Zhang Fan followed his mother into the hall, and saw that the two sisters seemed to be talking in a low voice, with a smile on their faces.Seeing Zhang Fan's mother and son approaching, he quickly sat upright again.

"Girls, I don't have anything to entertain at home, so please forgive me." Mrs. Zhao said, serving the tea.The married sisters wanted to help, but Mrs. Zhao had no choice but to give up.

"Don't say that, Auntie, it's still a family, so we'll see each other." Cheerful Chen Zhaoxue said immediately.

"Hehe." Mrs. Zhao smiled, and said to Zhang Fan, "Hurry up and introduce the two girls to your mother."

"Yes, mother." Hearing his mother's words, Zhang Fan immediately put aside the messy things in his mind and said, "Mother, these two are the daughters of Master Chen Wenchuan, Dingbian patrol officer, and this is sister Chen Ruxue." Introduce my sister in pink to my mother.

"Hello, Auntie." Chen Ruxue replied slightly, such a soft voice and delicate face made Zhang Fan lose his mind for a while.

"Okay." Mrs. Zhao was also very happy.

His mother's voice brought Zhang Fan back to his senses, and when he was about to continue introducing Chen Zhaoxue to his mother: "This is..."

Unexpectedly, Chen Zhaoxue interrupted Zhang Fan's words, ran to Zhao's side, took her hand and said, "Hello, Auntie, my name is Chen Zhaoxue. Although I was born at the same time as my sister, I was born later, of course It's my sister."

"Uh, okay..." Mrs. Zhao was a little surprised by Chen Zhaoxue's writing, but soon after, she began to like this lively and lovely girl again.

"Mother, I told you just now, tonight..." Zhang Fan asked his mother.

"That's natural, you can go together." Zhao said.

"It's just that Ma County Magistrate wants to invite mother to go with her." Zhang Fan said, fearing that his mother would be alone.

"I'm a woman, how can I go." Zhao refused without thinking, "Go by yourself, just remember to come back earlier."

With that said, the three women began to chat.Chen Ruxue was better, but Chen Zhaoxue was very outgoing, and after a while, she and Zhao became like a mother and daughter who talked about everything. Zhang Fan didn't even have room to intervene, thinking in his heart; Whether it was 500 years ago or 500 years later, the power of women coming together is the same!"

"Mother, you are chatting here. I have something to do when I go back to the study." Zhang Fan gradually felt a little bored, so he sued his mother and wanted to leave.

Mrs. Zhao and Chen Zhaoxue were chatting about whether they were happy or not, and when they had time to pay attention to him, they waved him to leave by themselves, which made Zhang Fan very uncomfortable.Fortunately, Chen Ruxue still nodded to Zhang Fan very gently, expressing apology, making Zhang Fan feel like a spring breeze, and the depression in his heart was swept away.

Zhang Fan came to the study room bored, sat on a chair, thinking about the day when he met the two sisters, and thinking about meeting again today, his heart was full of joy.It's not that Zhang Fan has taken a fancy to these two sisters or has other ideas.These two sisters were the closest people to him besides his mother since Zhang Fan was reborn and returned to Daming. Although they didn't get along for a short time, they made Zhang Fan feel warm.

Before he knew it, Zhang Fan just sat in the study for more than an hour. The two sisters seemed to have forgotten the purpose of going out in the first place, and they were still chatting enthusiastically.Just when Zhang Fan felt that he was going to be unable to sit still, it was finally over there.

"Fan'er, come out quickly, it's not good to keep girls waiting." Zhao said to Zhang Fan.

"Yes mother, I'm coming now." Zhang Fan was happy that he could finally get rid of this boring time.

"We talked to my aunt for a long time, and my aunt finally agreed to go to my uncle's for dinner." Chen Zhaoxue said happily.

"That's great." Zhang Fan was sincerely happy. Ever since his father passed away, his mother had been working hard for herself without leaving home. How could Zhang Fan be unhappy that it would give her a chance to relax.

"Aren't you going to go shopping?" Zhao said, "Hurry up, it's getting dark early, even though it's still bright, it will be dark soon."

"Ah, it's about this time." Chen Zhaoxue looked at the sky and said, "Brother Zhang, hurry up and leave."

The two sisters said goodbye to Mrs. Zhao before going out: "Auntie, let's go first, don't forget tonight."

"Don't worry, I will go." Mrs. Zhao said, and then said to Zhang Fan, "Fan'er, take care of the two girls."

"Don't worry, mother, I will remember." After Zhang Fan finished speaking, he went out with the Chen family sisters under the watchful eyes of his mother.

Anhua County is so small, it can't be compared to the prosperous Yangzhou Prefecture where I lived since I was a child.However, the two sisters seemed very interested walking in the street, maybe it was the first time to celebrate the New Year outside, maybe it was the difference in the people here that made the sisters very interested.The street where the three of them walked was full of stalls selling small items. The two sisters were very curious to check one by one, especially Chen Zhaoxue, who would pick up and play with anything that interested him. But don't buy anything.

Zhang Fan also knew that it was caused by the girls' curiosity, and thought that it would be so scary to accompany girls to the streets, and countless people would regard it as a scourge.How did he know that he escaped the catastrophe only because he lived in an era without department stores.

Every time she saw something interesting, Chen Zhaoxue took her sister's hand to watch it.Although Chen Ruxue was not interested in the things in front of her, she was very happy.Zhang Fan was very happy to see the expressions of the two sisters.Chen Zhaoxue is a naturally extroverted character, this joyful expression is very natural to her.It was his older sister, Chen Ruxue, who made Zhang Fan feel lonely even though she was smiling.And he felt this kind of happy feeling that he didn't have in the county government yet, it seemed that he only had it after he came out of his own home.Zhang Fan couldn't help thinking in his heart: "What did the mother and the two sisters say?"

Time passed quickly without knowing it, and the sky gradually became dark.Vendors on the street began to close their stalls, and there were fewer and fewer passers-by.Seeing that it was almost time, Zhang Fan said to the two sisters, "You two sisters, it's getting late, your father and magistrate must be waiting for us."

"That's right, Zhaoxue, it's time to go back." Chen Ruxue seemed to be tired after walking so much, although she was in good spirits, she said to her sister.

"Okay." Chen Zhaoxue looked at the fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street, and said somewhat unwillingly, as if she hadn't had enough fun.Although the two sisters didn't buy anything, they seemed very satisfied.

The three of them headed back home, and when they came to the living room of Magistrate Ma's house, Mrs. Zhao was chatting with Magistrate Ma and Chen Wenchuan.

"You are back." Chen Wenchuan saw a few people coming in, and said with a smile, "Nephew, my second daughter didn't cause you any trouble, did she?"

"Father!" Chen Zhaoxue was furious, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

The dinner started at Ma County Magistrate's house. Ma County Magistrate's wife died early, and he had no children and was not married.This year, so many people came to see me, but the old man was very happy, and he specially asked the cook at home to cook a lot of dishes.For a rare visitor, Ma County Magistrate didn't care about the rules and asked everyone to eat at the same table.

At the table, Mrs. Zhao and Chen Ruxue were relatively silent and didn't have much to say. They just watched Zhang Fan drinking and talking with the other two men, but Chen Zhaoxue interrupted from time to time. While Chen Wenchuan blamed them, everyone laughed.It's just that Zhang Fan found that the Chen sisters seemed to like his mother very much. From time to time, the three of them would whisper a few words, and then they all smiled.

It was the end of Xu and the beginning of Haihai, and it was almost time to eat. Because of the inability to drink, Mrs. Zhao seemed to be exhausted. The Ma County Magistrate sent two yamen servants to take her home.The Chen family sisters also left early.

Zhang Fan was still chatting with Magistrate Ma and the two, probably because he drank too much wine, and he was a little outspoken. In addition, Magistrate Ma and the others would always talk about political matters, Zhang Fan unconsciously Time to speak out what I saw and heard in my mind about 500 years later.The magistrates and magistrates were astonished when they heard it, but it made sense when they thought about it carefully, and they exaggerated Fan's intelligence.

Maybe it was because he drank too much, Zhang Fan wanted to relieve himself, so he pleaded guilty and went out of the hall, led by the servants, across the courtyard to the latrine.There he sent away the servant who led the way. On the way back, he was blown by the cold wind, and his drunken head suddenly became sober.After a quick look, I realized that I was going the wrong way.Although Ma County Magistrate's house is not big, there are only a few roads there, but Zhang Fan took the wrong one.

Shaking his head, Zhang Fan was about to retreat, but he found a person sitting on a stone bench not far away. When he walked in, he saw that this beautiful woman in pink with calm brows was Chen Ruxue.I saw her sitting there, holding her delicate chin with her hands, looking up at the sky full of stars, wondering what she was thinking.Although the surroundings were gloomy, the lights in the distant house reflected far away, making the picture even more hazy, and Zhang Fan lost his mind for a while.

Zhang Fan looked at the girl in front of him, although in ancient times, girls in their [-]s and [-]s could already get married.But in Zhang Fan's eyes, Chen Ruxue in front of him was still a young girl, if she was as lively as her sister Chen Zhaoxue, Zhang Fan would think it was normal.It's just that she doesn't know what she is thinking now, but the expression on her face is calm but reveals a faint sadness, which makes Zhang Fan's heart ache, wishing to hug the girl in front of him into his arms and take good care of her.

"Brother Zhang?" Chen Ruxue first spotted Zhang Fan who was looking at her, and asked a little embarrassedly, "Why are you here?"

"Ru Xue, I went out to blow the cold wind, but I went the wrong way and came here." Zhang Fan walked in front of her and said, "I didn't know that Ru Xue was here and disturbed you."

"Brother Zhang, what's the matter?" Chen Ruxue said hastily, "Sit down and talk."

Zhang Fan sat down, looked at the woman in front of him, and said, "Ru Xue, why are you sitting here alone in this cold day, be careful not to freeze your body."

"Brother is bothering you." Chen Ruxue said, "I just...just thought of my mother." Maybe because she felt that Zhang Fan was not an outsider, and because she really wanted someone to confide in, she told Zhang Fan about the reason.

Zhang Fan looked at Chen Ruxue and didn't speak. He knew that Chen Ruxue might have thought of something sad, so it was inconvenient for him to ask, and he just waited quietly.

"Mother's health is not good. Since Zhaoxue and I were born, she has been bedridden for more than half of the year." Chen Ruxue recalled her mother and said, "I still remember when I was young, my father was very busy and didn't have time. Take care of my mother and our two sisters. My mother is afraid that Zhaoxue and I will be lonely and sick, so as long as we can get out of bed, my mother will definitely play with us.

"Father is often not at home, but Zhaoxue and I dare not ask for anything from him because of his majesty, but we can't understand my mother's intentions, so I blame my mother for always lying on the bed and refusing to play with us.

"Until Zhaoxue and I were ten years old, we were more sensible at that time. We knew that my mother was not in good health, so we wouldn't bother her all the time. Although there were no relatives at home, there were only Zhaoxue and I. There are some complaints, but she won’t say them out. And my mother seems to see our thoughts, and she still cares for my sister and me from time to time. We thought that my mother’s health has improved a lot, but we didn’t know that my mother’s health is getting worse and worse. Just with this thought, to take care of the two of us.

"Four years ago, my mother was seriously ill. The doctor said that my mother's health was already failing, but she didn't know why she lasted for so many years. But I knew that she couldn't let go of my father and us. That year, my mother passed away. Zhaoxue cried very sadly, but I didn't cry. I know how much my mother cares for us, and I am also happy to have such a mother.

"It's just that without my mother, although my father felt very sorry for my mother and us sisters, he became even more busy. He gave me and Zhaoxue a lot of compensation, but it was difficult to truly face it like a family. This time, my father Called here, if Zhaoxue and I insisted on following, Dad would definitely not let us come too."

Listening to Chen Ruxue's narration, Zhang Fan didn't know what to say, or he didn't have the right to say anything.I have seen enough of this kind of tragic story on TV in my previous life, but I have never experienced it.Whether in the previous life or now, the parents in the family love themselves very much.Although he also lost his father in this life, Zhang Fan couldn't feel a trace of sadness from his mother's meticulous care.

"Since my mother passed away, my father is even more reluctant to go home to face us, and Zhaoxue and I miss my mother more and more." Chen Ruxue continued, "I am really happy today. Brother Zhang, seeing my aunt today For a moment, I thought my mother was still alive.

"Zhaoxue wanted to go out today not for shopping. It was because I heard that you were going home and wanted to see your mother. My uncle told us about my aunt. At that time, Zhaoxue and I felt that our aunt and our mother were really It seems. Seeing my aunt today, I feel that my mother is not dead, but still alive in this world, which is really great."

Zhang Fan finally understood the reason why the sisters' expressions were different from before when they were shopping in the afternoon. The relationship was due to the lack of maternal love, but Zhang Fan was powerless about it. After thinking for a long time, he finally stammered out a sentence. : "If you want, you can often visit my house in the future. I am a man after all, so there is nothing to talk to my mother about you. I think my mother must like you very much. I guess she has already seen you as her daughter."

As soon as this sentence was said, Zhang Fan regretted it.Sure enough, Chen Ruxue was overjoyed at first, and then seemed to be about to come for something. In an instant, her cheeks were flushed, and she lowered her head deeply.

Zhang Fan realized that he had said something wrong, but he didn't dare to explain it. He knew that the more he explained this kind of thing, the more chaotic it would become. "I'm such a pighead, how can I talk without brains? This has misunderstood the little girl. She won't think I'm molesting her again." Zhang Fan was thinking wildly, but he didn't know what to do.After a long while, Zhang Fan had no choice but to stand up and bow, and said, "I'm Xia Menglang, I'm taking my farewell." He fled away as if flying away.

"He just apologized to me, but he didn't say that he said that unintentionally, could it be..." The 16-year-old girl is just at the age of first love, thinking about Zhang Fan's words just now, her heart is churning, she probably can't sleep well tonight I feel it.

Zhang Fan returned to the living room with a strange look on his face.County Magistrate Ma and Chen Wenchuan were still drinking, and they were already drunk, so they couldn't care less about Zhang Fan's expression, and when they saw him coming, they hurriedly persuaded him to drink.Only then did Zhang Fan feel relieved.

The banquet lasted until the end of the day, and the magistrates and magistrates were so drunk that they were supported by their servants to rest. Zhang Fan was also escorted home by the yamen servant on duty.But on the way home, Zhang Fan kept thinking about the appearance of Chen Ruxue just now, and couldn't go back for a long time.It seems that Zhang Fan, who has never been in love in these two lifetimes, seems to be moved by spring.

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