Although Liang Chao hadn't run yet.But that speed has definitely reached the limit of his walking speed.

Zhang Fan was discussing something with Wan Zhong, the supervisor.Seeing Liang Chao walking in so quickly.Zhang Fan immediately stopped talking to Wan Zhong.He hurriedly asked Liang Chao, "What's the matter? Did you find it?"

What disappointed Zhang Fan was.Liang Chao shook his head.Said: "The three brothers sent have been heading north after leaving Yangzhou City. In order to avoid Miss Yue's detour on the way, the three of them divided into three roads. Every time there are people along the way, they will stop to inquire. Fan. Now the furthest I have traveled is Fengyang Mansion, but I haven’t seen Miss Yue yet.”

Zhang Fan heard what he said.My heart tightened again.Although he thought in his heart that Yingyue should be fine.But this does not hear the message.It really feels inappropriate.

"Master Zhang, don't be in a hurry." Wan Zhong saw Zhang Fan frowning like this.Said quickly. "Perhaps this Yue girl is more careful. She has dressed up a bit. The adults' subordinates have not discovered her. After all, the Japanese pirates have occupied the two big cities of Huai'an Mansion and Songjiang Mansion nearby. There must be many fleeing north on the way." People. When there are too many people, it’s easy to lose sight.”

Although Wan Zhong's words were just to comfort Zhang Fan.But it was in Zhang Fan's ears.However, another possibility arose in his mind.Yingyue is because of the things she has experienced since she was a child.Let her temper become very strong.Especially the kind of oppression that has been submissive for a long time.After she met Zhang Fan.Zhang Fan's indulgence to her.It also made the stubborn temperament that existed in her heart become stronger than ever before.It was also this time that Yingyue suddenly disappeared from the group returning to Beijing.And Zhang Fan felt that it was very likely that she didn't listen to his advice and came here.As for what he was worried about.The disappearance of Yingyue is related to Fang Yueling.It's just that Zhang Fan's own concern makes chaos.That scenario is not very likely.

And that's it.Yingyue stayed in the Five Poison Sect for a while.Even though Yingyue did not join the Five Poison Sect at the beginning, she did not do so voluntarily.But she did learn a lot of practical skills in the Five Poisons an outsider.And they are people who are forced to join in.Naturally, the Five Poisons Sect would not teach her the things that he had kept at the bottom of the box and looked at his old books.But be aware.After all, the Five Poisons Sect is a quack gang.People who walk on the rivers and lakes will never be able to stay for long if they only rely on their true skills to fight and kill.Therefore, they also have many various means of survival in the rivers and lakes.Although Yingyue didn't practice martial arts since she was a child.But pick up the sword and dance a few times.Killing two thieves is still easy.

therefore.Although Wan Zhong's words just now were just words of comfort.But let's be honest.That is also true.With these words, Zhang Fan was able to let go of the careless worries in his heart a little bit.

"It made my father-in-law laugh." I calmed down a little bit.Zhang Fan apologized to Wan Zhong. "The pirates are not far from here now. Mr. Zhang still delays his business because of housework. It really shouldn't be."

"Sigh. Master Zhang, what are you talking about?" Wan Zhong hurriedly shook his hand and said. "This is human nature. There is nothing to be biased about. The slave girl feels it in her heart. Rather than keep this worry in her heart, Mr. Zhang doesn't say it. But it may be more uncomfortable in her heart. That is the truth It will affect the business. If you say it like this, let the servants or the adults know the worries in the hearts of the adults. It can also comfort the adults. This will also allow the adults to focus on the business quickly."

What Wan Zhong said was very pertinent.But that's where the blame lies.In today's world, few people speak their minds.Especially to someone you haven't known for long.Now Zhang Fan really looks at Wan Zhong with admiration.

to be honest.Although Zhang Fan had been influenced by those low-quality domestic costume dramas in his previous life.Everything court drama.All the eunuchs inside were portrayed as treacherous and evil people.Often all the behind-the-scenes black hands are mostly these eunuchs.But Zhang Fan didn't really dislike these eunuchs in his heart.Even if these eunuchs all have the problem of wanting money and loving power.Even though Zhang Fan had just uncovered a very involved case not long ago.The main culprit behind it is the eunuch.Even implicated the eunuch with the highest status in the imperial court today.But Zhang Fan still wouldn't beat them all to death with a stick.

The Wan Zhong in front of him now.Although it is the same as other eunuchs.Take bribes.I want to perform better in front of Zhang Fan.Use his relationship with Feng Bao to climb up.But this Wan Zhong really gave him a lot of different views these days.One is to dare to say it.Dare to tell the truth.And even if you say something that makes the person in front of you feel good.It won't be too hype.Rather, it has to do with facts.The second is that this Wan Zhong is not a stupid person.Much of what he said was obviously said with thought.

But Zhang Fan wouldn't just think that Wan Zhong would be a good eunuch in the future.After all, many things are too uncertain.Maybe it's not a good thing for a too shrewd person to get the right.

"What Eunuch said is true. So let's talk about business." Zhang Fan continued. "It has been two days since my father-in-law came here. This morning, another letter was sent from the north. General Qi's troops have now entered Nanzhili. It is estimated that it is not a few days away from here. But General Qi was anxious about the military situation here, so he ran all the way from Jizhou with his soldiers and horses. He was already exhausted. It is estimated that he will have to rest in Xuzhou for more than a day before he can continue to rush here. "

"This is a good thing." Wan Zhong also said with a smile. "Wait until General Qi's army arrives. It is necessary to let these ants who dare to violate our Da Ming Chao Tianwei have a taste of it. Master Zhang. How is the situation with the Japanese pirates now?"

"This matter is very strange to say." Zhang Fan talked about this matter.The brow furrowed again. "The Japanese pirates in the three cities have no intention of going out of the city at all. Listen to the scout report. Those Japanese pirates eat and drink all day long in the city. They don't train soldiers or make any plans. And there is something strange. To the Japanese pirates on such a large scale There must be a leader. Otherwise, there are more than ten thousand pirates. There is no one who can give orders. Wouldn’t it be a mess? But no matter how the scouts sent to check, even in the middle of the night A few people under my command sneaked into Songjiang Mansion quietly. They used Fusang dialect to secretly inquire about the Japanese pirates in the city. But there was no sign of any leader. Moreover, the scene there was really chaotic. Fighting with each other , In order to compete for some property or even kill people. In short, it can be said that there is a state of disunity. And they are still fighting with each other. But no one has ever come out to stop them. Instead, they are still applauding."

"This thing is really weird." Wan Zhong listened to Zhang Fan's words.He frowned. "This is marching and fighting. How can there be such nonsense. Mr. Zhang. Could it be that this is the suspicious strategy of those Japanese pirates."

"It's possible. But I don't think so." Zhang Fan thought for a while.Said. "If it's a trick of suspicious soldiers, it's too obvious. Generally speaking, the method of suspicious soldiers is to show weakness and retreat. But have you ever seen an army that pretends to have no commander?"

"That's true." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Wan Zhong nodded and said. "Then there may be only one thing left. That is, these Japanese pirates really have no leader. This time they even gathered more than ten thousand people to attack our court. Although the slaves don't know what it is for. But it must be for those yellow and white people. Things. And. These people are lords. Homeless people. They must be very loose. That way. That makes sense."

After listening to Wan Zhong's words.Of course Zhang Fan would not agree in his heart.He understood very well in his heart.The reason behind the Japanese pirates' sudden attack this time.He understands everything.But he couldn't say it.One is that everything now is his guess.Although logically speaking.All make sense.And the possibility is very high.But after all, it is unconfirmed news.Naturally, it cannot be said casually.two is.After all, the matter Zhang Fan guessed involved high-level personnel in other countries.Even if the opponent's country is nominally a vassal state of Ming Dynasty.But the so-called celestial state of etiquette.If Zhang Fan really said that.I am afraid it will not be the turn of the people on Fusang Island to protest.Some officials of the Ming Dynasty will stand up and talk nonsense.At that time, we will be skeptical.Anything that insults the etiquette of the Celestial Dynasty will be put on Zhang Fan's head.Zhang Fan absolutely didn't want to do that.

"Although I don't know what kind of tricks these Japanese pirates are playing. But we are also taking precautions here," Zhang Fan said. "The three cities are currently being occupied by Japanese pirates. Although they could not be recaptured in time due to the artillery on the towers and the arrows shot by the Japanese pirates. But the three cities have been surrounded by our army from three sides. South, north and west There are people guarding them. They can’t do anything about it.” Why are there only three sides.Because to the east is the sea.Unless the pirates want to escape back.Otherwise, how could it be possible to go east.And even if they want to go back, it is impossible.After all, the Japanese pirates who came over this time all took small boats.There is no room for horses.So it's all on foot.As long as they dare to leave the city.In the land of the south of the Yangtze River, these cavalry soldiers who may not have been used for more than a hundred years but are still supported by the court will have a place to use.

"It seems that the Japanese pirates are nothing more than mediocre. I'm afraid that General Qi will not come here at all this time. Only by relying on the adults, these Japanese pirates can be trapped alive." Wan Zhong said.

Wan Zhong's voice just fell.Wang Meng couldn't fight and walked in.Said: "My lord. Eunuch Wan. The military situation has changed. There are two groups of Japanese pirates on several large ships. Both groups have about ten thousand people. They are heading between Huai'an Mansion and Songjiang Mansion."

"What did you say?" Zhang Fan turned pale with shock.

And Wan Zhong's expression on the side was even worse.What Wang Meng reported was simply a slap in the face for the bold words he just said.

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