The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 356 Special Guests

"Master Zhang. Congratulations." One is an official in the court.But he didn't know Zhang Fan very well at all.Just met a few people.Come to Zhang Fan's side.Say hello for a while.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your kindness and visit to the humble house." Although Zhang Fan was not very familiar with this person.But he still catered for a while.

After sending in such a one.There were still many people queuing up behind to say hello to Zhang Fan.Say a few words.

Today is not a big day.certainly.That's just for ordinary people.For the Zhang family.Today is the day when the Zhang family will add another person.Even if that person has already lived in the Zhang residence.but.Since Zhang Fan had promised to give her a grand occasion.Even with a concubine.So too.

Reflect the moon.It is today's protagonist.Zhang Fan had already promised her.Wait until he returns to Beijing from Jiangnan.We are going to marry her formally.Zhang Fan never forgot about this matter.Even on the way back by boat.He had already started thinking about it.It's just that Zhang Fan never thought of it.As soon as he returned to the capital, he encountered many difficult things waiting for him to deal with.The concubine matter was shelved by him.

now.Things are already in place.Plus these few days.This girl Yingyue would always get into some awkward situations with Zhang Fan intentionally or unintentionally.People in the entire Zhang Mansion can basically see it.Mrs. Zhao didn't think Yingyue's appearance was too "lively".On the contrary, he liked her even more.He went out of his way to talk to Zhang Fan about it.

After Zhang Fan listened.Immediately remembered.Think again.I have nothing else to do now.Yingyue can feel at ease if the marriage is done earlier.I agreed.

Said it was a marriage.But after all, it is a concubine.Specifications and sizes are stipulated.So I didn't have too many days to prepare.It was ready in just two or three days.But although the preparation time is not too much.But looking at this scene, it doesn't look shabby at all.It's really complete.

This is also thanks to the silver that Long Qing said he would reward Zhang Fan.The money was sent to Zhang Fan's home by Ge Shouli on the fourth day after Zhang Fan came back.A total of 15 taels of silver.All were recast into official ingots by the Ministry of Households.They were packed in boxes and shipped to Zhang Fan's home.

Honestly.Just listen to the number.It just feels like a lot.But how much is there.But there is no specific impression.But when all the money is piled up in front of people.This impression is very clear.Look at the heavy boxes piled up like a hill.Zhang Fan was speechless again.It's not like he hasn't seen such money before.When I was in Yangzhou. When more than 5000 million taels of silver were loaded onto the ship.He is right there.So it's clear.But those are the silver of the court after all.For an empire with such a large territory and such a large population.So much money doesn't seem like much.But now.He understood that the money in front of him was all his own.It made him feel a little dizzy.

And the Zhao family on the side.At the beginning, I learned that Long Qing rewarded Zhang Fan with silver.I still feel happy and proud in my heart.But when he watched those people constantly carrying these boxes to his home.Zhao's psychological endurance has also been greatly tested.Fortunately, Yingyue was at the side to support her.

There is money.But how to store it.Zhang Fan had nothing to do.You can't just put it in the courtyard like last.There is no way.They have to trouble these people to put all the money into the basement of the Zhang Mansion.fine.This mansion originally had a very huge basement.It's just that it is now full of these silver piles.

Ancient.The function of the Qianzhuang here seems to be equivalent to that of a modern bank.But actually.very different.If you put money in it.Not only do you not get any interest.Also pay them fees like management fees.But now.Zhang Fan couldn't care less about this.Whoever has so much cash at home.Definitely can't sleep peacefully.Zhang Fan wasn't worried about money.Instead, I worry about the villains who have taken a fancy to the money.Hence the next day.He deposited the silver in the bank.

With these silvers.It's very quick to get things ready.Now this banquet can be held so impressively in such a short period of time.The silver is also really indispensable.

for today.Zhang Fan can be said to have put in a lot of effort.Invitations were sent to almost all the famous officials in the capital who could be called.And these officials are also very face-saving.Basically all here.

Li Chunfang was standing in front of Zhang Fan now.Now things are settled about him.Just wait for Longqing to issue the edict.He can go home.But before that.He still has things to do.Grohe.This person who has already made it clear that he will enter the cabinet.Although not yet in the cabinet.But he has already begun to familiarize himself with everything in the cabinet.But don't get me wrong.Since he has not entered the cabinet yet.Now I just go to see Li Chunfang alone.Just guided by him.In fact, most things don't need to be explained too much.What the cabinet needs to do every day is no different from that of ordinary officials.The difference is that the amount of truth has increased.And the importance of the matter has only increased.

today.Zhang Fan took advantage of the fact that Li Chunfang was about to leave.He was specially invited here.It's a narrative.Li Chunfang's plan for Zhang Fan.Naturally, there is no objection.

The guests are almost here.Li Chunfang saw that Zhang Fan was still waiting at the door.Can't help but get curious.He walked over and asked, "Yuande. Who are you waiting for?"

"There are still two people who haven't arrived." Zhang Fan replied with a smile.

"There are two more..." Li Chunfang didn't know which two people made Zhang Fan wait so long.Now the guests are almost all down.Familiar and unfamiliar.Could it be Long Qing?impossible.Not to mention that Zhang Fan is marrying a concubine.It means marrying a regular wife.The emperor will not come either.Moreover.Then Zhu Yijun had already come to Zhang's residence. "Could it be..." Li Chunfang thought of another impossible possibility.

While Li Chunfang was secretly guessing.A sedan chair for four people stopped in front of Zhang's house.The person who lifts the sedan chair presses the sedan chair.Raise the curtain.One person came out of it.

"Master Zhang, congratulations." The visitor said with a smile on his face. "I was delayed on the road for a while. I hope Mr. Zhang will forgive me."

Zhang Fan didn't mean to blame at all.It was also a pleasant expression: "Where is the words of Mr. Guo? Be polite. Hurry up and please sit inside."

good.It was Guo Pu who came.

Seeing Guo Pu's figure appear here.Li Chunfang was really surprised in her heart.He really didn't think of it.Zhang Fan actually invited him to come.Now the two are still standing in two camps competing with each other.Moreover, the two parties have just had a battle for a few days.Zhang Fan invited Guo Pu to come at this time.This seems very inappropriate to Li Chunfang.And now it was they who won the last battle.Zhang Fan did this.The most obvious impression is that he wants to tease Guo Pu.However, Li Chunfang felt that it was a bit inappropriate to do so.Even if the opponent loses.It's not a complete defeat.There is no room for retaliation.If Zhang Fanruo wanted to satirize him at this time.Obviously unwise.

But look at the chattering and laughing between Zhang Fan and Guo Pu.Li Chunfang let go of the worry in her heart a little bit.But after Guo Pu walked into the gate of the Zhang Mansion.Seeing that Zhang Fan was still standing at the door and waiting.Did not go in.Li Chunfang became anxious again.

He just remembered.Zhang Fan just mentioned two people.And now.This is just Guo Pu.There should be one more person.Could it be...

"Yuande. are not..." Li Chunfang wanted to ask Zhang Fan something.But it was because the thoughts in his heart surprised him too much.He stuttered a bit when he spoke.

Zhang Fan looked at Li Chunfang's appearance.It's a little funny in my heart.Although Li Chunfang was not able to speak clearly.But Zhang Fan still understood what he wanted to say: "That's right. It's exactly what Master Li thought. I even let him go."

"This... this..." Li Chunfang got Zhang Fan's answer.But it was a little more confusing. "Why did you invite him?" This "he" naturally refers to Gao Gong.

Li Chunfang invited Guo Pu over to Zhang Fan.In fact, there is not much objection in my heart.After all, Guo Pu's character as a man and an official is very clear to him.Although he is not happy, he has been following behind Gao Gong now.But Ruoguang is facing Guo Pu himself.He still kind of agrees.

But treat Gao Gong.The previous ones are fine.Especially Gao Gong who is unscrupulous and dare not do anything now.It can be said that Li Chunfang can't wait to see the extreme.In addition, that day when he played for Xu Jie's grievance.The emotion in his heart also increased sharply.

And now.Zhang Fan told him to invite Gao Gong over.He was naturally a little surprised.

And Zhang Fan could fully understand Li Chunfang's mood.When he posted it.At the beginning, he never thought about inviting Gao Gong.But somehow.In the end, he always felt that a few people who should have been present were missing.After much deliberation.I don't know what's going on.He thought of Gao Gong and Guo Pu.It's just that he also has the same thoughts as Li Chunfang.Guo Pu is easier to invite.But Gao Gong just...

The sun is almost at the center.And there was still no shadow of any sedan chair on the road.Li Chunfang waited with Zhang Fan until now.Now he is almost certain.Gao Gong is not coming.After all, Gao Gong is arrogant.Something just got frustrated recently.How could he agree to the opponent's invitation?

Li Chunfang, who was about to persuade Zhang Fan not to wait, heard Zhang Fan say "coming".Hear this sentence.Li Chunfang couldn't help feeling tense.looked forward.really.A sedan chair is slowly approaching in the distance.

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