The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 315 The Disaster of Etiquette

According to Long Qing's questioning, Zhang Fan began to narrate what he saw and heard during this war. In fact, Zhang Fan didn't see much about this war. He thought that he was temporarily appointed by Long Qing when the war just started. He is the "general who drives away the barbarians" who leads the war.

Regarding the situation in Jiangnan at that time, the situation was grim. The most important thing was that the Japanese pirates quickly invaded and occupied the three major cities in Jiangnan. The impact was that Jiangnan immediately entered a state of emergency. Moreover, this situation also caused the troops in charge of defense in Jiangnan to fall into a state of emergency, which caused an extreme shortage of manpower in Jiangnan during that period of time.

It was precisely because the Japanese pirates came so suddenly that Zhang Fan had to take care of other places to prevent any more Japanese pirates from coming. As a result, the shortage of manpower became even more serious. Zhang Fan At that time, it was impossible to go to the front line, so we had to stay where we were.

However, Long Qing's first anger today also happened at this time, when Zhang Fan said that the reason why the Japanese pirates would attack was all because of Liu Shan. To be honest, this really made people very angry, after all Liu Shan's behavior is simply rebellious. To put it lightly, it is to show off his own quickness. He wants to pull a few people into the water regardless of the life and death of the people, and arbitrarily attracts troops from other countries; , Liu Shan's behavior is no different from treason. He colludes with other countries' armies and lets them attack his own country. This is not what treason is. Such a serious crime of deceiving the emperor, everything that Liu Shan has done is a crime that must be died.

Not to mention the owner of the huge Ming Empire, the emperor Longqing, even the ministers below, even going to the street to grab a commoner, would definitely be very angry.

The same is true after the officials below understand the various reasons behind the incident. After all, for these ministers, corruption and perverting the law are just ordinary things. Who has not done it here? Even Zhang Juzheng is also trying to get through Feng Bao’s relationship, and his bribery, in the eyes of these ministers, corruption, no matter how large or small it is, or how much or how little money is involved, in the final analysis, its essence is corruption, nothing It's the same, but those who are less greedy and small-scale people face lighter punishments after being found out, or they will not receive any punishment at all, while those who are more greedy and relatively large-scale people are found out. After being found out, what they have to face may be dismissal from office, such as the death penalty, but in the final analysis, in their view, the essence of these things is not different.

Collaboration with the enemy and treason is a different matter. The Central Plains is vast and populated. It is said that when the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds. If one day, the Ming Dynasty is about to fall, it will be trampled by other people's cavalry Shanhe is already at the end of the day, and there may never be fewer such collaborators and traitors. Before thinking about it, think about the Song Dynasty, how many traitors and lackeys were there in the hundreds of years of the Northern and Southern Dynasties? This kind of thing is natural.

But this kind of situation is just a kind of self-preservation. After all, there must be reasons for the collapse of an empire. It’s nothing, but there will always be people who think in reverse at that time, thinking that even if one or two people like themselves turn against foreigners, it’s not a big deal. The country is already like that, and there is no need to accompany it to die.

But this kind of thinking will never appear at such a time. Although the Ming Dynasty is not extremely powerful, it is still a prosperous scene. The harassment of the northern Tartars has finally come to an end. But the effect is definitely obvious. Coupled with the Longqing switch, allowing private ships to sail and do business, this has also improved the lives of the people a lot. The most important point is that there is no comparison in scale in recent years. The big rebellion occurred in the interior of Ming Dynasty. Even if there were, such as those in Southwest China and Fujian a few years ago, they were quickly suppressed by the court without causing any substantial harm at all.

At this time, when the common people live and work in peace and contentment, when lower-level officials try to collect wealth, and when higher-level officials try to form cliques and get better, it is almost impossible for them to take the initiative to eat inside and out, and to cooperate with foreign countries. However, Liu Shan did the opposite. He did this kind of thing at this time. Facts have proved that the time he chose was indeed correct, and it really pulled a lot of people back, but they were all They are just ordinary people, and they really deserve to die.

Zhang Fan continued to narrate. When he said that the Fusang army landed on the shore, captured Suzhou with the help of people ambushing in Suzhou City, and then went all the way directly to Yangzhou City, where only a few hundred people were stationed. Especially when Zhang Fan mentioned that Yangzhou City was about to be destroyed several times, and even Zhang Fan himself was in danger from time to time, Long Qing's nervousness was simply overwhelming. It has reached the point where it cannot be added.

And when he heard that Hai Rui came to rescue with the remaining [-] soldiers and horses after the battle with the Japanese pirates, Long Qing whispered "It's dangerous", and his face showed a look full of hope. When Zhang Fan said that Qi Jiguang's army had finally arrived, and those Fusang people who attacked the city were also beaten and retreated with their heads in their hands, Long Qing almost stood up from his seat, and shouted "Hello".

At the end, when Zhang Fan talked about how Qi Jiguang wiped out those Fusang people, Long Qing was almost enjoying the most pleasing part of a scene.

Zhang Fan finally finished talking about the whole process of his trip to the south of the Yangtze River, and Long Qing got his wish, but Zhang Fan never said why those Fusang people who locked themselves tightly in Suzhou City suddenly The reason why he opened the city gate and ran out to die was the reason why many ministers in the court were puzzled, especially Gao Gong. Everyone in the crowd laughed coldly, but since Zhang Fan didn't say anything, and Long Qing didn't ask about it, the following ministers couldn't ask any more questions. They all thought that there must be something hidden in it. Since Long Qing doesn't ask, it means that this matter is not easy to disclose, so no matter how itchy some people are, they will never ask.

"Well, this battle in the south of the Yangtze River really touched people a lot. What does Ai Qing think about this battle?" Long Qing asked Zhang Fan.

"Your Majesty, I do have some ideas in my mind," Zhang Fan said, "I think Ming is the most extensive, most populous, and richest country in the world today, but people like Tartars and Fusang are all People who are fighting endlessly dare to offend me, Da Mingwei, this thing sounds really weird.

"Wei Chen thought a lot about this matter, and then finally found the problem. Although our dynasty is strong and the army is not weak, but when I am facing outward, I always act too gentle. Wei Chen is a scholar. , Psychologically speaking, this is not because we are cowardly, but because we pay too much attention to etiquette. However, people in other countries don't think like us. In their view, only war and force are the essence of everything. I was seen by them as timid and fearful, and did not want to fight. What I relied on was only a vast territory, a large population, and rich money. That's why they dared to do this. As a decoration in general.

"The reason why I said this is not because Your Majesty thinks that those polite etiquettes should be abandoned. On the contrary, I think that these are a kind of symbol of our court, but I think that we should not only treat them in this way. For outsiders, it is more important to show that our dynasty is a state of etiquette, and at the same time let them understand that my dynasty is inviolable,"

When Zhang Fan said these words, the court immediately fell silent. Zhang Fan's words were shocking, and it could even be said that he was simply insulting the teachings of sages. However, at this time, whether it was Gao Gong Those who opposed Zhang Fan like this, or others, didn't say anything, Zhang Fan's words actually hit the point.

Back then, the two emperors Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di led their armies to Mobei many times to crusade against the remnants of Yuanmeng. They didn't even dare to invade Daming. This is a complete proof of what Zhang Fan said. However, the Ming Dynasty gradually became decadent after that. People feel the sublime sense of the incomparable majesty of God.

"Well... Zhang Aiqing, you must be tired after you came back from such a long distance and talked so much," Long Qing didn't express any opinion on Zhang Fan's words, but let him stand aside to rest, Said, "My dear friends, what else do you want to say?"

Feng Bao who was on the side heard Long Qing's words, and he hurriedly acted, because he was only an eunuch after all, and he didn't have any right to speak here, so he signaled that he had a plan to play.

Zhang Fan saw that the little eunuch beside Long Qing passed the folder that Feng Bao handed over to Long Qing, Zhang Fan knew that the real show was about to be staged,

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