Zhang Fan came to the outside of Suzhou city.In Qi Jiguang's barracks.Been waiting.wait for what.To put it bluntly, he was just waiting for news from Wang Xiliang.It's just that I can't wait and wait.It's really worrying.

then.The first kind of feeling like a big enemy.A tense situation at all times.It has gradually become a little loose up to now.But don't worry.Qi Jiguang will never let himself and his soldiers scatter.Even if there is no war now.Qi Jiguang will also make them always ready for the battle.Never let up.Only Zhang Fan and Wan Zhong were distracted.Not exactly.Zhang Fan was the only one who was undisciplined.

Nervous from the start.Now that I've been waiting and waiting, I can't wait for news.How could Zhang Fan not relax.From the beginning, I would go to talk to Qi Jiguang every day.Discuss something.up to now.After he is free every day.Actually picked up the pen to practice calligraphy again.

And that Wan Zhong.As a supervisor.Its duty is to be at the commander's side at all times.In addition, this is Wan Zhong's first time as the supervisor of the army.There are some things that he does more orderly.Especially in front of Qi Jiguang.Wan Zhong is even more well-behaved.I dare not carry a little bit.It seems he got here before.In the capital, he was also fully prepared.Learned a lot.

But these days.Zhang Fan was bored.In addition, besides Wan Zhong, there is no third idler in this barracks.So sometimes.Zhang Fan would always pull Wan Zhong.Let him play chess with him or something.But Wan Zhong was unwilling at first.After all, having Qi Jiguang by his side always made him feel that it was inappropriate to play with Zhang Fan just like that.But when he saw Qi Jiguang, he didn't mean to blame him at all.He didn't do that anymore.Come on.Wan Zhong is only sixteen or seventeen years old.Not very old.Playful heart is also a lot heavier.

Zhang Fan would do this suddenly.It's not because he's playful or for any other reason.Mainly nowadays.There's nothing he can do here.

Such a thing as fighting a war.It wasn't Zhang Fan's job in the first place.Could it be that he was asked to make suggestions.Do not make jokes.Not to mention that the situation is now clear.The enemy is almost powerless to fight back; even now.There is a confrontation between the two armies.In a fierce battle of equal strength.Naturally, there will be famous generals like Qi Jiguang to ponder.It's his turn to interfere here, an outsider who has only experienced the basic art of war.

So well.Naturally.Zhang Fan positioned himself as such an idler.After all.It's not that he doesn't want to help.It's that he can't help.

that day.Since Qi Jiguang listened to Zhang Fan's words.Immediately ordered.Separated 3000 troops to go north.Come to the shore.Drive away the boats of those Fusang people.And waited in ambush on the spot.Would have been good for that.Qi Jiguang had some objections.he thinks.If the Fusang enemy army in Suzhou City learned that something happened to their lord.Then there must be someone to report.If the enemy army in the city is informed by the messenger.There is an army waiting for them here.Will they come or not.

But Zhang Fan rejected Qi Jiguang's idea.He told Qi Jiguang that if the Fusang soldiers in the city received his lord's request for help.It doesn't matter whether there are [-] or [-] troops here.They will all, as always, want to force their way through.

Zhang Fan's remarks made Qi Jiguang extremely puzzled.In his view, this is simply impossible.But Zhang Fan couldn't explain it well.Is it impossible for him to explain to Qi Jiguang the "bushido spirit" that has not yet formed in Fusang.at last.Zhang Fan had no choice but to tell Qi Jiguang that he had excellent evidence.It's just that I can't tell him yet.And said that he will take full responsibility for it.

Qi Jiguang is not afraid of taking any responsibility.It's just that he wants to wipe out these enemies wholeheartedly.Zhang Fan has already sworn an oath.He didn't insist anymore.Agree with Zhang Fan's words.

after.Everyone began to wait for a long time.To say it was long might be an exaggeration.Counting from when Zhang Fan arrived here.But it was six days.It's just that this kind of enemy is obviously looking at the front.But it is impossible to attack.Anyone who sees it will be upset.This makes everyone feel that the days are really long.

Don't look at Zhang Fan's taste of gagging these days.In fact, he was more anxious than anyone else.The worry is that there will be some changes in the capital.Zhang Fan didn't know.Because of some kind of coincidence.It has already escaped Gao Gong's two rounds of attacks.If you can't solve the enemy here.If you pass the good news back to the capital.Gao Gong's third round of offense is coming again.

This day continued until the eighth day.Change has finally come.

"General. How about it. Eunuch Wan has lost another game." Zhang Fan set down his chess pieces.said quite excitedly.These days.He could only find Wan Zhong, a stinky chess player, to play chess with him.Zhang Fan's original chess skill was really bad.Unexpectedly, this time he finally found someone who stinks worse than him.How could he not abuse Wan Zhong well?

"This...Master Zhang. It's still... It's still Rong Numai... This...hehe. Regret your move." Wan Zhong said a little embarrassed.talking here.The hand is about to reach out to the chessboard.Speaking of which, although Wan Zhong's chess skills can be said to be extremely stinky.But he likes playing chess very much.The past few days can be described as repeated battles and repeated defeats.

"Sigh. Eunuch Wan. The so-called no regrets. How can you regret a game?" Zhang Fan naturally disagreed.He hastily grabbed Wan Zhong's hand.Said. "Elder-in-law has already regretted four moves in this game. This is what we agreed to. Each person can only regret three moves in each game, which is far beyond." Okay.These two are truly extraordinary.Before this chess game, the number of steps to regret the chess has been discussed.

"This... Master Zhang. Since I regret it, I regret it. What's the difference between three steps, four steps, and five steps?" Wan Zhong said with a smile.And his hand didn't mean to withdraw at all.I still want to try my best to reach the chessboard.

"How can this be done?" Zhang Fan refused again. "If it is according to what my father-in-law said, I can regret every move. I don't know when this game will be played."

"My lord..." Wang Meng opened the curtain of the tent and walked in.It seems that there is something to tell Zhang Fan.But after he came in, he was overwhelmed by the scene in front of him.Even for such a calm person like him.This matter is also shocked speechless.

Only at this time.Zhang Fan was holding Wan Zhong's little white hand.And Wan Zhong seemed to be using his strength.I don't know whether to withdraw or extend my hand.the most important is.At this time, both of them had smiles on their faces.This feeling.It made Wang Meng feel a little shuddering.

Notice.At this time, liking masculinity is nothing new.But for Wang Meng.This incident happened to Zhang Fan.He couldn't accept it.

"Oh. Wang Meng. What's the matter?" Zhang Fan saw Wang Meng coming in.So he stopped messing around with Wan Zhong.Ask him quickly.He doesn't know at the moment.Wang Meng had already thought of the appearance of him and Wan Zhong just now in his mind elsewhere.Otherwise, Zhang Fan at this moment probably has the thought of hitting the wall.

He shook his head.Wang Meng threw away those chaotic thoughts in his mind.He cupped his hands and said, "My lord, Wang Xiliang has already returned."

"What...you said Wang Xiliang is back." Zhang Fan yelled when he heard the news.He quickly stood up and walked outside.

Wang Meng quickly followed Zhang Fan and walked out.Only Wan Zhong, who didn't know what to say, was left there wondering.He had no idea what was going on.

When Zhang Fan got out of the tent, he realized that he had never asked Wang Meng where Wang Xiliang was.When I was planning to go back and ask again.But it stopped.

In an open space in the middle of the camp.surrounded by many people.Zhang Fan walked over there involuntarily.

"Master Zhang. You are here. Just in time." Among the crowd.Qi Jiguang was standing there.Seeing Zhang Fan, he immediately smiled and said to him. "I have to apologize to you here. This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple. The family doesn't know the family."

"What's going on?" Zhang Fan listened to Qi Jiguang's words.I was a little puzzled.He didn't know why Qi Jiguang said such a thing.

Following the gazes of the surrounding people, they looked at the few people surrounded in the middle.Zhang Fan became suspicious again.The few people in the middle are all dressed as Fusang people.Although Zhang Fan has never really seen Baixin, a commoner in Fusang in this era.But the costumes of these people in front of him are exactly the same as in his image.

"What... what's going on here." Zhang Fan asked Zhang Juzheng somewhat confusedly.He was overwhelmed by the sight in front of him.

"Hehe. Mr. Zhang. This is how it happened." Qi Jiguang explained. "The army I sent on the shore waited for a ship coming from the east this morning. These people came down from it. At first, they thought that this was the person who reported to the Fusang enemy troops in Suzhou City. They deliberately There is no obstruction. I want to let them go.

"It's just how do I know. They insisted on coming to our army. In the end, my people really had no choice. I had to arrest them and ask them. But they said that they belonged to Mr. Zhang. I I had no choice but to go to Wang Qianhu to confirm it immediately. This is the truth."

"You mean..." Zhang Fan heard Qi Jiguang's words.Some looked at the few people in front of them uncertainly. "...You are Wang Xiliang."

"Your Excellency, it is a humble position." Wang Xiliang hurriedly bowed his hands.There was joy on his face.

"You...how did you get into this look." Zhang Fan asked in surprise.

"It's... a humble job, it's a long story." Wang Xiliang said with a helpless smile.

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