"Report... The scouts ahead are here to report. The enemy army is now moving towards the north bank of the river. Now we can catch up with them in half an hour." A messenger under Qi Jiguang's command came to Qi Jiguang on horseback to report.

"Explore again." Qi Jiguang learned of the situation ahead.Continue to order.

"Decree." The order was answered.Ride away.

"Master Qi. Let's go to kill the enemy this time. Mr. Qi already has a strategy in his heart." Zhang Fan, who was riding a horse beside Qi Jiguang, asked.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang. This matter is not a novel. And this war is not as full of tricks as Mr. Zhang thought. Sometimes, it is actually very simple." Qi Jiguang said with a smile. "Let's go this way. As long as we can catch up with them from behind, and then form a front and back attack with the troops sent earlier, it will be enough to wipe out these enemy troops."

After listening to Qi Jiguang's words.Zhang Fan became silent.Think about it carefully.Zhang Fan felt that what Qi Jiguang said made sense.In fact, war.Although the strategic thinking of strategy occupies a dominant position.But it's really on the battlefield.Impulsive decisions will instead increase.

This is not to say that impulsive actions are good or bad.It's just a very common situation.

The decision Qi Jiguang made now.It seems very impulsive, but if you think about it carefully.You can find out immediately.He chose the fastest and most convenient route.

Trapped there, the walls are deep and well-defended.So many days in the city of Suzhou, which has abundant food reserves.The enemy didn't even open the door to fight.Or it means to escape.However today.But suddenly opened the city gate.Procession out of town.The reason must be because of the things that Zhang Fan sent Wang Xiliang to do.

So this way.The enemy must be anxious to go back to rescue.This anxious word.Many things will be ignored.Especially Qi Jiguang is now sure.The opponent must have known that there are many ambushes waiting for them in their retreat.But they still moved the team straight in that direction.It can be seen that it has already made plans to break out.

at this time.There is no need to formulate any strategies when marching and fighting.not to mention.Now this side is superior to the other side in terms of military strength and numbers.and.the most important is.The other party is eager to go back now; but here.Whether all the enemy troops can be wiped out is not the most important thing.

Thus.The pressure contrast between the tight and loose between the two sides is very obvious.The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty here can fight without any pressure.And the target is these enemies who have deeply damaged their own country and homeland.And hate.It is often the thing that can most motivate people to fight.

And the other side.When I was originally sent here.It is an army that is about to be abandoned.And after the two days and two nights of the siege battle before.Then came the invasion of an army they simply could not resist.The fear of the Qi family army has now penetrated into their hearts.If the two sides confront each other again.Even Zhang Fan can be sure.That must be a judgment call.

so.What Qi Jiguang said was not wrong at all.For this battle.No strategy is required.Everything that needs to be done is already prepared before this.All they need to do now is catch up with the enemy.Then attack back and forth with your own cavalry team in front of you.Then he wiped out the Fusang army in one go.

Figured this out.Zhang Fan didn't ask these questions any more.Just silently followed the team.

Time passed.And the distance from the enemy is getting less and less.Although it is night.Qi Jiguang did not ask the marching troops to light torches to explore the way.Just look at the road and walk by the moonlight in the sky.But the speed of the march did not slow down at all.And Zhang Fan followed Qi Jiguang.It can also be known very clearly.Qi Jiguang got the content of the scout's report.Moreover, the frequency of reporting by scouts is getting shorter and shorter.Zhang Fan understood very well.A big battle is imminent.

"Master Zhang..." Qi Jiguang called Zhang Fan.But he didn't continue talking.

"Master Qi, Zhang Fan understands what you mean." Zhang Fan seemed to have guessed what Qi Jiguang wanted to say.Said first. "But since Zhang Fan has already come this time, he just wants to follow all the way to the end. There is absolutely no reason to go back halfway."

"Okay. I am a mother-in-law here. A man should be like this." Qi Jiguang saw Zhang Fan say so.No more talking about safety concerns.

Wave.Qi Jiguang gestured to the lieutenant general beside him.After Fujian got the order.nodded.He shouted loudly: "Soldiers obey orders. Get your muskets ready."

The voice of order was conveyed layer by layer.Seeing that the soldiers around were able to prepare their weapons in an orderly manner on horses running at high speed.Zhang Fan couldn't help but sigh in his heart.Qi Jiguang really deserves to be a famous general of the Ming Dynasty.Such a rigorous means of governing the army.The battle has not been fought.Qi Jiguang has already won half the battle.

"Pass it on." Qi Jiguang continued to issue orders. "If the vanguard meets the enemy, you can shoot. After shooting, use a crossbow for me. If you get too close to the enemy after that, then use a knife directly."

"Yes." The deputy general replied again.

The group of Fusang enemy troops in front is now stepping up their journey to Yan'an in the north.But among the more than 1000 of them now.There are only more than [-] cavalry.All the others were on foot.And almost all of Qi Jiguang's men here are cavalry.It didn't take long for the soldiers who were ready to see the enemy in front of them.

Although Zhang Fan was in the middle of the team.But the gunshots in front of him had clearly reached his ears.he knows.It's already started.

The Fuso people who are marching fast seem to know it already.There are enemies behind them chasing them.But they went on until the gunfire of the Ming army sounded.Someone in his camp had already been shot and fell to the ground.But they didn't even intend to stop and fight back.Still running forward in such a bang.

And Qi Jiguang's army is not a teacher of benevolence and righteousness.Especially in the face of those enemies ahead.They have no intention of showing mercy.

The first soldiers to encounter the enemy opened fire as soon as the enemy came within range of their muskets.And they are very fast on horseback.There was no time for them to reload.They had no intention of stopping.According to Qi Jiguang's military order.Have a bow or crossbow by your side.All the science subjects picked up one after another and shot arrows at the enemy.And cavalry without bows and crossbows.He even drew out the saber directly.Drive the horse to kill the enemy.

but.Obviously, the Fusang enemy army in front also expected this scene to appear again.Get ready early.Those Katashigaru who fell at the back just now are just some abandoned children.The Qi family army who rushed through this area immediately found out.The enemy ahead is already ready.A simple defensive formation awaits them.

only.All the opponents in defensive formation were infantry.And in comparison.The all cavalry here is simply the nemesis of infantry.A kind of cavalry here.Facing the formation with long spears in front.They didn't hesitate at all.Waving the battle in his hand, he rushed in.

moment.The enemy defense in the first row was torn open.The cavalry behind drove straight in.

Although the opponent's defense was torn apart at the first moment.But they more or less blocked the speed of these chasing cavalry.

"Order down. Leave Qianqi behind. Quickly finish off the enemies here. The rest of the people don't care about these people. Just rush over to me. Go straight to the enemy's brigade." Qi Jiguang gave orders again.

Zhang Fan also rode a horse and followed Qi Jiguang and others to quickly cross this small obstacle.This was not the first time Zhang Fan had seen a dead person.I didn't feel any strange about the scenes full of entities that I passed by just now.Maybe he has seen this kind of scene too much.Or maybe it's because he's in a war, such a ruthless environment.

"General Qi. This is a bit strange." Passed through the enemy's defense.Zhang Fan suddenly thought of something.Asked Qi Jiguang with some doubts. "When I passed by there just now, I took a general look. Although I didn't count them in detail. But the enemy troops who were responsible for blocking our pursuit just now were only about two or three hundred people. Somehow they naively thought. These two 300 Can humans stop our attack?"

"No. Otherwise, they wouldn't have locked themselves in Suzhou City for so many days." Qi Jiguang said with a serious face. "I'm afraid they did this to delay us. And later. We will encounter more than one such defense."

"This...why is this?" Zhang Fan asked.

"The reason is very simple." Qi Jiguang replied. "After all, we are cavalry. We want to break through the infantry position. Especially the temporary position like the one just now is really very simple. If they send 2000 people to block us at once, we can ignore it at all. They. Just go after their brigade directly. That way it won't be able to stop us at all.

"And this kind of position built by two or 300 people. Although it is basically to die. But every time we pass there, it will always be full. In this way, as long as we can repeat it several times and leave many of these Small position. It can indeed hinder our attack."

After listening to Qi Jiguang's explanation.Zhang Fan stopped talking.He really never thought that the other party would use such a method close to suicide.to stop their pursuit.

But now Qi Jiguang has guessed the plan of the other party.But for a while.Faced with this situation.He also has no good way.

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