The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 304 After the war

"What did you say?" Long Qing asked excitedly. He didn't know if he really didn't understand it just now, or just wanted to listen to it again.

"Your Majesty, the news of Jiangnan's success came. General Qi Jiguang led his Qi family army to wipe out more than [-] Fusang enemy troops stationed in Suzhou City a few days ago, and captured more than [-] enemies. The Qi family army suffered only a hundred casualties," the guard who came to deliver the order was excited again. After saying it again, it seems that for this kind of news, it won't be tiring to say it several times.

"Hurry up and submit the battle report," Long Qing said quickly, and he was about to get up to get the battle report himself, when the eunuch at the side saw him, hurriedly walked down, took the battle report and hurriedly delivered it to Long Qing.

The civil and military discussions of the Manchu Dynasty below are full of discussions, which are more intense than before. This is also natural. After all, this incident is too coincidental, and Qi Jiguang's battle report is too coincidental. Who would have thought , when Gao Gong had just mentioned the subject of impeachment of Zhang Fan and Qi Jiguang, the victory report of the Jiangnan War was sent, and his record was almost impeccable.

To be honest, this kind of dramatic scene is rarely seen on the stage, but today, the Manchu civil and military people present saw a reality show. It is too... I don’t know how to describe it.

The ministers were discussing a lot, but most of their eyes were looking at Gao Gong who was standing in the center of the hall, facing Long Qing, not only those who opposed Gao Gong, or those who were neutral, even those who were Gao Gong The party members all looked at Gao Gong with a very curious expression. Long Qing, the emperor, was no exception. After reading the battle report in his hand, he smiled, and then looked at Gao Gong below with curiosity. , and the most surprising thing is that even Li Chunfang, who never asks questions, opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at Gao Gong. If you look at Gao Gong's expression, that embarrassment is definitely what everyone is looking forward to.

Looking at Gao Gong in a blink of an eye, he did not disappoint the people who had high expectations for him. Gao Gong is now 59 years old, and he is already showing his old age when he is about to enter his sixtieth year. On Zhang's old face, it is blue and purple, sometimes red, and sometimes pale. In short, it is almost catching up with the colorful rainbow. In addition, he is in a very embarrassing situation at the moment, and he has always maintained a smile on his face. His expression remained motionless, lest the people around him see his heart. This scene full of contradictions was all concentrated on his face, which really made everyone feel funny. Those who had a gap with Gao Gong, although they were all very serious, But in fact, they have put in a lot of effort to stop themselves from laughing out loud, and those high-arch party members have also endured very hard.

These people dare not laugh, or are embarrassed to laugh, but this does not mean that everyone dare not.

"Hahaha..." There was a burst of smug laughter.

Gao Gong, who was getting angry, was already very entangled in his heart, but this burst of laughter completely broke the rational nerves in his brain, he quickly raised his head, looked around, and found the laughing person, Gao Gong was about to open his mouth to impeach him for a crime of roaring at the court, but the nerve called reason compounded again.

The laughing Long Qing, who dares to say Long Qing, Gao Gong is also very grateful for being able to regain his sanity immediately, if not... Hehe, impeaching the emperor would be more interesting.

"Qi Aiqing and Zhang Aiqing really have a plan." Long Qing didn't look at Gao Gong at all, and said to himself, "The two of them know that the enemy is stationed in the city. Although Qi Aiqing's troops were all armed with firearms, their numbers were comparable to those of the enemy troops in Suzhou City, not much more. They knew that under a strong attack, apart from heavy casualties, they might not be able to capture Suzhou. Aiqing didn't act rashly, but used tricks to lure the snake out of the hole and lure the enemies in the city out, and then under the attack back and forth, they defeated the enemy army. , the casualties did not exceed a hundred people," Long Qing was very happy, and gave an overview of the situation of the battle.

However, the officials below were not satisfied, especially Gao Gong. They all wanted to know how Zhang Fan and Qi Jiguang managed to lure the enemy out of the city. Not good to ask.

In fact, it wasn't that Long Qing was hiding something private or something, but he really stated the contents of the battle report sent by Qi Jiguang, without any omission. He knew the reason, but after reading this battle report, he understood it. With Qi Jiguang's character as a man and an official, coupled with his previous behavior, what the battlefield was like, what would the battle report written by Qi Jiguang be? In the same way, it is absolutely original, without any secrets or lies, but this time, Qi Jiguang actually missed the most important point and didn't write it, which is really confusing.

Long Qing was also surprised at the beginning, but then he came to understand that the reason why he couldn't write it out must be because there was something hidden in it that was not easy to say publicly, and now that Qi Jiguang still had Zhang Fan around, Zhang Fan Who is he? He is one of the leaders of the two largest secret service agencies in Ming Dynasty. Long Qing knew that when he thought about it, he would be told by Zhang Fan's memorial later on.

As for the officials below, since Long Qing didn't say anything, there was nothing they could do.

"Gao Aiqing, now that the crisis in the south of the Yangtze River has been resolved, and General Qi's achievements are outstanding, it is really a great victory," Long Qing said to Gao Gong, "From this point of view, Gao Aiqing doesn't need to be impeached anymore." Sell ​​it to Gao Gong to save face. After all, this matter is big or small, and it is all decided by him, the emperor, and Long Qing doesn't want to make this matter a big deal.

"I understand that I am too concerned about the people in the south of the Yangtze River, so that I have become blind, and please punish me." Although Gao Gong was upset because he had lost an excellent opportunity, he was not a person who could not see it. Those who understand the situation, now that the situation has been settled, it is impossible for him to impeach Zhang Fan. At this time, if he still wants to mess around and make Long Qing angry, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Punishment will be avoided. After all, Aiqing is also concerned about the people in the south of the Yangtze River, so that's why," Long Qing said magnanimously.

Seeing that Gao Gong had nothing to do except lose some face, the courtiers lost interest in continuing to watch.

In short, the early court of this day ended in this kind of coincidence that was quite contentious in the early stage and funny in the later stage.

On the Jiangnan side, Zhang Fan and others didn't know what happened in the court.

Now that the Jiangnan War has passed, many things have to be reconsidered, and Zhang Fan has no plans to go back before receiving Long Qing's order. Because of this, he has gradually become the leader of the reconstruction work here, and many Officials from all over the country came to ask him about the matter.

This time, the Japanese pirates and the invasion of the Fusang enemy army really caused great damage to this prosperous place in the south of the Yangtze River. Take the city wall of Yangzhou City today as an example. It was as if it had been burned by a fire, and above the city tower, there were ruins and countless rubble, which was a miserable scene.

However, in the final analysis, these are just superficial phenomena. The enemy's invasion did not actually cause too much damage. The three cities that were captured by the Japanese pirates in the early stage were all breached because of the late-night sneak attacks of the Japanese pirates. It was extremely fast, but the people in the city were running away very fast. Almost as soon as they heard the movement in the city, they already ran out of the city in a panic. Only a few people who didn't have time stayed in the city. But even if there were very few people staying in the city, the enemy did not treat them too cruelly. Even the Japanese pirates who entered the city did not search the city in Songjiang Mansion.

Afterwards, Suzhou was broken, and the people there rushed out again, half into Yangzhou City, and half into Yingtian Mansion.

All in all, plus the post-war statistics, the injuries suffered by the people in this Jiangnan War can be described as negligible. Few people were directly killed or killed because of the war, and the Japanese pirates and those Fusang enemy troops The damage caused is just some damage to the city and the houses in the city.

In short, this time the war looks very tragic on the surface, but in fact, the damage caused is very small.

Among the several battles, the battle with the Japanese pirates suffered the most casualties. There are many reasons for this. Some of the Japanese pirates are not willing to die, but more of it is the problem of the defenders in the south of the Yangtze River. Well-trained and well-armed regular army, but it was a tie with a group of bereaved dogs and Japanese pirates with simple weapons. This is really a bit of a problem.

Zhang Fan also noticed this matter. Now that Qi Jiguang is defending the north, he is not in the south of the Yangtze River. It is unclear what will happen here in the future. He plans to play Longqing after returning to Beijing to see if he can do anything.

In short, although the Jiangnan War is over, although it is not a waste, it is still waiting to be done. The work these few days is all about how to help the people return to their original places in a safe and orderly manner. Although Zhang Fan is still waiting for Long Qing's order, By the way, he will solve some local trivial matters, but he has already ordered his subordinates to pack up and prepare to return to Beijing at any time.

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