The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 301 Patriotism

Just woke up.Zhang Fan heard the shouts of Qi's army soldiers practicing outside the camp.It was very loud.But Zhang Fan was not awakened by the shouts of the soldiers practicing outside.In the past few days, he has been worrying about it and estimated that he is really too tired.Yesterday I let go of all the troubles in my heart.Really fell asleep very deeply.This time he woke up.It's past noon.

Get out of the tent.It was found that not all the soldiers of the Qi family army were practicing on the school field.Only part of it.After all, it was already noon.All soldiers have to eat.And Qi's army made a long-distance attack this time.From Jizhou in the north to Jiangnan.It can be said that there is no pause at all.None of the leading troops brought them.The matter of cooking the pot was handed over to a very few soldiers.Naturally, labor is limited.The soldiers can only go to eat in batches.And those who haven't had their turn yet have no complaints.Still continue his training.

Zhang Fan could see it.Because a big battle just ended yesterday.The level of drills of the soldiers of the Qi family army was not very intense.However, it was only the second day after the war.But there was no rest.Qi Jiguang didn't watch on the school field either.The soldiers of the Qi family army actually practiced so consciously.From this point, we can see Qi Jiguang's ability to govern the army.And the real reason why this army is invincible.

"My lord, you're awake." Wang Meng, who was passing by, saw Zhang Fan standing on the sidelines of the school field watching the drills of the soldiers of the Qi family army.Come over and say to him. "General Qi ordered the humble officer. If your lord wakes up, please go over and talk about it."

"En." Zhang Fan nodded.

Following Wang Meng came to Zhang Fan who was the chief tent of Qi Jiguang's army.See Qi Jiguang is sitting in the coach position.It seems to be writing something.

"Oh. Master Zhang is here." Qi Jiguang saw Zhang Fan enter his big tent.said with a smile. "I'm writing a battle report to be submitted to the court. You're here now. How's it going? I slept well last night."

"Master Qi has worked hard." Zhang Fan said very politely. "Zhang Fan is fine here. It's the best night I've slept in these days."

"Haha. This is human nature." Qi Jiguang said with a smile.Then he moved closer to Zhang Fan.He even looked at the big tent where no one else was there.Said rather mysteriously. "Actually, I was the same last night. I slept very deeply after I came back. I don't know anything."

Zhang Fan didn't expect it.Qi Jiguang, who let go of his work, can be so relaxed.She was even interested in making a joke of her own with him.It can be seen that Qi Jiguang is in a really good mood at this time.

"Master Qi. This..." Suddenly.Zhang Fan seemed to have thought of something. "I don't know if Mr. Qi still remembers. The scene when we two met for the first time. Isn't it very similar to now?"

Qi Jiguang heard what Zhang Fan said.I looked around.Nodded and shook his head.Said. "That's exactly what happened. But this mood is very different from that time."

certainly.At that time.When Zhang Fan went to see Qi Jiguang.The same is true for entering Qi Jiguang's military tent.And Qi Jiguang received Zhang Fan as he did now.Only then.Several towns in the north are being captured by the Tartars.The people in the north were even more displaced.A bleak picture.

And this time.The situation is also very similar.Four cities in the south of the Yangtze River were occupied by Japanese pirates and enemy troops from Fusang.Just wait until the moment when Zhang Fan walks into Qi Jiguang's tent.The emergency outside had vanished.There is no threat of the enemy.This mood is naturally no longer depressed.People also relaxed.

"By the way, Lord Qi." After Zhang Fan came back to his senses.Said to Qi Jiguang. "Yesterday, I said that I would submit a memorial to His Majesty. I asked you and me to discuss things yesterday. As a result, I was too tired yesterday. I forgot about it. Now it is just right. Now I will write the memorial."

At this moment.The curtain of Qi Jiguang's camp was lifted.A soldier walked in with a food box.

"Let's put aside the matter of the above. After all, the war is over now. There is plenty of time." Qi Jiguang said suddenly when he saw the person coming. "You haven't eaten all day. You must be hungry too. It's just right. I'm just about to eat here too. Let's go together."

It's over.Qi Jiguang didn't wait for Zhang Fan to answer.He already ordered the soldiers who came to deliver the food to get another meal.And this time, for the first time ever, he asked someone to bring a jug of wine.It's a celebration of victory.

The dishes in the army are not good.But it's not too bad.At least for Zhang Fan.There's nothing wrong with it.He hasn't raised his mouth too much.

Eat half of the meal.The two drank a few glasses of wine.The atmosphere also became a little lively.The two also started a Chinese tradition.I like to talk about things at the dinner table.

"I said. I still remember that time. When we first met. It was... a year and a half." Qi Jiguang finished the wine in his glass.Said to Zhang Fan. "At that time, you won the Juren. I heard that you were No.1 in Shaanxi. But at that time, you were just a boss who was recruited temporarily by the court. When I heard the news, I thought it was just another one. Can read. A nerd who doesn’t know how to adapt. And when you walked into my military tent, I saw your appearance for the first time. I was more sure of the original idea in my heart. So it was a good time for you at that time Preaching. But it’s just an understatement. Because I think from the bottom of my heart that you should also have that kind of sour and stinky temper. I can’t listen to anyone’s words.”

Zhang Fan heard Qi Jiguang's words.I really sweated a bit in my heart.He really didn't think about it.Qi Jiguang's first impression of himself would be like this.want to come.Qi Jiguang was born in a family of generals.Several generations of the family have been generals of the Ming Dynasty.After his father Qi Jingtong died of illness.Qi Jiguang, who was only 17 years old, succeeded his father.Served as the commander of Dengzhou Guard. When I was 22 years old.Qi Jiguang passed the Wu Juren examination.after.His legendary life officially opened.

Think so.It's normal for Qi Jiguang to have such a thought when he first met Zhang Fan.But Zhang Fan didn't say anything to Qi Jiguang's words.he knows.Qi Jiguang must have something to say next.

"But what happened afterwards. It really made me change my view of you." Sure enough.Qi Jiguang then continued. "It was after that battle. My subordinates got all the battle reports sent by the imperial court. When I reported it. I don't know why. I actually asked how you are. Originally, I didn't expect anything No hug. Just a random question.

"It's just that I really didn't expect it. The answer I got really shocked me. On the battlefield, your performance is completely like a novice. Some panic, some hesitation. But what surprised me is. Even I personally asked people to ask some of the people who went out with you about the situation. They also told me. You have never been afraid.

"I've been fighting for so many years in my life. I haven't seen anything. Even myself. To be honest, it was the first time I fought against the enemy. When I was fighting for my life, I was also a little scared in my heart. It's just that I didn't show it. Those Before joining the army, they were wild and rough people. There are many people who are very scared when they go to the battlefield for the first time. I have seen too much. But you have not. I also believe that the person who told me this situation will not lie Me. There is no need to lie to me. This really makes me feel that people should not be judged by appearances. I really underestimated you. Now, I have to apologize to you." Qi Jiguang said and was about to stand up and do something.

"Master Qi, it must not be like this." Zhang Fan saw Qi Jiguang like this.Stand up quickly and push him back to the seat.Said. "Zhang Fan doesn't need Mr. Qi's apology at all." These words were on his lips.In Zhang Fan's heart, he admired Qi Jiguang even more.A person can apologize to the other party for a subjective idea in his mind about the other this era.It is indeed an extremely difficult thing.

"Master Qi, tell the truth." Zhang Fan saw Qi Jiguang sit down.I also made it back to the chair.Said. "I'm actually not as brave as I said to Mr. Qi. I'm ashamed to say it. It was the first time I went to the battlefield. I was actually very scared in my heart. It's just that I was not worried about my own life at that time. But I was worried about my mother at home. After all, my mother gave birth to me and raised me. For my study and exams, I sold the house at home. I worked hard all day long. At that time, I had just won the Juren. I haven't done a little bit of filial piety yet. I was worried that I would die on the battlefield like this. It was still outside of Daming. My mother didn't say anything about her sadness, but she would have to spend the rest of her life alone. In that case, I really would have no face See my father and my grandfather."

"You don't have to belittle yourself." Qi Jiguang said. "Who doesn't have family concerns. It's normal to have this kind of thinking. Even me. I still have this level of concern now. When I trained soldiers, I never told them. This is serving the emperor and the court. I always say to them. 'It doesn't matter if you join the army to serve your country. Or to make a living. But you have to think about your family at all times'. You think. What is the soldier for. When The original intention of the soldiers is not to expand the territory. The real purpose is to defend the country. If an enemy invades our Ming territory and endangers the people of our Ming Dynasty, then that is our business.

"It doesn't matter why you are a soldier. Since you are here, you can't be a deserter. That way you will only die. And since you are already in the barracks, you don't practice on weekdays. You don't know formations. You are not familiar with deployment. You will go to the army in the future." The so-called man is not for himself, heaven and earth will destroy. Although these words sound a bit too extreme and make people uncomfortable. But this is indeed the truth. Everyone says that my Qi family army is victorious in every battle. But that It is not because of my ability to run the army alone. It is because of these soldiers.

"I let them know. I won the battle. Not only can I save my own life, but also the lives of my family members. And every time I win a battle, the imperial court will always send some rewards. I also gave all of them to those who have made meritorious service on the battlefield Soldiers. Although it sounds like I am using money to buy these soldiers to fight bravely. But after all, this is what motivates these soldiers the most. The lives of themselves and their families. And money. "

Zhang Fan didn't speak.He quietly listened to Qi Jiguang finish his speech.yes.What Qi Jiguang said was not wrong at all.Another great call to thought.Then there is the allegiance to the imperial power and the imperial court.It is also not as real as what an individual can get.own and family life.Plus money.That's all the common people want.For these things.Many people will work hard.

And now.No.It was at the beginning of the founding of the Ming Dynasty.Many people do not see this clearly.They feel as soldiers.It is to be loyal to the emperor and the court.It is to fight bravely.That is, you should fight to the death on the battlefield without asking for a the end.The soldiers were not rewarded for their merits.And if there is a mistake, it is torture by military law.But he is filling his own pocket.They simply do not understand.Soldiers as ordinary people are not asking for these honors that are incompatible with them.All they ask for is peace and money.these practical things.

That's why.Those frontier troops in the northern border of the Ming Dynasty will always maintain a super high combat effectiveness.After all, they are enduring the test of life and death every moment.They may lose their lives if they are not careful.Only by constantly exercising yourself.Make yourself stronger.Only in this way can he face those Tartars on the battlefield and save his own life.Come back alive to meet your family.

And for those soldiers in the south of Ming Dynasty.They not only join the army but also just to make a living.For the people on weekdays.Even one's own neighborhood is also a fox pretending to be a tiger.Want to get some benefits.This is exactly what the southeast coast is facing with Japanese pirates who are much weaker than the Tartars.But it has always been so passive.So scared all the time.Even when many patrolling troops saw Japanese pirates landing.Just put a few arrows symbolically and then turned around and ran away.And after they go back.It should also be said that the Japanese pirates are powerful.It was useless to resist by myself.It was returned.Not only did not solve the Japanese pirates.Instead, let them go ashore and commit murder.And these people not only do not have to pay the slightest responsibility.On the contrary, he gained a good reputation for fighting bravely.

Zhang Fan understood what Qi Jiguang said in his heart.Yet he said nothing.After all, if the words Qi Jiguang said were heard by outsiders.Words spread to the court.It would be unnecessary trouble again.But now.There is a Jinyiwei commander like Zhang Fan listening to Qi Jiguang say this.It is estimated that even if it is heard by something.I also dare not spread it to the outside world.

"I had a great time today. I talked so much nonsense. I want you to think I'm long-winded." Qi Jiguang said suddenly.

"The words there. Master Qi's words are thought-provoking. I also learned a lot from them." Zhang Fan said quickly.

"Oh. Tell me about it. I want to hear what you, the number one scholar, have to say." Qi Jiguang suddenly became temperamental.asked.

Zhang Fan didn't expect that Qi Jiguang's temperament would be affected by his echoing words.I just had to think about it in my heart.He said bravely. "What Mr. Qi said just now, I understand very well in my heart. It is said and said. A person lives for a lifetime. At most, it is only a few decades. Whether these decades are long or short is not short. Naturally, we must first Think for yourself. But Mr. Qi, you have said so much, but only one person was left out. "

"Who?" Qi Jiguang was made even worse by Zhang Fan's question.Quickly asked.

"That person is far away in the sky. He is close in front of us." Zhang Fan looked at Qi Jiguang and replied.

"You're talking about me." Qi Jiguang was a little confused by Zhang Fan's answer.

"That's right. I'm talking about you, Mr. Qi." Zhang Fan nodded and said. "Master Qi said just now. When governing the army, let the soldiers under him step up their drills and fight the enemy bravely. What they use is not patriotic. Or loyalty to His Majesty or the court. I completely agree with this point But Mr. Qi forgot to talk about himself. Why did Mr. Qi have the idea of ​​eradicating the Japanese pirates and returning the common people to a peaceful and prosperous age?

"I know. Mr. Qi is the descendant of the general. Maybe Mr. Qi is a person who likes to fight in his bones. But I can't see that you are that kind of person. In addition, your family background is not poor. You are young He inherited his father's position. If you want to live a carefree life. That's no problem at all. But you still choose to go to war. Then there is only one possibility left. You still do it for Righteousness."

After Qi Jiguang heard Zhang Fan's remarks.I thought about it.He really hadn't thought about this question before.I never thought about why I chose to take such a path.And now.Zhang Fan said it.Only then did Qi Jiguang find out.In fact, I have always been for righteousness.For the patriotism in my heart.It's just the so-called "being in the game and not knowing the game".He himself has never discovered this problem.

"Xiang Na Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che fought countless battles in his life. Although he also caused heavy casualties to the people of the country. He died outside the border. There are countless people whose family members can't even see their bodies." Zhang Fan suddenly said This issue. "However, no one under his command and the common people said anything wrong with him. On the contrary, they were extremely proud of what he did. All of this goes on and on. Isn't it because Liu Che aroused the share in people's hearts? Is it patriotism?"

"You're right." Qi Jiguang affirmed Zhang Fan's statement.nodded.Said. "But now. There will never be such a situation again." Finished.Qi Jiguang let out a long sigh.

But Zhang Fan didn't say anything more.

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