The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 342 The Real Reason

Shuntian Mansion.This is the capital of the Ming Dynasty.The first good area.Naturally, it was full of royal relatives and princes and ministers.The end is the place of incomparable dignity.

certainly.Naturally, these powerful ruling classes will not live on the same street as ordinary civilians.Beijing in the Ming Dynasty was divided into the outer city and the inner city.Except for the imperial city located in the inner city.The inner and outer cities are naturally places for ordinary people to live.

But this is the residence of ordinary people.It is also divided into regions.Because there are still many dignitaries who want to live here.Most of these people live in the inner city.After all, many of them have to get up early every morning.Get ready.Then they rode a horse or sat in a sedan chair to go to the imperial city to discuss matters.Therefore, most of these people live in the inner city that is closer to the imperial city.certainly.In addition, how to live specifically.That's up to you.

certainly.There are many houses in the inner city that are very comfortable both in appearance and in living.Most of them are princes and nobles.Or those ministers.Some were demoted to common people because of their mistakes.And some were deprived of their black hats because they took advantage of their positions for personal gain.But whatever.This one must be copied.After the emperor punished these people.The mansions were vacant.certainly.Being an emperor would naturally not let these things go to waste.If there is a minister in the DPRK who has made great contributions or something like that.This house has become an inevitable item rewarded by the emperor.Anyway, it won't cost him a penny.What's so distressing.And it can also reflect the generosity of being an emperor.On rewards for meritorious deeds.

but.This category of people is also only a small number.After all, there are many powerful people in Shuntian Prefecture.But except for those princes and nobles who rely on their ancestors for their shade.You can stay confidently outside the very gorgeous house.There are only those ministers who have been rewarded by the emperor.For example, Zhang Fan is like this.

And the rest.However, very few people live in such a glamorous mansion that attracts people's attention.Most of them live in one place. Although it is not gorgeous, it is definitely not shabby.It doesn't look like much on the outside, but inside it's a rather luxurious house.This situation looks weird at first glance.After all, in people's eyes.Each of these officials and gentlemen is rich in money.How could he not have the money to renovate his house?

In fact, it is because of money.And the richer they are.The place where he lives is more dilapidated.The reason is very simple.How much do they earn as officials for a year?Where will there be so much spare money to swing around.Not all of them came back greedily.It is precisely because the money came from an improper source.So everyone follows a principle.Wealth is not exposed.

Zhang Fan is now standing in front of a magnificent mansion.He looked at the house in front of him with a sigh.The owner of this house has never received any reward from the emperor.And everyone in the court knows it.This house was purchased by the owner of the house himself.But no one has ever expressed any other thoughts about it.No matter the ministers.Or those censors who specialize in picking pricks.Even if the owner of the house is Hubu Shangshu.Such an official who is in charge of a country's money.

good.Naturally, this house belonged to Ge Shouli, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.Zhang Fan wanted to come and test his tone now.See if he has any intention of standing with him.Zhang Fan personally came to visit this time.It also shows that he attaches great importance to this matter.certainly.This will definitely make Ge Shouli feel that the current Zhang Fan wants something from him.Maybe he will put forward some other conditions to Zhang Fan.But at this moment, Zhang Fan was a little impatient.I can't care so much anymore.and.the most important is.Zhang Fan knew that Ge Shouli was not just because of his integrity.And definitely a fair man.He is also very serious about doing things.

But Zhang Fan didn't understand one thing.That is Ge Shouli, an upright official with a wealthy family.Why do you want to help yourself in yesterday's Chaoshang.We must know that many ministers were surprised by Ge Shouli's behavior at that time.There is a big reason for this.Ge Shouli has always acted according to the facts in his work and speech.Things like silver.Even if it is found out that one or two is missing.Ge Shouli would definitely say it.

There was another point that Zhang Fan couldn't figure out.Although Ge Shouli looks old and vigorous on the outside.But he is also 59 years old this year.Next year will be the year of sixtieth.They are all this age.I also want to find a force to join in.It is really unclear why.

Think about these things.Wait until you come back to your senses.Zhang Fan realized that he had been standing here for a while.Wang Meng at the side didn't disturb his thinking.

He signaled Wang Meng to call the door.Notified Zhang Fan's identity to the gatekeeper.After a while.The door of Ge Mansion was wide open.Ge Shouli also greeted him personally.

"Master Zhang. This old man was about to go to your mansion to talk to him. Unexpectedly, Master Zhang came first. Please come in quickly." Ge Shouli said to Zhang Fan with a smile.

"Master Ge is polite." Zhang Fan replied.They followed Ge Shouli and walked in together.In his mind, he was still pondering what Ge Shouli said just now.Since Ge Shouli wanted to find him.Then it means that Ge Shouli has already started thinking about this matter.It seems that he is not the only one who is far-sighted.

"I don't know what kind of wind is blowing today. Let Mr. Zhang come to the old man's house." Mingxia served tea.Ge Shouli talked to Zhang Fan in a friendly manner.He didn't have the serious and serious look that he usually faces upwards.

"I just heard that Master Ge is going to the boy's house to have a talk. I don't know what Master Ge wants to talk to the boy." Zhang Fan didn't answer Ge Shouli's words immediately.Instead, ask back.

"I don't have anything important to do." Ge Shouli's face was the same as before.Said. "It's just that I want to talk to Mr. Zhang."

After Zhang Fan listened to his words.The smile on his face didn't change.But he didn't say anything.At this time.The servants of Ge's mansion who came to deliver the tea came.Wait until the servants retreat.Only then did Zhang Fan say: "Master Ge, Zhang Fan will not go around with you anymore. It doesn't matter whether the lord came to look for me or I came to look for you at the lord's house. It's already halfway through the application time. The two of us always It's not that they want to go to each other's house to eat together."

"Mm. Mr. Zhang's words are justified." Ge Shouli's expression became quite serious.But still with a few traces of smile. "But now Mr. Zhang came to the old man's house first. I'd like to ask Mr. Zhang to talk about it first."

really.Zhang Fan's first move gave the opponent a head start.But now is not the time to go around in circles.Zhang Fan planned to speak directly what was in his heart.

"Yesterday. When I was in court, why did Mr. Ge speak for me?" Zhang Fan asked directly. "The silver brought back by Zhang Fan. I know it best. Before I set off in Yangzhou, I ordered someone to count it again. But it was no less than ten thousand taels of silver. According to Mr. Ge's past style, I will definitely not help you." I don’t want anyone to tell a lie. But yesterday, Mr. Ge helped me. I want to know why.”

"Alas..." Hearing Zhang Fan's words.Ge Shouli let out a long sigh.Open your mouth and say. "Since Mr. Zhang is so outspoken, this old man has no choice but to tell the truth. This old man knows what Mr. Zhang is thinking. But I'm afraid things are not what Mr. Zhang thinks."

"Oh." Hearing Ge Shouli's words.Zhang Fan felt a little surprised.quickly asked. "I don't know what Master Ge said..."

"It's not just Mr. Zhang. I'm afraid many people in the court think so." Ge Shouli continued. "You all think that the old man's behavior yesterday must be showing you goodwill. So you want to stand on your side. Then try to find ways to mention your official position and other things.

"Actually, it's not. Mr. Zhang should know the old man's age just by looking at the old man's age. The old man is already fifty-nine this year. In a year's time, he will be sixty years old. Du Fu once said that a life of seventy is rare. This old man At this age, how can there still be the thought of fighting for power and profit."

"This..." Zhang Fan didn't know what to say.True.He understood what Ge Shouli said.I have thought so too.But in this way. "I don't know what Master Ge is..."

"For what?" Ge Shouli continued Zhang Fan's words. "The purpose is not to make the court quiet."

Hearing what Ge Shouli said.Zhang Fan fell silent.

Ge Shouli didn't wait for Zhang Fan to open his mouth before he began to speak: "This old man was a provincial examination in the seventh year of Jiajing and a Jinshi in the second year. In the past few decades, there have been many official positions, big and small. Government offices in various places have stayed too many times. There are few places. I have seen and heard a lot. Over the past few decades, I have seen many officials who are diligent in governing for the people, for the court, and for the world. But I have seen more. Fighting each other for power. They were beaten badly. They even got involved in the affairs of the common people. Although these people didn’t intend to involve the common people. But until the end of the fight, they couldn’t take care of so many things. and a little frustrated. It is a trivial matter to be demoted and dismissed from office. What's more miserable is that he ransacked his home and questioned him. What's more, he even lost his life.

"But in the end. Those few people who get the benefits. And it won't last long. It won't be long before someone will see these people unhappy. They want to fight him again. Take the rights as their own. Then wait until the newcomer wins. Become After the old people, new people appear. In short, it is endless. And it goes on like this all year round. What can we do in this world."

Ge Shouli said here.His expression was still the same as usual.But there was also a hint of anger in his tone.

And hear here.Zhang Fan also understood why Ge Shouli helped him.Zhang Fan also felt admiration in his heart.

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