"Fill the artillery with solid ammunition first, wait until the enemy is approaching, and watch my flag fire," the general of the city guard on the tower ordered loudly, "Attention, damn it, it's you, pay attention to me, don't With so much gunpowder, if the gun barrel blows up and delays the fighter plane, I will throw you off the tower, "

"Get ready for the archers. Everyone bring more arrows. Take as many pots as you can. These arrows are not something you usually use to scare people. The arrows used are the same, they are very heavy, you guys have to give me all my strength, and give me all the strength of his mother's play, I don't blame you if I can't shoot, if I see that If a person is shot but not killed, then wait for Lao Tzu's fists and feet to serve him."

The Ming Dynasty is so strange. For the north, in those places where they have to confront the Tartars all day long, is it possible that there will be wars? The swords and arrows used by the soldiers are all high-quality, although they are not like the Imperial Forest Army in the capital. , The discarded armor used is the best, but it is not bad, at least the sword and arrow hit the enemy, it will either kill or injure.

And the land of Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty is another scene. It is very peaceful all the year round, and the most harassment every year is the harassment of Japanese pirates. Therefore, the weapons used by the officers and soldiers here, especially the bows and arrows, are particularly ostentatious and light. Other than threatening people, nothing else has any effect at all. There have been some incidents in the past. Japanese pirates harassed the people along the coast, were spotted by patrols, and shot at them with arrows. Even the civilian clothes worn by the Japanese pirates fell to the ground without being penetrated.

This situation was especially serious in the past, especially during the Zhengde period. It did not get better until Qi Jiguang was in charge of the defense of the southeast coast and made many achievements. Many cities that are unwilling to leave the East China Sea have a large number of such solid weapons. Iron-tipped arrows are much heavier than those frightening things, but on weekdays, soldiers patrolling outside still hold those light things in their hands, and they don't use this kind of thing that can kill people, but now Well, when life is at stake, if this is not brought out, it will really be hopeless.

Zhang Fan was sitting on the tower, watching everything in front of him without saying a word.

"My lord, in view of my humble position, did my lord go down the tower?" Liang Chao said to Zhang Fan. "After all, this tower is too dangerous. There will be a fight later. Swords have no eyes. If your lord has any damage... ..."

"Do you think I don't know?" Zhang Fan glanced at him and said, "No one would be willing to be in this kind of place, and I would like to go, but if I leave now, the soldiers guarding the city will see it and will What do you think, even the coach is a covetous person who fears death, so what reason do they have to fight to the death?"

"This..." Liang Chao was speechless after hearing Zhang Fan's words. Zhang Fan didn't use any careless words to prevaricate him. He died and fled the front line during the war, leaving only those soldiers to fight. It is estimated that no one can stand up bravely like this.

"But my lord, if..." Liang Chao hesitated for a moment, he continued, "Please forgive my humble post, if my lord suffers any damage, if these soldiers in the city see it, wouldn't it demoralize them even more ,"

"That's why I want you to stay by my side," Zhang Fan said, "I don't think I was born as a warrior, but now I am a general, and I can be ordered at any time, but I can't lead the army to fight the enemy. Now all I can do is That's all,"

"Does your lord want to be humble and protect you comprehensively?" Liang Chao asked.

"Yes, that's what I mean," Zhang Fan said, "but I have other requirements. If I am really unfortunately hit by the loss, you must immediately help me cover the wound, and don't let these soldiers in the city You see, if I am really unlucky to the extreme and die on this chair, you must support me immediately, don't let me fall down, and...you must open my eyes, "

"My lord," Liang Chao immediately shouted in a low voice after hearing Zhang Fan's words, "I will definitely not let such a thing happen to my lord, I will definitely protect my lord well,"

Seeing Liang Chao's resolute look, Zhang Fan closed his mouth when he was about to say something, and looked at Liang Chao and nodded.

The beacon tower on the city tower of Yangzhou had already been lit, and the smoke was billowing. Although it was clear that no one would come to the rescue, it was still burning continuously, as if to herald something.

Suddenly, the battle drum on the tower was sounded. The sound of the drum was not only to boost morale, but also to indicate that the enemy army was about to arrive. Hearing the sound of the drum, the soldiers on the tower who had been watching the situation ahead were still nervous for a while. Zhang Fan also stood up and looked forward.

Sure enough, as guessed before, the Fusang army did not rush over to attack the city directly, they stopped outside the range of the artillery, and then divided half of the troops to go directly to the east gate of Yangzhou City. It is to prepare to attack two cities at the same time.

After half an hour, someone immediately came to report that there were about 1000 Fusang soldiers at the east gate and south gate, and [-] soldiers at the west gate and north gate.

"My lord, it seems that this time, these Fusang people were clearly prepared, and they didn't even give the people in the city the chance to escape," Wang Meng said angrily after hearing this situation.

"How are the people in the city?" Zhang Fan asked.

"My lord, the people in the city also know that the enemy is outside the city, and they are also very nervous," Li Yang came to report, "And this time, they did not block the two gates in the northwest, waiting to escape from the city. ,"

"Since the people are unwilling to flee, and there are enemy troops guarding the four city gates, it is even more important to defend this city," Zhang Fan said.

The drumming continued, and the Fusang army outside the city took action again, and the enemy troops on the southeast and southeast sides started to move towards the city gate on foot.

Nervous emotions immediately pervaded the entire city tower, whether it was Zhang Fan and the others, or the sergeants guarding the artillery, holding torches and preparing to fire at any time, all of them were tense.

Gradually, the Fusang army was getting closer and closer to the range of the artillery on the tower. Finally, the sound of drums was loud, and the momentary silence on the tower was disturbing. The roar and roar of the artillery also sounded.

The deafening sound of the artillery firing, accompanied by the sound of the shells flying through the air, was particularly harsh at this moment. After hearing the sound of the artillery, the Fusang soldiers who were marching towards this side of the city did not maintain their neat formation anymore. He raised his sword and rushed towards the city gate.

Zhang Fan on the tower could see that the cannonball landed in the enemy formation. Relying on the weight of the cannonball and its huge inertia, it hit the ground and killed a few people before continuing to roll forward. Blood flowed along the way. Formed into a river, the remnants of walls and limbs were blood red, but the surrounding Fusang soldiers seemed not to be affected by this bloody scene at all, their footsteps did not stop at all, and they continued to run forward with their swords in their hands.

"Hurry up, hurry up, reload me," the roar of the defending general came to mind again on the tower, "Damn, you're going to lose your mind if you lose your mind, quickly reload the gunpowder, and you won't be able to stand still there. "

Gradually, the Fusang army was getting closer and closer, and the people on the tower could clearly see that someone in the enemy line was dragging the long ladder used to attack the city.

"Blow me off those ladders," the growl sounded again.

The four cannons on the two towers in the southeast of Yangzhou City began to shell one after another. Although the cannons have a long range, the range is too short because of the large damage caused by the explosive bullets. The solid bullets are only relying on the weight of the shells Kill the enemy with inertia. Although the artillery is invincible, it did not cause much damage to the swarming enemies.

The enemy has already run out of the range of solid bullets, and not many of those long ladders have been destroyed, most of them are still intact.

"Archer," the general's roar reminded me again, "The artillery is still a bomb, hurry up and clean the barrel." Although the roar showed the owner's anxiety, but these words were methodical, let the guards on the tower Soldiers can clearly execute.


As soon as the order was given, arrows were shot down from the tower. It was the first time for many people to use this kind of arrows, which were much heavier than the ones they used before. They were very unaccustomed. , Some of them floated into the sky because of excessive force, but those soldiers who shot them could clearly find that the arrows they shot carried huge lethality, and they simply ignored the light armor transmitted by the enemy. , Killed with one arrow.

Seeing this situation, the confidence of these archers immediately increased, and they worked harder when shooting arrows, and their accuracy seemed to have improved a lot.

At this time, the sound of the cannon rang out again, and the shells flew not far away, but when they landed in the enemy's formation, they exploded again, and as the shrapnel flew in all directions, the surrounding Fusang soldiers died immediately a large piece.

On the city, although the archers are still struggling to shoot arrows, and the artillery is also constantly firing, but there are only less than 200 archers, but there are only four artillery, and there are 8000 Japanese pirates attacking from the city. , and each of them is not afraid of death.

Gradually, the Fusang soldiers left at the forefront had arrived at the city of Yangzhou.

"The archers and gunners continued to shoot at me, and the knives and axes stepped forward, ready to meet the enemy," the general's voice roared again.

Two hundred soldiers in heavy armor and armed with knives and axes stepped onto the tower and stood by the tower, ready to meet the enemies who were about to appear on the tower.

"It's started," Zhang Fan couldn't help saying in his heart when he saw this scene,

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