.At least everyone he cares about is safe.

Zhang Fan wasn't worried about his own safety at all.It wasn't his overconfidence, either.After all, his identity is now there.It is impossible for the people below that no one cares about his life.

But when sending these people off.The scene was a bit sad.Although Zhang Yufang's family and Zhang Fan have not known each other for a long time.It's hard to say.But Zhang Yufang is Zhang Fan's uncle after all.The so-called blood is thicker than water.This kind of affection cannot be ignored in any case.Fortunately, although Zhang Yufang is a businessman.But the so-called men are naturally not as procrastinating as women.He is also very free and easy.And he didn't know why Zhang Fan wanted them to go to the capital first.He could tell that Zhang Fan had something on his mind.But don't know how serious things will be.So Zhang Yufang just asked Zhang Fan to take care before leaving.I won't say any more.

Xu Jie is also a person who doesn't like nonsense.Since Zhang Fan had told him everything before.It shows that Zhang Fan has made very good preparations.There is no need to worry about him anymore.So Xu Jie behaved more free and easy.Apart from talking to Zhang Fan before leaving.There is no more talk about it.

It was the two daughters of Yingyue and Luo Linger.That would be a little sad.originally.Luo Ling'er didn't know why Zhang Fan wanted her to return to Beijing first.She didn't have any other thoughts in her mind.As long as Zhang Fan is not tired of her.Then she doesn't care.Everything will go according to Zhang Fan.It's just that Zhang Fan didn't return all night last night.Yingyue came to her place and stayed with her all night.He told Luo Linger everything about Zhang Fan.

How could Luo Ling'er, who had heard the news, not be in a hurry.After all, she is from Jiangnan.Although he had been living in Yingtian Mansion before.The worst time for the Japanese pirates was to approach the city of Yingtianfu.But it's just getting close.She has never even seen the shadow of a Japanese pirate.But the land of fireworks.News or something is the best way to inquire.Under the influence of ears and eyes.Luo Ling'er also heard about the tragic situation after encountering Japanese pirates in many places.Women are very emotional.Especially women who are in the dust.Naturally, a series of associations will be produced in my mind following the news I hear.But it doesn't matter what Luo Linger thinks.Or maybe it's just hearsay.In her heart.Japanese pirates are very dangerous.

Luo Ling'er understood in her heart.Zhang Fan asked him to go back to Beijing first to protect himself.This shows that Zhang Fan loves her.But the more so.Luo Linger became more and more reluctant to leave Zhang Fan.How could she leave a man who loved her so much in danger.But he went to escape for his life.

So before leaving.Luo Linger gave Zhang Fan thousands of exhortations with red eyes.He must pay attention to safety.There must be no surprises.In fact, she had already made up her mind.If something happened to Zhang Fan.She will never accept this kind of eternal separation.He will definitely go with Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan also comforted Luo Ling'er.If not for the presence of many people.Luo Ling'er may have been unable to hold back and started to cry a long time ago.

Compared to Luo Linger.Yingyue was also very concerned about Zhang Fan.It's just this Yingyue.It seems too strong.He always refuses to show his weak side.She even threatened Zhang Fan.If he had any accident.Never see him again.She immediately went to find Bi's man.Sounds like a threat.But it's more like a prank.Even Zhang Fan couldn't help laughing out loud.It made Yingyue roll her eyes.But Zhang Fan understood very well in his heart.The reason why Yingyue said that was just because she couldn't let go of her strong and unwilling to show weakness in her heart.

Such a very sad farewell scene.Zhu Yijun, who didn't know the inside story at all, was a little baffled.He had no idea what was going on.In his opinion.This time it was mainly because of a letter from his father asking him to return to Beijing first.The others just happened to be going to the capital too.Just go with him.For this serious and sad farewell scene.He was naturally a little confused.

Ruan Er next to him didn't know what was going on.She's an outsider here.Although she also wanted to have a good relationship with Zhang Fan.However, Zhang Fan has always shown that he hates her a little bit.She won't be boring herself anymore.

But the young Nurhachi saw some clues.This is not to say that Nurhachi is mature and prudent.When you are young, you will be able to observe words and expressions.He can see something mainly because of experience.When living in the Northeast.The various tribes of the Jianzhou Jurchens were not inseparable.Sometimes wars happen.They even had to resist the attack of Yuanmeng royal court.

And every time as long as the war comes.The leaders of the tribe will let the old and weak women and children in the tribe, as well as some people who cannot fight but have important status, leave avoid war.Although Nurhachi is only ten years old now.He didn't have much of this kind of experience.But he knew exactly what it meant.What Zhang Fan is doing now is no different from what the underdog leaders who are facing the war are doing.They are all rushing to transfer the people they value most to a safe place.

But experience is experience after all.Nurhachi couldn't see this prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River at all.Again, there will be someone attacking the place near the sea.It's not that he hasn't heard of Japanese pirates.But he hadn't seen any signs of a major attack either.therefore.Although Zhang Fan's behavior made him deeply puzzled.But he won't talk nonsense about things he can't guess.That's why he didn't tell Zhu Yijun anything.

Zhang Fan looked at the team that was gradually going away.There are also mixed feelings in my heart.I don't know what to think.Feelings of reluctance are there for sure.But more is to rest assured.After all, there is no one here who is worthy of his concern anymore.He let go of his mind and can deal with this matter properly.

only.He remembered the time when he had just said goodbye.What Xu Jie said to him.

"Now the person you worry about is going to a safe place soon. You should be relieved." Xu Jie came over and said to Zhang Fan. "In this way, you can also let go of your burden and deal with the current matter."

"Elder Ge is right." Zhang Fan said with a smile. "But Zhang Fan still wants to ask Mr. Ge to help me keep this secret. Don't tell anyone else. Especially His Royal Highness. I am not worried about my uncle. Maybe they will worry about me after they find out. But my uncle is not a reckless person .Plus the Elder Ge is here. I will definitely be able to persuade him. I am worried about His Highness the Crown Prince. Elder Ge knows His Highness's temper. After all, he is still a child. I am afraid that he will do something unexpected."

"Of course I know this old man." Xu Jie said. "I won't tell the story right away. At least not before arriving in Tianjin Wei."

Xu Jie's words made Zhang Fan laugh.If you arrive in Tianjin Wei.It is only half a day away from the capital.Even if Zhu Yijun wanted to play tricks, he was powerless.And if what Zhang Fan said about the Japanese pirates attacking aggressively is true.I'm afraid they can't wait for them to reach Tianjin Wei.The news has already passed.

"What the old man wants to tell you is that. What you did this time is very unwise." Xu Jie said suddenly. "The old man is not saying that you report your conjecture to His Majesty. Or that there is no value in investigating the matter without authorization. It is that you inform the generals of the coastal garrison without authorization. It is too unwise."

"How did Mr. Ge say that?" Zhang Fan was very puzzled by Xu Jie's words.

"You have to be lucky. You haven't been an official for too long. And you are not a courtier now. You don't have too many interests involved. Otherwise, what you did this time would be very dangerous. "Xu Jie continued. "Think about it. Let's not care whether the Japanese pirates will aggressively invade my Daming this time. Let's just say that there will be such a thing. Now the defense along the coast thinks it's Qi Jiguang's credit and becomes lazy again. Even if you go The letter warns them. It is estimated that few people take it seriously. When the Japanese pirates attack, they will inevitably let them take advantage of the situation. Regardless of the outcome of this war. Let the Japanese pirates attack so easily. Someone must want to responsible.

"At that time, punishing a few generals was not enough to convince the crowd. There must be a big figure to top the tank. Then you, the person who can know the news in advance, will undoubtedly become the best candidate. At that time, those jealous People who are on your way to success, or people who disagree with your political views will stand up and be limited to you. At that time, even if you can get His Majesty's favor, it will probably have a considerable impact on you. So your current status and Your experience helped you this time. But the old man doesn't think you thought about it. You got lucky this time. But next time."

After Zhang Fan listened to Xu Jie's words.It was a little hesitant at first.I think Xu Jie is making a fuss too much.After all, this inversion of black and white is too ridiculous.But he thought in his heart.Cold sweat dripped down my back.Such a thing is not necessarily impossible.To know.There have been many similar things in history.people.In fact, it is the same as animals.Everyone wants to live a good life.All want rights.Let others of the same kind obey their orders.But the difference between humans and animals is.The human mind is too complicated.Sometimes for profit.People can do anything.

Xu Jie's words also reminded Zhang Fan.Let him understand the way of being an official.More complicated and dangerous than he imagined.


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