"Forgive me." Long Qing said in a contemptuous tone.Asked such a sentence.There was also some amusement in his expression. "You know. The crimes you've committed. What the crime."

"Death...capital crime..." Meng Chong said in a trembling voice.His old face was now covered with snot and tears.It's not sad to see.It's just naihe.His expression was in the wrong place.On the court.No one will think you are innocent and pitiful.

"Capital... You know it's a capital crime." Long Qing looked at him and said. "Since you know it's a capital crime, you shouldn't have committed it in the first place. What's the use of begging for mercy now."

"Your Majesty. Slave... Slave is wronged." Meng Chong didn't know how to explain it.I had to cry out loudly.

"Wronged." Long Qing was immediately amused by Meng Chong's cry of wrongedness. "You are wronged. You talk about it. There is something wrong with you."

"This... this..." Meng Chong, who was already terrified, could still calm down.Think about your own survival.Just chirping there.

"Your Majesty. I have something to say." Still Gao Gong.

Seeing Gao Gong stand up and speak again.people around.Even Long Qing was puzzled.Everyone couldn't figure it out at all.What happened to Gao Gong today.His impulse just now.He was directly reprimanded by Long Qing.And he didn't care about it at all.Now he stood up again and wanted to say something.This is simply unbelievable.Many people are skeptical.Was Gao Gong stimulated by something today?To make such an unwise move.

"Oh. Gao Aiqing, what does that mean?" Long Qing didn't show any anger at Gao Gong's behavior of repeatedly pursuing him.Instead, he put on a curious face.asked. "Since Gao Aiqing said it, let's make it clear. After all, this matter is of great importance. You should be more cautious."

"Return to Your Majesty." Sure enough.Long Qing said so.Gao Gong also started talking. "Everything needs to be based on evidence. Especially when dealing with this kind of thing. It is not only a matter of human life. It is also related to a person's reputation. It is still necessary to be solemn. Just now, Eunuch Meng has read the memorial that Eunuch Feng presented to His Majesty. Look It seems that the situation is very serious. But Wei Chen has a concern in his heart when he hears now. The word "evidence" is mentioned in the book. Wei Chen dares to ask. Where is the evidence? Is Eunuch Meng guilty? It's not too late to say it after seeing this 'evidence'." After finishing these words.Gao Gong also looked at Feng Bao with rather contemptuous eyes.

It's just that Gao Gong looked at it this way.But he found that Feng Bao was also looking at him with a smile.And that look is definitely a confident look.This time.Gao Gong's original full confidence has dropped by more than half.The reason why he dared to say that just now.Not because he knew something about it.Rather, he felt that Feng Bao should be bluffing.In his opinion.Feng Bao and Zhang Fan must be in frequent contact with each other.If Zhang Fan obtained any evidence after searching Liu Shan.Then Feng Bao probably will know soon.If so.Feng Bao should have received this news many days ago.So it's time to impeach Meng Chong.And now.Feng Bao waited until now to make a move.This really made Gao Gong feel suspicious.

And that's it.Although he knew that Meng Chong was not someone with extraordinary intelligence.But in his opinion.Meng Chong shouldn't be so stupid as that.Let others hold his handle in their hands.But there is no trace of discovery.

Gao Gong's idea does have some truth.Only this time.But he miscalculated.

"Yes. What Gao Aiqing said makes sense." Long Qing nodded seriously.Said. "Everything should be based on evidence. If there is no evidence, you can judge people's merits and demerits at will. Wouldn't my world be in chaos?"

"Your Majesty said so." Gao Gong echoed.

"In that case..." Long Qing said this.He turned his gaze to Feng Bao.Said. "Feng Bao. You said in the notebook that there is evidence for everything you have sued Meng Chong. Let's present the evidence in public now."

"Qizou Your Majesty." Feng Bao walked to the center of the court hall very respectfully.Said to Long Qing. "There is no such evidence on the servant girl."

"What did you say?" Long Qing looked at Feng Bao with a rather unexpected application.Long Qing really didn't know about this before.It's just that Zhang Fan was involved in the brochure Feng Bao handed over.And Long Qing himself knew about it.The relationship between Zhang Fan and Feng Bao is also good.so.He trusted Zhang Fan because of himself.So he took Feng Bao's words for granted.

only.Long Qing really didn't expect it.Feng Bao actually made a big oolong at this moment.This situation made Long Qing a little dumbfounded.

Not just Longqing.The ministers below who heard Feng Bao's words were almost dumbfounded.Feng Bao is very cautious.These officials also know it on weekdays.But now.Feng Bao's deeds.It really doesn't look like something a prudent person should do.

"Feng Bao. You have sued others to His Majesty without evidence. You are simply deceiving the emperor." Gao Gong suddenly got into trouble.Pointing at Feng Bao, he scolded angrily. "Your Majesty. Feng Bao deceived the king and ignored him. He despised His Majesty. He wanted to falsely accuse others without evidence. Please punish him for his crime."

"Your Majesty, the servant did not do this. It's all... that Feng Bao falsely accused the servant." Meng Chong, who was still kneeling and trembling just now.Now he is straightened up.said loudly.It seems that he is trying his best to express his innocence and integrity.

"Lord Gao, Eunuch Meng. I haven't finished my servant's speech yet." Feng Bao said to the two of them calmly. "Both of you are people of status. It's not proper to roar in front of His Majesty like this."

"You, Feng Bao. You are still stubborn when you are about to die. This time you have committed a serious crime of deceiving the emperor. Let me see what you..." Meng Chong listened to Feng Bao's words.But he immediately refuted it.Pointing at Feng Bao, he said angrily.It's just that he suddenly found out.The high-arched voice that was still helping him speak together just now.Now it has disappeared.A sudden sense of fear suddenly invaded his whole body.It made him feel like falling into an ice cellar at this moment.Even now is the hottest time in July.Coupled with the nervousness just now, he was sweating all over.But this time.But Meng Chong thought so.Clothes were drenched with sweat.cling to yourself.There is a feeling of cold swish.

"..." Gao Gong suddenly lost his voice.The reason is precisely because of Feng Bao's words.Actually just now.When he questioned Feng Bao to Long Qing.Looking at Feng Bao's ease and ease.And full of confidence.Gao Gong had a bad feeling in his heart.And what Feng Bao said just now.It made him understand even more.Feng Bao must have seized some real evidence to suddenly launch an attack in today's court.

suddenly.Gao Gong thought of something.He thought about why he was here today.Why is there nothing important in this court.In the days when the early morning ended early.In this afternoon.All the courtiers will gather here.Think here.He couldn't help but look at Zhang Fan who was standing aside.Seeing Zhang Fanna is serious though.But there is a slight smile between the brows.High arch at this moment.All understood.

He understands.Where is Feng Bao's so-called evidence?He even understood.Since Feng Bao had already learned about Meng Chong's corruption and perversion of the law.But why did he refuse to impeach him for a long time.Do not wait until today.Everything.All the reasons are on Zhang Fan.

"Your Majesty. Although there is no evidence on the servant girl, someone has it." Feng Bao still looked confident.Said loudly.

As soon as he said these words.Immediately, there was a lot of discussion in the court.While the officials were discussing.He was also looking around the court hall.Looking for the person Feng Bao said.

Zhang Fan saw this.Slightly sighed.walked out.he understands.Now is the time for him to play.to be honest.If possible.He really didn't want to take the risk.After all, although he also hates Gao Gong.But it's not worth fighting with Gao Gong now for this matter.

But from another perspective.He had to help again with this matter.After all, Feng Bao is in the future.No matter to Zhang Fan himself.Still to Zhang Juzheng.are of great help.And now is the time for Zhang Fan to offer Feng Bao a favor.Not to mention.He had already stated in his previous letter to Feng Bao that he would help with this matter.

Besides.Talk about this matter.He is also inseparable.After all, that evidence was discovered because of him.How could he escape the current scene?

After much deliberation.Since it will be said sooner or later.Then it's better to be happy.Say something out loud.not to mention.Although Zhang Fan didn't want to start a war with Gao Gong right now.But that is a matter of time after all.If he still does nothing this time.Gao Gong might feel that he is a little afraid of Gao Gong.Although such a situation did not hurt Zhang Fan at all.But it will definitely make people feel very uncomfortable.

I want to understand these.Zhang Fan no longer hides.He simply walked out.

"Your Majesty Qizuo. I have something to say." Zhang Fan said to Long Qing.

"Oh. What does Zhang Aiqing have to say at this time?" Long Qing saw Zhang Fan walking out.In an instant, I understood what was going on.Although he still asked.But he already knew it in his heart.

"What Eunuch Feng said. Evidence about the relationship between Eunuch Meng and that Liu Shan. Now it's here with Wei Chen." Zhang Fan said.

The people below who heard Zhang Fan's words were all surprised.And Feng Bao looked like he had the chance to win.Gao Gong's face was watery.I can't see what he is thinking at this time.But Meng Chong.But it trembled again.

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