The Reborn Duke of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 358 Little Wish

Zhang Mansion.Today can be described as very lively.Numerous high-ranking and middle-ranking officials arrived one after another.And all he did was Zhang Fan wanted to take a concubine.Yingyue is to Zhang Fan.Although it is just a concubine's room in name.But Zhang Fan or Zhao Shi.Even the members of the Zhang family attach great importance to her.It can be seen from the scene of today's banquet.

But it comes down to it.It's just the thoughts of the Zhang family.In the eyes of outsiders.No matter how grand this banquet is.What Zhang Fan accepted and married was nothing more than a concubine.At most, it can only show how much Zhang Fan loves Yingyue, a concubine.

in China.Be it ancient or modern.There was never anyone.exactly.No man has ever admitted it.There used to be a system of "polygamy" in China.Looks like men.China has always been a system of "monogamy".It's just that the word "multiple concubines" is added after the word "monogamy".But it is precisely this combination of words.It also highlights the sorrow of ancient Chinese women.If it is a woman who is accepted as a concubine by a rich family.Met a man of good character.Then her life can be considered a happy one.At most, it is to let go of the little bit of self-esteem on the body.Fortunately, women in ancient times didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing.And if you meet a man who is just greedy for his beauty.Or in the case of not being able to give birth to a boy.Then the life of this concubine's room will be ruined.After all, for the ancients.Taking a concubine is not only to satisfy the desire of a man.The most important point is to pass on the incense.As for love.This kind of thing was simply a luxury in ancient times.Once wanted to pursue it.Most come at a huge cost.

certainly.Like Zhang Fan.It's obviously a playboy.But it is not impossible to give up on love.It's just too little.

The front yard was bustling with activity.Actually speaking of concubines.Rituals and so on are very simple.There is no family to accompany her.There is no dowry thing.There are no big gifts such as marriage and so on.There is no big gift to welcome the relatives.A small green cloth sedan chair was carried in through the back door and that was all.Women who are concubines don't have any Fengguan Xiapei or red hijab.It's just a green waist skirt to show celebration.Worshiping heaven and earth and Gaotang will be avoided.It is the husband and wife who should worship.The title is also different.Just a new girl.Wait until the baby is born.status will improve.And the relatives of her mother's family are nothing.Even the father-in-law met the son-in-law.Then you have to call me a master.And if there are guests at home.All male guests.The wife in the main room disdains to come forward.All of them are entertained by the husband with his concubine.Guests and friends are respected.Calling Madam is enough to save face.

It can be seen from this.The status of the concubine's room is conceivably low.But Zhang Fan.It is necessary to break this convention.

today.Ru Xue, who is the main wife, did not show up.It's not because she doesn't like Yingyue.but because.Zhang Fan wanted to treat this matter as a serious matter.And this.Mrs. Zhao didn't say anything else.I completely agree with Zhang Fan's opinion.

The guests present today can be regarded as seeing a special concubine wedding banquet.Although the preparation time is not a few days.It was a little hasty.But there is really no shortage of etiquette.Zhang Fan saluted completely according to the standard of marrying a royal wife.

For this point.Although somewhat impolite.But today, Minister of Rites is the guest of this special wedding banquet.And nothing was ever said.Others have no reason to make irresponsible remarks.

Speaking words.Yingyue can be regarded as the biggest concubine's room in the door etiquette.It may not be the greatest of events.But this courtesy.I'm afraid it's the folk prescription for even marrying relatives of the emperor.It is also absolutely invisible.

The front yard was a lively scene.But the backyard of the Zhang Mansion seemed a little deserted.But it was just deserted.There is no such thing as a gloomy appearance.Some are just the sour resentment of a certain woman.

"Sister, it's so noisy outside." The little girl Zhaoxue really didn't want to hear the noise outside.He also plugged his ears with both hands as a gesture.A look of irritability. "My sister is still pregnant now. Brother-in-law is also true. If you quarrel with my sister, it will be better."

at this time.In the backyard living room.Ru Xue is pregnant with Liujia.Zhaoxue and Luo Linger are already having dinner.It's just that the scene is a little quiet.Although the noise outside can still be heard clearly here.But this made the place even more deserted.

Regarding Zhaoxue's words.Luo Ling'er felt a little funny.But I held back.No comments were posted.Continue to bury your head in your own food.After Ru Xue who was next to her heard it.But he couldn't help laughing.

"Sister." Zhao Xue saw Ru Xue laughing at herself.Where do you want to.The little mouth pouted.Said coquettishly. "You laughed at me again."

"Hehe..." Hearing Zhaoxue's words.Ru Xue stopped laughing immediately.But there was still a strong smile on his face. "Okay, okay. My sister is not laughing at you. It's just that I see it. Today's dishes are quite sour. The whole room is full of sour smell."

"Sister, I told you not to laugh at me." Zhao Xue heard that Ru Xue was still talking about her.Where would you like to. "Let me see. My sister must not be happy. Otherwise, why doesn't my sister go to the front yard?"

"Little girl. Are you looking for a fight?" I heard Zhaoxue say so.Ru Xue couldn't help but hit her on the head.Just that intensity.Anyone can see it.Ru Xue didn't mean to blame. "It's not that you don't know. What is your brother-in-law going to do today. Not to mention that I am pregnant. If I go too. It would be a shame."

"Hmph." Zhao Xue said to Ru Xue.There is no way to answer.But still stubbornly expressed his dissatisfaction.It's not that she doesn't understand Yingyue's position in Zhang Fan's heart.It's just that she always feels uncomfortable.

"Sister Ling'er, what do you think?" I couldn't find any approval from my own sister.Zhaoxue couldn't help turning to Luo Linger for help. "Brother-in-law is not too eccentric."

Luo Linger heard that Zhaoxue was asking for help.I felt even more funny in my heart.Only she was about to speak.Zhaoxue spoke again: "Forget it. Sister Ling'er must also be facing brother-in-law."

"I say you." Ru Xue shook her head.Said helplessly. "I still remember the day before yesterday. When your brother-in-law was about to let Yingyue in. I asked you if you wanted to. At that time, you didn't want to. Why are you blaming others now?"

"Stop it, sister." Hearing Ru Xue's words.Zhaoxue hurriedly waved her hand to stop her.But it was too late.

And heard Ru Xue's words.Luo Ling'er next to her couldn't bear it anymore.Laughed out loud.

"Sister Linger." Seeing Luo Linger, she also laughed.Zhaoxue was coquettish again.

"Okay, okay. I won't laugh at you anymore." Ru Xue said. "Tell me. What were you thinking that day. Why didn't you want to."

"That day I..." Hearing Ru Xue ask herself this way.Zhaoxue didn't know how to answer for a moment.

In fact, Zhaoxue's mind is very simple.For women.Marriage is naturally the most important thing in life.Which woman does not hope that she can find a good husband.Marry in the door gracefully.And now.For Zhaoxue.I and my sister fell in love with the same man.This has to be said to be a kind of sadness.Fortunately, there is no regulation in the Daming law that two sisters cannot marry the same husband.It's just that since Ru Xue has already become the main wife.Then if Zhaoxue remarries.It can only be made smaller.Although for Zhaoxue.Some are not reconciled to this.But in comparison.She would rather choose Zhang Fan, the beloved.Instead of entrusting herself to someone she doesn't love for that fictitious wedding.

But that's what I said.But Zhaoxue is still a woman.Always still wearing a phoenix coronet and Xiapei.It is extremely yearning to go to court with the one you love.

the day before yesterday.When Zhang Fan decided to marry Yingyue into his family.Ru Xue once asked Zhao Xue about it.Would you like to be together?Although this is a bit wronged Zhaoxue.But since she is already a concubine.Then don't care so much.not to mention.During Zhaoxue's time.I am also quite concerned about this matter.Ru Xue would ask this question.

When Zhaoxue heard about this for the first time.Although there is a little shame on the face.But in fact, she is also willing in her heart.In her opinion.It is helpless for him to lag behind his sister Ruxue.The same goes for Luo Linger who fell behind.But she didn't want to fall behind Yingyue anymore.In the future, if she is the last to enter the door.For her, it must be unwilling.And if she and Yingyue enter the door at the same time.Also in no particular order.At least she can feel better in her heart.

But after she heard that Zhang Fan planned to marry Yingyue in the ceremony of marrying his first wife.Zhaoxue immediately disagreed with Yingyue.she understands.If you agree.Zhang Fan would not refuse either.But in that case.There is no problem with two women marrying the same husband.This etiquette must only be carried out in the way of taking concubines.Not to mention this.Zhang Fan's earnest wish to compensate Yingyue was thwarted.Although Yingyue would not say anything about it.But I'm not happy, that's for sure.

And the most important thing is.Zhaoxue also wanted to have such a moment.She knew what Zhang Fan was like.If it happens in the future... that Zhang Fan will definitely not favor one person over another.He will marry her as he is today.And Zhaoxue is just making this little calculation again.

Looking at my sister, I didn't speak.Ru Xue just smiled.No questioning.Careful about his sister Zhaoxue.How could the intelligent Ru Xue not understand.And in her heart.I also hope that my sister can enter the door like that.

The three women stopped talking.Concentrate on eating.The noise in the front yard was still there.And it is still deserted here.Only now.This deserted.But it has been very different.

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