"My lord, it's the reinforcements, the reinforcements are here," Liang Chao yelled, not to mention how happy his face was.

Zhang Fan didn't know how to react to this, he just stood there, watching the gradually black scene outside the city, listening to the shouts of killing outside the city, just stood there motionless.

Yingyue beside Zhang Fan is also very happy in her heart. Although she doesn't care about the names and other things involved in this battle, what Yingyue cares about is Zhang Fan. No matter what, as long as Zhang Fan can be happy, she will be happy Just thinking about it now, Yingyue understood that Zhang Fan was naturally happy when reinforcements came from outside the city, so she would be happy with Zhang Fan.

At this moment, Yingyue's hand that was already holding Zhang Fan tightened again, and a smile appeared on Zhang Fan's face.

Sensing Yingyue's change, Zhang Fan also turned his head away. Although that smile was not uncommon for him on weekdays, for some reason, at this moment he felt that Yingyue's smile was the most beautiful he had ever seen. It is also the most relaxing scene. At this moment, the strength that Zhang Fan had been holding up until now seemed to disappear with the arrival of the reinforcements from the city. In an instant, a tidal wave of exhaustion hit him. Come.

Zhang Fan, who wanted to hold on, couldn't bear the drowsiness. In addition, the crisis here was resolved for the time being, so he couldn't help thinking that he could just fall asleep like this.

"My lord, something is wrong,"

Just about to close his eyes, Zhang Fan, who fell asleep standing up, was suddenly awakened by such a voice, and the bad feeling in his heart hit him again. He turned his head and looked at the person who spoke. Wang Meng, the feeling in Zhang Fan's heart became even more intense. After all, Wang Meng was not a person who would shoot aimlessly, and he was always very sure of what he said.

"What's the matter, what's wrong," Zhang Fan quickly asked, "Can't our reinforcements come?"

"That's not it, my lord, it is indeed the reinforcements who came to help us," Wang Meng said with a serious expression, "But I always feel that something is wrong.

"The ones who can come to help us now are naturally the subordinates led by General Qi, but this is strange. Although it is dark now and we can't see the situation in the distance, General Qi's Qi family army has a lot in their hands. firearms, and has your lord heard the sound of guns?"

"This..." Hearing what Wang Meng said, Zhang Fan calmed down from his excitement just now. Ever since he heard the news that reinforcements were coming, he had never heard a single gunshot.

"Besides, although the situation in the distance is not clear because of the sky, the movement of the Fusang army under the city can be seen," Wang Meng continued, "Since the arrow rain just now, the enemy army has indeed It was chaos for a while, but as you can see, it didn't take long before they returned to their original formation, and they just sent more than a thousand people from the formation to meet the enemy."

"You mean..." Zhang Fan could already guess what Wang Meng was going to say, "The rescue coming from outside the city was not from General Qi's troops, and the number of them was very small."

"That's right, that's exactly what humble position means." Wang Meng nodded and said, "Since the enemy army has sent more than a thousand people to meet the enemy, the number of people who want to come is also about the same.

All of a sudden, Zhang Fan's mind was a little confused. Now the closest to them is also the most likely to arrive now, and only Qi Jiguang's army is there. It's not incomprehensible. After all, the military situation in Yangzhou is urgent, and it's normal for Qi Jiguang to order his subordinates to drive over at full speed.

But Wang Meng's analysis just now broke this kind of thinking, which confused Zhang Fan. Now, in the north, apart from Qi Jiguang's troops, there are only various military camps that have been defending near the coast of Nanzhili under his orders. The number of those barracks was almost 1000 people, but Zhang Fan didn't think it would be the generals of the defending army somewhere among them who came to rescue him. The ground, defending against attacks that may come, must not leave the defending ground for half a step.

From Zhang Fan's point of view, those people would not disobey his orders and run over to "send their lives".

But apart from these people, who else will come from the north.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan's expression changed, and he thought of something.

"Could it be..." Zhang Fan couldn't believe what he had guessed, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt more and more possible, "...Master Hai..."

"My lord means...Hai Rui," Wang Meng was also shocked by Zhang Fan's thought. He had thought of Hai Rui before, but he was not optimistic that Hai Rui would come to rescue them. It's not that he underestimated Hai Rui. Rui, but the former Hai Rui was fighting those desperate, fearless, and extremely crazy Japanese pirates in Huai'an Mansion. He could imagine that it was inevitable for the 5000 troops led by Hai Rui to defeat those Japanese pirates, but he could also As you can guess, facing such a group of people, Hai Rui must pay a heavy price if he wants to win.

And at that time, even if Hai Rui wants to play any more temper, he still has to consider those people he led who have already suffered heavy casualties and are extremely exhausted. If he brings those people to rescue again, wouldn't he be committing suicide? road?

However, what he didn't expect was that Zhang Fan would mention this possibility that he hadn't thought of, but after Zhang Fan mentioned it, Wang Meng thought about it, and found that such a possibility was really possible, and the possibility was very high.

Zhang Fan didn't think about it so much at all, and quickly asked Liang Chao to tell the soldiers in the city to immediately fire guns and shoot arrows. In short, it was an attack. No matter what, he would cause some troubles to the Fusang army below the city, so as to help those who came. Rescue horses.

"My lord..." Wang Meng didn't know what to say.

"It doesn't matter if it's Hai Rui's tired teacher or someone from other places, there are only a thousand of them, and we must help them delay," Zhang Fan said, "Otherwise, Fusang under the city will If the army is swarming up, how can the thousands of people who come come be able to stop it?"

At this time, the roar of artillery was heard again on the tower, and the target was in the camp of the Fusang army in front, and the archers on the tower also started shooting, although the enemies below the city were just entering the bow and arrow from the distance. The shooting range, there are many arrows in the city that cannot be shot, but since Zhang Fan gave the order, and although they didn't know that the number of reinforcements coming was very small, but there were rescuers, the morale naturally rose a lot, One by one seemed to have gained some strength.

"Give me a signal from the city tower, asking them to rush to the north city gate," Zhang Fan continued to order, "If they can get there, immediately ring the gold and open the city gate to let them in."

"What... what does Mr. Zhang mean by this?" Wan Zhong asked suspiciously, "Now the enemy is outside the city gate, and there are a thousand enemy troops stationed at the north gate. What if the city gate opens? , what should they do if they attack in disorder?"

"Master Supervisor, if we keep this group of people outside, no matter how much we harass the enemy army, it will be useless. The final result can only be that they are all wiped out," Zhang Fan said very seriously, "If we can If they enter the city, with the help of these 1000 people, it will be no problem for this Yangzhou city to last until the arrival of General Qi's army. Besides, is it possible that Lord Supervisor intends to watch those who came to rescue us die like this? outside the city?"

"This..." Wan Zhong was at a loss for words. To be honest, he was very scared in his heart, but he was only afraid of the city being destroyed. He always believed in his heart that although there were many enemies outside the city, he wanted to It is also impossible to break through the city in a short time.

But when Zhang Fan said that he wanted to open the door just now, he was more than scared, he was shocked. Naturally, he was about to refuse immediately.

But what Zhang Fan said later made him unable to say any objection at all, regardless of whether Zhang Fan's words just now were his sincere words, or whether they were for the purpose of being in front of the current city tower. Wan Zhong has no right to refuse the words spoken by so many soldiers and ordinary soldiers. If he dares to say something that he disagrees with, even though he now holds the position of supervisor of the army, Zhang Fan will still If he could ignore his speech and order the city gate to be opened, and if the things he predicted did not happen at that time, after returning to the court in the future, Wan Zhong would be the one who would be the most unlucky.

Zhang Fan didn't have the time to speculate on what Wan Zhong was thinking at this moment, seeing that Wan Zhong stopped talking, he assumed that Wan Zhong acquiesced to his words.

Nodding to Wang Meng who was at the side, Wang Meng immediately turned around and left. Not long after, a signal was sent from the city.

Not long after, the people on the city tower could clearly hear the shouts of killing outside the city gradually spreading far away.

"Order the defenders at the north gate to pay attention to the thousand enemy soldiers guarding there. Don't let them approach the city gate," Zhang Fan sent another order, "and also pay attention to me, even though it's already dark now Come down, but it’s not to the point where you can’t see anything, let them pay attention, don’t hit our people, send someone to supervise, and tell them, if anyone accidentally hurts their own people, it’s as light as ten sticks. Next, if it is serious, it will be dealt with by our military law, and it will be pulled down and beheaded."

"As ordered," Liang Chao, who had received the order, quickly descended the tower. Now that the situation was urgent, he grabbed a horse and ran straight towards the north city gate.

After giving these instructions, Zhang Fan felt extremely tired again. It is indeed a good thing that the reinforcements came, but it was the exhausted army who had suffered heavy casualties all the time, and there was no telling how many more people would die later. It was really a mixed blessing.

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